SCI Reports Confirm Collision between Chinese and Russian Satellite


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Reports have shed light on the fact that China's Fengyun 1C meteorological satellite may have destroyed a Russian spacecraft. In 2007, meteorological satellite was damaged in an anti-satellite weapons test (ASAT).

This collision was first reported by Russian scientists Vasiliy Yurasov and Andrey Nazarenko of the Institute for Precision Instrument Engineering (IPIE) in Moscow. This hit caused change in the orbit of the satellite. There was a change in the BLITS satellite, as stated by the Russian satellites. No reports regarding the damage for the satellite have been reported.

Anti-satellite test was conducted by Chinese to intentionally destroy their Fengyun 1C meteorological satellite that had exceeded its service life. Its remains had started causing risk to satellites and crewed spacecraft. This test was organized on January 11, 2007.

T. S. Kelso, technical program manager at the Center for Space Standards & Innovation (CSSI) in Colorado Springs mentioned that after analysis, they discovered that Chinese craft ruins and Russia's 17-pound small Ball Lens in The Space (BLITS) retro reflector satellite suffered collision between each other.

This Russian craft was launched in 2009. It is a nano-satellite constructed for meticulous satellite laser ranging experiments. It was hoped that the Russian craft would stay in space for five years.