WTF?!? Ribbons and Medals Around their necks or sashes


TB Fanatic
Is this faggot for real??? Tell me how this POS passed a WH security background check. Better yet, tell me when his sissy little body is found in an alley in Southeast. I promise to rejoice.


Resident Spook
I just violated one of my cardinal rules and went on my phone so I could watch the video of "Cooper." Oh, My, God. And the Obiden administration thought that was a good thing to put out? So his "sash" is a purse strap...... really?


Knuckle Dragger


Has No Life - Lives on TB
So let me get this straight....that video is for real??? And that freak is actually working in the WH? And he/she/it is allowed to dresss like THAT? I can't figure out the reality here. Help a girl out?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I've never seen a fat Marine. I have now. The whole damned front row. Get off your duffs and make it happen! This new JC is a disgrace. They wanted it that way. They got it. This is disgusting. The optics of being afraid of the flu is just an added bonus.
Are their belts at the proper angle? This has got to be a joke too.


Veteran Member
I've never seen a fat Marine. I have now. The whole damned front row. Get off your duffs and make it happen! This new JC is a disgrace. They wanted it that way. They got it. This is disgusting. The optics of being afraid of the flu is just an added bonus.

These are not USMC service members, but some type of branch for another country.

For the quickest verification, notice the rank insignia and years of service slash marks do not match.

marine dress uniform


TB Fanatic
That looks like somebody cut and pasted a "Pepe" the frog image to the guy with the Covid face shield

So the intern, I have no words, let's see if I can find something appropriate, here we go..:lkick:
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I've never seen a fat Marine. I have now. The whole damned front row. Get off your duffs and make it happen! This new JC is a disgrace. They wanted it that way. They got it. This is disgusting. The optics of being afraid of the flu is just an added bonus.

So I'm not seeing things? Some of those guys look like they couldn't do a pull up if their life depended on it. Shhes... at least TRY to suck in the gut and stick out your chest. Embarrassing!



The Great Cat
I've never seen a fat Marine. I have now. The whole damned front row. Get off your duffs and make it happen! This new JC is a disgrace. They wanted it that way. They got it. This is disgusting. The optics of being afraid of the flu is just an added bonus.

I was thinking along these lines. Fat boy programs for the front row. Wow they've had nothing to do but train!

And I can say that! The shadow of my ass has gained ten pounds.


Veteran Member
I was thinking along these lines. Fat boy programs for the front row. Wow they've had nothing to do but train!

And I can say that! The shadow of my ass has gained ten pounds.

I thought the same things,

But…like “Wait-n-see” said, these aren’t US Marines!

Could be some other nation’s Marines, or some such.

Also, the protruding abdomen is the way they are standing. Sometimes the ‘back straight’ posture and uniform makes it look that way…

see this photo…



passin' thru
The timing is, unfortunately, perfect to make him/her/it the mascot
that goes down in the history books as the poster boy for The decline n Fall o' the American Empire

Yes I posted it a week or so back. It's real.


Veteran Member
The timing is, unfortunately, perfect to make him/her/it the mascot
that goes down in the history books as the poster boy for The decline n Fall o' the American Empire
It's a he pretending to be a her, which turns him into an "it"


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Those are not US MARINES
Thank you!!! I had never in my lifetime seen such a sloppy group! And I know, once the Marines fall into chaos, our country IS doomed. But you can understand my confusion after knowing the video of the "it" as an intern prancing around Circle Back Psaki's office in the White House is allegedly for real. Now that Circle Back has gone on a week's vacation, please don't tell me that "It" is in charge!
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Veteran Member
I've never seen a fat Marine. I have now. The whole damned front row. Get off your duffs and make it happen! This new JC is a disgrace. They wanted it that way. They got it. This is disgusting. The optics of being afraid of the flu is just an added bonus.
Not Marines...uniform is completely wrong