[POL] Who Bush Had To Beat, In Order To Win In 2004

From an acquaintance:

Here is a list of who Bush had to beat, in order to win in 2004:

• The angry, paranoid left, epitomized by the Michael Moore-Howard Dean-Moveon.org wing which now dominates the Democratic party and is bankrolled by --

• George Soros and the big-dollar, deep pocketed limousine liberals on both coasts

• The major news media -- NY Times, the networks (Rather, Brokow, Jennings, Brown-Blitzer, the egregious blowhard Chris Mathews), NPR, MTV and the "youth vote,"

• Jon Stewart, Al Franken and all the other smarty-pants comedians

• Hollywood, including Barbara Streisand, Sean Penn, Warren Beatty, Susan Sarandon, Rosie O'Donnell, Cher, Ben Afflick, and a cast of thousands

• Feminists

• The gays and their agenda

• The university professoriat

• The secular humanists

• The greedy trial lawyers

• Bill and Hillary Clinton

• Jesse Jackson, Rev. Al Sharpton, Julian Bond and the other race hustlers

• The U.N.

• The EU -- Chirac, Schroeder and the Belgium bureaucracy

• European socialist mentality

• European defeatist/pacifist/accomodating attitudes

• Our own Foggy Bottom/State Department crowd

• New York, Boston and San Francisco and lesser elitist groupings such as Berkeley and Madison


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A few more:


NEA (Teacher's Union)


people of low self-esteem that need to identify with the in-crowd



You include both Howard Dean and the media- I offer that the media was complicit with the System in destroying the campaign of Mr. Dean when they realized that a man who was essentially from outside the system was generating enormous grass roots , spontaneous support.
All who celebrate this "victory" have been conned by the shell game known as American democracy I am afraid.


Contributing Member
If the truth be known, the single most happy person today is Hillary....visions of 08 dance in her head....


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I was just thinking the same thing. In fact, the Clintons probably had something to do with the media turning on Dean (which happened well before the YEEEARRRGGHH).


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Almost ready to think Dean & the DNC were in on it. Enflame & encourage the far, far left. Let 'em carry the torch such that a moderate candidate gets burried by incessant main stream media attention to that left. Blow up Dean and Kerry becomes a moderate!! And the Clintons chuckle.

That sounds too convoluted & nutty for even a Bruce Willis movie. I'm spending too much time around here.