Story Over the Mountains and Through the Fire (Complete)


Contributing Member
Thanks Kathy..............I got kicked off the nut tree and was never able to see or read the ending of this story...........thanks for re-posting it here and for ALL of your great work


Brown Coat
Thank you for this story. It is one that will remain with me and will be thought of and perhaps a bit quoted from time to time.

I found myself cheering and at times wiping a tear from my eyes. Few stories can do that to me these days.

The worst part of it is that I could wish for more details in every part of it just because you presented it so well.

Even the references to weapons where I felt a bit of error was made in the tech aspects were good enough that I did not find real fault. (Weapons are just something I enjoy knowing about, and have spent a life time using, and repairing etc.) The way you handle them in your stories leaves nothing to detract from the story, and focusing on other things is in its own way more effective in the telling of the story. In the end, it is never the "bow and arrow" but the Indian that makes the tool useful or not.

No need to change it as perhaps some of the newer ones work as you describe, but the small Canadian mini grenades that I have used were concussion, not fragmentation ones. Can't tell how I know, but throw one in a stream and after the boom, just take a basket and gather up your fish fry LOL. Bet rocky had a few good fish fry recipes.

Please keep writing and I will keep on enjoying your work.



Veteran Member
This is my favorite and I've read it at least three times. I liked it so much the first time, as soon as I finished it, I started it again. It's been a few years so I plan to reread it this winter. I love the fact that this story does not leave you get a good epilogue that wraps things up with no loose ends.


Veteran Member
When I first read this story, thought the premise that the eco-freaks were terrorists and out to damage other because of their own extreme views was a bit much. Now I'm not at all sure about that- this story has a lot of Kathy's prescience about 'future' scenarios, and I'm having to reassess how far the left will go. Her stories sure wear well!


Veteran Member
Almost two years since my last post, I've just finished reading it again. It is still one of my all time favorites and I hope I get the chance to read it again. I'm starting "This Is Me Surviving" next but first I've got to get caught up on a few things. They are my two favorite books of yours but I've got a long list of others I plan to reread this winter when things are a bit slower. Thanks again!