CORONA Spike protein inside nucleus enhancing DNA damage?


TB Fanatic
Disusses the spike protein could be a mutagen. The vaccines being given are using full length spike proteins. Many studies in the past show full length proteins should not be used in vaccines. Too early to determine the full affects of what these MRA vaccines will actually do. Not enough studies or data.


Veteran Member
Here's the study.

The findings were with infection with viral spike protein--both conformationally and functionally different than the spike protein from the vaccine. Associating the action of viral spike protein as an equivalent to the action of the vaccine spike protein is comparing apples to oranges.


TB Fanatic
New research from two Swedish universities found that covid spike protein impacts the DNA and also impairs DNA Repair Proteins | Tech News | Startups News

New research from two Swedish universities found that covid spike protein impacts the DNA and also impairs DNA Repair Proteins | Tech News | Startups News
Scientists from two major Swedish universities recently released a worrisome paper that used a series of complex scientific techniques to look for the full-length coronavirus spike protein (the one the mRNA and DNA/AAV vaccines cause your body to produce) inside the nucleus of our cells.

As you probably know, the spike protein is the mechanism that the SARS–CoV–2 (coronavirus) uses to attach itself to the cell. Once it is attached, the virus can then infect it with its genetic code and replicate its code using the cell’s ability to produce copies. In other words, SARS–CoV–2 enters the host cells and spreads infections. The body’s defenses are immediately alerted and they are trying to fight off the virus.

But this process takes time to produce a defense as the virus continues to spread to even more cells. That’s where the vaccine comes in. The vaccine produces its own spike protein infects the also enters into the cell but does not replicate in the same way. The vaccine-generated spike protein stimulates the body’s immune system to produce antibodies to fight the virus.

All of the COVID-19 vaccines currently approved by the FDA are designed to instruct human cells to make harmless spike proteins — that mimick a viral protein that’s used by the SARS-CoV-2 virus to enter cells. When the immune system recognizes the spike proteins, which aren’t normally there, they start generating antibodies and building an immune response against them. The process, in turn, prepares the body against future infection.

New Worrisome Research About Spike Protein
Since the pandemic started over 18 months ago, health and medical experts have insisted that mRNA vaccines are NOT gene therapies because they supposedly have no impact on the nucleus of the cell and do not get inside the nucleus of the cell, where our DNA is stored. Instead, they said that the mRNA vaccine is degraded in the cytosol, a part of the cytoplasm which is outside the cell’s nucleus and surrounded by the cell membrane. You can read more about mRNA-vaccine technologies at the NIH website.

“An mRNA-vaccine has to reach the cytosol of target cells. However, as opposed to DNA vaccines, RNA vaccines only have to cross the plasma membrane, but not the nuclear envelope which may improve the probability of successful in vivo transfection.”
But now, scientists from two Swedish universities have argued that under certain unlikely circumstances the mRNA can make its way into the nucleus – but that debate is actually irrelevant here. The scientists were not looking for the vaccine material but instead for the presence of the coronavirus proteins, including the spike, in the nucleus. As part of their research, they also examine how the spike protein might impact the repair of damaged DNA in the nucleus.

As we all know, DNA is the repository of genetic information in each living cell, its integrity and stability are essential to life. As such, any environmental assault on the DNA in the form of chemicals or radiation may result in damage to the DNA. And if not repaired, will lead to mutation and possibly disease. To prevent this, human cells have mechanisms to repair their own DNA. To prevent an erroneous result, the scientists also use followed DNA damage treatments before conducting their study.

During their study, the two scientists found that the spike protein appeared to interfere with our own DNA repair proteins: “Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site.”

To be clear, the scientists did NOT prove the spike protein was causing these problems in people, or even animals. Nor did they show they had found the spike protein in human nuclei following the administration of Covid vaccines. Their research was confined to cells – in vitro, not in vivo.

The scientists found that spike proteins are indeed localized in the nucleus, and nucleoproteins are mainly localized in the cytosol. And surprisingly, the scientists said they, “found an abundance of the spike protein in the nucleus.”
The result of the second test to see if the SARS–CoV–2 spike protein inhibits DNA damage repair, the authors wrote:

“Together, these data demonstrate that the spike protein directly affects DNA repair in the nucleus.”
As the authors explained, “Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.”


Effect of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS–CoV–2) nuclear-localized proteins on DNA damage repair.

The finding is especially troubling considering that yesterday we just learned that hospitals and emergency rooms in Australia, Sweden, and the US are reporting thousands of seriously ill patients with blood clots and respiratory issues than before the pandemic. However, many of the patients don’t have Covid, and no one knows the cause of their sickness.

Former New York Times Reporter Alex Berenson made the following observation:

“Nonetheless, at a time when advanced countries that have high mRNA (and DNA/AAV) vaccination rates are seeing unusually full hospitals and higher-than-normal death rates, they are yet more cause for concern.”
Below is the Abstract of the study.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS–CoV–2) has led to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID–19) pandemic, severely affecting public health and the global economy. Adaptive immunity plays a crucial role in fighting against SARS–CoV–2 infection and directly influences the clinical outcomes of patients.

Clinical studies have indicated that patients with severe COVID–19 exhibit delayed and weak adaptive immune responses; however, the mechanism by which SARS–CoV–2 impedes adaptive immunity remains unclear. Here, by using an in vitro cell line, we report that the SARS–CoV–2 spike protein significantly inhibits DNA damage repair, which is required for effective V(D)J recombination in adaptive immunity.

Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site. Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.

Keywords: SARS–CoV–2, spike, DNA damage repair, V(D)J recombination, vaccine

Below are some of the excerpts from their results.

3.1 Effect of Nuclear–Localized SARS–CoV–2 Viral Proteins on DNA Damage Repair
DNA damage repair occurs mainly in the nucleus to ensure genome stability. Although SARS–CoV–2 proteins are synthesized in the cytosol [1], some viral proteins are also detectable in the nucleus, including Nsp1, Nsp5, Nsp9, Nsp13, Nsp14, and Nsp16 [19].
We investigated whether these nuclear-localized SARS–CoV–2 proteins affect the host cell DNA damage repair system. For this, we constructed these viral protein expression plasmids together with spike and nucleoprotein expression plasmids, which are generally considered cytosol–localized proteins. We confirmed their expression and localization by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence (Figure 1A and Figure S1A).

“Our results were consistent with those from previous studies [19]; Nsp1, Nsp5, Nsp9, Nsp13, Nsp14, and Nsp16 proteins are indeed localized in the nucleus, and nucleoproteins are mainly localized in the cytosol. Surprisingly, we found the abundance of the spike protein in the nucleus (Figure 1A).”
3.2. SARS–CoV–2 Spike Protein Inhibits DNA Damage Repair
Because spike proteins are critical for mediating viral entry into host cells and are the focus of most vaccine strategies [20,21], we further investigated the role of spike proteins in DNA damage repair and its associated V(D)J recombination. Spike proteins are usually thought to be synthesized on the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) [1].
After posttranslational modifications such as glycosylation, spike proteins traffic via the cellular membrane apparatus together with other viral proteins to form the mature virion [1]. Spike protein contains two major subunits, S1 and S2, as well as several functional domains or repeats [22] (Figure 2A). In the native state, spike proteins exist as inactive full–length proteins.
During viral infection, host cell proteases such as furin protease activate the S protein by cleaving it into S1 and S2 subunits, which is necessary for viral entry into the target cell [23]. We further explored different subunits of the spike protein to elucidate the functional features required for DNA repair inhibition.
Only the full–length spike protein strongly inhibited both NHEJ and HR repair (Figure 2B–E and Figure S4A,B). Next, we sought to determine whether the spike protein directly contributes to genomic instability by inhibiting DSB repair.
We monitored the levels of DSBs using comet assays. Following different DNA damage treatments, such as γ–irradiation, doxorubicin treatment, and H2O2 treatment, there is less repair in the presence of the spike protein (Figure 2F,G). Together, these data demonstrate that the spike protein directly affects DNA repair in the nucleus.


TB Fanatic
Here's the study.

The findings were with infection with viral spike protein--both conformationally and functionally different than the spike protein from the vaccine. Associating the action of viral spike protein as an equivalent to the action of the vaccine spike protein is comparing apples to oranges.

When you want to put your qualifications on this forum to support your claims feel free to do so, instead of trolling every thread that sheds some light on what is taking place.

It‘s pretty easy sitting behind a keyboard criticizing and attempting to pick apart anything any everything other very reputal doctors and researchers Publish

Who are you? What are your credentials? Where did you study? Who are your mentors? What research have you published? Where are you employed?

Until you give us something that we can confirm your experience and qualifications I consider you a

Internet troll
Disinformation agent
Deep state operative
A mole
Last edited:


Veteran Member
When you want to put your qualifications on this forum to support your claims feel free to do so, instead of trolling every thread that sheds some light on what is taking place.

It‘s pretty easy sitting behind a keyboard criticizing and attempting to pick apart anything any everything other very reputal doctors and researchers Publish

Who are you? What are your credentials? Where did you study? Who are your mentors? What research have you published? Where are you employed?

Until you give us something that we can confirm your experience and qualifications I consider you a

Internet troll
Disinformation agent
Deep state operative
A mole

The structural and conformational differences between viral and vaccine spike proteins. Part of the difference is the insertion of 2 proline amino acids that prevent conformational change of the spike protein when it encounters an ACE2 receptor. Another is a membrane stabilization region that was inserted so that it is presented on the cell membrane, and NOT freely in the circulation.

If you think I'm posting any personally identifiable information with fanatics like yourself around, the answer is no. Providing information is not trolling, but if you can't defend your points instead of regurgitating conspiracy theories I see how you can feel threatened. Thats your problem, not mine. The report from the Dr in the video reported on what the study found--I posted the study. You mischaracterized it like you are want to do. People can read the information and make their own decision.


Veteran Member

The structural and conformational differences between viral and vaccine spike proteins. Part of the difference is the insertion of 2 proline amino acids that prevent conformational change of the spike protein when it encounters an ACE2 receptor. Another is a membrane stabilization region that was inserted so that it is presented on the cell membrane, and NOT freely in the circulation.

If you think I'm posting any personally identifiable information with fanatics like yourself around, the answer is no. Providing information is not trolling, but if you can't defend your points instead of regurgitating conspiracy theories I see how you can feel threatened. Thats your problem, not mine. The report from the Dr in the video reported on what the study found--I posted the study. You mischaracterized it like you are want to do. People can read the information and make their own decision.

Is mischaracterizing the study stating that it is comparing apples to oranges?

Can you point out where Malus and Citrus X sinensis are mentioned in the study? From there I would be able to see how the two are compared.


TB Fanatic
Conspiracy theory’s? That’s the best you have. You speak a lot of real technical stuff, like we aren’t smart enough to see through it. Funny, every piece of scientific research and medical information anyone else in the medical field is putting out there about this virus …. is putting “their reputation” on the line. And they‘re easily understandable compared to you. And anyone can research “them,” their studies, their qualifications and so forth.

You … not so much.

They don’t sit behind a keyboard preaching the Fauci Follies. They give people actual data and real research to contemplate, even if different from what is being preached. Conspiracy theories you claim. Hmmm.

Being a fanatic regarding facts and research a bad thing? You’re proven wrong time after time.

So you indicated the data presented was “Apples vs Oranges“. That doesn’t explain why the research show they‘ve found the MRNA and SARS CO-V2 might affect the Nucleus. You totally ignored it.

And please point out where I posted regurgitated conspiracy theory here. I posted actual research information. I’m surely not threatened by you Rondaben. Congrats on the disinformation.

Perhaps you can point to …. my … “ mischaracterization” of “your“ posted study? Or are you just mischaracterizing my post … lol ???

You’ve hit a few of the points, if not most.

The Snack Artist

Membership Revoked
I must admit, when you come on here and cause a kerfuffle every time, it makes me chuckle because I love to stir the pot too. You are the King of this!

It's like you chum the water and sit back and watch the show. Nobody gets the fact that if they wouldn't take your bait your success is greatly lessened.

So not to let you off, what I'm saying is your a really great asshole.


Veteran Member
Conspiracy theory’s? That’s the best you have. You speak a lot of real technical stuff, like we aren’t smart enough to see through it. Funny, every piece of scientific research and medical information anyone else in the medical field is putting out there about this virus …. is putting “their reputation” on the line. And they‘re easily understandable compared to you. And anyone can research “them,” their studies, their qualifications and so forth.

You … not so much.

They don’t sit behind a keyboard preaching the Fauci Follies. They give people actual data and real research to contemplate, even if different from what is being preached. Conspiracy theories you claim. Hmmm.

Being a fanatic regarding facts and research a bad thing? You’re proven wrong time after time.

So you indicated the data presented was “Apples vs Oranges“. That doesn’t explain why the research show they‘ve found the MRNA and SARS CO-V2 might affect the Nucleus. You totally ignored it.

And please point out where I posted regurgitated conspiracy theory here. I posted actual research information. I’m surely not threatened by you Rondaben. Congrats on the disinformation.

Perhaps you can point to …. my … “ mischaracterization” of “your“ posted study? Or are you just mischaracterizing my post … lol ???

You’ve hit a few of the points, if not most.

Sure, in your OP you posted:

"Discussed by Dr, Nikolai Raszek of Merogenomics. A research team form Sweden published information that spike proteins from CV19 and vaccines in human cells being studied can actually enter the nucleus of the cell, inhibiting fixing of broken DNA."

The research team did NO studies with vaccine derived spike protein, had no findings that vaccine based spike protein can or does have any of the same activity. What was studied was the effect of the viral spike protein. As the two are not equivalent functionally there is no way to connect the function of one with the function of the other--i.e. comparing apples to oranges, you however assert that the two are equivalent.

Raszek seems to do a pretty good presentation of the basic findings of the study.

Facts and research are great. The quality of the research and "facts" are subject to interpretation. You have yours, I have mine, but you can't stand any dissent from what you claim to be "facts" when the study itself makes no such assertions. Conspiracy? In my opinion yes. Others can read the study for themselves and decide.
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Veteran Member
You're very enigmatic. I think that's what you're trying to be. Successfully.

I must admit, when you come on here and cause a kerfuffle every time, it makes me chuckle because I love to stir the pot too. You are the King of this!

It's like you chum the water and sit back and watch the show. Nobody gets the fact that if they wouldn't take your bait your success is greatly lessened.

So not to let you off, what I'm saying is your a really great asshole.

lol, I'll take it!


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Here's the study.

The findings were with infection with viral spike protein--both conformationally and functionally different than the spike protein from the vaccine. Associating the action of viral spike protein as an equivalent to the action of the vaccine spike protein is comparing apples to oranges.
As usual, you appear right on time to attempt to refute anything that threatens the Big Pharma/Govt/media mainstream narrative...RU employing AI robot troll processes....


TB Fanatic
Sure, in your OP you posted:

"Discussed by Dr, Nikolai Raszek of Merogenomics. A research team form Sweden published information that spike proteins from CV19 and vaccines in human cells being studied can actually enter the nucleus of the cell, inhibiting fixing of broken DNA."

The research team did NO studies with vaccine derived spike protein, had no findings that vaccine based spike protein can or does have any of the same activity. What was studied was the effect of the viral spike protein. As the two are not equivalent functionally there is no way to connect the function of one with the function of the other--i.e. comparing apples to oranges, you however assert that the two are equivalent.

Raszek seems to do a pretty good presentation of the basic findings of the study.

Facts and research are great. The quality of the research and "facts" are subject to interpretation. You have yours, I have mine, but you can't stand any dissent from what you claim to be "facts" when the study itself makes no such assertions. Conspiracy? In my opinion yes. Others can read the study for themselves and decide.

Actually it was post #6. So I posted … with the link I might add ( maybe you missed it) … and you claimed “I“ mischaracterized “you”. I started the thread and added additional information. You can get off your high horse.

I’ll leave it as this … you ignore what’s posted and twist it to make people think your being attacked. While people should only consider what you have to post is accurate …. while you disregard everyone else.



Veteran Member
Actually it was post #6. So I posted … with the link I might add ( maybe you missed it) … and you claimed “I“ mischaracterized “you”. I started the thread and added additional information. You can get off your high horse.

I’ll leave it as this … you ignore what’s posted and twist it to make people think your being attacked. While people should only consider what you have to post is accurate …. while you disregard everyone else.


Thats fine. Post #1 had the quote from you.

I posted a link to the actual study.

I asserted you mischaracterized the results of the study, which you did at least in my opinion.

I wasn't attacked, the work of the researchers was. People can consider your assertions and read the research and make their own decisions. I'll do the same.


TB Fanatic
Sure, in your OP you posted:

"Discussed by Dr, Nikolai Raszek of Merogenomics. A research team form Sweden published information that spike proteins from CV19 and vaccines in human cells being studied can actually enter the nucleus of the cell, inhibiting fixing of broken DNA."

The research team did NO studies with vaccine derived spike protein, had no findings that vaccine based spike protein can or does have any of the same activity. What was studied was the effect of the viral spike protein. As the two are not equivalent functionally there is no way to connect the function of one with the function of the other--i.e. comparing apples to oranges, you however assert that the two are equivalent.

Raszek seems to do a pretty good presentation of the basic findings of the study.

Facts and research are great. The quality of the research and "facts" are subject to interpretation. You have yours, I have mine, but you can't stand any dissent from what you claim to be "facts" when the study itself makes no such assertions. Conspiracy? In my opinion yes. Others can read the study for themselves and decide.

You missed some … you can’t read

New Worrisome Research About Spike Protein
Since the pandemic started over 18 months ago, health and medical experts have insisted that mRNA vaccines are NOT gene therapies because they supposedly have no impact on the nucleus of the cell and do not get inside the nucleus of the cell, where our DNA is stored. Instead, they said that the mRNA vaccine is degraded in the cytosol, a part of the cytoplasm which is outside the cell’s nucleus and surrounded by the cell membrane. You can read more about mRNA-vaccine technologies at the NIH website.

But now, scientists from two Swedish universities have argued that under certain unlikely circumstances the mRNA can make its way into the nucleus – but that debate is actually irrelevant here. The scientists were not looking for the vaccine material but instead for the presence of the coronavirus proteins, including the spike, in the nucleus. As part of their research, they also examine how the spike protein might impact the repair of damaged DNA in the nucleus.


Res ipsa loquitur
Who are you? What are your credentials? Where did you study? Who are your mentors? What research have you published? Where are you employed?

guessing but here goes . . .

rondaben is likely an intensivist or hospitalist. probably younger in practice - meaning specifically young enough to have not experienced practice before the bean counters got involved with medicine. there is a tremendous gulf between the BUSINESS of medicine and the PRACTICE of medicine - never the twain shall meet. bean counters and corporate medicine destroyed an honorable profession.

I can't be too hard on him/her.


Veteran Member
guessing but here goes . . .

rondaben is likely an intensivist or hospitalist. probably younger in practice - meaning specifically young enough to have not experienced practice before the bean counters got involved with medicine. there is a tremendous gulf between the BUSINESS of medicine and the PRACTICE of medicine - never the twain shall meet. bean counters and corporate medicine destroyed an honorable profession.

I can't be too hard on him/her.
Pretty damn close. Mostly hospital based, 20% or so ckd clinic/OP dialysis clinic. And relatively early in a career switch, but close enough in medicine to see the bean counters in their glory over the years. It is tragic.


Res ipsa loquitur
Pretty damn close. Mostly hospital based, 20% or so ckd clinic/OP dialysis clinic. And relatively early in a career switch, but close enough in medicine to see the bean counters in their glory over the years. It is tragic.

most of the guys I know that are still in practice are hating it. transitioning from private/group practice through corporate buyout is also a seriously different animal than being hospital based from day one. the concept of the hospitalist was just beginning as I left. I'm glad to be out. I still miss the patient contact, but had I stayed I'd have stroked out long ago. enjoy it - I couldn't - the difference between then and now is enormous


Veteran Member
Pretty damn close. Mostly hospital based, 20% or so ckd clinic/OP dialysis clinic. And relatively early in a career switch, but close enough in medicine to see the bean counters in their glory over the years. It is tragic.

Are you seeing any correlation to covid19 infections leading to increased CKD?
When you want to put your qualifications on this forum to support your claims feel free to do so, instead of trolling every thread that sheds some light on what is taking place.

It‘s pretty easy sitting behind a keyboard criticizing and attempting to pick apart anything any everything other very reputal doctors and researchers Publish

Who are you? What are your credentials? Where did you study? Who are your mentors? What research have you published? Where are you employed?

Until you give us something that we can confirm your experience and qualifications I consider you a

Internet troll
Disinformation agent
Deep state operative
A mole
He may be someone very important and well known and doesn't want to give out too much personal information for certain reasons. He does sound like he has some kind of medical background. He is quite knowledgeable. He knows a ulot and I highly doubt he is just a "regular lay person". He is just coming from what he was taught. I am sure he has some kind of medical degree.

When I was working in a bar 30 years ago this nice looking guy would come in once or twice a week. We talked. You'd never know it from talking to him but he was a cancer scientist/researcher from a large hospital here. He experimented on mice. I know cuz I went to his office. We became good friends. He looked like a "regular" guy. So you never know who you are speaking to. One person could be a mole and another could be a highly intelligent scientist. What does the Bible say? Something about beware the ones you entertain as they could be angels in disguise. A "mole" could be a brilliant scientist for all we know.....


Veteran Member
Are you seeing any correlation to covid19 infections leading to increased CKD?

Yes, in severe cases and generally those who end up in ICU will have some degree of at least acute kidney impairment. Its usually a combination of things--SIRS(Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome)/Sepsis, hypotension, hypoxemia that causes a kidney injury we call ATN (Acute Tubular Necrosis).

Its also not uncommon to see folks that are admitted coming in with renal impairment. There is some direct injury from the virus and those factors above but probably the biggest contributor to those folks are due to medications they are on--usually blood pressure medications or pain meds/NSAIDs that cause the ATN. Usually those are easier to manage with IV fluids and will have reasonable recovery to their baseline but some don't and continue onward with some degree of CKD.

I would say that a good portion of the folks that are in ICU and end up on the vent will have more serious injuries; maybe 1/3rd to 1/2 may need at least temporary dialysis for clearance of waste/volume management/correcting acidosis. They typically also have more comorbidities and likely a pre-existing level of CKD as well.

One thing to note is also the issue of Remdesivir. Not seeing it as much any more. Even during prior waves we would discontinue it in people with CKD or with serious acute injuries. It didn't seem like it did a whole lot benefit wise; it could contribute to acute kidney injuries and had a broader problem. It wasn't the actual remdesivir itself that was the concern but one of the stabilizing agents: sulfo-butyl-ether β-cyclodextrin-sodium (SBECD). SBECD tends to accumulate because it is renally excreted and if the kidneys were impaired it would build up causing additional problems.


Certa Bonum Certamen
Pretty damn close. Mostly hospital based, 20% or so ckd clinic/OP dialysis clinic. And relatively early in a career switch, but close enough in medicine to see the bean counters in their glory over the years. It is tragic.
You're a physician's assistant, correct?


TB Fanatic
Yes, in severe cases and generally those who end up in ICU will have some degree of at least acute kidney impairment. Its usually a combination of things--SIRS(Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome)/Sepsis, hypotension, hypoxemia that causes a kidney injury we call ATN (Acute Tubular Necrosis).

Its also not uncommon to see folks that are admitted coming in with renal impairment. There is some direct injury from the virus and those factors above but probably the biggest contributor to those folks are due to medications they are on--usually blood pressure medications or pain meds/NSAIDs that cause the ATN. Usually those are easier to manage with IV fluids and will have reasonable recovery to their baseline but some don't and continue onward with some degree of CKD.

I would say that a good portion of the folks that are in ICU and end up on the vent will have more serious injuries; maybe 1/3rd to 1/2 may need at least temporary dialysis for clearance of waste/volume management/correcting acidosis. They typically also have more comorbidities and likely a pre-existing level of CKD as well.

One thing to note is also the issue of Remdesivir. Not seeing it as much any more. Even during prior waves we would discontinue it in people with CKD or with serious acute injuries. It didn't seem like it did a whole lot benefit wise; it could contribute to acute kidney injuries and had a broader problem. It wasn't the actual remdesivir itself that was the concern but one of the stabilizing agents: sulfo-butyl-ether β-cyclodextrin-sodium (SBECD). SBECD tends to accumulate because it is renally excreted and if the kidneys were impaired it would build up causing additional problems.
Remdesivir is the drug causing damage in vent patients.
A very good friend of ours was on a vent and almost stable then they decided to give him that drug.
He went downhill almost over night, never improved, but at some point they just took him off.
He died about two days later. This is directly from his brother who was keeping us informed along the way.


TB Fanatic
It’s been shown, even in all the associated links here … that the Covid spike protein in a in vitro cell line study, that DNA damage did occur. Interfering with the DNA repair protein.

Further comments or arguments outside of the test study indicate that they’re concerned that in certain unlikely circumstances the MRNA spike produced protein can make its way to the nucleus. It was not part of the original study, as they were not looking for vaccine material but Covid spike proteins. The comment is based on concern and not a actual study.

Being said, this is all in Vitro testing and studies. But one might question why this wasn’t observed, tested, researched and reported throughly prior to the vaccine development. It seems like we really don’t know the immediate and long term side effects of these vaccines. Perhaps we really are the long term in vivo test subjects.

We sit here and listen to the people on this forum with family who died right after getting the vaccine, have long lasting health issues from it, as well as friends and what news we do hear or reported.

We know these vaccines are causing problems.
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Veteran Member
Here's the study.

The findings were with infection with viral spike protein--both conformationally and functionally different than the spike protein from the vaccine. Associating the action of viral spike protein as an equivalent to the action of the vaccine spike protein is comparing apples to oranges.

That is not how Dr. Mobeen interprets it. RT 38:58

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Panic Sex Lady
If you're worried about the DNA changes from both c-19 infection and the vax, do autophagy.

By the way, normal DNA is restored this way. That means vax or not will be undetectable in time.

Autophagy: Definition, Diet, Fasting, Cancer, Benefits, and More

Autophagy is the body’s way of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells, according to Priya Khorana, PhD, in nutrition education from Columbia University.
“Auto” means self and “phagy” means eat. So the literal meaning of autophagy is “self-eating.”
It’s also referred to as “self-devouring.” While that may sound like something you never want to happen to your body, it’s actually beneficial to your overall health.
This is because autophagy is an evolutionary self-preservation mechanism through which the body can remove the dysfunctional cells and recycle parts of them toward cellular repair and cleaning, according to board-certified cardiologist, Dr. Luiza Petre.
Petre explains that the purpose of autophagy is to remove debris and self-regulate back to optimal smooth function.
“It is recycling and cleaning at the same time, just like hitting a reset button to your body. Plus, it promotes survival and adaptation as a response to various stressors and toxins accumulated in our cells,” she adds.

What are the benefits of autophagy?

The main benefits of autophagy seem to come in the form of anti-aging principles. In fact, Petre says it’s best known as the body’s way of turning the clock back and creating younger cells.

Khorana points out that when our cells are stressed, autophagy is increased in order to protect us, which helps enhance your lifespan.

Additionally, registered dietitian, Scott Keatley, RD, CDN, says that in times of starvation, autophagy keeps the body going by breaking down cellular material and reusing it for necessary processes.

“Of course this takes energy and cannot continue forever, but it gives us more time to find nourishment,” he adds.

At the cellular level, Petre says the benefits of autophagy include:
  • removing toxic proteins from the cells that are attributed to neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease
  • recycling residual proteins
  • providing energy and building blocks for cells that could still benefit from repair
  • on a larger scale, it prompts regeneration and healthy cells
Autophagy is receiving a lot of attention for the role it may play in preventing or treating cancer, too.

“Autophagy declines as we age, so this means cells that no longer work or may do harm are allowed to multiply, which is the MO of cancer cells,” explains Keatley.
While all cancers start from some sort of defective cells, Petre says that the body should recognize and remove those cells, often using autophagic processes. That’s why some researchers are looking at the possibility that autophagy may lower the risk of cancer.

While there’s no scientific evidence to back this up, Petre says some studiesTrusted Source suggest that many cancerous cells can be removed through autophagy.

“This is how the body polices the cancer villains,” she explains. “Recognizing and destroying what went wrong and triggering the repairing mechanism does contribute to lowering the risk of cancer.”

Researchers believe that new studies will lead to insight that will help them target autophagy as a therapy for cancer.

Diet changes that can boost autophagy

Remember that autophagy literally means “self-eating.” So, it makes sense that intermittent fasting and ketogenic diets are known to trigger autophagy.

“Fasting is [the] most effective wayTrusted Source to trigger autophagy,” explains Petre.
“Ketosis, a diet high in fat and low in carbs brings the same benefits of fasting without fasting, like a shortcut to induce the same beneficial metabolic changes,” she adds. “By not overwhelming the body with an external load, it gives the body a break to focus on its own health and repair.”
