POL Questions we should be asking


TB Fanatic
These are questions I think everyone should be thinking about. There may be a lot of different opinions as to the correct answer. Everyone should be thinking about these questions and what a certain answer would mean to them.

The answers need to come from the people WE have voted in to represent us but more than likely, will not be.

Theme as suggested by Glenn Beck

Reasonable Questions for Unreasonable Times

Wouldn’t it be great if we could get the answer to some of these questions?

Can we survive the debt both current and proposed the current administration has placed on the United States?

What is the RUSH on Healthcare and Cap and Trade? Can’t they at least wait until the bills are read and debated?

Why are special interest groups like Apollo writing bills that are being sponsored in Congress instead of being written by our elected representatives?

Why is it a Grassroots effort if people agree with the current administrations agenda but Astroturf and un-American for anyone that disagrees with it?

How does spending Trillions of dollars to fix the economy fix anything when the problem is too much spending?

Is it too much to expect for Congress to read a bill before voting on it?

When the unfunded liability is over $190,000 per citizen, does it really make sense to spend more?

What is the relationship with George Soros and the $10 Billion dollars invested in Brazil? Was that a crony award or payback? Is it illegal?

Why are there so many Special Advisors or CZARS appointed by the President that bypassed Senate Confirmation?

Why has the Whitehouse removed FBI Vetting on these Advisors and CZARS?

Why will the Whitehouse not release the results of the 63 page Security questionnaire if these people even filled the questionnaire out?

What could the Hidden Agenda be for destroying America’s economy by this excessive spending?

Can we agree that Bush was Bad and Evil but not in office anymore and get on with running this country instead of trying to make excuses about inheriting the problem? Yes you inherited the problem and you made it a LOT worse. Now what are you going to do to fix it?

Who are the Advisors and CZARS surrounding Obama and providing advise?

Why does he have radical Leftists and self-avowed Communists in the US GOVERNMENT? Should a communist be advising the President of the US?

If you judge a person by the company they keep, what does this say about Obama who has associated with known radicals, Anti-capitalists, Marxists and Communists such as Bill Ayers, Van Jones, John Holdren, Karen Brown, Ezekiel Manual, Jeff Jones and Reverend Wright among others?

What exactly is this Transformation of America Obama has promised? Is it something that a majority of Americans want?

Should the co-founder of the Weather Underground be the author of the Stimulus package?

Why are Unions receiving such perks in such as positions and bills? Why was the President of the AFLCIO Union placed in charge of the NY FED?

What will be the effect of increasing taxes on people that work and giving increasing entitlements to people that don’t?

Is it a good thing to mix Big Government and Big Business?

What happened to the US Constitution?

If our proposed Health care is going to be so good, why aren’t our congressional representatives signing up for the same care?

Do we want to be a Communist or Socialist nation?

Why is the current administration trying so hard to silence dissent?

Why are the speakers at the Town Halls doing more talking than listening?

What do you think will be the effect of the latest Diversity CZAR idea? He wants corporations owning radio stations to pay 100% of their operating budget as a tax that will fund NPR and minority owned radio stations and their renewal every year is depending on approval from guess who? He is fundamentally opposed to private ownership of media and holds out Venezuela as a great model of revolutionary reform.

Why are the authorities so worried about an audit of the Federal Reserve?

Where are the press and media on all of these issues and questions?


Molon Labe!
I have been calling everybody at work "Brother" lately. (except the women)


Because it will make my transition easier when we are all expected to greet one another by saying "comrade".

I'm not joking.

I've often wondered if there will be a cleansing like there was in Cambodia during the 70's and Europe during WWII........



Faithful Steed
Read Atlas Shrugged. It's a blueprint for a new America and the answer to all the questions.

"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink."



Contributing Member
More questions:
Why is the IRS being tagged in the Health Bill to act as the watchdog for the program? Is this the proper role of the IRS?

What will be the long-term consequences of apologizing to our enemies and ignoring our historical allies?

Will showing the pictures of CIA member to terrorists weaken the fututre of this organization's effectiveness in protecting our country? Why would this administration want to do that?

How is it that these bill come to be so quickly and who is actually writing them? What future surprises are to be found in each after they are passed?


Veteran Member
Why is an obviously crime infested special interest group like ACORN in charge of our national census?

Why could our government be allowed to nationalize large American corporations and then decide, based on political affiliation, which dealerships got to survive and which ones didn't?

Why is it okay for our MSM and liberal comedians to make fun of handicapped babies and talk about raping young girls, but its not okay for grandma and grandpa to show up at a TOWN HALL meeting and voice their concerns over health care?

Why is it going to be harder for local farmers to sell their vegetables but the white house can start a farmer's market in DC?

Why is it okay to serve $100/lb Kobi beef to WH guests, but Americans are faced with huge taxes on energy to heat their homes?

Why is it wrong for auto execs to fly in private jets but its okay for the Congress to buy 7 for their own personal use?