CORONA Perdue Farms Chicken Plant Workers Walk Out over Coronavirus Fears


TB Fanatic
Why should their employers "throw them a bone"? They agreed to do a job for a certain amount of money. They can't stop in the middle of the job and blackmail the employer. If they are at the end of a contract period they can walk off and not get paid but otherwise, they need to honor their agreement to work.

And, if they are green card holders when they walk off the job they may be in violation of either a civil or criminal code and therefore they should lose that green card status.

I don't want slavery but they aren't working for slave wages either. And they'd be working for far less in their country of origin.

If they are illegals then deport their butts. Period.

And before the unions get involved they better make sure all of those workers are here legal and have the right to retain their green cards. Let's see another couple of rounds of checking on employment statuses at places like this.

Sorry, I just have zero sympathy when it comes to blackmail.

Dealt with a worker today that tried to pull similar crap. I fired him after giving him multiple chances, and made sure that his firing wasn't only about his fear of the corona virus. He's been falling down on the job, been late multiple times, and certain items have gone missing from his truck inventory. He's already been replaced. Less than an hour later. Another may go the same way tomorrow. I've already sent in the paperwork that will prevent him from getting unemployment no questions asked. There will have to be a hearing to determined if he qualifies now and now such hearings are being scheduled for a bit. Momma don't play 'cause I have a family to feed too. You sign a contract then you better hold up your end because we absolutely do and then some.

Bullshit the company has the responsibility to keep them safe, if they are not sanitizing and are not protecting them from know possible carriers and not providing them the means to protect themselves, They suck, the employees should walk off. The employees should bring it to the publics attention. As a medic we had the tools we needed to go into biohazard situations. Mask Ty-vex or gowns bootys etcetc I utilized them when the need arose. Every time I wouldnt want to carry that crap home.

Althought my employer was the best employer I had in my life. He also had problems that could have cost people, For instance Drugs some out of date. Reasons national shortages on certain drugs and then drugs that could be had he didn't buy. State came in one day said hey medic your truck doesnt need to be inspected for 3 months I may not make it I will just do it now. Okay lets go. Get out in the truck me. Not my fault due to drug shortages nation wide I have expired drugs on my truck. I have them all secured and marked with tape with dates they went out and do not use. She said okay anything else I said some meds we have that are out of date for 2 months that we should be able to get are out of date and I have taped them as well. She said why? I said ask them! She gathered my out of date meds went in and and set them on the desk and said how more trucks have expired meds, get them all off I will be back in a week to inspect all the trucks. In 4 days we had meds replaced except those on the national shortage. BUT they went as far as to order 30 mg 30 ml vials of epi for us to mix in codes. She came back and passed the trucks. But had she not come in, there is no telling how long they would have let it gone.

Is it any different? They have entire crews that do nothing but sanitation are they not working? Doing there jobs? I worked on that on a line like that in 88-90 and it is elbow to elbow de boning chicken, its a heck of a fun job, when everyone is healthy but as soon as someone gets sick the whole plant gets sick? Why people do not call in they are afraid of getting fired for calling in. Points so many points you go home permanently.


Veteran Member
There are those running things that shouldn't be there. They aren't real leaders , they are in denial and can't adjust. I see it every day in my work . Construction was allowed to continue working under conditions . One trade at site at a time and workers keep distance . Well it has always been push push push and the leaders don't know. How to stagger the schedule they don't know how to communicate it's not working . I tried to tell them to calm the ****ing down ,times are different if we want to keep working we have to step up and do this right
At times like these the real leaders shine and the pretenders stand there frozen wondering why things are different . I expect governor Cuomo to add construction to the stop list by the weekend. It's a frighten shame because it could have worked if not moron developers and moron contractors not willing to change ,even for a little while.


Disaster Cat
If they are not even trying to keep people safe, then the "contract" is already broken; as I said folks doing the same work in Northern Ireland started walking away too.

Or as a colleague said after she had trouble breathing and I violated a direct order from my boss not to call and I called an ambulance anyway (which was a good thing because otherwise she probably would have died):

"You can always get another job, but you can't get another life."

This was after she was "ordered" to come into work about a day after getting out of the same hospital!

Ultimately we were both OK (Federal Employees), but even if they had fired us there is a time when you simply have to do the right thing.

Kathy in FL

Y’all sure are ready to believe the media this time around. When is the last time the media could be trusted to tell the whole truth of a story?

Those places aren’t Disney to work at but I’ve been in enough of them to know they have lots of rules they have to follow. The line managers have to be real bulldogs about it because it is the workers that try and slide by the rules.

This sounds like an attempt to get a union set up. Sorry, not sorry if every one that walks off gets fired bi hope they do. I also hope those that hold green cards get deported as a result as well. I do not want to see that socialist crap in this country.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Our JIT system is a continuous process. Interrupt one step and the whole thing jambs up."

end quote Millwright"
I worked at a hog farm/factory

3 barns w/2000 hogs each barn

myself and 1 other guy ran the place

if (while loading to slaughterhouse) one of the hogs broke its leg, etc

(happens fairly often)

that hog could not be loaded on the truck

it would plug up the line at destination

we tried to find a friend or someone who wanted free/cheap$50 meat

if not.. the hog was dispatched and buried, or went to dumpster

my freezer was full all the time I worked there


Veteran Member
Not that I think the supply line is already seeing the effects of the Purdue walkout, but DH went to Costco today and there was no chicken to be had. I may go to the grocery in the morning. I have severe asthma and could technically qualify as medically compromised. Also, my very grey hair makes me look over 60.


Disaster Cat
Well when two different plants on different sides of the Atlantic have low-paid employees (who probably really need their jobs) walking out for the same reasons - little or no personal protective equipment and a refusal to practice social distancing and/or admit they can't do it and have to either stop production or shut down to re-arrange the work lines; I'd say that indicates there may be a real problem.

The issues in the Northern Irish plant sounded identical and in that case, I don't think it was just the media wanting to "stir things up" either.

I had a friend that used to work in the plant up North and while it was a horrific job, most of the people who worked there really needed the money and most wouldn't risk being fired unless they were desperate.

Kathy in FL

Well when two different plants on different sides of the Atlantic have low-paid employees (who probably really need their jobs) walking out for the same reasons - little or no personal protective equipment and a refusal to practice social distancing and/or admit they can't do it and have to either stop production or shut down to re-arrange the work lines; I'd say that indicates there may be a real problem.

The issues in the Northern Irish plant sounded identical and in that case, I don't think it was just the media wanting to "stir things up" either.

I had a friend that used to work in the plant up North and while it was a horrific job, most of the people who worked there really needed the money and most wouldn't risk being fired unless they were desperate.

Lots of people on this side of the pond have already fallen to the lure of the "free crap checks." They figure if they make enough noise, squeak enough, someone will start throwing money their way. One of the first bitches out of their mouth was, according to the article, that they weren't being giving something similar to hazard pay. They deserve more.

I hope they kept walking when they walked off to have their little protest. If they were so freaking scared of the virus, why were they clumping together and protesting? Just proves they were out to manipulate the system and it wasn't true fear driving their actions.


The Great Cat
I'm torn in this situation.

I don't know for sure if the military are getting hazard pay but my guess I'd say yes.

med workers are not getting hazard pay.

"Essential personal" grocery, pharmacy, etc aren't getting hazard pay, that I know of.

My hubby works in grocery, exposed everyday, could bring home the virus at any time. No hazard pay.

Am I grateful my hubby has a job, yes very. Doesn't mean that companies shouldn't take every precaution necessary to provide him with a safe working environment.

The workplace has changed overnight. Employers by law have to provide a SAFE working environment and standard. If these "essential business" can't get on board with the new requirements they should be called out about it. New regulations are going to cost the company money they didn't expect but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't have to do the extra safety measures to protect they're employees AND the items they are producing

And yes I know that if the employees don't like it they can quit thats their choice. What is NOT a choice is employers NOT providing a safe workplace. That's the law unless your a subcontractor, which in that case you fall back to what is in your employment contract.

Point is everyone is having to make adjustments to everyday life. why should employers be any different? Because it hurts they're bottom line? Bullshit!!! Everyone's bottom line is shot.

Yeah you don't have to work there but companies also don't have to make an already shitty job more dangerous because they don't want to provide protective equipment.