GOV/MIL Showdown: Texas May Reject Nationalized Healthcare


< Yes, I do look like that.
A bunch of states are speaking out in aggerssive tones about state sovreignty and what have you, but until a state comes right out and legislates and enforces law contradicting Federal decrees, it's all just saber-ratling and posturing for the sake of better approval numbers for the home audience.

If a state decides to tell FedGov "look, your agents are not welcome here, get out," or something similarly significant then hey, but until then it's all politics as usual.


A bunch of states are speaking out in aggerssive tones about state sovreignty and what have you, but until a state comes right out and legislates and enforces law contradicting Federal decrees, it's all just saber-ratling and posturing for the sake of better approval numbers for the home audience.

If a state decides to tell FedGov "look, your agents are not welcome here, get out," or something similarly significant then hey, but until then it's all politics as usual.

Well, when the Patriot Act stuff came out there were several states that CHOSE to enact their own versions of the Patriot Act. My State, New Mexico did their own legislation because our legislators felt the Patriot Act interfered with the citizens rights. Texas also did their own legislation, all the while their home-boy Bush was President, who was President didn't matter, citizens rights prevailed.

While my current Governor 'Richardson' is a democrat, and furthermore he endorsed Obama, the legislation DOES have a mind of it's own and my state will do right by it's citizens. I am sure the grass roots people are already pressing our reps to think differently about this health care bam-boozle.

New Mexico, like Texas, retained it's soverignty when she joined the union. I think the union will fall apart anyway, and when it does, New Mexico will take care of her own and embrace those states who have the same philosophy.



Time Traveler
If the globalist shills in congress get the slightest whiff of obama's demise they will all jump on the bandwagon like it was their idea all along-hoping you will forget come election time. You'll see all kinds of conservative, miraculous but minor moves by these creeps to burrow their way back into your good voting graces.

Isn't Richardson the one who was all for the NAU super highway, forced gardisil vaccines for children in his state (in the pocket of big pharma, no doubt), and several other draconian and obvious communist actions? That wolf isn't about to change his colors, he's telling you what you want to hear so he can keep his job. Why not just get a real conservative Constitutionalist to run the state gov chair? How the hell did Texas end up with a liberal communist governor (the above actions all point to his commie beliefs and/or ties), I thought better of you folks than that.

We shouldn't have to use intimidation via vote to keep our "representatives" in line, they should already be doing our will without having to baby sit their every move 24/7.


My reference to Richardson was that HE IS an Obama fan, etc but that our legislators are not, they have outvoted the gov on many governor veto'd bills, they do not cow-down to him, they actually DO listen to the people and DO have some assemblance of common sense.


Burt Gummer

Veteran Member
"Perry Raises Possibility of States Rights Showdown with White House over Healthcare'.

It sounds good, but Rick Perry is a typical sleezeball, bought and paid for, politician looking to make a name for himself. i absolutely do not trust him.


Time Traveler
I'll tell you something. If I thought there would be any safe and Constitutional haven/state post SHTF, I'd move there. WA state is almost as corrupt as dee cee, it sucks here but I notice most other states shimmying right up to us in that regard. Hope y'all can keep Texas healthy.

NC Susan

im all over the net tonight and found this SOS:
Posting it for anyone with daughters.........

August 9th 2008
5:22 PM urination

EVERYONE PLEASE READ!!!! GARDASIL HAS DESTROYED MY LIFE! I am 24 years old and a year and a half ago I was graduating college and planning to be a professional dancer and go to law school...I was perfectly healthy and energetic! In February of 2007 I received my first Gardasil shot. After a few days I started to feel as though I had a Urinary Tract Infection and was also feeling more tired than usual. The doctor gave me an antibiotic and sent me on my way.
In May of 2007 I received my second Gardasil shot and yet again, a few days later I started to feel like I was getting another Urinary Tract Infection. I went to the doctor numerous times between the second and third shot...all for bladder and urinary tract pain. For months I was on different antibiotics and they were not making the pain go away. After visiting a number of urologists, I found out that the urine cultures had all been coming back negative - showing no sign of an infection, so the antibiotics were pointless. All tests that I had run, both blood and urine came back normal. It is not standard procedure for a doctor to call you if your test results come back normal, but there was clearly something wrong, so I searched for a urologist who would believe me that I wasn't making up the pain I was in.
In August 2007, I had a cystoscopy done (they took a scope and went into the bladder to look in the bladder wall) and they concluded that I have an incurable bladder disease called Interstitial Cystitis. This is a condition where there becomes a defect in the bladder wall causing it not to have the protective mucus layer inside of it. The pictures of inside my bladder show red, raw skin, obviously showing the severity of my case of it.
There is no evidence as to what causes Interstitial Cystitis, and there is no proven successful way of treating it. The initial signs are exactly the same as a Urinary Tract Infection (painful bladder spasms, painful urination, body aches and back pain). The main difference is the fact that it is not an infection. There are thousands of people with Interstitial Cystitis who are misdiagnosed as having chronic Urinary Tract Infections.
I received my third Gardasil shot in October of 2007 and that is when EVERYTHING fell apart. The bladder pain became constant and there has not been one minute in a day since that shot I have not been in unbearable pain. This is when everything else in my body began to crash down as well. The other health problems and side effects from the Gardasil that I am having are constant sore throat, vicious migraines, vision changes, back pain, body aches, joint pain, sinus problems, vomiting, constipation, dizziness...I could keep going on forever!
I have tried all of the conventional treatment for Interstitial Cystitis and have gotten NO relief from the pain and other side effects. The doctors didn't know what to do, so they put me on OxyContin and a diet consisting of no acidic foods. That has now posed its own set of problems seeing as now my body is addicted to the narcotic, and I have gone from 5'6'' 125lbs to 100lbs over the course of a year due to the diet. I am extremely malnourished and have to take B12 vitamin shots once a week due to the severe anemia. I am 24 years old, and feel like I am 100. I can not live a normal life, I am going to lose my job from numerous absences, I lost my fiancé and am not able to have an intimate relationship anymore, I am extremely depressed, I have to have my family clean my apartment because I am too sick to do it, I can not do social activities because I am too tired and in pain. This vaccine has DESTROYED my life! I am desperately seeking out someone else who is having bladder problems due to the Gardasil so that I can contact an attorney. This needs to be OFF the market a soon as possible so that it does not run any other lives! Gardasil has caused some deaths, but in my mind, I'd rather die than live with the pain I am having. I did notice there are some posts regarding girls getting urinary tract infections... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE have your urine cultured because there is a good chance it may be Interstitial Cystitis!
I am desperately looking for someone who is having some of these symptoms so that I can go to a lawyer and get something going before things like this happen: Numerous states are pushing to make it mandatory that girls receive the vaccine before they enter the 6th grade. We can not let this happen! We all need to stick together and somehow fight this and get out lives back!
Let me know if you are IN - and also what you thought about my post!
You can email me at ******
Bless All of You!
-- By areneectc | Reply | (10) replies | Private Message me


Membership Revoked
A bunch of states are speaking out in aggerssive tones about state sovreignty and what have you, but until a state comes right out and legislates and enforces law contradicting Federal decrees, it's all just saber-ratling and posturing for the sake of better approval numbers for the home audience.

If a state decides to tell FedGov "look, your agents are not welcome here, get out," or something similarly significant then hey, but until then it's all politics as usual.

That's right, and I'm getting rather tired of getting my hopes up.

The loss of federal funds (including social security retirement benefits) will keep those belligerent states in line.


Membership Revoked
Ive already rejected it. I couldnt care less what Texas does. Some Texans bought a group of building here in Louisville. Ive never met a bunch of more ignorant a- holes in my life.They fired a lot of folks here and replaced them with mexicans.
We have a new saying here about Texas. Texicans bring Mexicans.


Veteran Member
Ive already rejected it. I couldnt care less what Texas does. Some Texans bought a group of building here in Louisville. Ive never met a bunch of more ignorant a- holes in my life.They fired a lot of folks here and replaced them with mexicans.
We have a new saying here about Texas. Texicans bring Mexicans.

Are you so sure they were Mexicans? and illegals? Ya know...we have a lot of Hispanics who have been here for generations....ya know...Texicans and all...


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Texas are going to reject Medicare?

I'm sure that there are more than a few Texans over sixty-five who will not be pleased to hear that. They might even be the type that votes.

That's right, and I'm getting rather tired of getting my hopes up.

The loss of federal funds (including social security retirement benefits) will keep those belligerent states in line.

We have no state income tax. If Texans started paying income tax to Texas instead of the U.S., we wouldn't need Federal money.

PS: I'm with BoatGuy...gonna' wait and see what Perry really does. He talks a good talk, but he is a politician.


A bunch of states are speaking out in aggerssive tones about state sovreignty and what have you, but until a state comes right out and legislates and enforces law contradicting Federal decrees, it's all just saber-ratling and posturing for the sake of better approval numbers for the home audience.

If a state decides to tell FedGov "look, your agents are not welcome here, get out," or something similarly significant then hey, but until then it's all politics as usual.


When the Homeland Security stuff came out, there were several States that chose to write their OWN policies and such, still interacting with the fed BUT keeping a level of control. THOSE are the States that flexed the Soverignty muscle, whether they would also be capable of telling the fed to get out IS another story???

I am in hopes that those same states will now flex the same kind of muscle with regard to the health care stuff as it is truly and totally rediculous.

If the State govs actually start to listen to the will of the people because the fed side is not, we could even see them flex that muscle to the point of leaving the union of the United States - it is not unreasonable to see/forecast this down the line as the divisions seem to be growing tremendously.

I think the Obama admin and it's commie/socialist cronies do not get it with regard to how the citizens see themselves and how they see the gov in this picture. While there are still the koolaid sheeple en large at this time, they will have a realization point that may or may not be what some think is so predictable.


Rex Jackson

Has No Life - Lives on TB
There wont be any health care reform or forced vaccinations. if they try, it will be the end of their terms in office. All of them.

People are not sheep that the wealthy can just coral and stamp. They have lost their minds.


Veteran Member
We have no state income tax. If Texans started paying income tax to Texas instead of the U.S., we wouldn't need Federal money.

PS: I'm with BoatGuy...gonna' wait and see what Perry really does. He talks a good talk, but he is a politician.

And I , for one, wouldn't have a problem paying taxes to the Republic of Texas instead of the fed's...wouldn't phase me in the least..least then the Republic would have more money to spend opposed to the 87 cents we get back from the bastards now...maybe that extra 13 cents could be devoted to building our firearms industry, and ammo producing capabilities...
SECTION 1. Texas is a free and independent State, subject only to the Constitution of the United States; and the maintenance of our free institutions and the perpetuity of the Union depend upon the preservation of the right of local self-government unimpaired to all the States.

Exactly. Do you see the words "president of the United States" anywhere in there?


We have no state income tax. If Texans started paying income tax to Texas instead of the U.S., we wouldn't need Federal money.

PS: I'm with BoatGuy...gonna' wait and see what Perry really does. He talks a good talk, but he is a politician.

True enough. If we took our federal withholding taxes and applied them to senior care, there wouldn't be anyone starving or in need in Texas. The next step would be to kick out those on the permanent welfare roles. As always, I have to say this... I'm not against welfare as a stopgap. It used to be that the community would take care of their own, when met with a hard circumstance. Those days appear to be over, since the fed and states stepped in. But, I AM against using welfare as a lifestyle and turning it into a way to support your family! If you CAN work, and CAN get a job, then get off your butt and go to it!


Veteran Member
NC SUSAN - Please let us know as you get responses and start a separate thread. This is very important since the "system" wants to force this vaccine on all of our young girls. Please follow up for us as to what you find out as you get responses.
True enough. If we took our federal withholding taxes and applied them to senior care, there wouldn't be anyone starving or in need in Texas. The next step would be to kick out those on the permanent welfare roles. As always, I have to say this... I'm not against welfare as a stopgap. It used to be that the community would take care of their own, when met with a hard circumstance. Those days appear to be over, since the fed and states stepped in. But, I AM against using welfare as a lifestyle and turning it into a way to support your family! If you CAN work, and CAN get a job, then get off your butt and go to it!

Can I get a hallelujah? Amen!


If Texans don't get behind him, he'll not be able (or willing) to go forward. He's asking for support, does he have it or not?

NO State will tell the Federal .gov to go anywhere at all unless their people are behind it.

Is it not possible that Perry has seen the light, connected some dots, got smacked upside the head by the reality of what is going down?