[OT] I am guilty


Resident Pit Yorkie :)
and I thought I should own up to it. Apparently I am the reason my area has gotten so much rain. Every single time I go outside to try and work in the garden plant some flowers, etc it starts to rain. Today is yet another reminder to the world that it's all my fault. :rolleyes:

Now....what to do about this?? Do I just stay inside and let the weeds take over?? Do I go outside anyway?? sigh...decisions decisions


Well, obviously, what you need to do is to take a Florida vacation!

It's hotter than Hell, dry as a bone, and hasn't rained enough here at DunHagan in the last forty five or so days to lay the dust.

So just come on down here and BRING THE RAIN WITH YOU! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I thought yesterday I had the sure-fire charm for making it rain when my wife and I set up our new soft side pool. It got cloudy, the clouds got dark, the wind started to blow cool and I was *certain* it was going to rain.

And then the clouds broke up and blew away.


96 here today, breezy, dry, and no rain.

Climate is what you expect and weather is what you get.



Resident Pit Yorkie :)
I would be more than willing to visit with the rain cloud that hovers over my head. :)

It stopped raining for a bit, so I snuck out there to finish putting my zinnias in....heh It started thundering, so I knew I didn't have much time. (Guess tREALptb wanted me to get the message of "NO GARDENING FOR YOU MISSY") I did manage to get them in without any raindrops falling on my head....woohooo!!!

Now if it would just dry enough to get back in the garden, I have squash of several varieties to get in the ground....its a mud bath back there....sigh


Membership Revoked
Peanut, you must be responsible for the south end, cause I'm responsible for the north end. I had just planted my new raised bed, including tomatoes, and the downpour days started. Tomatoes I started from seed, and that took up my dining room for so long are now DEAD!:cry: Covered in splashed up dirt. Had to go buy new today, but as soon as I got home, what did it do? Rain. So now the new plants are hanging out, where? In the dining room. I give up. At least the strawberries, blueberries, peppers and kiwi I planted are ok. Seeds probably washed away on the carrots, spinach and lettuces. This rain is really ticking me off!


Alan, try washing the car. Take your time waxing it, too. Works like a charm to bring rain up here, every time.

Another alternative is to start painting something outside. Finish half of it, then take a lunch break. It should be pouring by the time you're ready to return to the task.

The greater the disparity in colors the greater the likelihood of rain (i.e. repainting a white shed with white won't work, you need to use a dark color), something that looks heinous when left half-painted).

