HEALTH Over 50% Of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue. Are We Worried Yet? (liberal rag ACTUALLY saying Liberalism is a mental disease)


Ultra MAGA!
The study in question — which, by the way, isn’t from a news source or media outlet but (Extremely Liberal) Pew Research for heaven’s sake — is, when all’s said and done, pretty damning. Interestingly enough, the study, which is titled Pew American Trends Panel: Wave 64, was dated March 2020 — over a year ago. Yet it took a Ph.D. candidate in political science posting about the study on Twitter for it to garner even a smidge of attention.

Over 50% Of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue. Are We Worried Yet?
Elizabeth Condra

8-10 minutes

It’s a common tactic of the politically charged on either side (and normally perceived as a cheap one at that) to take the particular adherents of an ideology and equate that diehard worship to mental illness.

Conservatives label younger liberal generations as snowflakes or as having Trump derangement syndrome if they didn't like the past president; liberals and progressives label right-leaning individuals or conservatives as racists, bigots, misogynists, etc. Resorting to this type of lowbrow behavior might once have been seen as an excuse not to address the actual issues or beliefs at hand, but now ad hominem attacks are more common than not.

But what if what was once a cheap shot or a personal insult has actually been found to bear scientific correlation between the individuals who hold progressive ideologies and an increased risk of mental illness? That’s exactly what Pew Research has found — and all politics aside, the shocking diagnosis of over 50% of liberal women with some form of mental health medical diagnosis is a public health concern that no one seems to be discussing, let alone taking seriously.

Women and Mental Illness

For whatever reason, we’re not talking about the risk of mental illness women in general face, especially compared to men.

Women are 40% more likely to develop depression than men. Due to lower levels of serotonin, we’re also more likely to have anxiety and depression because of that deficiency. There are also certain life experiences, like childbirth for example, which can lead to these diagnoses. 1 in 7 women will be diagnosed with postpartum depression in the year following childbirth. Postpartum depression in particular is a condition that leaves its victims feeling powerless and without confidence or assurance in their own abilities as a mom or caregiver — many women with postpartum depression describe feeling like failures.
Women are 40% more likely to develop depression than men.

Our Community

Conditions like depression and anxiety thrive in silence, but there also seems to be a lack of confidence in women when it comes to knowing our own bodies, and instead our mental problems are written off as being too overly “emotional.” (Think about how many times someone has described you or another woman as emotional.) While hormones do obviously play a role in the development of mental health, for better or for worse, it’s possible to minimize or downplay the risks our mental health is facing if they’re written off as a “hormonal” issue, whether it’s our medical professionals or even ourselves engaging in that mindset.

But biology and hormones aside, what about the choices we actively engage in? The behaviors we indulge, the beliefs and convictions we hold as more important than all the others? The people we spend our time with, the actions we devote our energy to, and the news we consume? Is that negatively impacting our mental health, or even more importantly, leading to medical diagnoses?

Here’s What the Study Found

The study in question — which, by the way, isn’t from a news source or media outlet but Pew Research for heaven’s sake — is, when all’s said and done, pretty damning.

Interestingly enough, the study, which is titled Pew American Trends Panel: Wave 64, was dated March 2020 — over a year ago. Yet it took a Ph.D. candidate in political science posting about the study on Twitter for it to garner even a smidge of attention.

The study, which examined white liberals, moderates, and conservatives, both male and female, found that conservatives were far less likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues than those who identified as either liberal or even “very liberal.” What’s more, white women suffered the worst of all. White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4% in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives.

conservative liberal women mental health graph pew research

Zach Goldberg, the doctoral candidate in question, consolidated the study’s info in a set of visuals and posted them to a thread on Twitter. But it’s important to note that he clarified the following: “I didn't write this thread to mock white liberals or their apparently disproportionate rates of mental illness (and you shouldn't either). Rather, this is a question that's underexplored and which may shed light on attitudinal differences towards various social policies." He’s right.

Dr. Lyle Rossiter, a board-certified psychiatrist who’s treated mental disorders for over 30 years, agrees and adds that white liberalism thrives on supposedly championing “workers,” “minorities,” “the little guy,” “women,” and the “unemployed,” who they continuously see as “wronged, cheated, oppressed, disenfranchised, exploited, and victimized” with little to no agency of their own (A view that often mutates into the infantilizing and patronizing of certain groups within a narrative).
When those raised to think reality is subjective bump up against objective reality, there can be mental health consequences.
The people responsible for these crimes? As Rossiter tells it: “poverty, disease, war, ignorance, unemployment, racial prejudice, ethnic and gender discrimination, modern technology, capitalism, globalization, and imperialism. In the radical liberal mind, this suffering is inflicted on the innocent by various predators and persecutors: ‘Big Business,’ ‘Big Corporations,’ ‘greedy capitalists,’ ‘U.S. Imperialists,’ ‘the oppressors,’ ‘the rich,’ ‘the wealthy,’ ‘the powerful,’ and ‘the selfish’.”

That’s pretty much an exhaustive list of every grievance and every perpetrator that progressives see as responsible for these injustices which plague our disenfranchised communities while moderates and conservatives seemingly sit idly by unconcerned with anything but their own privilege.

But as the study exemplifies, the champions of these causes (white women in particular) aren’t exactly living the liberated utopia they believe we all should be living.

Taking It Seriously

It’s truly unfortunate that so many women are facing these kinds of issues, and that this prevalence of mental illness among progressive women might be being weaponized for political purposes. If there’s one thing this topic deserves, it’s delicacy and empathy. We should feel compassion for these women, especially if we’ve struggled with mental health ourselves.

But at the heart of the matter is this: Progressivism is an ideology that supposedly demands equality for all, and one that keeps score to an exhausting degree. The privilege between social classes, between races, between men and women, between religious and non-religious, and more, all have to be constantly monitored, and “inequality” has to be exposed for the purposes of “accountability.” That kind of behavior isn’t just unrealistic, it’s unsustainable. In all honesty, it’s understandable that anxiety and depression thrive in these kinds of environments when we’re focusing on every minute, problematic issue in our world and not able to take comprehensive, productive action to solve all these problems.
Progressivism demands equality for all and keeps score to an exhausting, unsustainable degree.
There's also the unrelenting focus on oppression, verbal violence, and micro-aggressions. We know that building resiliency against hardship is the best weapon against depression and anxiety, yet progressive ideology forces its followers to wallow in feelings of helplessness and victimhood. Instead of empowering women and minorities with self-knowledge, strength of character, and resilience to hardship, progressivism encourages victims to stay in a place of fear and helplessness.

Closing Thoughts

It’s not just significant that the women suffering from mental health issues are white (though we’ll get to that) but especially that they’re so young. The age range of those most affected was 18-29. These women are students, employees, moms, daughters, wives, and friends. They have goals and ambitions, yet who knows how hampered their day-to-day lives are by the conditions they’ve been diagnosed with.

But it’s also key that white individuals are usually at the forefront of these movements, whether or not they're the group being adversely affected. As most of us know by now, white guilt and savior narratives are pretty much as bad as any genuinely racist agenda because it robs the very group they’re trying to help of their own voice.

We should be having the difficult conversations this topic requires. But if you take a quick look at the state of our political discourse nowadays, we might not be ready for it.

Now the proof of what we always knew is in!


Veteran Member
I would say it's higher percentage than 50%, more like 90% from what I have seen with lib's in my area under 30 years old. And I am including the males, I won't call them men because they act like little kids when they don't get their way.


Finally not a lurker!
I would say it's higher percentage than 50%, more like 90% from what I have seen with lib's in my area under 30 years old. And I am including the males, I won't call them men because they act like little kids when they don't get their way.
Yes, the tragedy of underreporting

Old Gringo

Senior Member
Over 50% Of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue. Are We Worried Yet?

Now the proof of what we always knew is in!

I have been searching for reasons, environment considerations, whatever that eventually developed a Liberal. ( Amateur communist).
I almost settled on the possibility of a bad fiber fluttering around in their DNA. Never thought of a mental illness.


Free Range Prisoner
Divorce Hurts Children, Even Grown Ones
Divorce Hurts Children, Even Grown Ones

In response to Mark Banschick's September Psychology Today post, "The Intelligent Divorce," there is no such thing. Divorce is bad, plain and simple. I am a psychologist with an excellent education and the daughter of a divorce. In school, I read everything I could get my hands on, academic and anecdotal. I talked to everyone I knew, young and old. I talked to people who stayed in unhappy marriages. I talked to people who had married multiple times. From scientific articles to Hemingway on divorce, no source was overlooked. Believe me, there is no such thing as an intelligent divorce.

During the '70s, when the psychological literature first discussed the effects of divorce on children, the general view was that divorce doesn't have to harm children. But, it does. Children, even intelligent ones or older ones, often think it is their fault. There is a lot of self-blame. Grades suffer. I lost my motivation in school. My grades went down. Not studying was a form of rebellion, anger, and apathy. I really didn't care what became of me. Perhaps, the kid is stuck with a depressed mother who can't leave her room, clean up the kitchen, or take the child to school. This child is ashamed to invite friends home from school and friendships suffer. My brother couldn't play Little League because there was no one to drive him to games. Extra-curricular activities suffer.

Then, there is the lost contact with a loved parent. Without a father around, I was very promiscuous. I sought affection from adolescent boys. I was unsupervised and got into trouble. There was no one to set limits, no one to ask where I was going. And there is the shame of going to school and being the kid from a single-parent home. Everyone else, it seems, has two parents watching them at the holiday school play or a family to go camping with. Not to mention the financial loss—a lost home, a lost neighborhood, lost friends. For me, I lost my entire extended family: beloved grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Divorce hurts children and it hurts them immediately, in the short term.

Psychological theory of the '70s was heavily influenced by Maslow and self-actualization theory. People believed that it was OK to get divorced for self-growth. It was OK for parents to leave families to pursue a dream of happiness. This is selfish, plain and simple. Who puts their children at risk for their own dream of happiness? How many fathers left their own children only to adopt the burdens of someone else's children? Children are vulnerable. They are minors. They are dependent on an adult. Adults are supposed to be the responsible ones.

Some people believe in hard-and-fast rules about divorce, like divorce is acceptable in the cases of alcoholism or substance abuse. There are no rules. No right divorces and no wrong divorces. It is just not that simple. Divorce is a case-by-case issue. People have told me they stayed in bad marriages with spouses, who had problems, to protect their children. For example, if both parents are living in the home, one can prevent the drunk spouse from driving the kids around. However, if the parents are separated, the better parent is much less able to protect their children.

Many divorced spouses are in and out of court all of the time. Family lawyers are fond of saying "litigation is recreation for divorced parents." There are ugly e-mails, violent phone calls, and frequent trips to family court. Big threatening judges in dark robes take preteens into small rooms and ask them who they want to live with. "Choose your mother or father." It is naïve to think this doesn't impact children. And, family therapists talk about mediation. Just bring the parents into therapy and they can work things out. Be real. My mother? She would have come and then she would have further blamed things on me. Children suffer.

Divorce even has long-term consequences for grown children. First, it affects their relationships. I went into marriage knowing I could leave. Statistical studies indicate that children of divorce are more likely to divorce. I also was cautious about trusting others because I knew they could leave me. Parental divorce affects children's' future relationships. My parents' divorce still affects me today, many decades later. It affected me as a child, it affected my marriage, and it affects me today. In recent years, my father was unavailable as a grandparent to my children because the second wife's grandchildren took priority.

Furthermore, I was cheated of an inheritance from my biological grandfather because it went to the adopted children of my father's second marriage. They were children of his wife's first marriage. They had no biological relation to my grandparents and this was against my grandmother's wishes. There is no such thing as an intelligent divorce. There are no firm rules about a good divorce or a bad divorce. Divorce hurts children, even grown ones. My parents' divorce has had lifelong effects on me and I am still feeling them.


Free Range Prisoner
Women initiate 70% to 80% of divorces in the United State of America .

And in college educated marriages, women initiate divorce at a whopping 90% of the time.

Why do women cheat their children so much.?
What kind of woman cheats their children so much.?

The same kind of woman that kills their unborn babies...
The ultimate expression of selfishness.


passin' thru
I've been on the soap box about the dangerous bi product of the new religion of victimology being the erosion of an internal locus of control, and an ensuing deterioration in resiliency, and thus mental health, for years now. "They" know. They just don't care about the harm they're doing; even as they stand over yet another young persons' grave crying their hypocritical faux tears. :: shrug ::

Good thing the Lord has a special place for all those intelligentsia and other assorted well educated do gooders- The just rewards I'd assign them would probably be even less welcomed. Leave the low level tools in the streets. Our fight lies with the heads of the beasts, if we really want to change anything.


Veteran Member
A good dose of "real" hard work, can do wonders for the sad sacks
Maybe linear&simplistic but this is the solution.
They're manufacturing struggle.

Can't help but throw in the religious aspect, too.
If those under 30 were following established Biblical doctrine, the world will give them PLENTY of struggle.


Veteran Member
Conservative women (and men) are much more likely to have a stable base from which to operate. Religion, family, marriage and kids, a good work ethic and therefore a better economic situation. Also, Conservatives in general are not going to believe the constant barrage of negative garbage coming from the press and media..."You are the problem", "You aren't good enough", "You are white privileged", "It's all your fault".


Part of this is just culture. Conservatives don't like to be the victim; suck it up and deal. Liberals like labels, even when the label weakens them; they find excuses attractive and convenient.

I actually think incidences of mental illness and esp. neurological problems like dementia should be more acknowledged and dealt with in a straightforward way.

The problem is that people wallow in it. I expect depression, anxiety, addictions, etc. come to be legally recognized as protected disabilities. Sexual violence in certain demo's, and pedophilia are already being pushed.


Contributing Member
No surprise marriage numbers in America have been plummeting.
Sometimes I wonder why I've done it... three times:)


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Divorce Hurts Children, Even Grown Ones
Divorce Hurts Children, Even Grown Ones

In response to Mark Banschick's September Psychology Today post, "The Intelligent Divorce," there is no such thing. Divorce is bad, plain and simple. I am a psychologist with an excellent education and the daughter of a divorce. In school, I read everything I could get my hands on, academic and anecdotal. I talked to everyone I knew, young and old. I talked to people who stayed in unhappy marriages. I talked to people who had married multiple times. From scientific articles to Hemingway on divorce, no source was overlooked. Believe me, there is no such thing as an intelligent divorce.

During the '70s, when the psychological literature first discussed the effects of divorce on children, the general view was that divorce doesn't have to harm children. But, it does. Children, even intelligent ones or older ones, often think it is their fault. There is a lot of self-blame. Grades suffer. I lost my motivation in school. My grades went down. Not studying was a form of rebellion, anger, and apathy. I really didn't care what became of me. Perhaps, the kid is stuck with a depressed mother who can't leave her room, clean up the kitchen, or take the child to school. This child is ashamed to invite friends home from school and friendships suffer. My brother couldn't play Little League because there was no one to drive him to games. Extra-curricular activities suffer.

Then, there is the lost contact with a loved parent. Without a father around, I was very promiscuous. I sought affection from adolescent boys. I was unsupervised and got into trouble. There was no one to set limits, no one to ask where I was going. And there is the shame of going to school and being the kid from a single-parent home. Everyone else, it seems, has two parents watching them at the holiday school play or a family to go camping with. Not to mention the financial loss—a lost home, a lost neighborhood, lost friends. For me, I lost my entire extended family: beloved grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. Divorce hurts children and it hurts them immediately, in the short term.

Psychological theory of the '70s was heavily influenced by Maslow and self-actualization theory. People believed that it was OK to get divorced for self-growth. It was OK for parents to leave families to pursue a dream of happiness. This is selfish, plain and simple. Who puts their children at risk for their own dream of happiness? How many fathers left their own children only to adopt the burdens of someone else's children? Children are vulnerable. They are minors. They are dependent on an adult. Adults are supposed to be the responsible ones.

Some people believe in hard-and-fast rules about divorce, like divorce is acceptable in the cases of alcoholism or substance abuse. There are no rules. No right divorces and no wrong divorces. It is just not that simple. Divorce is a case-by-case issue. People have told me they stayed in bad marriages with spouses, who had problems, to protect their children. For example, if both parents are living in the home, one can prevent the drunk spouse from driving the kids around. However, if the parents are separated, the better parent is much less able to protect their children.

Many divorced spouses are in and out of court all of the time. Family lawyers are fond of saying "litigation is recreation for divorced parents." There are ugly e-mails, violent phone calls, and frequent trips to family court. Big threatening judges in dark robes take preteens into small rooms and ask them who they want to live with. "Choose your mother or father." It is naïve to think this doesn't impact children. And, family therapists talk about mediation. Just bring the parents into therapy and they can work things out. Be real. My mother? She would have come and then she would have further blamed things on me. Children suffer.

Divorce even has long-term consequences for grown children. First, it affects their relationships. I went into marriage knowing I could leave. Statistical studies indicate that children of divorce are more likely to divorce. I also was cautious about trusting others because I knew they could leave me. Parental divorce affects children's' future relationships. My parents' divorce still affects me today, many decades later. It affected me as a child, it affected my marriage, and it affects me today. In recent years, my father was unavailable as a grandparent to my children because the second wife's grandchildren took priority.

Furthermore, I was cheated of an inheritance from my biological grandfather because it went to the adopted children of my father's second marriage. They were children of his wife's first marriage. They had no biological relation to my grandparents and this was against my grandmother's wishes. There is no such thing as an intelligent divorce. There are no firm rules about a good divorce or a bad divorce. Divorce hurts children, even grown ones. My parents' divorce has had lifelong effects on me and I am still feeling them.

Everything she wrote is Spot On. V


TB Fanatic
Divorce . . . it is a Cinderella Story. No really, Cinderella.
Cinderella was a child. She had a father and a mother. No mention is made of what happened to her mother, it could have been divorce. But mom was not around.

So, dad hired a nanny. And the hired help gave Cinderella all the attention the dad could afford. So, Cinderella convinced her father to marry the nanny. Now the nanny had two children. So, there must have been a Mr. Nanny who was not in the picture. It could have been a divorce.

So now you have what we call a blended family. The father (because the father was the Prince and was the money bags) and daughter and the step mother and 2 step sisters.

And then the father in his princely duties went off on adventure to fairy island - fairy island is where Cinderella's fairy godmother came from. Well, you and I know that the father did not go to fairy island.

He died and the step mother became managing conservator of his estate. And as all mother's will do, HER children come first and Cinderella was relegated to the status of servant and cleaning out the ashes of the fireplace, hence her name . . .
Cinder . . .ella.

And it is only through a good bit of luck that she was able to escape servitude by marrying a wealthy prince.

Remember the Step mother and 2 step sisters . . . they still kept Cinderella's rightful inheritance.
Cinderella's inheritance was never restored.

Now . . . go hire and lawyer and fix your last will and testament.


TB Fanatic
The study in question — which, by the way, isn’t from a news source or media outlet but (Extremely Liberal) Pew Research for heaven’s sake — is, when all’s said and done, pretty damning. Interestingly enough, the study, which is titled Pew American Trends Panel: Wave 64, was dated March 2020 — over a year ago. Yet it took a Ph.D. candidate in political science posting about the study on Twitter for it to garner even a smidge of attention.

Over 50% Of Liberal, White Women Under 30 Have A Mental Health Issue. Are We Worried Yet?
Elizabeth Condra

8-10 minutes

It’s a common tactic of the politically charged on either side (and normally perceived as a cheap one at that) to take the particular adherents of an ideology and equate that diehard worship to mental illness.

Conservatives label younger liberal generations as snowflakes or as having Trump derangement syndrome if they didn't like the past president; liberals and progressives label right-leaning individuals or conservatives as racists, bigots, misogynists, etc. Resorting to this type of lowbrow behavior might once have been seen as an excuse not to address the actual issues or beliefs at hand, but now ad hominem attacks are more common than not.

But what if what was once a cheap shot or a personal insult has actually been found to bear scientific correlation between the individuals who hold progressive ideologies and an increased risk of mental illness? That’s exactly what Pew Research has found — and all politics aside, the shocking diagnosis of over 50% of liberal women with some form of mental health medical diagnosis is a public health concern that no one seems to be discussing, let alone taking seriously.

Women and Mental Illness

For whatever reason, we’re not talking about the risk of mental illness women in general face, especially compared to men.

Women are 40% more likely to develop depression than men. Due to lower levels of serotonin, we’re also more likely to have anxiety and depression because of that deficiency. There are also certain life experiences, like childbirth for example, which can lead to these diagnoses. 1 in 7 women will be diagnosed with postpartum depression in the year following childbirth. Postpartum depression in particular is a condition that leaves its victims feeling powerless and without confidence or assurance in their own abilities as a mom or caregiver — many women with postpartum depression describe feeling like failures.

Our Community

Conditions like depression and anxiety thrive in silence, but there also seems to be a lack of confidence in women when it comes to knowing our own bodies, and instead our mental problems are written off as being too overly “emotional.” (Think about how many times someone has described you or another woman as emotional.) While hormones do obviously play a role in the development of mental health, for better or for worse, it’s possible to minimize or downplay the risks our mental health is facing if they’re written off as a “hormonal” issue, whether it’s our medical professionals or even ourselves engaging in that mindset.

But biology and hormones aside, what about the choices we actively engage in? The behaviors we indulge, the beliefs and convictions we hold as more important than all the others? The people we spend our time with, the actions we devote our energy to, and the news we consume? Is that negatively impacting our mental health, or even more importantly, leading to medical diagnoses?

Here’s What the Study Found

The study in question — which, by the way, isn’t from a news source or media outlet but Pew Research for heaven’s sake — is, when all’s said and done, pretty damning.

Interestingly enough, the study, which is titled Pew American Trends Panel: Wave 64, was dated March 2020 — over a year ago. Yet it took a Ph.D. candidate in political science posting about the study on Twitter for it to garner even a smidge of attention.

The study, which examined white liberals, moderates, and conservatives, both male and female, found that conservatives were far less likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues than those who identified as either liberal or even “very liberal.” What’s more, white women suffered the worst of all. White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4% in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives.

conservative liberal women mental health graph pew research

Zach Goldberg, the doctoral candidate in question, consolidated the study’s info in a set of visuals and posted them to a thread on Twitter. But it’s important to note that he clarified the following: “I didn't write this thread to mock white liberals or their apparently disproportionate rates of mental illness (and you shouldn't either). Rather, this is a question that's underexplored and which may shed light on attitudinal differences towards various social policies." He’s right.

Dr. Lyle Rossiter, a board-certified psychiatrist who’s treated mental disorders for over 30 years, agrees and adds that white liberalism thrives on supposedly championing “workers,” “minorities,” “the little guy,” “women,” and the “unemployed,” who they continuously see as “wronged, cheated, oppressed, disenfranchised, exploited, and victimized” with little to no agency of their own (A view that often mutates into the infantilizing and patronizing of certain groups within a narrative).

The people responsible for these crimes? As Rossiter tells it: “poverty, disease, war, ignorance, unemployment, racial prejudice, ethnic and gender discrimination, modern technology, capitalism, globalization, and imperialism. In the radical liberal mind, this suffering is inflicted on the innocent by various predators and persecutors: ‘Big Business,’ ‘Big Corporations,’ ‘greedy capitalists,’ ‘U.S. Imperialists,’ ‘the oppressors,’ ‘the rich,’ ‘the wealthy,’ ‘the powerful,’ and ‘the selfish’.”

That’s pretty much an exhaustive list of every grievance and every perpetrator that progressives see as responsible for these injustices which plague our disenfranchised communities while moderates and conservatives seemingly sit idly by unconcerned with anything but their own privilege.

But as the study exemplifies, the champions of these causes (white women in particular) aren’t exactly living the liberated utopia they believe we all should be living.

Taking It Seriously

It’s truly unfortunate that so many women are facing these kinds of issues, and that this prevalence of mental illness among progressive women might be being weaponized for political purposes. If there’s one thing this topic deserves, it’s delicacy and empathy. We should feel compassion for these women, especially if we’ve struggled with mental health ourselves.

But at the heart of the matter is this: Progressivism is an ideology that supposedly demands equality for all, and one that keeps score to an exhausting degree. The privilege between social classes, between races, between men and women, between religious and non-religious, and more, all have to be constantly monitored, and “inequality” has to be exposed for the purposes of “accountability.” That kind of behavior isn’t just unrealistic, it’s unsustainable. In all honesty, it’s understandable that anxiety and depression thrive in these kinds of environments when we’re focusing on every minute, problematic issue in our world and not able to take comprehensive, productive action to solve all these problems.

There's also the unrelenting focus on oppression, verbal violence, and micro-aggressions. We know that building resiliency against hardship is the best weapon against depression and anxiety, yet progressive ideology forces its followers to wallow in feelings of helplessness and victimhood. Instead of empowering women and minorities with self-knowledge, strength of character, and resilience to hardship, progressivism encourages victims to stay in a place of fear and helplessness.

Closing Thoughts

It’s not just significant that the women suffering from mental health issues are white (though we’ll get to that) but especially that they’re so young. The age range of those most affected was 18-29. These women are students, employees, moms, daughters, wives, and friends. They have goals and ambitions, yet who knows how hampered their day-to-day lives are by the conditions they’ve been diagnosed with.

But it’s also key that white individuals are usually at the forefront of these movements, whether or not they're the group being adversely affected. As most of us know by now, white guilt and savior narratives are pretty much as bad as any genuinely racist agenda because it robs the very group they’re trying to help of their own voice.

We should be having the difficult conversations this topic requires. But if you take a quick look at the state of our political discourse nowadays, we might not be ready for it.

Now the proof of what we always knew is in!
Liberalism may or may not be a disease. That to me is not the issue.

I view if more of a case of being young and carefree I can understand the liberal mindset.
Yet this is something that should be grown out of as you age and gather responsibilities.

What scares the crap out of me is that we are no longer growing out of liberalism. We are now a society where you can still be a child at age 70 and act accordingly without repercussions.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Liberalism is based on fantasy, illusion and a fake absolutely it's a mental health disease.

Exactly. The progressive belief system is one big bundle of contradictory positions that require cognitive dissonance to accept them all as a whole. Is it any wonder the more educated they are the more screwed up they are? Almost like a plan. A satanic plan.

jed turtle

a brother in the Lord
Ideas are things. Thoughts can be introduced from malevolent sources: tv, radio, music, “friends”, teachers, “spiritual guides”...(seems like a lot of THAT Going around lately)...

ie: it all depends whom one “listens” to.

”if you seek Him (God) you will find Him”

yet, the churches are (often) empty Or infiltrated by preaching sourced from liberal colleges.


Disaster Cat
OK, I thought the article was good as far as it went - but I also have been a keen observer of people for many decades and something of an Agony Aunt even as a teenager.

There is some truth to this article, but there is also the self-reporting involved and the question "has your doctor said" was also a flag of sorts.

There are a few vastly different issues here and I don't want to bore everyone with a long tome so I'll boil them down as best I can.

First and foremost, I've noticed that conservatives of any age are much less likely to self-report issues, sometimes this is because they have received (often very good) help from their pastor or other types of authority figure. Even when young they are more likely to reach out to someone they know (including extended family) for advice than go and tell a doctor at age 17 - "gee I'm so depressed."

Two mental quirks are often considered "normal" in the liberal (especially the very liberal) community - think of the stereotype of the New York liberal, upper-middle-class kid visiting his personal psychiatrist at age ten. That's a stereotype but it exists for a reason.

Three conservatives of any background from Orthodox Jews to Hindus (and of course Christians) have a "life-path" of sorts set out for them and for many people this can work pretty well as long as their life fits the pattern. They are also more likely to have an intact family unit and/or if there is only one parent there is more community support and often the single parent is widowed rather than divorced.

Four modern "ultra-liberal" young women, especially second or third generation can be somewhat cast adrift when it comes to making good choices, they may have seen their Moms or even Grandmothers provide a pattern of what not to do (or what they don't want) but they don't have a clue on what they do want.

Finally, there are all the issues around young people of any background who grew up in the last 20 years with a mobile smartphone in their hands, that's a whole new dimension to this complex problem that we've gone into on other threads, but I think we have to accept that "social media" has impacted young people in ways we can't even imagine.

To sum up - yes, there is a problem but I don't think for a moment it is a simple as either take away the smartphones or stop women from voting and throw them back into being totally dependent on their husbands (the way some of my Mom's friends were who had married at 13 or 14).

And, I also think that conservatives and moderates (like myself) are less likely to start telling their doctors how miserable and confused they are and getting a "diagnosis." Anyone whose taken a psychology class knows that you can diagnose anyone as having a "something" condition, the question is are they able to live and cope with it, or not? Plus not "help" comes from a "trained" professional, they can be useful but so can your "Eccentric" Aunt.


Membership Revoked
I've always believed liberalism is a form of mental disease because at the core of it is a self-hatred and hatred of all things good like freedom, families, babies, God, America, etc...

And that's why I never argue with a liberal, I just make fun of them cause there is no reasoning with them.


Carrying the mantle of doubt
This ...
Dr. Lyle Rossiter, a board-certified psychiatrist who’s treated mental disorders for over 30 years, agrees and adds that white liberalism thrives on supposedly championing “workers,” “minorities,” “the little guy,” “women,” and the “unemployed,” who they continuously see as “wronged, cheated, oppressed, disenfranchised, exploited, and victimized” with little to no agency of their own (A view that often mutates into the infantilizing and patronizing of certain groups within a narrative).
... is the most salient statement of the entire article. Certainly there's depression and anxieties among those in question, but does it really require a "mental health issue" diagnosis? Perhaps its a simple matter of underachievers finding harbor within a particular political camp. Birds of a feather. In past times, the intellectual divide was masked by the limitations of possibility and opportunity. Fast forward to todays techno-world where there's far more open opportunities for achievement, and that mask erodes showing more clearly who can and who can't. Entertaining hyperbole: take 100 people spanning a broad range of intellect and throw them naked back into the stone age and they'll all be pretty much equal to each other. Now take the same 100 and place them in a complex environment with complex tools, and a social strata will quickly emerge.
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Carrying the mantle of doubt
I think we have to accept that "social media" has impacted young people in ways we can't even imagine.
as in, removing any motivation to think for yourself ? I mean, why spend any time pondering something when you can just take the easy way out and follow the latest consensus on the topic to be part of the woke crowd.