[POL] I think both sides, here and the Nation, need to get a grip


Membership Revoked
The US isn't going to fall over today because Kerry conceded. There is no need to commit suicide.

The US isn't going to be a cornucopia because Kerry conceded and Bush is the winner. There is no need to plan for anything other that life as usual.

OBL isn't going to nuke the US. The risk is the same which ever party is in power. He hates the US and the position it takes with regard to Israel. No party can risk the political heat for ditching Israel no matter how much smack they talk.

The House and Senate are still relatively close in numbers. No one has a supermajority to get things done without at least the tacit approval of the other side of the aisle. If Kerry would have won the other side didn't have enough to override a veto without gaining the other party's support for a 2/3 override.

We still have the Civil Service which still runs the day to day operations of the government. Parties can come and go but the Civil Serice workers are still there. Remember your Civics? This was why it was formed to get away from the spoils systems everytime the Presidency changed hands.

The US Supreme Court is still fairly balanced. Conservatives say it is stacked with Liberals and Liberals say it is too conservative. Seems to me with these complaints from both sides it is at the level that is appropriate. Decisions over the last few years has swung from one "side" to the other "side".

The US didn't end up Papist when Kennedy won, we didn't have a nuclear war when Nixon won, we didn't become Communist when Carter won, we didn't militarize space when Reagan won, again no nuclear war when Bush I took office, no socialized medicine when Clinton won, and there was no Cicil War II over Florida voting when Bush II won.

The countries around the world have been disappointed whenever we have elected a President. Others in the world will dislike the United States no matter which side gets elected. They dislike the Nation and use the man in the office of President as the excuse.

If we picked out president based on the wants and polls from other countries would we even be a viable country?

Like I said, take a breath, life goes on.

No matter who is in power we need to watch them like a hawk because, after all, they are politicians.


Membership Revoked
No matter who is in power we need to watch them like a hawk because, after all, they are politicians.
Precisely. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, and the GOP has absolute power in two and half branches of gov. I'm sure Cheney isn't sitting around thinking how he could help out Americans - it's reward time for corporate sponsors. And, it's high-fives all around for getting religious zealot judges appointed, corporate tax breaks approved, even further relaxed environmental regulations, and on and on.

Infrastructure, improving America and Americans' lives, doesn't figure into their vision.


We've been militarizing space since the very first satellite launch, but other than that, well said!



Kennedy’s cabinet, considered quite brilliant, all pushed for war with Russia during the Cuban missile crisis. We would have gone to war excepting for one man. The president of the US, JFK. That’s how powerful the president is. It scares me to think what would have happened if the president had been GWB and it scares me now to think what will happen now that he has unbridled control of this country and we have entered into WW3.
We shall see.... We shall see.....


Veteran Member
I am just so thankful that WE have the FREEDOM to make these choices. As it was said in ealier threads, it is our men and women who are fighting for this right and many dying for this right that you and I are so blessed to have been able to participate in. It is our job to stand by our commander and chief to insure that these men and women are in fact fighting for a cause which is the freedom, safety and security of the U N I T E D States just as former candidate Senator Kerry thankfully stated with much graciousness. Get over it and stand TOGETHER as ONE NATION UNDER GOD! JMHO


can you grip this?

"A new term is a new opportunity to reach out to the whole nation," he said in a victory speech in Washington. "When we come together and work together, there is no limit to the greatness of America."

Speaking directly to supporters of Kerry, Bush said: "I will need your support, and I will work to earn it. I will do all I can to deserve your trust."

talk about your uphill battles! :lol: