

Senior Member
From one Pacific Northwestern to another, thank you very much for sharing this wonderful story with all of us.
God Bless,


Veteran Member

I add my name to the list of those worried about you and Mr Pac!

Prayers going up for the two of you...........


Veteran Member
Thankyou folks for caring, we have been going through a bit of a difficult patch. Mr. Pac fell, tore the screws loose in the lumbar patch that was done last June, and had one of the screws pressing into his spinal cord. He had another surgery yesterday, and is just plain not doing well.

I think I have affairs worked around so I can start posting again. Thank you again for thinking about us. Mr. Pac and Pac.


Keeper of all things
Sorry to hear things have not been going well, but thank you for checking in. I was getting worried about you and Mr. Pac. I'll keep you both in my prayers.


Veteran Member

Clora stood at the stove stirring lunch soup. The chicken and rice mixture just starting to bubble and send it's enticing smell throughout the house. The good smell brought Mark from the bedroom where he had been resting from the clan meeting.

"Mark?" Clora half turned and stared at her husband, "I sure have got a bad feeling about something. It's just a vague sense of forboding, but it makes me feel like I have a huge black cloud hanging over my head. Do you feel the same way?"

"You know, I do. Kind of like a rumbling in my gut and a prickle in the back of my neck, now that you mention it. Do you have the same feeling you had when we were attacked by the kid's father?"

"No, not exactily. It's making me feel upset to my stomach, that's the reason for the chicken soup." Clora explained. "maybe I'll get it straightened out before the day is over. How are you feeling?"

"Stronger all the time, and the ribs are slow to feel better, but the're getting there. Clora, Honey....I've got a question? Have you ever thought how much Brett and my Dad look alike? much I don't?" and with that bombshell, Clora understood part of her hinky feeling.
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Veteran Member
Pac, so sorry your Mr. Pac is not doing well.

Thanks for letting us know that you are not ill or having issues yourself.


Veteran Member
Thankyou folks for caring, we have been going through a bit of a difficult patch. Mr. Pac fell, tore the screws loose in the lumbar patch that was done last June, and had one of the screws pressing into his spinal cord. He had another surgery yesterday, and is just plain not doing well.

I think I have affairs worked around so I can start posting again. Thank you again for thinking about us. Mr. Pac and Pac.

Thanks, Pac, for the new chapter.

And when you didn't check in or post, I had a sneaky suspicion that something was going on with Mr. Pac. More prayers heading up!


Thank you for the post, Pac. Sorry to hear Mr.Pac has fallen again. Hope he mends well and soon, you must be getting wore out with worry for him. Keeping you both lifted up in prayers.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
You and Mr Pac have been through so much, sending our best wishes to the 2 of you. Thank you for the chapter.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Thanks for the new chapter Pac. I sure hope Mark and Clora are not blood relations. That would be horrible.

I'm so sorry that ya'll are going through this. You and Mr. Pac continue in my prayers.


The new chapter was a nice surprise, but more importantly you're OK and back with us. I'm sorry to hear about Mr. Pac, I do hope hope he recovers fast. Bless his heart, it seems to be one thing after another. I hope you can get the rest you need and now that we know you're alright don't worry about more chapters until you really feel up to writing again. Your health is more important and you know we'll be here for you when you're ready. Prayers said for Mr. Pac.




Veteran Member
I'll add my prayers on with the others'. So sorry for Mr. Pac to fall once again and upset the apple cart. He is due for some calm time and no falling for a while.

Kathy in FL

Praying for you and yours PNW. Seems like we are all under attack lately in some way or another. May the Good Lord build a hedge of protection and health around you and Mr. Pac and give you the strength and wisdom to carry on.


Veteran Member

"Yeah, I have " Clora answered and was just about to get into a serious discussion with Mark, when Milo came busting into the kitchen.

"Alice and Betsy can't play," he reported with a glum look. "They's sick and what's her name said they couldn't come out of the room."

"Milo" Clora warned, "You know we don't talk about people in that way. Why can't she be Miss Lilly to you?"

"Dunno, she just isn't, I don't like her very much," the mouthful from the babe caused Clora to give him the 'look', but today it didn't phase Milo one iota.

It didn't help that Mark was sitting behind Milo agreeing with every word the child said, so Clora instructed the 4 year old to go wash and get ready for lunch. "Am I overlooking something?" Clora asked dryly when Milo was out of earshot.

"I'd say quite a bit," Mark replied. "I think it's time for Lilly and her kids to move into Wayne's place. That way they could have all the comforts of home on Wayne's dime, and he can be responsible for his own strays."

Clora winced, "Isn't that a bit harsh?"

"Not in the least," was Mark's firm response. "If Wayne had to provide for all those he drags in, he just might be a bit more selective."

"Will you help me do this after lunch?" Clora felt like dithering, but felt deep down that Mark was correct as usual. She sure hoped this wouldn't be a confrontational mess, but then she reasoned, there was no reason for it to be that way.

It wasn't; Lilly seemed relieved and suspiciously happy to be away from Clora and Mark and Milo, even if it meant moving into the strange man's house. Lainey looked out the window as the assembly trooped by and gave Clora the OK sign, smiling her 'way to go' smile with pantomine hand clapping.

The Fowler girls had come down with terrible colds, and went straight to Wayne's couch with blankets as they struggled in the door. Ben came right over to help set a fire and make sure there was wood in the box. Wayne had a sink full of miscalanious dishes that looked like they were science experiments in mold growth, but Clora forced herself to look the other way and leave when Mark tugged on her hand.

Ben clapped Mark on the back and said something so low that Clora couldn't hear as she tended to Milo. From the look on Mark's face, Clora assumed it must have been Ben's approval of the situtation, as Mark grinned at her and winked.

"Somethin wrong with your eye Uncle Mark?" Milo asked innocently, "you's blinking awful hard."

That released the tension between Mark and Clora, and they both chuckled. "No sport," Mark told the frisky boy as he ran circles around them as they walked back to the house, "one blink got it out."

Back in her kitchen, Clora made up a solution of strong vinegar and super hot water and wiped down the play/school room, the upstairs bathroom and the bedroom the Fowlers had used. All the while humming and singing snatches of the Doxology. It was shocking the relief she felt having that strange woman and her sick kids out of the house.

It was selfish of her to be glad that Mark and Milo wouldn't be exposed to any more colds and sickness than already had happened, Clora felt ashamed, but continued scrubbing her house clean.

Because she had been so busy all afternoon, supper was hamburger gravy over potatoes and the last of the fruitcake. Darkness had fallen on the Hanson homestead when Wayne came driving in the yard and stopped at the sight of his oil lamp lighted windows.

Behind him came the power company and a bucket truck, to check once again why the clan had no electric power.

"Don't" Mark snagged Clora's hand when she went to grab her coat and rush out to see Wayne and explain why Lilly and the girls were down in his house. "He's a big boy Clora, it's time you treated him as such."

"Auntie Clora, can I stay up and watch what they are doing, it's cool with all that up and down thing."

The electric company trucks were ablaze with their auxilliary power flood lights as they raised a man in the boom truck basket to check the wire connections.

"For a while," Mark replied for Clora, he knew how facinating the interest Milo had about the linemen and their work could be. In fact, he went to the living room to sit with Milo and explain the why's and where for's of what the men were doing. Clora just gave them a smile and finished the dishes.

Will got his usual sandwich, but reduced rations of two cookies, Clora was out of the handy snacks and supposed Mark and his trusty sidekick were munching quietly on the missing treats.

"I think I should do a breath check," Clora called out, and was rewarded by a very boyish giggle, that confirmed her suspicions.

Wayne stopped in front of his house, puzzled at the light and shadows moving around inside. When he opened the door, Lilly met him two steps in, waving a large butcher knife under his nose.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Whack a doodle doo Lillie, full in on the paranoid side there girl. I wonder if Wayne is going to be able to work things out with her.

A real treat finding another chapter tonight, thanks Pac.


Thanks for the chapter Pac, I hope Mr. Pac is healing and that you are getting the rest you need. Gods grace and blessings to you and yours.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I hope Lilly wasn't just put where she and the girls could be seen and felt sorry for :(. Thank you Pac and please try to have a good day.

Jeepcats 3


Sorry to hear of MR Pac's unfortunate fall and surgery!
Remember to take care of yourself as well!!!!!!!
Worry and stress takes a high toll of your strength and gumption!

Really appreciate the new chapters but remember you and MR PAC come first!!!!
You are both in my prayers!



Veteran Member

Staring at the wacky, wide eyed, crazed woman; Wayne muttered something that sounded suspiciously like "Lord save me from another crazy female."

Feinting to his right, Lilly reacted as Wayne thought she might do by following his hands with her own. That put the butcher knife within easy reach of his lightening fast left grip. Hand securely on her wrist Wayne closed his fingers tightly, and then closed them more and then some more. Lilly had a wrist the size of Milo's hidden in the baggy sleeves she wore.

"What the hell;" The strong, lanky man sputtered in surprise. "Drop it," he ordered as he pulled the dirty, stretched cotton sweater away from Lilly's arm. She was a caricature of a living human under the bulk of clothes she wore. Wayne had seen pictures of people living in concentration camps that looked healthier than the twig before him.

"I said drop it," he ground out with clenched teeth. "Now!"

Suddenly there was no more fight left in Lilly, and she wilted like a cut flower in the blazing sun. Drooping, she hung her head and simply waited, offering no resistance. The two girl children on the couch looked frozen in fear, clutching at each other but never squeaking a sound.

"Could we please sit down and discuss your apparent self destruction by starvation?" Wayne pulled out a kitchen chair and pointed to it, pulling Lilly to sit down.

Some where in the back of his mind Wayne remembered a long ago, far away desperate attempt to find the Hanson household when he had been beaten beyond hope of living. Lilly had the same look about her.

They ate Vienna sausages and Kippered snacks on crackers for supper, while Wayne pried Lilly's story out of her, one reluctant word at a time.

The gist of it all, she was afraid to eat because then it was too hard to make herself go without food when they were back out on their own. "My girls have to have the food, and I don't want to take too much, so they have none." she whispered as the children ate hungrily. "We have no money and nothing we can offer in skills, for any one to want to take us in."

"I want to hire you as a housekeeper," Wayne proposed, thinking quickly. "I work different shifts all the time and need someone to keep the house clean, make lunches and cook supper for me. I can't pay a lot, but the job comes with room and board for you and your children. Now..." and he looked sternly at Lilly, "I do not expect benefits, if you know what I mean."

Lilly blanched several shades whiter, if that was possible, but nodded slightly.

"I need to check the progress of the electric repair, you would please wash the dishes and clean my lunch pail, and I'll be back with supplies for tomorrows meals." Wayne pulled on his once normal black Carhart coat that was streaked with mud and grease and yanked his wool cap over his head. Out the door he went without looking back.

Scurrying like the agitated mouse she was, Lilly opened the bedroom door and promptly sneezed at the stale and musty smell the closed room emitted. It was very plain no one had been in the room for a long time, so she went to work cleaning the accumulated dust so Alice and Betsy could get to bed.

Outside, Wayne joined Ben and Ev. "Is there any possibility I could have tonight's milking?" he asked Ev, as he was the man with the pail in his hand. Ev handed him the pail and swept his hand toward the barn, indicating he was welcome to help himself to the chores.

"Ben, can I get some bacon and hamburger?" Wayne asked the resident butcher of the farm.

"Sure, I'll get it now if Ev will keep an eye on the gents over there," Ben replied.

It was arranged, and Wayne went to do the chores.

Clora waited as long as she could, before calling Milo to bed. "Ahhh, Auntie Clora I want to watch," he protested with a yawn.

"Hey Sport," Mark called from the living room, "nobody always likes what they have to do, they just do it."

"Okey dokey," the small boy voice was interrupted by another yawn, "let's go Auntie."

Curtains were busy twitching at the windows of the other two homes as Lainey and Cheryl kept close track of who milked and who didn't, and who went for supplies to help the one who did the milking.

Ev talked to the foreman of the electric crew as the man explained they had found a line that had been broken by what they suspected was a rifle shot. Ev shrugged, and replied he had no answer, and that he didn't think anyone had heard shooting going on.

As a thank you for the call out in the nasty weather, Ben sent the five man crew home with a couple packages of hamburger each. He was rewarded with an invitation to call the foreman direct if they had any further problems. The scarce food worth it's weight in gold.

Lainey smiled at her husband when he came in for the night. "I'm sure your one of the good guy's," and she set a brownie and a glass of milk on the table for Ben. Ben's sweet tooth for brownies was legendary, and he pretended to have a swooning attack on the goodie. He threw a smooch at Lainey when she refilled his glass with milk.


Well, at least Lily seems sorta stable. If Wayne and her get together that could be interesting. In the chinese sense of the word, lol.

Sparks will surely fly!



Thank you Pac. It's nice to learn a little more about Lily, but I'm sure there is a lot more of her story to come.


I wonder who cut the power wire with a rifle shot, that's pretty good shooting ether they used a suppressor or were a long way off if no one heard it. Good to find out Lily's story I hope she and the girls find a home with Wayne. Thanks for the new chapter Pac.


Veteran Member

"Why?" Wayne wasn't all the way in the door with the pail of milk before Lilly way peppering him with questions.

"Umm, let's close the door first," Wayne jerked his chin towards the open portal. "The girl's don't need to get chilled." Both hands full he tried to swing his foot at the door, but missed, slopping a bit of the milk over the pail lip.

"OK, you want to know why? Let me put it this way; this family took in a starving, beaten up child that had never known or been shown love in any form and and fed me in all the ways I needed. I was no relation, a child of no value and even less hope for the future. Somebody took a chance on me; and now I'm passing it forward. Does that answer all your questions?"

Lilly looked like she wanted to argue, but merely shook her head and went to shut the door. A gust of wind blew in a few errant snowflakes, telling her what the weather was outside. Shivering in the cold, she retreated to the stove.

"Do you know what to do with the milk?" Wayne questioned as she stared at the pail. "Didn't you help Clora?" at her head shake no, Wayne said, "come here, I'll show you."

Twenty minutes later, Lilly was scalding the clean pail to Wayne's satisfaction. "Air dry it in the drainer and put the milk in the fridge. If the power stays on, it's OK there. If the power is off, there is a cold box in the lean-to when the weather is as cold as it is now. Can you do butter and cottage cheese?"

Once again Lilly shook her head no, and Wayne explained they had to let the milk ripen and skim the cream. "I'll walk you through it, but you need to pay attention." he remarked neutrally; wondering what in the heck the woman had done up at the main house.

Ben and Lainey got their crew ready for bed, and Lainey gratefully sank into the pillowly softness. Ben brushed his teeth and hopped into bed, "I need to go to town tomorrow, do you need anything?" he asked Lainey, but she was already asleep.

Ev settled his crew, and asked Cheryl to the kitchen for a late night talk. "Tomorrow," he said sternly, meaning there was no more procrastination on calling for a doctor's appointment. "I want to be honest here," he started and Cheryl's heart skipped a beat or two at the troubled look on his face.

"I have been thinking on the problems we have experienced, and I want what we had back in Evergreen. That life suited us, and our children. I have never felt as secure as I did in our cabin, on our own land, creating our own living. I'm telling you this, because I want you to think on what I've said. What would you think about moving back to Evergreen and building our own cabin?"


Veteran Member

"Ev, honey are you thinking straight? The forest fire took every thing we had," Cheryl tried reasoning gently.

We don't know that," Ev said stubbornly. "Cheryl, that's the only land I've ever owned. Even burned over it's still ours; and I can't tell you how important it is to have land that belongs to you. I'm an old man and don't have many years left; not enough years to spend it on ground that doesn't belong to us." Ev got up to pace the kitchen floor.

"As much as I love these kids, this is not my land and I need...really need to stand on my own ground before I die." With simple words, Ev tried to convey his intense longing to park his rear on his own soil.

"In a practically way, we can't get in to Evergreen during the winter; can you wait till Spring thaw to go?" Cheryl questioned patiently.

"I've got to go now" Ev stressed forceably.


Maybe Ev left some money buried somewhere, and has decided he needs it now?

Or else he's been part of the "conspiracy" all along, more than just working for the government?

Dang, Pac, now I'm wondering, lol.
