CORONA SPIKE PROTEIN SYNDROME: WebMD Covid vaccine complaint board plastered with horrific descriptions of sustained critical injuries from toxic clot shots


Talk is cheap
SPIKE PROTEIN SYNDROME: WebMD Covid vaccine complaint board plastered with horrific descriptions of sustained critical injuries from toxic clot shots

09/16/2021 / By S.D. Wells / Comments

SPIKE PROTEIN SYNDROME: WebMD Covid vaccine complaint board plastered with horrific descriptions of sustained critical injuries from toxic clot shots

Nearly every single natural health advocate knows that you don’t look on WebMD for answers to health-related questions; however, occasionally they shoot themselves in the foot with their own ‘customer-for-life’ backlash, as is happening right now under their user reviews for the dirty, deadly Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA Covid vaccine. WebMD pushes anything that’s made in a laboratory as “safe and effective” always, and never publishes anything positive about natural health, natural remedies or natural immunity, because it simply wouldn’t make them much money.

Listen to the injected sheeple scream out in horror, as Spike Protein Syndrome is sweeping the nation. And now, here they come, the horrible, long-lasting (maybe forever for some) “side effects” from billions of toxic spike proteins traveling in the blood vessels, polluting the heart, the lungs, the brain and vital cleansing organs. Spike proteins that stick to the inner walls of blood vessels, causing the heart to overwork (hence all the myocarditis cases), and the central nervous system to fire warning shots throughout the body (hence all the nerve pain and sciatica complaints).

These are virus-mimicking spike proteins that drive severe and chronic inflammation, worsening any present sicknesses, including cancer, diabetes, arthritis and dementia. This is the Covid “vaccine” that offers no immunity, no defense against transmissibility, and minimal reduction of Covid severity for the millions of jabbed humans who are still catching Covid anyway. This is billions of toxic spike proteins clogging human blood, never to be undone.

Currently 200 million Americans are suffering on some level from Covid vaccine toxic spike proteins clogging their blood and vital organs

It really doesn’t matter which poisonous jab people got, whether it was mRNA or a single protein payload stab, the billions of toxic spike proteins are clogging their blood and vital organs as you read this. The toxic jabs don’t discriminate either, as to your age, race or physical fitness level. You can be a soldier in top shape, or someone’s grandma in the nursing home, and still, the deadly Covid jab will work its nightmares on the human body, including decimation of the vascular and immune systems.

Take a look at just a handful of posted complaints, which are all fairly recent, regarding the nightmarish “side effects” and adverse events going on now, some weeks or months after getting stabbed with billions of toxic spike prions, all just to try to ward off a bad case of the China flu (which none of the inoculations have been proven to do yet).





WebMD blames anything but the Covid vaccines for all the health problems caused directly by the vaccines
There may not be any worse health-related advice than what comes from WebMD, the internet “doctors” who doctor all information to suit pharma profits, keep people sick and push them to the doctors and dentists for more lab-made concoctions. This is not a legitimate way to heal from anything, but simply dampen symptoms to a tolerable level while the roots of the problems get deeper embedded and more severe.

Vaccine-damage victims are now very easy to find, even on mass media. That tells you a lot. That means the damage is very widespread, and that you’re only seeing the tip of the iceberg. Most likely, these complaints will be taken down from the website, but for now, they are there in plain sight, for the world to see, describing how these people just wish the pain and agony will go away.

WebMD has a history of steering people in the wrong direction that are seeking medical advice online. They pushed mercury dental fillings for years, even though the entire industry knew how detrimental mercury can be to the brain and central nervous system. Maybe some good will come of these complaints plastered all over their website about horrific health detriment that comes from the dirty Covid jabs. Seek natural immunity and never take experimental lab-made concoctions.

Are you, or is someone you know suffering from SPS – Spike Protein Syndrome? Tune your truth news dial to for updates on the war against dirty vaccines and communism, and how to keep your family happy, healthy and safe.



Talk is cheap
“side effects” from billions of toxic spike proteins traveling in the blood vessels, polluting the heart, the lungs, the brain and vital cleansing organs."

Stopped reading there. It stays locally adhered to the cells at the site of injection.

Certainly not Waygu woo, more like Hungry man Salisbury steak.

And here is the board's official disinfo agent, pouncing like a...lemming.


Membership Revoked
And here is the board's official disinfo agent, pouncing like a...lemming.
Exactly correct. I suspect this persona's posts are only tolerated by Admin in order to demonstrate what such look like, to Board readers with underdeveloped antennae for such.

Pro-fauxine shills will NOT give a clear answer to this very simple question:

1) If the mRNA experimental gene therapy actually worked to make stabees immune (as any actual vaccine does) why would anyone who took it give a rat's @ss if someone else didn't take it, wear a face diaper, "socially distance" themselves from all normal life, etc.?

2) If the fauxines don't work (as we KNOW face diapers don't; rat in railway tunnel analogy for virus size vs. face diaper pore size apt here), why is it even available, let alone being pushed on people?


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Veteran Member
Exactly correct. I suspect this persona's posts are only tolerated by Admin in order to demonstrate what such look like, to Board readers with underdeveloped antennae for such.

Pro-fauxine shills will NOT give a clear answer to this very simple question:

1) If the mRNA experimental gene therapy actually worked to make stabees immune (as any actual vaccine does) why would anyone who took it give a rat's @ss if someone else didn't take it, wear a face diaper, "socially distance" themselves from normal life, etc.?

2) If the fauxine doesn't work (as we KNOW face diapers don't; rat in railway tunnel analogy for virus size vs. diaper pore size apt here), why is it even available, let alone being pushed on people?


Take it if you want. The consequences generally aren't mine.

The vaccine...and work. Again, chose to do them or not. I don't care.


Veteran Member
Glad to hear you're done pushing people to drink the Fedcommie pro-fauxine party line Kool-Aid.
You see that's disingenuous. I've multiple times said I was opposed to mandates regarding it. I'm equally opposed to claims of prions, nanobots, magnetism, microchips, 5g recievers and whatever other woo clouds the ability to make a rational choice right for you.


Veteran Member
I'm attracted to stupid articles. I can't help myself.
All the vaxed will drop dead next week.....

I mean in 3 months.....

I meant in 6 months........

No, no you misunderstood - I said 9 months......

Its been 9 months? Already?

I meant next year. Yeah, thats the ticket, next year......
“side effects” from billions of toxic spike proteins traveling in the blood vessels, polluting the heart, the lungs, the brain and vital cleansing organs."

Stopped reading there. It stays locally adhered to the cells at the site of injection.

Certainly not Waygu woo, more like Hungry man Salisbury steak.
I say bullsh*t to what you said. Some doctors are saying it DOES travel to the rest of the body. At least a lot of it.
Sorry to hear the dog is borderline incorrigable. He sounds like TBear when he gets up in the morning.

Something to calm him down? If you can get it, Tramadol is prescribed to dogs; Astor got them when he had a leg issue way back. He was only 12 pounds so the vet said to give him a quarter of a 10mg tablet. This would put him in lala land for at least 8 hours, so he wouldn't be on the leg. Perhaps that might calm him down enough to get him to the vet.

With our TBear, he's in his puppy terrible twos. Rather than smacking him or being physical with him when he does something wrong; I found a novel way of disciplining him. You know those cans of compressed air you use to clean dust out of your computer? That's what I use.
When he's jumping on me, I shoot a shot of the compressed air off to the side (never on him) and say NO! in a strong voice. He immediately stops the bad behavior. When he attacks my feet, another pssst out of the can and a big NO! He sits down and stops. If you even make the sound of the can being sprayed, he backs down. It's unorthodox but it actually works, and works well. And it's not a choke collar, or smacking his butt or otherwise being violent against him.
Funny that stuff never helped me. I wish it did. Oh my mistake. I meant Trazadone. I think I took Tramadol for a sprained ankle and it helped.
I've had a pit mix with neck thicker than his head. You need a harness for him. But I will say that if you really believe he will bite strangers, seriously consider having him put down BEFORE that happens. Heelers tend to be very protective and can be aggressive with strangers; mixing that with pit is not a good thing.


ETA: Now that I've read everything, I will strongly suggest either getting him in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing and has time to train him, or put him down before he does some serious damage.
I think I'm on the wrong post here. Don't know what happened. Trying to multi quote. Something went wrong.
“side effects” from billions of toxic spike proteins traveling in the blood vessels, polluting the heart, the lungs, the brain and vital cleansing organs."

Stopped reading there. It stays locally adhered to the cells at the site of injection.

Certainly not Waygu woo, more like Hungry man Salisbury steak.
Why are you here?
And here is the board's official disinfo agent, pouncing like a...lemming.
I agree.
I'm attracted to stupid articles. I can't help myself.
Again, why are you here?
Well, I did have a hangnail last week and it has been less than 12 months so I guess anything is possible.
At least you give us a good laugh.
Take it if you want. The consequences generally aren't mine.

The vaccine...and work. Again, chose to do them or not. I don't care.
Wrong. The virus is so tiny it goes right through the mask. So how come the flu is gone, but covid is still here?


Veteran Member
“side effects” from billions of toxic spike proteins traveling in the blood vessels, polluting the heart, the lungs, the brain and vital cleansing organs."

Stopped reading there. It stays locally adhered to the cells at the site of injection.

Certainly not Waygu woo, more like Hungry man Salisbury steak.

I did a half-assed search for vaccine migration organs. Here you go: COVID Vaccine Spike Protein Travels from Injection Site, can Cause Organ Damage

Before you lazily bitch about that site, note the reference there to an article in Nature.


Membership Revoked
You see that's disingenuous. I've multiple times said I was opposed to mandates regarding it. I'm equally opposed to claims of prions, nanobots, magnetism, microchips, 5g recievers and whatever other woo clouds the ability to make a rational choice right for you.
Spike-protein-caused incurable and progressive capillary hypertension leading to congestive heart failure is enough all by itself to make the fauxines an extremely unwise choice for almost every American, even if all the claims of protection against the Chinavirus by Fedcommie Ministry of Truth flacks were actually correct (and I don't think that they are).


You see that's disingenuous. I've multiple times said I was opposed to mandates regarding it. I'm equally opposed to claims of prions, nanobots, magnetism, microchips, 5g recievers and whatever other woo clouds the ability to make a rational choice right for you.
You know I haven't given you a hard time on any of your posts. So this is an honest question... you keep insisting masks and the vax "work" and are "safe and effective"... but people's multiple personal experiences and observations (not to mention multiple studies) clearly don't show that.

I know that being on the front lines, and seeing people dying from this crap skews your perceptions compared to the average citizen (BTDT), but your certainty is disturbing. And given the obvious failure of the vxx to do *anything* they are claiming, it's irrational.

Would ANYthing change your mind about how efficacious these vaxxes and treatments really are?

(BTW, I've now personally seen three people who got the Moderna vax and whose arms would hold a magnet... it may be nuts, but it's NOT imaginary!)



Whoa! Finally, I've been waiting for a report of magnets on arms from trusted source

None of my vaxxd friends would do it lol
Yeah, it's TOUGH to get people to try it... I call it the Dennis Olson syndrome (I KNOW IT CANT WORK, so I won't let you prove otherwise!) I've *always* had the mindset that if something sounds nuts (or even if it sounds perfectly plausible!) TEST IT YOURSELF! If it's nuts... you know for sure. If it turns out to be" not woo"... well, your normalcy bias got readjusted!

Obviously, we *can't" test everything ourselves... which is why the utter destruction of trust by TPTB is so *freaking* dangerous. The medical system is rapidly proving itself to be dangerously untrustworthy...



Veteran Member
If I'm forced to get a vaxx, I know a guy with a 2000 lb fishing magnet, he has it on a rope and tosses it into rivers and ponds to dredge up stuff. Has a spectra line on it and occasionally has to use a truck winch to get it off buried metal that's too big to pull up.

I'm gonna slap that sucker on my arm and see.

I might bleed.


Veteran Member
You know I haven't given you a hard time on any of your posts. So this is an honest question... you keep insisting masks and the vax "work" and are "safe and effective"... but people's multiple personal experiences and observations (not to mention multiple studies) clearly don't show that.

I know that being on the front lines, and seeing people dying from this crap skews your perceptions compared to the average citizen (BTDT), but your certainty is disturbing. And given the obvious failure of the vxx to do *anything* they are claiming, it's irrational.

Would ANYthing change your mind about how efficacious these vaxxes and treatments really are?

(BTW, I've now personally seen three people who got the Moderna vax and whose arms would hold a magnet... it may be nuts, but it's NOT imaginary!)

Ther is an increased rate above baseline for myocarditis in young males. That's real. Yes, the vaccine could be less effective against new strains. With delta be saw breakthroughs but still had quite effective protection from severe disease. That won't always be true.

With treatments I'm not a big fan of remdesivir. Im a fan of regeneron. If people want to use treatments like IVM and NAC they likely aren't harmful but I'm personally not convinced they do much beyond placebo and should be allowed to (but not to force providers to prescribe if they disagree).

I am clearly biased towards articles that disregard basic facts in favor of emotional or anecdotal reports. People are free to believe what they think is true.


Veteran Member
Spike-protein-caused incurable and progressive capillary hypertension leading to congestive heart failure is enough all by itself to make the fauxines an extremely unwise choice for almost every American, even if all the claims of protection against the Chinavirus by Fedcommie Ministry of Truth flacks were actually correct (and I don't think that they are).
Is there a study showing that occurs?