CHAT Ok, I am white, but what privilege have I been given?


Veteran Member
I don’t understand this unrest. My grandmother came from nothing. my Grandmother was born in 1926. She grew up in a log cabin. During the Depression, she did jobs like pounding nails straight with hammer, while her brother demolished buildings and gathered the lumber. They resold the materials. She received an 8th Grade education. When WW2 came she worked in the ship yards. When she married the man was an alcoholic drunk. He beat her then started in on the kids.When my grandmother died she had 200,000 in cash and home worth over 350,000.

My dad grew up in that.He never talked about his childhood or his dad. He worked 40 plus years a factory, probably doing every job in mill. We grew up hunting and fishing. We cut 10 cords of firewood each year. He drove a 1963 half ton Ford truck, that cost 300 bucks.

As a result I never saw alcohol till I was in the Army. I grew middle class. I was two season athlete. I served in the USArmy. I earned two college degrees. I borrowed money to go to school, and people thought I crazy.....but I had plan. People everywhere I went said I would not make it. My own mother being one of them, telling me I was stupid. I stayed away from drugs and alcohol, saved my money, paid my debts. I even had misfortune:divorce, and major Disabling injuries.

I made it to some degree. I made it to retirement. I did a lot things right concerning stock market, and real estate. I own houses. I worked hard, and never gave up. I married well, meaning a God fearing woman with strong sense of family.

In three generations my family lot improved. My daughter has enough money for college, braces. I am telling her now you will finish college.

What do you need to do to improve your life. You will need to work hard at what ever you do. It usually requires sacrifice. You will need to avoid drugs and alcohol. You will need to be disciplined. I tried to learn something from everyone I met. You can’t sit around blaming people for your lack of success. Get busy....your burning daylight.

I cannot feel sorry for people that don’t seem interested in improving their situation.

Jeff B.

Don’t let the Piss Ants get you down…
Yep, you're privileged to work your butt off, pay taxes for little to no services that benefit YOU and as a bonus, the dependent segments of society are taught to despise you for your life of ease and extravagance. You know, because everything has been handed to you while you oppress the downtrodden and prevent the deserving from rising out of their misery.

Does that about cover it?

Jeff B.


Advocate Discernment
you have the privilege and honor of being blamed for other peoples failures because you worked for what you got, they didnt and its not fair they dont got what you got. if they dont have something and want it, its automatically theirs no matter who owns it.

there is no logic, just greed and emotions


Veteran Member
Don,t any of you think that white America is going to get so fed up by these riots and burning of businesses that they will come out and fight back to take their cities back. Because the mayors,governors and police will not. It seems to me American citizens have to ban together in huge groups and fight these criminals at this point. It time to save our country. God bless America land that we love.


On The Level
White privilege is not to worry about now. White privilege didn't work perfectly because a lot of white people don't acknowledge it or make arguments about why they've never been privileged.

Systemic racism on the other hand is the full weight of governments, corporations, schools, organizations, etc to operate on the assumption all white people are 100% racist, even if they support blm. With that assumption white people will be denied employment, benefits, access, and freedom.

In other words, you take a knee, then ask people of color for forgiveness. Maybe even make a sacrifice of some kind as a form of reparations. Or suffer.


Veteran Member
I have a similar bootstrapped life. Minimal understanding. A few things I can fathom is the "driving while black" problem and that it's their time to complain. I have my doubts the murder was as it's being portrayed, especially as they knew each other.


Veteran Member
"White Privilege" is a construct of the commies.

It has been put out there to distract people who are too dayum stupid to see what they are really doing.

The concept just doesn’t make any sense to me. In fact, it seems like nonsense. Still, a generation of kids were indoctrinated in college. Mine, in particular. When we visit, which is becoming less frequent, there are many topics that can not be discussed. Just hope they get hit by the clue bat at some point.

Fenwick Babbitt

Veteran Member
Hell of a lot easier to rape, riot and pillage then demand your gibsmedats than it is to focus, lock in, work hard and make something of yourself, just imagine where this country would be if white people were as "tribal" as blacks? The weakness of white society is white women and their uncontrollable need to be loved and accepted by total strangers, its time for people to stop being concerned about being called racist(gasp) and tell the damn truth.

Blacks need to clean up their own shitholes, stop the murders and criminal activity, stop the fatherless homes and drug dealing, once they take care of that then step up and we'll have a discussion about "systemic racism"(gasp).........If I was black I'd be seriously annoyed that people hold me to such a low standard, lower test scores, affirmative action, free college etc etc... The whole thing is one gigantic scam and people are falling for it under the threat of being called racist(gasp) stand up grow a pair and tell the damn truth.


Veteran Member
It has nothing to do with privilege but has everything to do with authority. If a soldier were to intentionally kill a civilian without cause we call it a war crime. If a cop intentionally kills a civilian without cause,that also is a crime. We finally called it when the people took to the streets. Now those people who hav been led to commit crimes while the protests were going on need to be called on it. No prison for them we don't have enough room. But there are other ways to punish them so they will think twice about doing it again.


TB Fanatic
They say ... so I’ve heard ... that it’s about this country being founded by whites. Laws and the constitution that were set by whites. That the courts and laws implemented by whites are to protect whites and the blacks have no say in “our history” or the justice system and courts and business that govern us and run our economy. If your are white ... you are privileged by just being born.

So if you’re white ... you’re a racist no matter what. They want our constitution ( along with some liberal whites) torn apart ( just like Peelosi did to Trumps SOTU speech). They want history to be ... rewritten. They want a new America where they rule and make the laws. They want the white man to ... take the back seat.

Reparations are Just part of what they want ... they want to destroy the white heritage. And by what I’ve seen many young white women are willing to help them create the new race.


TB Fanatic
Is it easier to take a good hard look at yourself or to blame someone else for your misfortunes?
I deal with people who often fail to look at themselves. The always have long sob stories of how the entire world screws them over and over again. Like the timeshare people, the credit card people wanting them to pay back the $15k they charged, the car companies who cars are junk, but no they never put oil in the engine... why would they? It goes on.

I still think we are in a golden age where Darwin has been suspended for a short period of time.


TB Fanatic
Yep, you're privileged to work your butt off, pay taxes for little to no services that benefit YOU and as a bonus, the dependent segments of society are taught to despise you for your life of ease and extravagance. You know, because everything has been handed to you while you oppress the downtrodden and prevent the deserving from rising out of their misery.

Does that about cover it?

Jeff B.

Good start. Add also the fact they have no idea, (actually most of society) how money is created, what fiat cash is, and how taxes and regulations effect your lives. They just think it magically appears in their bank accounts or in checks from the mail.


TB Fanatic
I have a similar bootstrapped life. Minimal understanding. A few things I can fathom is the "driving while black" problem and that it's their time to complain. I have my doubts the murder was as it's being portrayed, especially as they knew each other.
It does really look like the guy killed the other, why? Who the heck knows.

The driving while brown or black issue?

I often (10 times the rate for whites) see the people here driving vehicles with no tags, fully blacked out windows, clouds of pot coming out of the windows, driving stupid, (speeding, crossing yellow lines, etc). So I do understand the problem. Also, add to the fact you fish where the fish are. Minorities are arrested at higher rates for a reason. They commit the crimes more often than the older white guy does.


Contributing Member
I get the privilege of having my annual remuneration for working hard every day taken from me under threat of imprisonment so that many people of all races get to sit at home pursuing a career of govt pay for nothing, Illegals getting $$, healthcare, food, shelter and education, and all the while getting chastised for the manner in which I make that money or spend what is left afterward. That is my privilege.
Scott Adams speaks directly to the OP question, in his June 03 podcast - adult language occasionally sprinkled about, but does a good job of breaking down this question and communicating what he experienced as an (ultimately) successful white individual during his climb towards stardom - and suggests what he believes that the black community might do in their messaging and strategies per their various movements - BLM, others.

Thinking person's podcast.

Runtime: 1:12:56



Senior Member
Anyone remember the Ben Colder party records? " I'm a white man from the top of my head to the tip of my toes, all except for around my ass that's brown B. R. O. W. N." I used to laugh my ass off listening to those.


North to the Future
Yeah, you got me dear Daddy worked very very hard every day to keep our family going. Pipeworker, welder for Halliburton and worked across the country - he was that good. He still managed to put a garden in the ground; Mommy and I pulled everything together and put it up in jars every year. Then 1967 the house burned down, we went to Tx for a couple years then the 8 of us moved north to Alaska. Best decision ever. I want to live here forever. So here we are 2020, armed, prepared, ready...what in the world is coming. I have my eyes on Jesus but all my kids are elsewhere. God give me wisdom, love and His understanding.


Neither here nor there.
Your “race” has (had?) a tradition of working toward and accomplishing their goals.

That is your “white privilege”.

Pretty glamorous......

It's not just working towards and accomplishing goals... you have to have the mindset to set a goal in the first place! Without that mindset you'll never set a goal to be accomplished! I simply don't understand why some of us have this mindset and some do not... my sister in law does not have that mindset and she's a white as you can bloody well get short of being an albino.


Veteran Member
I think white privilege refers to Blacks and other minorities being excluded from the opportunity to find good jobs and earn decent wages. They were also excluded from a good education for many years. That would be the grandparents of today's kids. In the last 30 to 40 years that has changed to a great extent. Those trapped in poverty cycle in cities being the exception.

The attitude is somehow that dropping out of school, joining gangs, having multiple out of wedlock babies etc. is due to white privilege instead of bad personal choices strikes me as ridiculous. On the other hand receiving substandard education in violence and poverty ridden schools limits a future at no fault of the student. Even though it is illegal not to hire someone or not allowing them to advance in a company based on skin color still happens.

The hate all whites and even eliminate all whites strikes me as extreme bigotry. Bigotry goes in all directions and is ugly in all those directions. If people would just accept the Biblical truth that we're all created in God's image and love one another as we're supposed to all this angst would end.


Veteran Member
Racism is out there. Mostly what I and my friend ran into was dirty looks. The thing we had to be careful about was going into a store owned by Koreans. They hate blacks with a passion. Blacks are stopped unfairly too.
One time my friend was was waiting for me parked outside my condo and the cops came to my door to confirm his story was true. They had him in cuffs on the curb when I went out. So that is my experience and to me white privilege
Is the fact a white person would not have been rousted in my neighborhood.
What does that mean?
I think Ashen means when your skin color turns like a gray ash. You need cream to get rid of it. I think it's dry skin. When i was a kid my mom would tell me my knees were dirty. I kept telling her that they were "gray". They were. They were just dry and chapped. In other words Ashen.