CHAT Raggedies celebrate 24 years today


Res ipsa loquitur
today we Raggedies celebrate 24 years of wedded bliss. we lived together for 8 yrs prior to being married - so that's 32 yrs of "togetherness" - HALF of our lives. it was I that WASN'T going to get married again – EVER. after all you can only divide your self in half so many times. but she was patient and I finally realized that SOME THINGS were just meant to be.

Trust me - this is a sainted woman. a Scotts Irish lass and a natural red head married to a full blooded, hard headed Italian. Now that's a potful o' temper and 'tude if there ever was one. not only am I very thankful for her, I am very PROUD of her. She was and is an excellent step mother to my two children – a loving caring grandmother to our 5 grandchildren. I have to brag on her just a bit now. She started from scratch and maintained her own very successful business selling fasteners, tools and fence - a male dominated specialty area - which she she KNEW exceptionally well and where her expertise in terms of application was highly respected.

We're still the very best of friends. we've always done everything together. when we lived in central Florida we fished together constantly; often 5 out of 7 days. If not on the lake fishing bass, we were off to port Canaveral fishing snook under the shrimp boats at night, in Mosquito Lagoon fishing trout and red fish or jumping tarpon under the bridges at New Smyrna. When we weren't in central Florida we were down in the keys poling the flats, chasing dolphin offshore or down in SW Florida drifting the passes. We've fished bonefish, permit and tarpon all over the Caribbean and we've fished salmon and halibut in Alaska – Ketichican and Anchorage.

The single exception to that “togetherness” has been her photography. She loves to shoot landscapes and wildlife. bear and birds in particular. Photography is something I never got involved with; she's so damned GOOD at it. We're both naturally competitive; heck - we competed when we fished together - and I never wanted to crowd her style with “suggestions” or compete with her in something that she truly loves so much.

What an INCREDIBLE life partner I've been privileged to share my life with. I am TRULY a blessed man.

Little Cayman Island - 5.10.97

mid 2001​
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today we Raggedies celebrate 24 years of wedded bliss. we lived together for 8 yrs prior to being married - so that's 32 yrs of "togetherness" - HALF of our lives. it was I that WASN'T going to get married again – EVER. after all you can only divide your self in half so many times. but she was patient and I finally realized that SOME THINGS were just meant to be.

Trust me - this is a sainted woman. a Scotts Irish lass and a natural red head married to a full blooded, hard headed Italian. Now that's a potful o' temper and 'tude if there ever was one. not only am I very thankful for her, I am very PROUD of her. She was and is an excellent step mother to my two children – a loving caring grandmother to our 5 grandchildren. I have to brag on her just a bit now. She started from scratch and maintained her own very successful business selling fasteners, tools and fence - a male dominated specialty area - which she she KNEW exceptionally well and where her expertise in terms of application was highly respected.

We're still the very best of friends. we've always done everything together. when we lived in central Florida we fished together constantly; often 5 out of 7 days. If not on the lake fishing bass, we were off to port Canaveral fishing snook under the shrimp boats at night, in Mosquito Lagoon fishing trout and red fish or jumping tarpon under the bridges at New Smyrna. When we weren't in central Florida we were down in the keys poling the flats, chasing dolphin offshore or down in SW Florida drifting the passes. We've fished bonefish, permit and tarpon all over the Caribbean and we've fished salmon and halibut in Alaska – Ketichican and Anchorage.

The single exception to that “togetherness” has been her photography. She loves to shoot landscapes and wildlife. bear and birds in particular. Photography is something I never got involved with; she's so damned GOOD at it. We're both naturally competitive; heck - we competed when we fished together - and I never wanted to crowd her style with “suggestions” or compete with her in something that she truly loves so much.

What an INCREDIBLE life partner I've been privileged to share my life with. I am TRULY a blessed man.

Blessed is a good description.

Hard to find a lifemate.

Getting harder each day.


TB Fanatic
Congrats to both of you. Being married is a huge commitment. Pushing 40 for my wife and I. Wishing you both the best!

You look like a old friend of mine from many years ago. A huge hell raiser !!


Res ipsa loquitur
Congrats to both of you. Being married is a huge commitment. Pushing 40 for my wife and I. Wishing you both the best!

You look like a old friend of mine from many years ago. A huge hell raiser !!

a most excellent achievement - 40 years! hell raiser? once upon a time - but I got old and grey somewhere along the way. still have alla that hair - has to be bush hogged every 3-4 weeks . . . and hers is below her waist now. still tiny and still beautiful with a few silver threads scattered in that strawberry blonde mop.


North to the Future
Congratulations to one of my favorite couples! You both seem to be very lucky in finding each other! <3 Blessings on you, may you have many more very happy years <3

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…

Your fishing tales are jealousy inspiring!!

Continued happiness and well being!!!

Jeff B.