GOV/MIL Shocking Article Exposes the Coverup - COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

Bridey Rose

Veteran Member
Thanks, Double A.
I shared this with some family members. This was the first reply I received:
It would be more honest to note that this is an editorial article in an internet-only journal with very low readership and impact. It is not a government publication, and it is not endorsed by any government agency. It is one man's opinion offered with no peer-reviewed evidence. The government website simple lists it as one of thousands of articles related to medicine and health.
That one man offering his opinion is Russel Blaylock, an eminent neurosurgeon with an open mind regarding alternative therapies. I highly recommend his book, Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients. This highly experienced brain surgeon is no lightweight by any means.

And by definition, editorials do not receive peer review -- that's why they're called "editorials"! And it's not government endorsed because the government is a key player in this entire fiasco, which Dr. Blaylock makes patently obvious!

Is your skeptical family member a medical professor, brain surgeon, and published medical author?