RINOs in Congress gearing up to nullify Trump's use of existing tariff powers

The RINOs are our biggest threat to rolling back globalism.

Entrenched GOPe Show Their Cards – Construct “Border Adjustment Tax” To Oppose Trump’s America-First Agenda…

Posted on January 17, 2017 by sundance
Anyone who believes Democrats own exclusive opposition to Donald Trump are completely ignoring the deliberate construct of the 2015/2016 republican primary. There are just as many -if not more- natural enemies within the Republican apparatus as there are within the Democrat group. “America-First” is antithetical to the UniParty.

Again, prior to Donald Trump there was one party in Washington DC, “The UniParty”. President Donald Trump represented a second party, an independent approach toward legislative and economic priority. He was not a third choice, he was the second option.

Within the ‘right-side’ of the UniParty you have Republicans. Within the republican party there are two groups; both intentionally established to present the fallacy of false choice.

“Small government CONservatives”, just like their “big government” GOPe colleagues, begin remarkable advocacy for the consolidation of self-serving power when they are threatened by sunlight. It is critical for the U.S. electorate to understand this dynamic.

Whenever CTH reveals this political construct, we come under fire from the hidden elements within the UniParty; most generally from the crony-constitutionalist group represented by the advocacy of old talk-radio yellers.

A few days ago we highlighted a maneuver being attempted by the Crony-Constitutionalist group within the DC UniParty. A specific agenda being put forth by heavily financed operative, Senator Mike Lee. – READ HERE – Today we highlight the economic efforts of the second group which synergizes with Lee’s efforts from the other half of the republican wing of the UniParty.

♦ Senator Mike Lee works to block taxation on imports by removing the tariff authority of President Donald Trump.
This aids his multinational sponsors on Wall Street. Senator Lee trying to stop Trump from leveling taxes on imports,
under the false auspices of constitutional authority. [Made irrelevant by the 1913 passage of the 17th amendment]

Speaker Paul Ryan works to block taxation on imports by manipulating import taxation into a larger “comprehensive corporate tax bill“, and establishing the loopholes, constructed by the same multinational sponsors. Wall Street then utilizes these constructs to avoid the payment of import taxes. Watch closely:

(Via Wall Street Journal) The measure, known as border adjustment, would tax imports and exempt exports as part of a broader plan to encourage companies to locate jobs and production in the U.S. But Mr. Trump, in his first comments on the subject, called it “too complicated.” –link–

Mike Lee represents the Senate approach. Speaker Ryan represents the House approach.

However, both approaches are geared toward the same benefactors. Those benefactors are the lobbyists who pay Republicans for legislative priorities. Who is that…. Tom Donohue.

For those who don’t know, it is special interest groups, lawyers as lobbyists like the U.S. CoC, who actually write the legislation. Politicians vote on legislation, they don’t actually put pen to paper and write it – that’s what the congressional lobbyists do.

In both taxation constructs above Mike Lee and Paul Ryan are opposing Donald Trump. Does this example help to better understand the fallacy of false choice? It’s the same concept as the GOPe splitter strategy to ensure a specific, controlled and approved ideological candidate wins the primary.

There’s no difference between John Cornyn and Kevin McCarthy; they are beholden to the same group. There’s also no difference between Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan, they too are beholden to the same corporate interests. That’s why Cruz and Ryan created Trade Promotion Authority together, the vehicle to pass Donohue’s TPP trade deal.

However, the good news is President Donald Trump is keenly aware of this political alignment. Heck, he should be… in many ways his understanding of the ‘fallacy of false choice’ is the entire reason Donald Trump finally ran for President:
[…] “Anytime I hear border adjustment, I don’t love it,” Mr. Trump said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal on Friday. “Because usually it means we’re going to get adjusted into a bad deal. That’s what happens.

Independent analyses of the Republican tax plan say it would lead the dollar to appreciate further—which would lower the cost of imported goods, offsetting the effects of the tax on retailers and others.

In his interview with the Journal on Friday, Mr. Trump said the U.S. dollar was already “too strong” in part because China holds down its currency, the yuan. “Our companies can’t compete with them now because our currency is too strong. And it’s killing us.”

The yuan is “dropping like a rock,” Mr. Trump said, dismissing recent Chinese actions to support it as done simply “because they don’t want us to get angry.”

Mr. Trump appears to be breaking with a recent tradition of presidents refraining from comments on the dollar’s level. The dollar is up 4% against a broad basket of currencies since he was elected, and roughly 25% since mid-2014.

The dollar and border adjustment tax are both central issues as Mr. Trump moves to strengthen U.S. standing in the global economy. (more)

President Trump knows these multi-thousand-page legislative constructs are filled with loop holes allowing Wall Street’s multinationals to skirt around direct import taxation. Delayed cargo diversion, via geographic third party delivery broker, is one method they use to avoid them.

A direct tariff is specific, direct and generally unavoidable. Wall Street doesn’t like tariffs and crony-constitutionalists lie about them vociferously.

The opposition groups (Wall Street Multinationals) who are funding the UniParty endeavors of Mike Lee and Paul Ryan etc., have a specific desire to keep the U.S. dollar inflated. All of these multinationals and large economic nations hold trade dollars in their depositories – it is against their interests to see the dollar drop in value.

Wall Street benefits from a higher dollar – Main Street benefits from a lower dollar.

A secondary reason Trump wants to see lower dollar evaluation is because, debt becomes less burdensome when the value of the U.S. dollar drops. Trump knows how to manage and leverage debt. Lowering the U.S. debt is critical to economic growth.

Think of it this way. If you owe $200,000 on your mortgage and earn $40k per year, that debt is scary. However, if you owe $200k and earn $60k that debt is less worrying. When the value of the dollar drops, the weight of our debt burden drops with it because expanding economic growth generates more income to treasury via tax inflows. This is how dangerous debt can be neutralized and paid down.

Remember, there are trillions of globalist dollars at stake – and the DC UniParty, all of it, will fight tooth and nail on behalf of their benefactors.

Patriots will need to respond when we go to the mattresses.

Steel your resolve.

Just like the GOPe “Splitter Strategy” – teach your friends, family and neighbors.


Veteran Member
Not a single piece of crap that we sent to Washington really wants our country to prosper! We need to fire them so Trump can get his agenda passed

RB Martin

Veteran Member
Like General Chesty Puller said" We're surrounded by the enemy; that simplifies things. No way are they getting away now!