Food Provisioning Big - for those just getting started or who would like another perspective

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
For those just getting started with food prepping or those who might want to pick up a perspective from a different sort of prepper. This prepper sounds like a long distance cruiser stuck on land for the duration of the pandemic. She looking at provisioning for the pandemic as if she's provisioning for a long cruise.

Fair use.
Provisioning Big
•Jun 11, 2020
The Boat Galley Podcast
The pandemic has offered a chance to practice real-life provisioning skills. Pretend you're going on a passage!

You know you have something, like a can of mushroom soup, but you just can’t find it. Enter Pantry in Paradise, your go-to app for galley management. Pantry in Paradise tracks your provisions, where they’re stored, and creates your next shopping list. Provision for guests or even extra weeks.
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Run time 10:37