PRYR RQST Severe Stomach virus/flu.


Veteran Member
I have been throwing up, and diahrrea since going to bed last night. No sleep, and sore all over from heaving. I thought hubby was going to have to call an ambulance, but I am giving it a little more time.

I would appreciate any prayers.


Sanity is not statistical
I have been throwing up, and diahrrea since going to bed last night. No sleep, and sore all over from heaving. I thought hubby was going to have to call an ambulance, but I am giving it a little more time.

I would appreciate any prayers.

You should consider going to a hospital. Those are classic symptoms of food poisoning.


Senior Member
Sue, there is a bad stomach flu in East Tennessee right now. I've had two family members come down with it around Christmas. One young healthy teenager lost 7 pounds while sick. I can't remember if it lasted 2 or 3 days before he was up and around. Take care and head to the hospital if you have to; 12 people have died in South Carolina and about the same in North Carolina so be very careful with this flu!


Sounds like Norwalk virus. And yes, it can be NASTY! Make sure you aren't getting dehydrated... if you pinch up a fold of skin on the back of your forearm and it doesn't immediately snap back into place, it's time to get medical help.

You can try sipping ginger tea, ginger ale (if you can find a brand that actually contains real ginger, it's better... ginger is a proven anti-nausea remedy), or something like boullion. Take ONE sip, then lie down and rest, and let it settle. If you keep it down and don't have increased nausea in 20 minutes or so, take another sip.

If it is Norwalk, it's very contagious... use separate glasses, utensils, etc, and have hubby wipe down all faucet handles, toilet handle, seat and lid, and anything else you handle with a dilute bleach solution.

When I caught Norwalk at Christmas a couple years ago, we had a houseful of family. I went to bed on Christmas eve feeling fine, and woke up at midnight running for the bathroom. I was terrified I'd spread it to everyone, but I self isolated in our master bed/bath, hubby kept wiping things down, and no one- including hubby- caught it.

Praying you're feeling better soon! It's a really miserable bug.



TB Fanatic
Yes. It’s a virus that’s been making the rounds. It’s pretty rough. Dehydration is your big worry. I was noncompliant and took Tums and Imodium. I was lucky and threw it in two days where as everyone else had it almost a week. You’re not supposed to take Imodium because it actually keeps the virus in your system longer. But I had no choice in the matter since my employer expects me to be there even more if on deaths door. I probably just got lucky. I don’t recommend doing that if you can stay home. Let it run its course. So sorry- ‘tis NO fun.


Day by day
It sure sounds like Norovirus. DD and I had it a few years ago, it really is dreadful. Staying hydrated is the hardest thing. Honestly not sure about taking meds, particularly if keeping fluids down is difficult.


Sure, you can take tylenol... can you keep it down? Situations like these are where it would be really useful to have a cooperative family doctor who would be willing to give you a script for a anti-nausea med as well as tylenol *in suppository form*... many times having that on hand is enough to alleviate symptoms enough to keep you out of the ER.

But please... if you are getting dehydrated at all, and still can't keep liquids down, get to the ER or urgent care... my mom DIED of Norwalk virus (plus utter neglect from the POS she called an adopted son... he left her home with his 11 year old daughter to "watch grandma" so he could go out drinking at a bar. The kid found mom dead on the floor- her heart stopped due to severe dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. )



Veteran Member
You should consider going to a hospital. Those are classic symptoms of food poisoning.

Or noro virus. There's meds for that. I would stay away from emergency rooms, good place to catch the creeping crud. SuELPo, drinks lots of water. If you have any Pedilyte available drink that. It has electrolytes in it that help with the loss of nutrients. Dehydration is serious. Good luck!


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
I have it too>>>>both ends going nuts! Fever yesterday but not this AM>>>>I'll pray for you>>>>you pray for me.

What is so creepy about it is the HUGE, disgusting BURPS that precede the puking>>>UCK!!


It must be going around. I was on with my new boss on Thursday and she had to hang up. Her and her 4 kids and husband all had it at the same time! Hope you feel better soon. I just have a nasty cold sore throat crap.


Veteran Member
I have it too>>>>both ends going nuts! Fever yesterday but not this AM>>>>I'll pray for you>>>>you pray for me.

What is so creepy about it is the HUGE, disgusting BURPS that precede the puking>>>UCK!!

Yes you bet you are in my prayers, and anyone who comes down with this.

Summerthyme that is exactly what we needed with a doc to have mercy, and call us in something. It just had to be New Years Eve and a Sunday.


Nancy B

Happiness Is A Choice
Prayers for you and DH and everyone on TB2K that has caught whatever is going around their area. God bless you guys.


Veteran Member
Hang in there, hopefully, it's just a 24 hr. bug, (but seems like eternal hell). Watch that you don't dehydrate. Prayers sent.


Veteran Member
Prayers have been said. My DIL had it a couple of weeks ago. She was lucky and it cleared up after about a day.

Displaced hillbilly

Veteran Member
Praying for you all. Five of us all had Noro virus in march last year, it sent one of us to the hospital. If that's what you have its no joke. Thankfully for us, the one who got the ambulance ride was able to get extra Zofran, it helped. I've chips, taking baby sips of Gatorade and ginger ale is helpful. Getting rehydrated is key. Praying for you.


Veteran Member
Prayers for you and DH and everyone on TB2K that has caught whatever is going around their area. God bless you guys.

Same from me! Isn't Norovirus the one that hits cruise ships so often? Seems so many nasty bugs going around right now; certainly no way to start the new year.
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Veteran Member
Hello Susan,

Praying you'll be on the downside of this nasty bug soon!

Stay hydrated as best you can!

Praying for healing for you and your husband!

May no one else in your family get this!


Veteran Member
I have it too>>>>both ends going nuts! Fever yesterday but not this AM>>>>I'll pray for you>>>>you pray for me.

What is so creepy about it is the HUGE, disgusting BURPS that precede the puking>>>UCK!!

Oh, my! Another sick one.

Praying for you too ioujc!

Praying you'll be on the downside of this soon.

Praying for you're healing.


Veteran Member
Same from me! Isn't Norovirus the one that hits cruise ships so often? Seems so many nasty bugs going around right now; certainly no way to start the new year.

What? Holy Cow! And epidemic!

Stormy, you're in my prayers too!

Praying for your healing! (I think I misread Stormy's reply as 'same for me' like sick too - hope I did and you aren't sick! Chance)

I'm going to ask the Lord to keep his hand on all of us here - something nasty is going around.

Please, Lord, keep us safe and if we get it - may our discomfort be mild and our downtime short! Amen!
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Veteran Member
Caught it from my daughter's family Christmas. The thing lasted 3 to 4 days. Prayers on the elevens. This to shall pass.