Story Over the River and Through the Woods


Veteran Member

At breakfast Friday morning, Clora reminded everyone to keep Saturday morning open for potato digging. "Nobody is exempted," she warned looking at Bruce and Tricia, who had hoped to sneak away and do some farm land hunting.

Tricia had a guilty look, but Bruce tried a bluff and got shot down.

"I told you I had a truth meter, so don't give me the look that your sorely put upon," Clora scolded and then laughed at the little pouty face Bruce tried to make. "If we all dig, it will be done in a couple of hours. Everybody eats, so everybody digs."

"Yes Mother," Bruce smarted off, "can I go play at Tricia's when we're done." The new teasing Bruce was as big a pain and the old scowly angry one.

Clora gave him a level look and started slowly advancing toward Bruce with the pancake turner. The kids were all cheering and yelling, "Run Uncle Bruce, run, You'll be sorry if Ma catches ya."

Mark and Tricia were laughing like crazy, Toby and Rennie were coming in the door and ran to take their kids out of harms way. When who should come running down the lane but Milo and two buddies. Cody and another red headed kid that could have been Milo's twin brother.

"Look what I found. I'm Milton Charles and he is Charles Milton Burton. Ma, Dad, he has to be my twin."

Clora and Mark looked amazed, as did everybody else. Mark took the opportunity to carefully and gently ease the pancake turner away from Clora and she turned to give him a 'look'.

"My goodness gracious," Clora invited everyone to sit down, "Have breakfast and tell us your story. We are astounded. We never knew the Burtons had twins."

Lemmie was busy making more pancakes and Hank got up so there was another chair and went to supervise the eggs that were cooking.

Charles Burton was an uncanny mirror twin of Milo. He was introduced, given a plate of food and was too hungry to talk right away. Cody accepted his plate from Mandy and winked at her. Milo was too wound up to eat.

"Charlie is a year older than I am, but his birth certificate says he was born in Portland on my birth date, a year sooner. I just knew this would blow you guys away, so we got passes to come show you."

"Eat guys, while I go get Milo's birth certificate," Mark ordered. He was gone for a short time and returned with the paper. When he held it up to the sunlight streaming in, it was easy to see the year date had been tampered with.

"Well, I'll be, I never noticed this before. So tell us Charlie, you are a Burton?" Mark was used to grilling young recruits and Charlie snapped out the answers with a "yes Sir" every other word.

"My Mother and Father are Francis and Nelson Burton and I'm from Dover-Foxcroft, Maine. Milo tells me his parents were Fanny and Norm Burton, Sir. Ahh, I've got to tell you Sir that this has made my parents very upset, and they won't talk to me about it Sir."

Clora went over to put her hands on both boys shoulders and then smiled at the two. "Yes you are twins and I'm delighted to meet you Charles, we always knew Milo was special, now there is proof."

Over on the other side of the kitchen, Tess was busy emptying the dishwasher and keeping a fascinated eye on the two boys. Her face had brightened and to Mark, who happened to see the change, was beginning to wonder.

Benny came down the hall, sniffing for breakfast and he looked at Milo. "Well I'll be danged, look what the cat drug in. How are ya ugly?" and he took a swipe at Milo.

Milo, hiding behind Clora broke up in laughter. "Hi ya ugly yourself, I'm Milo and that's Charley."

"Well geeze, I'm not sure there's room in the world for two of ya lookin that bad." Benny went to pound on Milo in good fun. Brother tested brother in a little shoving match and they were close to being equal.

"How come you get to lay around and are just getting up?" Milo jabbed at Benny.

"I worked the night shift last night and didn't get home till past three. They're cutting corn and we had tractors in for repair."

"Well now, if ya want to talk about a scruffy looking mug, look in the mirror," Milo shot back. "You're plumb ugly and probably broke the mirror in your room."

The young men gathered down at the lower end of the table and roared and teased and insulted each other in good fun.

Cody was standing in the kitchen close to the stove talking with his Grandmother, drinking coffee.

To Mark's eye, he had filled out and come into his manhood with a tall, ram rod posture and the confidence a man gets when he knows he is doing his best.

"This is your last year," Mark commented when Cody sat down between Toby and Mark.

"Yes Sir, and you will never know how grateful I am. It's been an opportunity beyond riches Sir."

"Good. Do your best and I'll be well paid." Mark affirmed. Then he said in a lower voice, "Did you come for one last look, just to be sure?"

"Yes Sir." Cody replied, and didn't elaborate further. He had a picture he passed to Mark. A striking blonde in a pearl grey silk looking dress, nearly as tall as Cody in his dress uniform. "Our engagement photo." he said proudly.

Mark smiled nodded and passed the picture to Clora who passed her hand over it and smiled. "She's beautiful Cody, when is the date?"

"The first Saturday in June. Your invited," and he passed out cream colored envelopes from his inside pocket, "I had Christiana choose the same date as graduation so Grandma and Hank could come to both."

"You can see they are thrilled," Clora enthused and smiled at Lemmie who was talking a mile a minute.

"Ah Sir, could I speak to you a minute in private," Cody asked and he and Mark disappeared down the hall to the office.

Once in the privacy of the office, Cody started to pace, he was so nervous. "Sir, there is a situation. Christiana's parents are very rich, well connected and down right snobby . I don't want Grandma's feelings hurt, and I know they will be. The first time she belt's out a 'possum snot,' some of those old dames will faint."

Mark had to laugh and then wipe the grin off his face. "I'm sorry Cody, your Grandma is such a treasure to us, that she's irreplaceable. As for being looked down on, from what Lemmie has told us, it's happened before. You be very sure you want the woman and not the sense of entitlement. She looks like a handful, are you ready?"

"Yes Sir I am," he said in a meaningful way, "real ready." and they shared a laugh.

Breakfast was a disorganized mess, and Clora hoped the hungry got everything to eat that they wanted. She shooed the rowdy young men outside as they were so noisy.

Poor little Julie was folded up in Bruce's arms, shaking like a leaf. Toby was surprised that Bruce was so gentle with her, and then a big roar went up outside and Julie was so scared she wet her pants. Most of the wet was absorbed by Bruce's pants and he got a real shaken look on his face.

Clora walked over and lightly wacked him in the back of the head. "Take the poor darling and give her a bath," she ordered, and then winked at Tricia.

TJ was sitting securely on Toby, and Clora walked over and tweaked his big toe. "What were you in trouble for yesterday?"

TJ looked at Grandma from under his lashes in a very innocent and beguiling look. He then looked at Rennie and she said, "well what did you do?"

TJ patted his chest and then made a scissors cutting motion with his first two fingers and the pointed to Duncan.

"Oh, that was naughty, it's a good thing you didn't get in the atrium, I probably would have swatted your behind if I had known that." Clora scolded. TJ grinned as he looked at Toby, and then made a rubbing motion on his chest and pointed to Mark and then Clora.

Toby laughed, "You've been found out Mom and Dad. Don't you use your room?" and he laughed loud enough that Mark came to see what was happening.

"Get out of here, I need to clear the table." As she picked up the first glass the bus tooted, and there were no kids ready.

"I'll wave him on," Mark went to the door. "Where the heck are Liz and Luke?"

The missing twins were hanging on Milo, their Milo; one on each side and he had his arms around them. They missed their brother.


Veteran Member

When the families cleared out, the young men came back in the house to sit in the living room and talk with Mark and Clora.

"Begging your pardon Sir, are you the Colonel Linderman that is the decorated sniper?" Charley asked out of the blue.

"I am," Mark gave a quiet response, and wondered where this young Milo lookalike got his information.

"There is a large display of your medals in the library Sir, you are very famous and many wonder why you donated them instead of keeping them personally, Sir." Charley seemed fascinated with Mark and stared all the time he was talking.

"Because that's not anyone's business," Mark said in the same calm voice, "that part of my life is a closed chapter."

"Oh, begging your pardon Sir, I didn't mean to put my foot in my mouth, I apologize." Charley backed off immediately. Next, his eyes were drawn to Tess as she came in and sat down on the other side of Clora.

"Dad, I didn't realize you were a Colonel." Milo was impressed and said so.

Mark just smiled and said nothing. His classic response to a question or line of thinking he wanted his son's to give up. Usually they got the hint, right away.

"I wanted to save the rest of the story until you could be here, Ma and Dad. Charley doesn't know that we have an older brother and a younger one." Milo was laughing at the expression on his twin's face. "Ronnie Burton is a vicious little punk, a multi time murderer and con man that tried to kill Ted and me several times. Looks just like us, not hard at all to tell he's related. We are all hoping he was killed in the West Coast Flood."

Milo made a face at Tess, just to make her laugh. She did,

"Now our younger brother is a real pain in the rear, Ted Linderman is at MIT and you would think he's the smartest man in the world by the way he acts. I'm scared to death that he might be, and where will that leave the rest of us?" Milo had an audience and he was making the most of it. "Another pea in the pod, looks just like us two."

"Hey," Benny objected, "keep your jokes to your self, that one was terrible."

"And yours are so great?" Milo jabbed. "What's the matter with you? You seem off your feed this morning?"

"A lot going on around here that you don't know about, c'mon down to my room and I'll fill you in." Benny stood up and scratched his chest, stretched and ambled toward the hall. Milo would either come or he wouldn't.

Tess got up and faded away, moving to her room rather than interrupt the conversation happening between Cody and Lemmie in the kitchen.

Clora called Luke and Liz to stay in the living room, rather than follow the young men as they wanted to do. Then she looked at Mark. "Colonel, I'm very impressed, no wonder you feel so disrespected in your own home."

"Clora," Mark warned and then smiled. "I'm not a colonel now, just plain old Mark and I like it that way."

Lake Lili

Veteran Member
We have a Colonel (Marines, Vietnam, Ret.) in our congregation. He was a mustang. One of the finest men I have known. After his service, he returned home to Newfoundland. He doesn't speak about his service either, but he sure can put the starch back into the young men and the missionaries.


Veteran Member

"I don't feel disrespected, I want you to know that." Mark and Clora sat close on the couch, talking with their heads together. "I get what I need and want most right here; a wife that knows I'm wonderful and worth loving, children that are growing with love and respect. Those are my riches and I am wealthy beyond the wildest imagination. I see that little frown you get when some big revelation like this comes along and you have self doubts. Honestly Clora, I don't know how to convince you. You get that stubborn Hanson pout to your lips and I'm not sure you even hear what I'm saying."

"You're right, I do feel inadequate when I find these things out. They kind of blindside me Mark, they portray you in such a different light, I have trouble reconciling the 'you' now to the 'you' then. When I find out you have been a Colonel, that is a social plane I've never been on, wouldn't know how to act if I were. You know so many astonishing people, and I am so plain. I worry about that, that I am so dull."

"Never dull, sweet Clora. Who else but you would threaten a six foot three doctor that outweighs you by a hundred pounds with a pancake turner. He did think you were joking, but I knew better." Mark trailed his fingers down Clora's jaw and then down her throat to the top of her most recent scar. That's where he felt them.

Tucked along side the folded ridge of skin, hidden in the scar tissue was a rice grain transmitter. In fact there were two of them, end to end.


Veteran Member
Dam! Are their no doctors with enough backbone to refuse to implant those abominations? Sorry for the language. Thank you Pac.


Brown Coat

wonder if mark went and found the Doc who did it and asked him persuasively if he could get some info out of him.

Guess with two docs living there getting them removed is possible.



Veteran Member
Is EVERYONE in on the plan to keep track of Clora and Mark's family? Is there no place they can escape those who would control them? Looks like they need to get the scanner going and go over everyone.


Veteran Member

Mark was all for ordering the world to stop turning, so he could get Clora checked over immediately. The dread of what he had found, had Mark reaching for the top button on Clora's shirt. "Mark," her hiss and grip on his hand reminded him that they were in the middle of the living room with a house full of people.

"Oh, I take it you don't want me to look here in the living room."

"Listen Buster, that pancake turner isn't far away from here, behave yourself for heaven's sake. If you think this is bad, wait till Toby tells you, what TJ has been saying."

"He's probably telling that Grandpa loves Grandma," Mark smirked.

Bruce happened to come into Mark's narrowed vision.

"Where are you going?" Mark snapped, "I need you to look at something, stay here." Bruce reacted by raising his eyebrow and stopping near the end of the couch. Shoving his hands in his pockets, Bruce waited

Something must be the matter with Clora, Mark never got snappy or angry unless she was involved. He was correct.

"Help me lift her off the couch, I don't want to pull on her incision," he ordered Bruce, and the kitchen talk stopped as they watched Mark and Bruce lift Clora and then Mark hustle her down the hall.

"Get down here," Mark ordered Bruce once again, and Bruce looked at Lemmie and shrugged. He didn't know what was going on, but he went. Better safe than sorry, when the head lion was roaring like that.

Clora was clutching the front of her shirt together and backing up toward the bed and Mark was issuing orders.

"Is Tricia here?"

"No she's gone to work."

"Then you'll do, get over here." Mark was in no mood to tarry, Clora had those terrible things in her and he wanted them out NOW!

"Ahh, just exactly what is it you want me to do?" Bruce tried a safe beginning, wondering if he was really going to regret this.

By this time, Clora was up against the wall, and Mark was prowling closer. Clora looked at Mark's eyes and said, "he's out of control, I don't know what is the matter but no one is taking my shirt off until I say so. Mark, what is this all about?" Mark didn't answer, cause he couldn't answer, he was scared.

Bruce went to put his hand on Mark and Clora got him stopped just in time. "For God's sake, don't touch him, he'll tear you apart."

"Bruce, please shut the door and lock it." Voices could be heard coming toward the room. "Mark, not you or anyone else is going to touch me until you get control and tell me what this is all about." The Princess had spoken and the imperious tone finally got to the panicked man. Mark stopped and rubbed his face, took several deep gulps of air and tried to say normally, "you have transmitters in you and I want Bruce to take them out."

Clora looked at Mark until he was forced to look at her. "Thank you, now tell me where they are." Mark made a movement like he'd rather show her and Clora stopped him. "Sit down," she ordered and motioned to Bruce to pull the chair over for Mark. Still breathing hard, Mark looked with distain at the chair.

"I said sit," Clora started toward Mark and forced him backwards into the chair. Mark sat.

Other than moving the chair, Bruce was absolutely still. He had the sudden revelation of exactly how dangerous Mark could be, Clora too, for that matter. Whatever he thought Clora might, or might not be, she seemed to be the only one that could control Mark when he got in such a state.

"Now where?" Clora demanded Mark respond.

"In the fold of your scar. I found two and there maybe more." Mark was trembling, his Clora was in danger.

"Alright, I am going to lay on the bed and Mark I want you over here to hold my hand, this is going to hurt." And Clora moved Mark to the other side of the bed and he leaned over to take her hand. "Listen Mark, if I groan or gasp or cry, you are not to hit Bruce, do you understand."


Clora looked up at Bruce, "Stay aware, he'll lash out as a reflex and I'll try not to make any noise. Be careful, they feel like their energized and they may shock you."

Bruce was shaking his head. He had never been involved in such spy and dark mystery stuff as happened to this family. "I've got to go get my bag. I don't have anything here but my bare hands," and he held them up.

"Please don't say anything as of yet. I will let the family know later."

Bruce nodded, "I need alcohol, and several towels." Clora nodded. She made a shooing motion with her fingers for him to get going. Calmly she sent Mark into their bathroom for supplies and a stack of towels. "Help me sit up so I can put these towels under me," Clora was giving Mark work, to keep him calm. "Please roll this towel so I can snug it up tight against me. Same for the other side, please."

Clora undid her shirt buttons and had Mark put a towel cover each side of her for modesty. Bruce was back with his medical bag and set it on the bed.

"Did you lock the door?" she questioned, "otherwise we won't be able to keep TJ out."

Clora was the only calm one, but they got ready and Bruce has to sit in the chair to be low enough to see the problem.

"Please hold my hand Mark," Clora drew a shuddering breath.

There were six of the transmitters lined up end to end. "Look carefully, are they hooked together or do they have wires on the back side running into my body like a defibulator?"

Now that was a novel idea to Bruce and he said so. The two men looked and Clora did have six of the rice grains implanted. There were also marks on her person that looked like they might be where some had been put into her skin.

"I've got to wash, you too Mark, I'll need help getting into my gloves. There's no chance we could wait for Trish to get home so she could assist me, that would be the best."

Mark growled "NO", and Bruce figured he'd better just shut up.

"I hate to do this, this is going to hurt and bleed like crazy." Bruce said aloud, hoping Mark would change his mind.

The head lion gave Bruce a look that detailed what was going to happen if he didn't get to work.

Bruce did the first cut swift and sure. Clora gasped and held on to Mark for all she was worth. The transmitters were not hooked together and didn't seem to have filaments extending from them. Five more cuts later and they were all out and laying on the towel.

Clora was sweating hard and Mark dabbed at her forehead with a towel. Bruce turned his attention to the other marks on Clora's skin. "Mark I need your index finger to rub right here," and he placed the forefinger on the light red scar. "Very gently move your finger back and forth, what do you feel?"

Mark actually had to use pressure to feel through the skin, and when he pressed hard enough to feel, Clora gave a cry. "It burns terribly," she said between breaths, panting to control the pain.

Bruce used his gloved finger to test the depths. "Mark, Clora, I can't cut that deep, not with out antiseptic, anesthesia and a way to control the blood. There are several marks that look the same, let me put a ring around them with a marker. How do you find the other transmitters if you don't find them by feel?"

"I have a locator, several in fact." Mark went to desk for the newest and oldest one he had. Clora had several on each side.

"The rest of this has to be done in a hospital. In places that's a half inch deep cut, and I will not do that here." Bruce firmly said.

"Then get her into surgery," Mark demanded, "I knew there had to be a reason she wasn't healing as she should. When I get my hands on that Doctor, I'll kill him." Mark said with clenched teeth.

"I find it impossible to believe Dr. Hoffman would do something like this; you also have to suspect the recovery time, when Clora was still under and wouldn't have felt these being implanted."

"Do they look like the same as the others?" Bruce asked as he used the towel to press against several of the cuts that wanted to keep bleeding.

"So far, yes. The deeper ones, who knows?"

Mark reached over with the towel in his hand and held it gently against Clora. "What are you feeling?" he questioned softly.

"The terrible sadness," Clora replied, "the hopeless, useless sadness. Guys, just don't take those apart, they might activate the others in me." That was another part of the problem they had missed; they would have to make sure they got them all out.
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Veteran Member
Pac I have said it before and will say it again You are amazing, thank you for the new chapters. Somebody is really persistent in keeping the members of the family chipped. I do believe that Mark is not happy and that someone is going to to pay for his unhappiness.



Veteran Member
Here I sit tense and worried almost jumped a couple of times reading that. Don't know how you do that but keep it up, I love it! Thank you Mrs. P.


Veteran Member

"You are one damn tough lady," Bruce said aloud, "no body else could have done that. How about a couple of pain pills?"

Clora nodded. Her teeth were clenched so tight, it was difficult to unlock her jaw. Clora didn't feel very tough, she hurt.

"I've got to go, I'll bring home reinforcements," Bruce promised. He unlocked the door and then went back for his Doctor's bag. In that split second pause, TJ shot into the room and launched himself at Clora on the bed.

His hard little head hit Clora squarely on the breast bone where her incisions had been made for the open heart surgery. Clora screamed in pain and then TJ happened to notice she was covered and surrounded by bloody towels.

The little child that wouldn't say a word was screaming his head off in remembrance of other bloody scenes. It was the breakthrough that they needed and had prayed for, but it had come at a price. Mark reached over and bodily lifted TJ straight up so he wouldn't bump Clora.

TJ was fighting him like a buzz saw, and in the few seconds it took Toby to get to the bedroom, Mark started to over balance and fall on Clora with the squirming youngster. Toby got there in time to push against TJ, giving Mark time to get a knee on the bed to balance himself. Bloody towels were going everywhere, and Clora was exposed and bleeding again as TJ's flailing legs got closer and closer to her.

Bruce was roaring like a fog horn and excited people were pushing and shoving to see what was the matter. Dawg was late to the party and he started barking and growling, thinking Mark was in danger from Toby.

Clora felt like she was really going to get hurt, so with effort she put her fingers in her mouth and whistled.

The shrill noise stopped everyone but TJ and he was screaming out of control. "Let me have him," Clora demanded, "everybody else OUT"

Mark and Toby had a problem. They were tented over Clora with TJ screaming and writhing, in their hands, Off balance and with equal pressure on the child to keep from crashing into Clora, Mark was yelling for Bruce and Hank to come help them.

Clora put her hand over her eyes and attempted to cover herself up. Toby on the closest side was leaning hard against the bed and preventing Clora from drawing the sheet up. Toby was sweating, it was damn hard not to stare at the red bloody scar running down the center of Ma, he didn't know what had gone on in here, but somebody better have some pretty good answers.

Benny and Milo were the first strong kids to fight their way in the door and they each grabbed a guy to steady them.

"Who has a better grip on TJ, you or me?" Mark spit out.

"I think you do," Toby replied.

"On the count of three, you let go and whoever's behind me pull me hard so TJ misses Clora as he comes down. Bruce rushed over to help Benny and Mark counted 1.. 2..3.. They came apart and TJ bounced on the bed. He was fighting to get to Clora and she held out her arms for him.

Once Milo and Toby got their balance and Milo happened to look at Ma all bloody, and now with new blood pooling everywhere and the bloody towels all around, he fainted. He pushed Toby on the way down and Toby fell over the bed and on Clora's legs.

Mark, Bruce and Benny crashed backwards into the wall and when Benny fell he was nose to mattress with a blood soaked towel full of Ma's blood. He threw up.

Bruce scrambled to his feet, and reached out and hauled Toby up off Clora, and Toby crashed against the wall and fell on Milo.

Mark had hit his head on a corner of the night stand and he was out like a light.

Clora had the hysterically sobbing TJ close to her chest and his head protectively held in the crook of her neck. She was crooning softly to him to ease his fright.

Toby shook his head to clear the stars and came up snarling at Bruce. "What went on in here, why all the blood?" and almost instantly Benny was on the other side of Bruce and the two boys were fighting mad; ready to tear the doctor apart.

Clora had to whistle again. "Please, someone clean up the vomit, it's making me sick. Open the window to get fresh air in here, get Milo out to the couch, get Mark picked up and put on the bed, everybody else, please leave," her pitiful voice got every one to moving.

"Your not moving," Toby threatened Bruce, "what went on in here? And it had better be a good excuse." Toby was dark eyed mad and his disposition matched Bennys.

"Your Mother had many transmitters in her. They are something your Dad knows about and like the kind I took out of you." Bruce was calm on the outside, but that was the only place.

"Why so much blood?" Benny was equally as nasty sounding as Toby.

"The six transmitters your Dad found were located in her latest surgery scar." Benny forgot and looked at Clora and promptly needed to throw up again. He rushed for the open window to heave the rest of his breakfast.

Toby took a over large breath and apologized to Bruce. "I'm sorry, but you have to realize what it looked like when we got in here after Ma screamed."

"Apology accepted, now get that kid out of here and somebody get a mop and all you people in the door way, GET THE HELL OUT OF THE WAY."

Cody came in to pick up Milo and he got big eyes and felt woozy when he saw all the blood, "Move," Bruce yelled, "get him out of here," That snapped Cody into action and he bent over to grab Milo under the arms and went right on the floor himself.

Bruce was shaking his head, he closed his eyes, shook his head again and looked at his patient. Clora was watching him. "Bruce, would you please cover me with a towel, I have blood running everywhere." she asked with dignity.

At her side, TJ was crying his heart out, and Clora was rubbing and comforting the small boy. Toby moved Cody, and Benny handled Milo, dragging the two men on the floor. That moved people faster than anything as the exertion to move the well muscled men had them pulling hard.

Lemmie got there with the mop and she happened to look at the bed and she rocked back and forth on her heels, ready to throw the long wooden handle right at Clora as she slid to the floor. Bruce stuck his head out the door and bellered for Hank to come get Lemmie, she was going to faint.

Bruce let her faint, but he did grab the mop handle. Rennie came running into the room, grabbed the mop, cleaned the floor, and helped Hank move Lemmie to the living room with all the rest of the 'faint at the sight of blood,' people.

Bruce went to inspect Mark, and decided the man was going to have a king sized headache when he came to. Toby came back in with Benny and they and Bruce, put Mark on the bed.

"Are you OK Ma?" Toby asked with concern, "I've never seen anything like this happen before." Benny was nodding, but he was concentrating on looking at TJ and not the towel that was soaking up with bright red blood.

"Toby, you are going to have to take TJ, Bruce you need to look at my chest, it feels like my breastbone has split again." Clora got faint sounding. "She's going into shock, call 911." Bruce was roaring and scaring TJ again.


Veteran Member
Oh my, dear lady! You have me looking for an end to the cliff. Did you used to write for the movie serials back in the day?


Veteran Member

The ambulance screamed in, picked up Clora and the woozy Mark who had partially come to. Bruce made sure they would go together, as he didn't trust Mark, if Clora was out of his sight. Tess and Toby had tidied the bedroom before the EMT's got there, picking up the bloody towels and bringing in clean and dry.

"Toby, I want you to bring your rig and follow me. I want you to be there and take Mark home if he will go."

"Not a chance. He goes crazy when Ma is hurt, just looses it all. That's why he retired; he has to much PTSD to control it, and she's the only one that can bring him out of it. Ma gathered up children, but she gathered up Dad also."

They went screaming in after the ambulance. Bruce had Tricia paged, they scrubbed and went to work on Clora.

Who ever had closed the operation for Dr, Hoffman had done a seriously bad job. No bone had started to knit because the breast bone had been secured too far apart. Bruce patched up Clora with the patience and control he was so famous for. He did the entire job, not willing to face Mark's wrath if something else happened.

Tricia was instructed to stay with Clora at all times, he would be in in a while to spell her when he finished checking on Mark.

Mark was cold, flat out furious and deadly acting. "Knock it off," Bruce told him. "If you want to see Clora, you'll loose the attitude. This is my playpen and you don't count for diddly squat here. I've got Tricia staying with Clora and I've got to go back and spell her in a minute. She has patients of her own." Bruce sat down in the chair. "Mark, you're not doing Clora any good being such an ass. As soon as she goes upstairs, I'll write orders that you are to stay with her."

Bruce stood up, "don't make me wish I hadn't stuck my neck out for you."

Mark stood up and walked to Bruce and stuck his hand out. "I'll shake with you," Bruce said, "but don't try any funny business or crush my hand. I just saved your wife's life with these," and he held his hands up, then he shook with Mark.

Mark nodded, "thank you." he said in a low voice. Toby came forward and shook with Bruce, adding his thanks. Bruce nodded, and then gave Mark a pitying look and shook his head on the way out the door. That man would have to be committed if something happened to Clora, he wouldn't be trustworthy.

Bruce relieved Trish and gave her a sound kiss. "Thank you for scrubbing with me, I do my best work when you are there. I'm sorry to take you away from your patients."

"You could reward me," Tish suggested with a twinkle in her eye; and smiled at Bruce. He was all for her suggestion.

Several nurses came in the recovery room to assist the nurse assigned to Clora and when they saw him there, walked out without staying. "It must be my magnetic personality," he joked to the recovery nurse.

"I believe they heard what you intended to do with the closing doctor on this previous operation. They were the personnel on his team."

"I hope they are scared, incompetence should be reported. Any incompetence, mine included." Bruce told her. "Being a Doctor doesn't automatically make you invincible."

The nurse didn't say any more, she thought it was nice sentiment, but the real world didn't work that way.

Almost to the end of Clora's sedation, a nurse walked in with a covered tray and the moment she saw him, ran from the room. Bruce tried to follow, but he wouldn't leave the room. That might have been a false attempt. Mark wasn't the only man that had been in service to his country.

Clora came awake much sooner than she did from Dr. Hoffman's operation, so Bruce had to suspect she had been given additional anesthesia in the recovery room to insert the chips. Once again, it was difficult to comprehend what these people were involved in.

When they went to move Clora up stairs, Bruce picked up Toby and Mark. The ICU nurses weren't too pleased to have the men in there, and when the charge nurse denied Bruce's order to have Mark stay, Mark flashed a US Marshall's badge and said this woman is under protective custody.

Bruce was surprised, he didn't know Mark was a Marshall and said so to Toby.

"He's been one ever since I came on board. Say Bruce, give me your thoughts on Charley" and they walked to the waiting room for coffee.

"First thoughts, a lying, sneaky perverted sneak I wouldn't let near my children and especially a daughter. The second thoughts confirmed the first." Bruce said succinctly.

"I'm glad you said that, that's the feeling I got, and I was wondering if you concurred. That kid is one of those you later say 'there was something about that guy that I couldn't quite put my finger on.' I am going home, I want to keep track of that kid and I'm pretty sure I'll take them back to school Sunday morning. I made arrangements with Rennie to move to the main house tonight, and I'll guard for a while, just for my own satisfaction. Like Dad says, when ya feel hinky, there's a reason."

Bruce nodded, "Thanks man, I should be able to leave here as soon as the paperwork is done. See ya at home."

Bruce went back to the room to check on Mark and Clora. Clora was sleeping and her vitals were good. Mark watched him without saying a word. "Headache?" Bruce asked and Mark said yes. "I'll have something delivered up here to you, and it won't make you sleepy. Are you allergic to anything?"

"No." Mark was calm and in a reasonable frame of mind.

"She's doing very well, Clora will recover just fine." Bruce looked at the man, and Mark looked back and they were satisfied.

Bruce dropped the script off at the nurses station, and then reconsidered and took it up to the pharmacy and waited in line for it to be filled. He checked the pills against the descriptions and paid for the vial. He took it to Mark, said "take two now and two about ten in the morning, Keep them in your pocket and I'll see you tomorrow."

"Thank you," Mark had mumbled, and used Clora's water to down two of them right away.

When Toby got home and his headlights swept over the gardens, it looked like half the potatoes had been dug. That was good work. Lemmie had supper waiting and Trish had just got there and was helping Julie eat. "Bruce will be along in a while, he had to finish the paperwork." Toby reported to her.

"Thanks Toby, Clora really looked good after this operation, Bruce is a whiz at putting people back together."

"Did he tell you that Benny and I almost roughed him up this afternoon when we heard Ma scream and went in there and saw all that blood?"

"No, that wouldn't bother Bruce," Trish smiled at Toby. "He's pretty understanding."

All the time she was talking, Toby was thinking that nobody put Bruce's name and understanding in the same sentence except Trish.

Benny was gone to work; Cody, Milo and Charley were shooting hoops out in the courtyard, Rennie heard Toby come in and the had the terrible two ready for bed. "TJ and I are going to have a talk," Toby and the unhappy TJ went into the atrium.

"Remember a long time ago when I started telling you that we Lindermen men treated our ladies kindly and with respect?"

TJ nodded up and down.

"Do you think you treated Grandma with respect today?"

"The shake was no.

"You really hurt Grandma and she had to have another operation."

TJ started to cry.

"It hurts your heart doesn't it?"

A shake up and down.

"You are old enough TJ, to stop and think before you do such impulsive acts. When Grandma comes home, we will have to be very careful with her. Remember how I told you she has a broken bone tight here," and Toby pointed to TJ's chest, "We can't bump that."

TJ nodded.

"It's the same with Julie, we can't bump her leg with the cast, it is healing. It's the same as we don't play with scissors around Duncan and try to cut his hair. Those are all dangerous ways to behave and we Linderman men don't do that. We treat our ladies with kindness and respect. Rennie is a Linderman lady now, so we have to do the right thing and treat her the same way. Do you understand TJ?"

TJ nodded up and down.

"Do you have any questions TJ, anything I can help you figure out?"

TJ looked at Toby with big eyes brimming with tears and hugged Toby, Toby hugged his son and they sat talking until TJ went to sleep in Toby's arms.

Toby was almost overcome with emotion, this was the first time TJ had let Toby hold him as he was going to sleep, and Toby had to sit a while with his hand over his eyes so his bright shiny tears didn't show.

Rennie opened the atrium door and she and Toby carried their little man down the hall to bed.


Senior Member
Glad for more!

"What that was intended for bad was turned for good." Clora injured but found why she wasn't recovering.

I wouldn't be surprised if the fingerprints on the tray and contents are not on file anywhere, not even the hospital records. It would be interesting to trace the contents of that tray, hospitals are very good about tracking numbers on drugs and surgical packs.


Veteran Member

Bruce got to the retreat almost two hours later. He had spent time trying to track the suspicious nurse and her covered tray, but the woman and the tray contents were gone. Bruce had another thought. He went upstairs and asked the charge nurse to come to Clora's room.

Bruce told the nurse that he wanted a notation put in Clora's chart that she was not to be taken for any x-rays, tests, or any excuse to remove the woman from the room. "This man will immediately arrest and detain any person attempting to remove Mrs. Linderman. This is a serious situation, and we expect full cooperation from the nurses caring for my patient." Bruce wasn't mean acting or loud, just calm and competent, a hard combination to beat.

The nurse nodded, said she would tag the notation and was gone.

"Thank you," Mark was low key and under control, back to being Clora's protector.

"Now we need to talk about you." Bruce shifted a chair and sat at the foot of Clora's bed. "There are ways to help you control the responses like the one you had today when you discovered the chips." He held up his hand to forestall the words he could see forming on Mark's lips.

"As Clora's doctor, I am making you a part of her care and you have to be under more control when you perceive she is in danger. I understand more than you know, that a good woman changes things and your desire to keep her safe overcomes all reason. However, if you're in some locked facility for psychotic episodes, your not going to be able to protect her. Are you getting this message loud and clear.?"

Mark looked over at Clora and she was awake, watching Mark with those brown eyes that seemed all knowing. "I hear you." was his response.

"Why don't you give me some background on these chips and reasons people are trying to control the family." Bruce requested. "This information stays here in the room, but I can't help Clora to get better until I know the dangers she is facing."

Mark looked at Clora and she faintly nodded. "It's like this," Mark started. It took an hour and a half for the entire story. Bruce had a couple of questions, but mainly he listened. No wonder Mark went so nuts when Clora seemed in trouble. They had no clear definition of who the enemy was, and there were several all converging at the same time.

Bruce explained about the nurse and the tray downstairs, realizing the episode was far more sinister than he had supposed. It confirmed that Mark was right to be vigilant.

The good Doctor had expected Mark to make a leap of faith and trust him with Clora's life and history, and now that Bruce had both, he felt almost as overwhelmed as Mark had been. To Mark, sharing the heavy load with someone he trusted, was a freeing release.

"The individual we are most concerned about is Wilson Donaldson, Warren's triplet brother. They look identical, except Wilson is shorter than Warren, but it's not noticeable unless they are together. The man has top clearance in several agencies that conduct surveillance for our country, and we believe that's where the chips are coming from."

On and on the tale went, slowly tying all the ends together, but providing no solutions. When he has finished, Mark was as mentally and emotionally drained as if he had run a hundred miles. Bruce had wrung out the man, the all encompassing burden of caring for so many people under such stringent conditions.

"If I didn't know you and Clora, and know you are honest, God fearing and compassionate people; there would be no way I would believe what you just told me." Bruce was honest. "I have to say no immediate solution comes to mind, but please know and take to heart that myself and Toby are there to share the weight of this. Again, since our families are there, we have to be involved. As men, Toby and I are as involved in providing protection and guidance to the ones we love, the same as you are." Bruce wasn't smiling.

"I have to stress, you have to accept we have the same goals as you have Mark. We have to be in the loop, to be capable of helping. You do not have to take the weight of this by yourself, spread between the three of us, it is an acceptable danger when shared." On and on, Bruce hammered home the idea that Mark was going to have to trust them, and then let them help.

One time, Bruce happened to look at Clora and see the tears running. That was the reason Clora wasn't healing, the stress load was so great it took all her body's resources to handle the stress, leaving nothing left for repair.

Mark probably wasn't far behind her. Clora had crying as an emotional stress reducer, but Mark wouldn't allow himself that luxury. His erupted as PTSD episodes that were as dangerous to the family as the enemy.

"Right now," Bruce advised the duo, "Toby is at home on guard. The both of us feel that Charley Burton is a unknown and unpredictable person to have in the household. He gives off dangerous vibes, and we are taking no chances. Milo is thrilled to have a twin and he is overlooking the signals the man is giving. The upperclassman, Cody. I don't know what he thinks of Charley, but if he isn't aware of the dark and sinister nature under the surface, he's not going to be worth training any further."

Clora lifted her hand as a way to get Bruce's attention and nodded up and down. Mark looked at Bruce with new found puzzlement.

"That is an astute assessment, how in the world did you get so tangled up in the drug and Devil business if you are actually this capable?" Mark questioned.

"Because, like you, I went berserk when I thought I had lost the love of a good woman and couldn't handle the thought of the future without her." Bruce was painfully honest. More open and honest than he wanted to be.

"There is no way we as men should place this much burden on our wives, but we have to have help to share the load, and who better than someone we love and trust." Bruce looked at Mark. He seemed to be receptive to what he was saying.

"Toby and I are good troops. We need you as commander to give us the correct directions, but we have to be involved. Our families are there." Bruce stood up to leave. "I've got to get home and sleep. I have an early surgery tomorrow. Mark, what happened today when you waylaid me to help Clora cannot happen again. I am responsible for other people's lives, and they are as important as Clora's."

Bruce left the couple to think about what had happened.

Toby sat at the end of the dark hall that was the girls side of the retreat. He had Tess and Mandy sleeping in Mark and Clora's room, away from what he expected might happen in their rooms. He listened as nearly silent footsteps opened the door to the first room and the small penlight switch on to search the room for what the intruder was looking for. The red light not interfering with night vision. The door closed to Tess's room and the footsteps stopped at Mandy's. The dark form must have heard a noise, as he was still for several minutes.

Finally, he opened the door and went in. As the penlight came on, Cody hit the light switch and Charley was caught by Milo, Hank and Cody in Mandy's room.

Cody was standing in front of the door, barring escape, and to Charley, there was only one way out. He dove through the window. Toby heard the glass break and was on the move to the front door. He had Mark's rifle with the night vision and got Charley in the foot, as he had intended. Lights came on all over the house, as mothers had scared babies to comfort and quiet.

Toby was on the phone to 911, and the men gathered grimly around the moaning, would be rapist. It took the rest of the night and well into noon on Saturday before the police felt they had the situation sorted out to their satisfaction. Police in Charley's home town were interested in the capture, it might explain rapes that had happened there for a series of years.

Because 'hinky' feelings were felt and listened to, tragedy was averted in the Linderman house and the men were lavished with praise and heartfelt thanks. The troops had come through.

Lake Lili

Veteran Member
Hmmm... so Charley is as twisted as Ronnie... wonder if Charlie's parents will talk now. Are we sure that Ronnie is dead? Won't be pretty of Ronnie and Charlie end up at the same prison...

Thanks Pac!


Veteran Member

The morning newspaper got to Mark before the family could call. He was instantly on the phone, roaring as only the head lion could do. His family or pride, had been endangered and he wasn't in the know. Toby held his phone away from his ear, and Mark could be plainly heard cussing and yelling up a storm.

Bruce motioned that he would take on the lion, and for once Toby agreed.

Bruce listened until a worn out Mark had expended what little energy he had left. Then, Bruce got busy. "I suppose you are in Clora's room?" when Mark affirmed, Bruce cut loose. "How thoughtless can you be? You think of no one but yourself. There is no way in blue blazes she should be subjected to that kind of stress six hours after such a major surgery. You are going to cause Clora and yourself heart attacks by such reckless behavior. We will talk to you when you are in a more reasonable frame of mind. Until then, know that we had the situation handled and I will remove you from Clora's room if you don't get control." and he hung up.

Bruce smiled at Toby when Toby said "wow, not afraid to go lion hunting, are you."

"Mark is at crisis stage," Bruce said calmly. "He has all the stress he can handle and he's going to have to find an outlet before it kills him. What does he do to release stress?"

"He patrols, constantly. Day and night, we can find him prowling because he can't sleep. That's one of the reasons Ma looks so bad. He doesn't let her sleep enough. You know she has had rheumatic fever? and she could sleep twenty hours a day sometimes. But if Dad is up on guard duty, she usually is also. They always have done things for the family together."

"It's possible they are going to die together with the stress," Bruce said dryly. "It's going to happen sooner or later, until they get control. You too, you and Rennie have to manage your internal feelings, and have healthy outlets to relieve the stress."

"The one I prefer, I'm usually to tired to enjoy." Toby looked off to the table where Rennie had the children eating breakfast. She felt his eyes and looked up to smile at him.

"Then, we have to have solutions to provide more security, and less stress. I need Ideas, because for one, I had to call in and cancel my surgery this morning. That's the second time in two days and I'm not going to be employed for long under those conditions." Bruce and Toby were brainstorming; and Bruce was babysitting Julie who was curled up in his lap. Tricia had to be to work at seven and the police had reluctantly let her go.

"I know what you mean. I have had to ask for extensions on several of my cases, and if Rennie wasn't helping me, I'd probably be fired." Toby shifted as TJ wandered over and wanted up.

"But back to your Dad," Bruce continued. "He did unbend enough last light to give me the background of the incredible forces against the family. I hope that by sharing he eased some of his stress. Tricia is sure he has narrowed arteries, and isn't getting proper blood flow to his heart and brain. His responses, such as this morning, are typical to the condition."

Toby nodded. "I have to look at it this way. It is not solely our responsibility to be the ones to contact him. He has several phones, he could call in for up dates."

Bruce hesitated and then asked. "All through this, I keep getting the feeling there is a back story that no one's talking about. Is that true?"

Toby looked hard at Bruce. "You had better be trustworthy Bruce. What I'm going to tell you is privileged information, and if you ever let Dad know I told you, we'll both be shot."

"I had to believe it was something serious."

"First of all," Toby started in, Grandpa Warren and his twin brother Wilson have been working for the National Security Agency for years. Do you know about them?"

"Vaguely," Bruce shrugged.

"Neither of them knew that Dad had one of the highest clearances in the same agency. Dad is the man responsible for despots and tyrants suddenly dying on the job. By what ever means it took to accomplish the eradication. He will only allude to this in vague terms, and he never says a word, but occasionally he has a phone that will ring, and he is off, only to return later under severe stress."

"Why doesn't he resign from that job?"

"Because there is only one resignation the agency allows." Toby looked grim. "That's death. Dead men tell no tales, or write exposes, or fall into dementia and blab secrets. That's why Dad is so paranoid about allowing himself to be in the hospital. I understand the procedure used to widen veins and arteries and install shunts and the like; and I don't think he would voluntarily allow that. That's how old useless spies die. They eventually need medical interventions and they don't live through the procedures."

Bruce was nodding, now he understood.

"That certainly explains a lot. How does the Prince figure into all this?"

That was another half hour explanation, and neither man noticed the world turning and life happening around them as the day progressed. They were fully functioning and capable men, no less and no more than Mark, and they needed to collaborate for the security of their families. By being there, they were now included in the danger; and Bruce could see that the dream he and Trish shared of their own farm was not going to happen. There was no way the both of them could function as Doctors and be away from their home and be safe.

Toby and Rennie had already come to that conclusion, and they were considering the solution of building their own house on the retreat grounds. Toby mentioned the idea to Bruce as a consideration and the big man nodded.

"Doable," the large doctor had said. "Warren has created a payment to Vicki that I can live with, and if I stay employed, I can meet my obligations and provide for my family. Speaking of Warren, where is that crafty old bugger? He and Luce disappeared and I supposed them to be cozied up somewhere."

"Haven't heard a peep. Is Trish worried?"

"Sort of. I believe she was more shocked by the thought that Luce was enjoying herself, than anything else."

Toby chuckled. "Around here, it's never been any secret that Dad's attracted to Ma. We kids quickly learned never to go in their room without knocking and being invited in. Dad seems to have as large an appetite as Warren, but he confines it to one woman." Toby laughed. "I am no blood relative to Mark and Clora. I am what they call a heart child, but they have always been a good example of how to conduct a marriage. Full speed ahead and forget the torpedoes."

"I see that." Bruce smiled.

"Milo seemed to have the knack of catching them kissing and he always pretended to give them grief about it, but you know, I think that was healthy for us kids to see them expressing joy in each other. A lot of people seem to marry and then forget that it's their job to keep the spark lit and glowing." Toby looked up to see where Rennie was.

"I was married twice before," he explained. "Neither time was there the passion I have now. Now I understand why Dad can't keep his hands off Ma. He doesn't want too, and now, I don't want to leave Rennie alone either."

Bruce had a big grin. "Some day I'll tell you about my ex wife. She's an ex for a reason. But Tricia, Tricia is like throwing yourself into the sunrise. I don't deserve what she has brought into my life, but I need and crave it so much, I understand your reasoning's."

"Some day, I'm going to get a sign made up for this house that reads, 'Clora's house of Gathered up Children'; for that's what we all are. Gathered up by one woman who has an unlimited love in her heart with God's Blessing."
Toby looked at TJ sleeping on his chest. He had forgotten he was usually so protective of his mangled flesh. But TJ didn't hurt him a bit.

Bruce cuddled the sleeping Julie. The abandoned child much like Bruce had been, an afterthought that needed as much love or more than a normal child. They both found it in Tricia.


Contributing Member
This story would make a fantastic TV series. I don't know how you do it but I really appreciate you sharing your talent.


Veteran Member

"Toby, I'm going to ask some hard questions. I'm big and dumb; but even I know it takes a lot of money to support this many people, in this type of place. We've been looking for small farms and such, and they are almost all a million dollars. My question is, is this funded by anything illegal ? I've never seen Mark work at a job or profession type work, and he has never asked for contributions as he should."

Toby took another deep breath. "How much do you know about Rhodium?"

"Very little, used in cars for converters, supposed to be rare." Bruce rattled off.

"Correct. Let me tell you the tale of Pete Hanson. Ma's Father." It took another long while for Toby to finish the story. Telling about the Hanson beginnings, Pete, Ben and Wayne, and the role they played in the Linderman life.

"That explains the references Mark made last night, it also explains why the Prince hangs around." Bruce made the connection.

"I've got to tell you, that man scares me to death. He's mean and ruthless with a cruel streak a mile wide. He does business with Dad when Dad wants to sell Rhodium, but he really comes around for the psychic ability that Ma has to predict what is happening in his kingdom."

"OK, now I'm understanding even more." Bruce looked at Toby sharply. "I wasn't getting the feel for some of the comments your Mother has made. So, that's what it is. Personally, I've never believed in the stuff, myself."

"I'm not sure I do either, until Ma will say something and it turns out to be correct. She downplays it mostly, and I've got to say I think Tess can do the same thing. They can tell what your thinking, if they want to listen to your mind. I know," Toby grinned at Bruce's expression. "Frightening, isn't it."

"I guess," Bruce said in a shaken voice. "Usually when I'm here I'm calculating how soon I can get the lights turned out and be with my woman. Whoo, hard thoughts for a young girl to handle."

"You should hear Dad comment on it." Toby laughed. "But I'm the same way. Being in the cabin helps, but when I'm home I'm busy thinking of Rennie." Toby looked around, and most of the crew was out finishing the potatoes.

"Lately, I believe Tess has been having problems with her ability. I'm not certain, but I get the feeling that she has meddled in something, and Benny's situation comes to mind. Ma is usually right there to watch her, and I don't know for certain what Tess has done, but it seems to be a biggie. Ma is letting her work it out, and frankly I'm glad Tess has supervision." Toby sighed hard.

"Tess must be a natural child to have inherited the ability." Bruce was thinking of the way the household operated.

"Yes, Tess, Liz and Luke. The triplet brother that died was John, and he had a brain tumor that kept reoccurring. Tess was very affected by that, and that is the impetuses for her consuming desire to be a doctor."

"She seems to be extremely talented and intelligent, the same with the youngest two."

"Scary, aren't they." Toby was going to say more, but his phone rang. "Hi Dad," he answered, and then grinned.

Head lion was being very calm and respectful as he requested an update on what happened. "Is that damn Bruce around there?" Mark asked.

Toby was really grinning. "Yes, that damn Bruce is right here and we have been talking about you and Ma."

"That's what Clora said. I want to go on record as saying I'm not sure I totally approve of spilling family secrets, but if he's there, he'd better be willing to die if necessary for the good of the clan."

"I'm sure he is Dad. He has family here." They got to talking about Milo and the affect on him. "He has quite a back story Dad. I'll tell you later. I'm taking Cody and Milo back to school tomorrow, and I don't want you coming home. You need to protect Ma, and Benny and Hank will be here for security. Damn Bruce? He has to work, that's necessary Dad."

Bruce was grinning. Mark was going to be Mark, right down to the wire.