SCI Physicist discovers that paradox-free time travel is mathematically possible


Knuckle Dragger
New research has unravelled paradoxes at the heart of time travel, making it far more than just the plot of countless Hollywood blockbusters but something that is mathematically possible.
Both scientists and scriptwriters alike have long been fascinated by the prospect of travelling through time. Numerous popular films have also shown that it can result in all sorts of unexpected consequences. One of the major contradictions is known as the ‘Grandfather paradox’.
The paradox holds that any action that alters the past, is a contradiction because the past becomes different from how it was. If you travel back in time and prevent your parents from meeting, how could you be born to travel back in time in the first place?

A physics student from the University of Queensland in Australia says he has unravelled the maths behind time tinkering and made it viable without the paradoxes.
“Classical dynamics says if you know the state of a system at a particular time, this can tell us the entire history of the system,” researcher Germain Tobar explained. “However, Einstein's theory of general relativity predicts the existence of time loops or time travel – where an event can be both in the past and future of itself – theoretically turning the study of dynamics on its head.”
The researcher used the example of the coronavirus pandemic to explain his incredibly dense math. If a time traveller journeyed to the past to stop the disease from spreading, if they were successful there would have been no disease to send them back to eliminate.

However, Tobar’s work found that the virus would still escape in some other way. No matter what the time traveller did, the disease wouldn’t be stopped, so the paradox is removed.
The deeply theoretical work focuses on the influence of deterministic processes on an arbitrary number of regions in the space-time continuum. Tobar demonstrated how both closed timelike curves (which were predicted by Albert Einstein) can fit in with the rules of free will and classical physics.
“The maths checks out – and the results are the stuff of science fiction,” said physicist Fabio Costa from the University of Queensland, who supervised the research.
Tobar’s study was published in the Classical and Quantum Gravity journal.


fish hook

New research has unravelled paradoxes at the heart of time travel, making it far more than just the plot of countless Hollywood blockbusters but something that is mathematically possible.
Both scientists and scriptwriters alike have long been fascinated by the prospect of travelling through time. Numerous popular films have also shown that it can result in all sorts of unexpected consequences. One of the major contradictions is known as the ‘Grandfather paradox’.
The paradox holds that any action that alters the past, is a contradiction because the past becomes different from how it was. If you travel back in time and prevent your parents from meeting, how could you be born to travel back in time in the first place?

A physics student from the University of Queensland in Australia says he has unravelled the maths behind time tinkering and made it viable without the paradoxes.
“Classical dynamics says if you know the state of a system at a particular time, this can tell us the entire history of the system,” researcher Germain Tobar explained. “However, Einstein's theory of general relativity predicts the existence of time loops or time travel – where an event can be both in the past and future of itself – theoretically turning the study of dynamics on its head.”
The researcher used the example of the coronavirus pandemic to explain his incredibly dense math. If a time traveller journeyed to the past to stop the disease from spreading, if they were successful there would have been no disease to send them back to eliminate.

However, Tobar’s work found that the virus would still escape in some other way. No matter what the time traveller did, the disease wouldn’t be stopped, so the paradox is removed.
The deeply theoretical work focuses on the influence of deterministic processes on an arbitrary number of regions in the space-time continuum. Tobar demonstrated how both closed timelike curves (which were predicted by Albert Einstein) can fit in with the rules of free will and classical physics.
“The maths checks out – and the results are the stuff of science fiction,” said physicist Fabio Costa from the University of Queensland, who supervised the research.
Tobar’s study was published in the Classical and Quantum Gravity journal.

When are we leaving/when did we leave/are we there yet/where/when are we?

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
So if you can’t change the outcome of an event, then we live in a controlled simulation.

basically the guy created an algorhythym that has paradox correction built in, but in reality certain major events are meant to happen, will happen, minor events and what not could be reduced off, but, major events which factor into the calculation could not be removed from the equation. WWII was an eventuality, if you remove hitler someone else will take his place, and if that happens that person will get defeated as well. The advancement of electronics is an eventuality as was the rise of social media, nothing could stop it so a different name would take the place of whatever you stopped. It more has to do with equilibrium. There is a natural balance to things that tries to occur as time progresses. The pendulum swings we have seen of late could literally be due to interference from time travelers if we take into account that time travel is an eventuality. There have been enough oddities out there to not discount that time travel is not occurring as if you take that as a possibility it really explains certain odd historical photographs and artifacts. Though like in star trek, there would be a prime directive that would necessitate non interference as changing natural progressions are very bad.


Let's Go Brandon!
When are we leaving/when did we leave/are we there yet/where/when are we?

We're in NOW, now.



Veteran Member
Is this guy getting paid to come up with this shit?

Does it come as a surprise that there are contradicting opinions in the mathematics world?

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Mathematically possible perhaps, but not physically possible

Actually if you go into super string theory and some of the other theories out there time travel is not possible in your dimension but you could hop to a parallel one and alter that one that is however much time behind yours.

Another theory was that the level of energies needed that has to be created, does not exist yet. That time where we have unlimited free energy is slowly approaching as nuclear technology gets miniaturized more and more and becomes ever more safer.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
So if you can’t change the outcome of an event, then we live in a controlled simulation.

Not really........if the multiworld view is correct that all possibilities that could have happened have already happened but if you were to go back in time and "change one" that is different in the time line you came from then you could just follow another time line.........

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Not really........if the multiworld view is correct that all possibilities that could have happened have already happened but if you were to go back in time and "change one" that is different in the time line you came from then you could just follow another time line.........

Think of time travel like the tv show sliders. The kicker is to find your universe otherwise you are lost in the multiverse...

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
A mathematician on a FB group is taking a look at the original paper -- her initial comment was that it looked like there was a bit of handwavium involved.

It took a fair bit of digging to find a reference to the equations:
The formatting would remove all the math if the article were copied.

The short answer is there is math, it looks ok, but they are taking theoretical values and basically saying that for every action a counter action occurs that will counter any mathematical operations.

If you have read up on truth language which is summed up as the flow of language follows mathematical paradigms and as long as you write documents with a specific form you can have very stout legal documents.

The same can somewhat be said of stock market performance and lottery performances. Most lotto winners are broke inside of a few years so even altering that would not change much.

To put it another way imagine the current summation of past, present, and future as a giant gelatin mould. You can poke it and make it move, You can poke through it to access any point, but, it will attempt to self repair, some damage will remain, but it will jiggle or ripple, but it will attempt to return to its original form before being poked. Now those echos or ripples as it reforms and attempts to return to the original form are where things would appoint different things to cause the same historical events to happen.

The paper is an initial aha I have an idea moment. The math and further research is something that someone could create a whole career around. Though I will say that things are getting to a point where it is possible to summarize many if not all things to mathematical equations.

The line between man and machine is blurring. prosthetics and biology are becoming one and the same. 3-d printed organs from patient's own stem cells. instant access to the collective works of humanity. AI that is able to approximate some human behaviors. Job automation that is starting to eliminate jobs though at this point it is more eliminating back breaking work.

As things advance more I think that more things are going to be condense stuff down to math. A requirement as AI and automation takes more and more things over.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB

Nothing follows

The same could have been said of quarterion math when it came out first.

For now the way the thing is jumbled together it just appears that yes it was just a thought with no basis to back it up yet. I do not think the math he is looking for exists yet, but, I think this is the first time I recall of seeing time explained in mathematical yes I could actually somewhat agree with you vestige...but I also know that stuff like this is the beginning of things.

Steel Chips

Veteran Member
Subcommander T'Pol: "The Vulcan Science Directorate has determined that time travel is impossible."

Some researchers believe there might be parallel universes. If time travel becomes possible I don't think a paradox would affect an existing timeline. I think it would create a new parallel universe. But returning to your own timeline might be a problem. It could be an interesting group discussion under the influence of alcohol.


Geezer (ret.)
So if you can’t change the outcome of an event, then we live in a controlled simulation.
I have often thought this life was a controlled simulation of sorts. It just seems that some things are meant to happen no matter what you try to do to stop or alter it. Yeah, I hear the Twilight Zone theme too. :rolleyes:


Let's Go Brandon!
Subcommander T'Pol: "The Vulcan Science Directorate has determined that time travel is impossible."

Some researchers believe there might be parallel universes. If time travel becomes possible I don't think a paradox would affect an existing timeline. I think it would create a new parallel universe. But returning to your own timeline might be a problem. It could be an interesting group discussion under the influence of alcohol.

And everyone knows that the Vulcan Science Directorate is never wrong....

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB

Quarternions are a unit of measure used to measure movement in a three dimensional space but did not come into wider usage until later in the 21st century.

Quaternions were introduced by Hamilton in 1843.[7] Important precursors to this work included Euler's four-square identity(1748) and Olinde Rodrigues' parameterization of general rotations by four parameters (1840), but neither of these writers treated the four-parameter rotations as an algebra.[8][9] Carl Friedrich Gauss had also discovered quaternions in 1819, but this work was not published until 1900.[10][11]