GOV/MIL Russian-Ukrainian Border Close in 'Experiment' Defining Ukraninas as Animals

Remember that VS2015 that I am chipping away at? How does the Terrestrial Animal Health Code, farm busts, border closings, and TSA checkpoints fit together? Implementation of the Terrestrial Animal Health Code which is really One Health and Agenda 21 on steroids. This morning my inbox is filled with the pain inflicted VS2015 and we haven't even begun yet.

Russian-Ukrainian border closes because of recognition of people as animals in Ukraine​

Baku, Fineko/ Russia closes the state border with Ukraine because of the recognition of people in Ukraine animals.

Chief Medical Officer Gennady Onishchenko of Russia has stated that Ukrainian authorities delegated the responsibility of the Medical Service to the veterinarians, thereby equating humans and animals. In this regard, Russia sanitary service threatens to restrict import of agricultural products from Ukraine.

“There appeared a serious problem. According to official public documents, not medics but the veterinary service will deal with prevention of cholera among people in Ukraine in 2012. This means that already since May we will strengthen quite seriously supervision on the border with Ukraine,” Onishchenko said.

In 2011, the two countries’ health services managed to prevent penetration of cholera from Ukraine to Russia and not to close borders.

In Ukraine, the powers of control over food and nutrition, including in children’s organized groups, are transferred to the veterinary service. De facto, this provides recognition of a citizen of Ukraine an animal. In Ukraine, as throughout the world, legislation says that persons with special medical education deal with health of people. And food, as it is known, is 70% of all health problems. The veterinarian will do balanced diet, its quality and safety, physiological usefulness, although he is trained at the best in the field of the diet of calves. And precisely veterinarians in Ukraine will be engaged in the diagnosis of outbreaks and their investigation in camps, schools, health facilities and hospitals. For us it is a signal that already from the very first days in 2012 to do restructuring of the upcoming summer vacation of Russian children and its relocation from Ukrainian resorts to the regions of Russia and Europe,” Onishchenko stated.

He called actions of the Ukrainian authorities an “experiment” and promised not to allow the experiment to affect the Russians, especially on the Russian children.

“We’ll start monitor very carefully supplies of agricultural products from Ukraine, especially dairy ones, and take strict measures at the slightest deterioration in quality. First of all, small and medium enterprises of Ukraine supplying products to the border regions and cities of Russia will suffer from that,” Onishchenko said.

According to Onishchenko, in transfer of food safety functions to the veterinary department Ukraine bases itself on “experience of a micro-state in Europe and quasi-dwarf in the Trans-Caucasus”.

“Citing for such experiences for one of the largest states in Europe is incorrect and demeaning. National experience of Ukraine is not taken into account. Back in the USSR, Ukraine was one of the leading regions, where advanced technologies in the field of epidemiology, quality control and food safety appeared, carried out and then spread throughout the Soviet Union,” Onishchenko complained.

Authorship of the reform is attributed to Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Tigipko.

“I watched with interest for Mr. Tigipko and considered him a very prudent and pragmatic politician, not prone to extravagant decisions. But his authorship of these reforms is very sad. I have ethno-professional grounds to express publicly a hope that the MPs of the Verkhovna Rada will apply a more weighted approach towards this matter and block the changes proposed by the ruling elite to the existing laws in order to ensure the sanitary-epidemiological well-being. I hope that the most important element of the biological safety of the state neighboring with us will not be destroyed in favor of Ukrainian agriculture lobby and through the “Harvard Boys” in the interests of other states,” Onishchenko said.


Disaster Cat
I am not sure I totally understand this article but it sounds like: The Ukraine, probably due a shortage of doctors (though we are not actually told why) has decided to use Animal doctors (vets) in place of people doctor's (MD's) when it comes to dealing with the spread of certain illnesses. These animal doctors may also be treating people in some cases, though I couldn't quite make out if that was just in terms of disease control or daily care.

Actually, in a monetary or natural emergency, using vets to treat people is simply good planning. After all, people are animals in the physical sense, and a trained vet who works on any mammal is going to have some clues on how to treat human beings, especially if the other choice is just suffer and/or die.

It looks like the Russians are using this desperate measure as an excuse to block the border and/or control agricultural goods. Putin has made no secrete that he would like the Ukraine back in the Russian fold and I suspect this is just more pressure to force the issue, after all if they really cared they could consider a combination of loaning the Ukraine some MD's for a couple of years along with training for local MD's and/or a fast-track training program for folks to switch from animal medicine to human medicine. Which, except for the politics of medical schools throughout the world, really shouldn't be that big of a switch, the more so with a year or two of cross-training.
Oy! May I humbly disagree? Are you aware that humans lost legal primacy? That animals and the environment are now legally more important than yourself? We were moved on down the food chain while most people slept.

This is not an isolated instance, but under ObamaCare you will be competing in the global gladiatorial arena for health and food care under the scheme of 'limited planet resources'. Will you be as understanding as you are now should you get pneumonia and your neighbor's goldfish gets treatment and you do not (because you have used up your carbon credits)? Extreme? NO. It has been Beta tested and is being implemented. If you would like links I can provide you with thousands!



Stone Cold Crazy
Actually I trust a couple of vets more than I do a whole hospital full of docs and nurses.

I've worked for them and know what they are made of and frankly, their stitching is better than mine and I've seen docs that could stitch worth a tinkers damn so if they suck on the outside how good are what they did on the *inside*.

Past that RE: Goldfish.

Neighbor goes to the bathroom and "Ooopsy!" their goldfish committed suicide.

"Really sorry lady-it asked me for a sip of my soda..."

Anyway taking a goldfish or a small bird, gerbil, hamster ot whatever to the vet is like taking a disposable lighter in for repairs.
Actually I trust a couple of vets more than I do a whole hospital full of docs and nurses.

I've worked for them and know what they are made of and frankly, their stitching is better than mine and I've seen docs that could stitch worth a tinkers damn so if they suck on the outside how good are what they did on the *inside*.

Past that RE: Goldfish.

Neighbor goes to the bathroom and "Ooopsy!" their goldfish committed suicide.

"Really sorry lady-it asked me for a sip of my soda..."

Anyway taking a goldfish or a small bird, gerbil, hamster ot whatever to the vet is like taking a disposable lighter in for repairs.

Clarification....I am not saying that there are not good vets, doctors, and nurses out there only that they are being snagged into corrupt global governance mostly our of innocence and their good hearts (which is why they practice medicine)

Clarification... goldfish....the goldfish was not the point. The point is that VS2015, Obama Care, and Agenda 21 are calling for the economy, the environment everything before treating humans. Maybe you will sit next to a cat, dog, elephant, environment, economy when you wait for treatment in a animal (that includes you, not my definition but theirs) clinic of any kind. The point is we are now competing in a concocted "limited plant resource" scheme, whether it be healthcare, food, housing, land. livestock....

This is real. Some of us have been engaging an opposition for years but their boiling the frog approach has been very effective, along with the loss a critical thinking in most individuals.
