PLAY Oldest dwelling place in the world (photo fun - use your intuition)

Which dwelling place is oldest?

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Veteran Member
Which structure is the oldest known dwelling place in the world?

Photo “A” - Iran

Photo “B” - New Mexico

Photo “C” - Israel

Photo “D” - ScotlandE314556C-0C6B-4684-932E-A86E7B447E98.jpeg


passin' thru
Folks, please recall that we are asked NOT to tell the answers until after the game officially
concludes. That is sometime Saturday, IIRC. I o' course am a sweet southern lady who'll
just pat yer shoulder and offer cookies if you forget---- Others :: not looking at Bev :: may
borrow me thwapper n object strenuously :: eek face :::smashblue:

As always, there will be special punch n finger foods for those in the losers' lounge...
..unfortunately I get excluded from play- again- coz I not only know the answer to this
weeks' question, but am certain I've lived in one of the dwellings in a past life.


Rimtas žmogus
My first reaction was, what about Gobekli Tepe in Turkey? But I'm not sure if they've unearthed dwellings at that site, so I'm gonna go with A in Iran. Tigris-Euphrates, Fertile Crescent, Cradle of Civilization, and all that jazz.

Love what they've done with the place . . .


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Israel has jerico which is lije one of the okdest cities in the world, but dunno if people still live in old houses


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Going with "C" because the other options look better preserved. With my luck, "C" is probably some place that was recently bombed.

Quiet Man

Nothing unreal exists
There are structures older than all of the above added together that were dwellable. Humans are thought to have been around for at least 300,000 years.

Carry on... I know it's just supposed to be fun.
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The Hammer

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I went with B. I feel like I've heard the Pueblo dwellings in the US Southwest are very old.


If I can keep my mental timeline in order, B is the youngest. A and C are pretty close together and pushing for oldest, and Neolithic Scotland (D) is only about half as old as either A or C.

Pushed, I'd have to guess A.

But I think the paleolithic mammoth bone dwellings in central Europe are even older.


On TB every waking moment
Obviously this does not include all the caves in which various signs of human occupation have been found.
