PRYR RQST Our hunybee has COVID - UPDATE, post 307

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Got this message awhile ago from hunybee:

I think I have clawed my way a little bit forward. I was able to sleep! I am still so ungodly exhausted. I is staggering. But I am a tiny bit better! Fezzik just went to the er though. But he just texted, and he has the head of the dept working on him. He truly is the best. God answers prayers.

Little indigo seems a little better today! No fever and no ibuprofen, so that is excellent. The two older kids are helping.

My Dr is dropping some food and supplies on his way home. God bless that man. Pray for his wife. She just got diagnosed with covid yesterday.

I have lost weight and muscle, so I will have to rebuild as I get better. Fezzik has been concerned. He said on top of everything else, I have been looking thin and gaunt. He is worried. I have so many allergies and digestion problems. I can't just eat whatever. But I finally have an appetite and I am eating soup right now.

I cannot thank everyone enough for the care and prayers. You guys have no idea what this means to me.

Believe it or not, this message has taken it out of me, and I need to lay down and rest. I will update on fezzik as I am able.

Buick Electra

TB2K Girls with Guns
Dear Lord, we thank You for giving Hunybee the deep, peaceful rest only You can provide while strengthening her. And when she wakes up, we will be in awe as You give her an appetite and the stomach to hold down the food. We praise You Father for giving the doctor working on Fezzik Your brain and insights and are humbled You are taking care of the wee one. All Praise and Glory to You Almighty Father, in Your sweet Son Jesus' name. Amen.


TB Fanatic
Got this message awhile ago from hunybee:

I think I have clawed my way a little bit forward. I was able to sleep! I am still so ungodly exhausted. I is staggering. But I am a tiny bit better! Fezzik just went to the er though. But he just texted, and he has the head of the dept working on him. He truly is the best. God answers prayers.

Little indigo seems a little better today! No fever and no ibuprofen, so that is excellent. The two older kids are helping.

My Dr is dropping some food and supplies on his way home. God bless that man. Pray for his wife. She just got diagnosed with covid yesterday.

I have lost weight and muscle, so I will have to rebuild as I get better. Fezzik has been concerned. He said on top of everything else, I have been looking thin and gaunt. He is worried. I have so many allergies and digestion problems. I can't just eat whatever. But I finally have an appetite and I am eating soup right now.

I cannot thank everyone enough for the care and prayers. You guys have no idea what this means to me.

Believe it or not, this message has taken it out of me, and I need to lay down and rest. I will update on fezzik as I am able.
God's blessings for you and yours. I can so relate, its a horrible thing to have, I'm still making strides myself. I drank canned chicken broth and I think it helped, right out of the can. I lost 15 pounds that I needed to lose and so far I'm keeping it off, but I'm also watching what I eat.

God is good all the time



Has No Life - Lives on TB
Happy to hear that there is at least some improvement. Continuing prayers for full recovery. It's strange to think that I have been virtually aware of Hunybee online for at least 20 years. I remember her from the old John Galt days. She's one of the good ones for sure.
That’s right,
(Old day’s, before me, but still, knowing her since way back!)
I add her to my daily prayers that I say for a blanket over all TB members needing HIS help.
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Has No Life - Lives on TB
Dear Lord, we thank You for giving Hunybee the deep, peaceful rest only You can provide while strengthening her. And when she wakes up, we will be in awe as You give her an appetite and the stomach to hold down the food. We praise You Father for giving the doctor working on Fezzik Your brain and insights and are humbled You are taking care of the wee one. All Praise and Glory to You Almighty Father, in Your sweet Son Jesus' name. Amen.
Can't say it better. C'mon, Hunybee, we're all praying for you and yours. We love ya!
Thanks, B.E.
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MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
Joining those here and continuing in prayer for healing, comfort and strength, from the Great Physician!!


I chatted with her briefly. She's coughing up "lots of gunk" which is really good news. Was having trouble sourcing plain Mucinex, which is ridiculous ! What "science" were they following when they decided to mix a cough suppressant with every formulation of a medicine meant to liquefy mucous *so it can be coughed out!*?!!

I think I helped her source some plain (Walmart .Com has it in stock in their Equare brand)

They're both slowly heading the right way.
