Planting Planting and Chat Thread for May 2024


Neither here nor there.

1st – 1st
Kill plant pests on this barren day. Good harvest day.
2nd – 3rd
Fine for vine crops. Set strawberry plants. Good days for transplanting. Favorable time for planting late root crops.
4th – 5th
Poor planting. Fine for cultivating or spraying. Good harvest days.
6th – 7th
First day is a good day for transplanting. First day is also when planted root crops will yield well. Second day is favorable for planting beans, corn, cotton, tomatoes, peppers, and other aboveground crops.
8th – 9th
Any seed planted now will tend to rot.
10th – 12th
Plant seedbeds and flower gardens. Most favorable for corn, cotton, okra, beans, peppers, eggplant, and other aboveground crops.
13th – 17th
A barren period. Favorable for killing plant pests, cultivating, or taking a short vacation.
18th – 19th
Favorable time for sowing hay, fodder crops, and grains. Plant flowers. Excellent time for planting corn, beans, peppers, and other aboveground crops.
20th – 22nd
Plant seedbeds. Excellent for planting aboveground crops, and planting leafy vegetables.
23rd – 24th
Seeds planted now will do poorly and yield little.
25th – 26th
Plant late beets, potatoes, onions, carrots, and other root crops.
27th – 28th
Kill plant pests on these barren days.
29th – 30th
Fine for vine crops. Set strawberry plants. Good days for transplanting. Favorable time for planting late root crops.
31st – 31st
Poor planting. Fine for cultivating or spraying. Good harvest day.


North to the Future
May at last! The month of which I dream all thru the long, cold, very dark winter. Normally have gotten veg and flower starts going before now but spent last month and a half in Wa with ailing brother…but I fly home at three in the morning and will hit the gym first thing, then get going on starts (after a good snuggle and play with the ferrin, which I know have been pining for me).

I should hit the accountability thread, so much to do and very excited for it.


Veteran Member
This year has been on the cold side- temps in the mid-forties by day, and high 30's to 40 at night. However, because all the soil is therefore unfrozen, i have gone ahead and planted seeds of cold-weather plants- kale, lettuce, mesclun, calendula, radish- outside, under clear plastic boxes, totes, saucers, etc. These makeshift coldframes have been very successful at protecting the many germinating seedlings. This is definitely a winning strategy, and easy to boot.
Today the first onion greens appeared- 8 days after planting sets! These are not under protection, just open air. the garlic, planted last September, is up 5 inches and looking robust.


North to the Future
This year has been on the cold side- temps in the mid-forties by day, and high 30's to 40 at night. However, because all the soil is therefore unfrozen, i have gone ahead and planted seeds of cold-weather plants- kale, lettuce, mesclun, calendula, radish- outside, under clear plastic boxes, totes, saucers, etc. These makeshift coldframes have been very successful at protecting the many germinating seedlings. This is definitely a winning strategy, and easy to boot.
Today the first onion greens appeared- 8 days after planting sets! These are not under protection, just open air. the garlic, planted last September, is up 5 inches and looking robust.
Lovely! I hope to come see you this summer…please let me know if I can bring anything since I’m taking my car on the Tusty! <3 Bless you my friend!


Veteran Member
I am still "laid up" as per doctor's orders----(I rushed it the first time and set my self back 6 weeks---I guess stupid does hurt)
No real garden this year
my little orchard is doing great----most of the trees are 4-6 years old and many are bearing for the first time
Lots of peaches and plums as well as several apples and if I am really lucky my first paw paw
I did plant some early tomatoes and my wife put out some squash and peppers but that is the extent of our garden
the potatoes and onions were planted last fall and winter

BUT today we picked our first tomato and first peach

there is a lesson in this for me --always put up more than you need If you have the chance because stuff happens
we usually can more than a years worth at a time and this year it will really help out


Veteran Member
My The Old Farmer's Almanac has dates for setting eggs by the moon. May:1, 17-19, 27, 28. June: 14, 15, 23-25. There are dates for each month. It says the chicks hatched under a waxing moon in Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces are healthier and mature faster.