Salute the Swift Boat Vets!

Thank you from the heart for exposing the communist collaboration, dereliction of duty, treason and subversive activity of J. Kerry. I believe you had a far greater impact than most realize in getting the truth out. Sincere thanks to all my brothers in arms here who closed ranks to stand in the gap against this man, and to every loyal decent American who voted to keep Kerry out of office. God bless each one of you.



Veteran Member
They reported for duty ....

I salute you all.:sal:

God Bless You Swift Boat Vets!!!!!!!!!! :usfl:

With Respect and Love,



Deepest heartfelt thanks to all the Swift Boat Vets, and their supporters, who were so instrumental in keeping that treasonous pig from becoming CIC.

And thanks to all of our men and women in uniform - who made it clear who they wanted!

Mike 9 or 10

Yes they did a great job while maintaining their dignity.

On a personnal note I have been trying unsuccessfully for years to break my brother from voting RAT.

Thanks to the Swift Vets he has finally seen the light about Kerry and the entire RAT party. Not only that he brought over his wife and two adult sons to our side.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I would have to say that in the final annalysis the reason I could not vote for Kerry was his conduct toward the Viet Nam vets--then and now. I was a war protester in the 60s, (as I am now), but I never thought attacking the military was the way to accomplish anything worthwhile.


Top Ten list of Things I'll Miss About the Campaign cuz We'll Never Hear About Them Again -

10. "i had other priorities."

9. Nader will steal democratic votes

8. Kerry was a traitor for serving in VN and then protesting the war

7. Bush misled us about WMDs in iraq

6. edwards/kerry say Cheney's daughter is gay; cheneys not mad then mad

5. our nation is united on the WOT

4. there will never be a draft while i'm president

3. was bush wearing a wire?

2. kerry and edwards are friendly with one another

and the #1 thing i'll miss most about the campaign -

1. the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth


Membership Revoked
Trasael Adnepos said:
It only sticks when it's TRUE, pp, even with the effective media blackout.
But it didn't stick. Nobody cared. They just wanted to ensure their safety from a terrorist attack. And now they have, of course. :lol:

Put a cork in it.
I don't know why you'd be so touchy. Your guy won, after all.


I love it when the 'hate America' types reveal themselves so plainly. :lol:

DI's 'salute' is exactly the same as kerry and all his leftie co-conspirators give to the men and women who actually SERVE their country. And that's why the scum have lost.


Veteran Member
DarkImbolc said:
One (very appropriate) salute coming right up:



DarkImbolcile...errrr...I mean Imbolc...

Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to bear witness to such a fine testimony as to why, 'the darkness must flee from the light'...

Deena in GA

The Swift Boat Vets are men who had the courage to go and STAY and do their job, rather than run home as soon as possible like Kerry. Then they had the courage to speak up when it was very important they did so, even though certain people crucified them yet again. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for what they did in VN and what they did here.

On a personal note, I have a leftie brother who called my dad during the campaign and was spouting some of Kerry's garbage about VN. Dad very effectively shut him up when he broke in and said, "NO! You forget, I was there!"

Bearded Weirdo

This is a serious question and it isn't meant as any kind of commentary: Were the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth every plausibly debunked? I know the Kerry campaign said they were lying, but did they ever prove it, or at least come close to proving it?

(s)Kerry Spin Kontol HQ, pp? SURELY a pp of your letter can do better.

Not on your life, BW. The documents proving his direct collaboration in carrying Hanoi policy to Paris are authenticated. Carter pardoned his treason and is directly responsible for his "honorable" discharge. The archive video of his appearances on TV is evidence enough.

Tell you what, pp spinmeister, now that the election is over and you LOSERS got your November surprise and don't have as much at stake, let's get these guys on Nightline, Meet the Press, 60 Minutes, PBS, and etc., and debate this thing with the evidence.

Let's tell the Amercan People how badly they were lied to concering this Traitor, and put another nail in the coffin of the Demoncrapic Party. Whaddaya say?



Membership Revoked
Trasael Adnepos said:

(s)Kerry Spin Kontol HQ, pp? SURELY a pp of your letter can do better.
It directly answers his question. I realize that direct answers to questions are a mystery to you, but that's what one looks like.