POL Sanders, Dems introduce $15 minimum wage bill


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I'm sure a lot of us were expecting this eventually....

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Sanders, Dems introduce $15 minimum wage bill

The Hill
Tim Devaney
46 mins ago

Democrats are uniting behind Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) in a legislative push to raise the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour.

Sanders will reintroduce a $15 minimum wage bill Wednesday, attracting support from some Democrats such as Sen. Patty Murray (Wash.), who previously supported a smaller minimum wage increase.

Reps. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) and Bobby Scott (D-Va.) will drop a companion bill in the House. Ellison has previously pushed for $15 an hour, while Scott joined Murray in calling for a $12 minimum wage hike last Congress.

The $15 minimum wage bill stands little chance of passing in a Republican-controlled Congress, but could put pressure on GOP lawmakers to stand up for workers.

Sanders and the Democrats will rally Wednesday outside the Capitol building with a group of striking workers. The low-wage federal workers claim President Trump's labor policies have started a "war on workers."


Sanders, Dems introduce $15 minimum wage bill

Cause and effect. A 'demand' for $15 an hour for unskilled entry level labor equals robotics and automation. I.E. a fast food restaurant can replace four or five employees with a burger making machine that does the job right every time, doesn't show up late for work, never complains or asks for time off and pays for itself within a relatively short period of time. Asking for this at a time when small business is in a steep decline guarantees a huge spike in unemployment. Of course the left knows all of this is except for the most stupid among them such as Maxine Waters et al. While the country is disintegrating around them they are posturing for the mid term elections where they can point the finger at the evil Republicans and the low information voters will lap it up.


Faithful Steed
I think they've set their bar WAY too low.

$150 an hour should be the new minimum wage.

If you have a job, you should be allowed to keep your job.

If you buy, you have to keep buying.

If you save, you have to keep saving.

Under penalty of law.

Directive 10-289 stuff. http://www.conservapedia.com/Directive_10-289



Veteran Member
Sanders, Dems introduce $15 minimum wage bill

Cause and effect. A 'demand' for $15 an hour for unskilled entry level labor equals robotics and automation. I.E. a fast food restaurant can replace four or five employees with a burger making machine that does the job right every time, doesn't show up late for work, never complains or asks for time off and pays for itself within a relatively short period of time. Asking for this at a time when small business is in a steep decline guarantees a huge spike in unemployment. Of course the left knows all of this is except for the most stupid among them such as Maxine Waters et al. While the country is disintegrating around them they are posturing for the mid term elections where they can point the finger at the evil Republicans and the low information voters will lap it up.

Add to your list, customers more satisfied with the service from the burger machine. No snotty attitude, or screwed up orders (fewer anyway) to deal with.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Sanders, Dems introduce $15 minimum wage bill

Cause and effect. A 'demand' for $15 an hour for unskilled entry level labor equals robotics and automation. I.E. a fast food restaurant can replace four or five employees with a burger making machine that does the job right every time, doesn't show up late for work, never complains or asks for time off and pays for itself within a relatively short period of time. Asking for this at a time when small business is in a steep decline guarantees a huge spike in unemployment. Of course the left knows all of this is except for the most stupid among them such as Maxine Waters et al. While the country is disintegrating around them they are posturing for the mid term elections where they can point the finger at the evil Republicans and the low information voters will lap it up.

And that robot will "speak English"

Add to your list, customers more satisfied with the service from the burger machine. No snotty attitude, or screwed up orders (fewer anyway) to deal with.

And the robot won't spit in your food if you're white


Veteran Member
Lots of luck with that. Has anyone seen that robot bartender they have on a cruise ship? The local news had a travel segment on the other day about ships going high tech.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
This is going to bite them in the hind quarters. Farmers and food processors who have lost their under the table work force of illegal aliens will have to pay Americans $15 an hour? That's $15 an hour plus benefits, unemployment, etc? Between the cost of labor and inflation I hope those liberals don't mind paying a piece $5 for an apple or $10 for raw chicken leg or more. Or course those will just be "unforeseeable, unintended consequences".


Firearms Manufacturer
They know this wont pass, it is just for political BS pandering to their base.They would not pass this if they were in charge, just like the RINO's repealing Obamacare a few dozen times, until they are in charge and cant get shit done, even among themselves.


The Wise Man Prepares
Maybe if the top executives at the companies protesting this would take a wage decrease from their mega salaries, then this could be doable.


Let's Go Brandon!
Only a small amount of automation, will be allowed,
and the unskilled, illegal alien workers etc. know this.

The entry level job is the only one that they could
possibly do, and the liberal democrats know this.

Therefore, in order to continue to pander to the unskilled,
illegal alien workers, the liberal democrats will
continue to push for a higher minimum wage,
and will push to limit automation.

The end result wont be automation, as much as it will
be the closure of industries and business, that have
to utilize unskilled, and therefore lower paid workers.

Regards to all deplorables,