COMMUNISM Several sobering conversations today


Veteran Member
One thing I found out about being willing to work is I can get better terms for my self .have my gas paid paid for .I travel a 110 miles one way and or have them pay for a room for me .to setting my own start time on top of my union scale


TB Fanatic
There is a shortage of workers because illegal immigrants are getting free money from Biden
and don't need to work anymore

The Mountain

Here since the beginning
Not with this new generation of cars, sadly. Used to be my dad did oil changes. Used to be. He can't even FIND the oil plug now.

At worst, there might be a thin plastic shield on the bottom of the engine covering the plug, but even the engineers can't change physics. The plug has to be at the lowest point on the engine. If the monkeys at Jiffylube can find it, your dad should have no problem.


TB Fanatic
Had to have a new water heater put in last month. Initially told my plumber to buy me 2 so I had one on reserve when this new one craps out. He thought I was nuts and talked me out of it. Seriously thinking of buying replacement central air unit to sit here and have as backup when this one goes out.
Industry for HVAC changes too fast. Water heater is fine, but HVAC upgrades almost monthly.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Seriously thinking of buying replacement central air unit to sit here and have as backup when this one goes out.
I don’t think that’s a good idea. I once talked to an HVAC guy replacing my home’s compressor unit about that very thing. Turns out the seals go bad if it just sits there long enough, and the compressor tubing becomes contaminated, ruining the unit.

Randy in Arizona

Senior Member
My hermit friend says that this will be our last summer! He says farmers are culling their herds cuz can't feed them. Another friend says that they are gonna cull the Human herd and not just animals. He also said that there is a large Realter company that is buying up land in the country and building slum apts 20 stories high and renting to poor white trash people. I could look up the name. It's on his text.

Think of the fire hazards with poor white trash on the ground floor setting the whole anthill on fire!
No thanks! Some enterprising crackhead would steal the fire sprinkler plumbing.



I had read Atlas Shugged a 100yrs ago, an amazing book and author. At the time, it seemed like it was a script for what was happening politically. But even at 1000+ pages it was too short to be a script for the ussa. Funny, today I was bored and watched the trilogy movie Atlas Shrugged on Bitchute. Overlooking the fact that it was a crappy movie rendition of an epic book and had zero continuity between the three movies, don't ya know, it seems like a real life script further in action today. I can just imagine the bi-den politbureau coming up with a directive 10-289 or their version thereof.
Too bad that most of the big big companies have gone fascist rather than gone Galt.


Veteran Member
I grew up in the country and my brothers worked on several neighboring farms... we weren't afraid of hard work or smelling like a barn. Then one of my brothers got a job at a local chicken processing plant...he would go to work and return home smelling SO bad that Mom would make him strip out of his clothes outside and scrub down with the garden hose. His clothes could not be washed with everyone elses and still smelled after washing. HE smelled no matter how much he scrubbed! My parents finally had to make him quit the job because none of us could stand to be near him! I have often wondered how they get anyone to work at their plants...


Veteran Member
hmm one way to keep the prices up and make people think there is a shortage.

There Is No Shortage?" Train Loads Of Lumber Stacked As Far As The Eye Can See
Tyler Durden's Photo

SATURDAY, MAY 01, 2021 - 06:00 PM
One of the most important things we've learned over the past year is the vulnerability of global supply chains. Most notably, supply disruptions of lumber have catapulted prices to the moon.
The narrative touted in the public domain is that COVID-19 sparked a dramatic underestimate in capacity by sawmills early in the pandemic as the Federal Reserve slashed interest rates to zero, sparking a housing boom. The influx of demand outpaced supply and has caused lumber prices to jump 340% from a year ago, according to Random Lengths.
In terms of output, the lumber industry is controlled by just a handful of firms, including Weyerhaeuser Co., Georgia-Pacific LLC, West Fraser Timber Co., Ltd., among others, which makes it easier for capacity to be controlled.

Maybe there's more to the lumber story that we're not being told and should be investigated more in-depth by journalists.
YouTube account "Ken's Karpentry" recently published a video of "huge quantities" of lumber sitting and not in lumberyards. The exact location of the video is not mentioned but could be near Lyndonville, Vermont.

The narrator in the video, perhaps it's Ken, but we're not sure, explains that a train depot has been transformed into a makeshift lumber yard. He said train loads of lumber coming out of Canada are offloaded here and then transported by tractor-trailer to lumberyards across the country.

He said, "I am astounded by how much lumber is here, and I am wondering why there is such a problem at lumber yards." He added the facility stretches 3/8 of a mile.

The video has more than 300,000 views and over 1,300 comments in just a few weeks.
One person said, "Gee, could it be to keep the price gouging and profits up?? This whole excuse that "it's due to covid" b*llsh!t has got to stop!"
"It's too bad there are no investigative reporters left in the world. This lumber story needs to be investigated and exposed," some else said.
Another person said:
"This is what happens when a few companies own the entire market."
And this person makes an interesting point:
"There is no lumber shortage. It's just Weyerhouse and GP wanting to drive up profits."
So could the lumber industry, controlled just by a few players, be pulling the playbook straight out of the diamond industry to limit supply to drive up prices?
I grew up in the country and my brothers worked on several neighboring farms... we weren't afraid of hard work or smelling like a barn. Then one of my brothers got a job at a local chicken processing plant...he would go to work and return home smelling SO bad that Mom would make him strip out of his clothes outside and scrub down with the garden hose. His clothes could not be washed with everyone elses and still smelled after washing. HE smelled no matter how much he scrubbed! My parents finally had to make him quit the job because none of us could stand to be near him! I have often wondered how they get anyone to work at their plants...
They don’t have families? Or send the money home.


Veteran Member
We were shocked when we got on I-5 last week by Santa Nella in CA, there were so many trucks on the road, never seen that many before. Went to a couple of rest stops and the truck parking was almost full, only a few slots available. Seemed like there were more trucks than cars on the road sometimes.

Milkweed Host

Veteran Member
And you know what, I have applied for many jobs in the last several months. I am 60 years old and have physical reasons for why I can not do a 40 hour work week, yet, they have ALL turned me down if I do not submit myself to 40 hours a week.
My experience (in my mind) could be invaluable, but if you cannot subject yourself to their slavery hours you do not count. I am sick of their whining! the older workforce is willing, but many of us can not do a 40 hour work week!

I'm guessing, it's more an age thing. When I was 62 and taking a CNC machining class at the local college, I was told
that I'm too old and that no one would hire me because of my age. A college instructor told me this. I withdraw from
the course. I get the sense that many younger people don't want older people around, anywhere.


Veteran Member
I order a Samsung appliance set last night 5/4, from Costco website. They showed a first available delivery date of 5/28, but I'm wondering if that's realistic and expect the delivery date to step out several months, based on what I've read.
A local sports radio station broadcaster said he had ordered a bicycle for his B-day last August 2020, and he just took delivery last week 4/28.
The local news station was saying bicycles are hard to come and parts even harder to find to fix the bike you have!


TB Fanatic
Maybe there's more to the lumber story that we're not being told and should be investigated more in-depth by journalists.
YouTube account "Ken's Karpentry" recently published a video of "huge quantities" of lumber sitting and not in lumberyards. The exact location of the video is not mentioned but could be near Lyndonville, Vermont.

The narrator in the video, perhaps it's Ken, but we're not sure, explains that a train depot has been transformed into a makeshift lumber yard. He said train loads of lumber coming out of Canada are offloaded here and then transported by tractor-trailer to lumberyards across the country.

He said, "I am astounded by how much lumber is here, and I am wondering why there is such a problem at lumber yards." He added the facility stretches 3/8 of a mile.

This is what people have been saying. A famine starts not with a lack of food, but rather the inability to deliver that food to where it is needed. You are seeing the same with lumber. There is plenty lumber out there, but it is not where it needs to be, thus a shortage of lumber.

Yes, people may be making it worse, but we have all heard of the lack of truckers and employees. All it takes is a few missed truck shipments or employees to load the trucks and you are in a short fall. Do that for over a year now and you have a distribution problem that has resulted in exploding prices.


TB Fanatic
We were shocked when we got on I-5 last week by Santa Nella in CA, there were so many trucks on the road, never seen that many before. Went to a couple of rest stops and the truck parking was almost full, only a few slots available. Seemed like there were more trucks than cars on the road sometimes.
Think about this. Even with all those trucks, we have shortages. Imagine how many we really need to supply this nation.


Faithful Steed
I think you mean can't build apts when just Wells and septics are available? I didn't think of that. They need sewer lines and water lines.
There are rules for "septic density" depending on the permeability of your soil. Cow Hampshire is not very permeable, so it takes a pretty large plot of land septic-wise to support the multiple toilets and waste of a full blown apartment building. It is possible, but rare, and usually more cost effective to subdivide for individual housing units.

Along with Septic is the "set-back" (percolation distance) required between one's septic field and one's well. Think even more land required.

Some contractors locally get around the requirements by building "Condominiums" - ostensibly because they "preserve open space" - which they do - but the human density per acre is still the deciding factor.

This town in town meeting has so far rejected the creation of a "Sewage Treatment Plant" and town sponsored sewer lines. Currently the only groups that support this are groups aligned with business/retail development. The Business/Retail zone of the town is pretty much "developed out" without a mitigating Sewage plant - many have wished for more restaurant/retail space. But so far the town meeting is still tilted to a "rural character" - which means one goes to a neighbor city for what they wish to do.



On TB every waking moment
In my prior area, we had an small settlement that was post gold rush. The lots were city sized and one by one their septic tanks were failing. There was not enough space between wells to put in another tank and leach field, so the houses were being condemned.


TB Fanatic
And you know what, I have applied for many jobs in the last several months. I am 60 years old and have physical reasons for why I can not do a 40 hour work week, yet, they have ALL turned me down if I do not submit myself to 40 hours a week.
My experience (in my mind) could be invaluable, but if you cannot subject yourself to their slavery hours you do not count. I am sick of their whining! the older workforce is willing, but many of us can not do a 40 hour work week!

The companies turning you down are the ones that will be bankrupt and out of business when this whole economy hand out thing explodes. Companies are literally SCREAMING for employes in my area (DC metro area) and can't find them. Prospective employees would rather camp out on the couch smoking reefer and playing video games. It's pathetic.

Don't give up hope-your age is your major hiring factor. Companies WANT older employees these days-damn the no degree BS. You have a solid work ethic, you'll show up for work. And you'll work when your'e at work. That puts you head and shoulders above 90% of the prospective new employees in the current job market. Your work skills is a bonus to them too.
My company hired me at 51 after a massive heart attack, diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis. That was 5 years ago. I'm not a manager or anything like that, but I have trained/mentored probably 25 new inspectors in that time. Experience learned, and given to a new and younger employee is a powerful motivator for companies to hire those who have a little greying at the temples :)
There is a company out there somewhere that will do anything to get you onboard; you just haven't hit on it yet.


TB Fanatic
For the first time in my life, I was told I had to make an appointment for a tire rotation. That’s because he didn’t have enough workers and couldn’t get any.

Better to get an appointment and wait a little than have some new inexperienced guy doing work on your car.

The automotive industry in general is going into conniption fits trying to find good techs. Some dealers are paying hefty bonuses to techs that hire on.


Since 1999
Talked to a friend that works from time to time for a Chevy dealer transporting cars. She said the only cars they can get is used. Not only are there no computer chips, but now rubber for gaskets are almost impossible. Another friend has family that works at GM or Ford and they have been laid off for quite a while and heard today the earliest they would go back is July.

In my little Mo town of 9000 pop. The fast food places are having a bidding war for employees. Wendy's put on their sign...starting at $11.25, the next day McDonalds put on their sign they were paying $12. Sonic started advertising they are paying $13 and need 20 employees. Arby's is having a 'hiring day', and Taco Bell is having a 'hiring party'. In a small town a little ways away closed their A&W/Long John Silvers till they can get someone to work because they were down to 3 employees and could no longer deal with it. A restaurant here that does lunch and dinner is now closing at 4:30 because of no employees. They had 9 people lined up to come in for an interview and no one showed up.

Casey's in a small town about 15 miles away ran out of gas Monday because they didn't get their delivery.

Tractor supply can't get in the Purina horse feed that I use.

That is just what I have heard of in the past week. Can hardly wait to see how bad it will get by fall.
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I grew up in the country and my brothers worked on several neighboring farms... we weren't afraid of hard work or smelling like a barn. Then one of my brothers got a job at a local chicken processing plant...he would go to work and return home smelling SO bad that Mom would make him strip out of his clothes outside and scrub down with the garden hose. His clothes could not be washed with everyone elses and still smelled after washing. HE smelled no matter how much he scrubbed! My parents finally had to make him quit the job because none of us could stand to be near him! I have often wondered how they get anyone to work at their plants...
Most of those plants use illegals.


TB Fanatic
I was speaking to a former LEO captain today that I have known most of my life. His in-laws own large chicken farms. They are killing most of their birds since the big meat processors can't get anyone to work for them. Even when they have an order, they cant schedule a truck because of the shortage of truckers. The workers are still at home on covid unemployment making more than the ever have before.

I mentioned this to a mutual friend, who owns a restaurant. He said there is a shortage of chicken wings in the restaurant industry and he is limited to two cases a week from his supplier. He told me that he is about to have to limit menu selections to pizza only, no more subs or wings because he is so short handed and can't get any one to work there. He told me that three competing businesses did not even open several days last week due to no one willing to work there. It put extra pressure on his business because the customers had less choices for this type of food.

I discussed all of the above with another friend who told me that his cousin just drove 250 miles from Miami to central FL to buy a truck load of drywall mud because there is none to be had in S. Florida at any price. He bought as much as his truck could hold and headed back south so he could finish the house he is working on.

When I got back to the shop my machinist was on the phone with a metal supplier trying to find out why our latest batch of billet aluminum, that was 45 minutes away this morning (And a week late) , ended up 110 miles away going the other direction. Once again, no trucks to deliver it from where it was, they will try to ship tomorrow from 3x farther away.

The above is just what I encountered TODAY. These commie demoncrats are deliberately trying to destroy this country so they can say "See, capitalism is a failure" and usher in communism.

I went to a meeting last night and I am not sure if this one was video taped. If it was I will share. I am hoping the meeting tonight which will be much larger is videoed I shared one a few months. You are correct in your thoughts they are trying to destroy the country they have been doing it for years the only president who has not assisted it President Trump. I so pray this meeting tonight will be videoed so I can share it with you all.


Rimtas žmogus
A local sports radio station broadcaster said he had ordered a bicycle for his B-day last August 2020, and he just took delivery last week 4/28.
The local news station was saying bicycles are hard to come and parts even harder to find to fix the bike you have!

Local bike shop is running about three weeks out for a basic tune-up.

Decided I wanted a bike as a backup if my 24-year-old SUV goes tires-up. Grocery store, hardware store, pharmacy, doctor, dentist and veterinarian are all within easy biking distance. After DD gave me her bug-green Electra cruiser (one speed, coaster brakes), I wound up rescuing a second bike (also free), a Trek Navigator 200 with twist shifters. Bike shop put them both in full working order. I've kitted them out for day/night travel and grocery/doggo hauling.

Looks like it's time to start acquiring spare parts and improving my repair skills. Wish my thumbs worked better . . .
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