Oh for Pete's Sake!


Veteran Member
Pete has the finesse and gentle touch of a rabid raccoon. I once had a pastor tell me people married the people they deserved.... maybe, just maybe, there is some truth to that.


Veteran Member
Clora ran out the door following Benny. Suddenly it was silent. No grownup moved or spoke, Brett looked stunned.

"Wow," Brett finally said hesitantly. "I've never known anybody who died. What happened to Jane."

All eyes swiveled to Pete for an explaination. Suddenly Pete figured just maybe he hadn't delivered the news in the best way possible. Too late, he told himself. It was over and done with. These were his kids, but he felt disengaged from their life. They were like little strangers. Pete had loved their mother with every fiber of his being. But he couldn't figure out why she had gone off.

Lowering himself into a chair, he muttered, "her heart was too weak. She didn't have enough body resourses to recover."

"Oh goodness," Cheryl whispered, looking at Hap. The old man wasn't reacting well to the news.

"Inga, Inga?" Hap repeated brokenly. "Our Inga is dead?" he started to get up, and then sat back clutching at his chest.

"Ev," Cheryl said frantically, "we've got to get him to the hospital, this time it's not good." Ev went for the pickup, while Cheryl grabbed Hap and tried to keep him upright.

Pete sat in the chair watching his father possibly die. He felt no emotion. Wondering what was the matter with himself, he looked around the room for a clue why he was acting so disinterested.

He did understand the language Cheryl was using on him. Her furious anger blistered his hide up one side and down the other. He did nod his head when she sarcastically asked if he could be bothered to watch the children, and then changed her mind when they had Hap loaded.

Ordering the children in the pickup, she took them with, not depending on that fool Pete for anything.

Everett made it to the hospital in record time. The nurse on duty went out to shush the horn honking idiot, and then hit the panic button to call for help. Hap was wheeled through the ER doors, the haphazzard family left to stare at the closing door.

Evie and Sandra had settled in for the night, when an intern banged on the door, telling them to come to the ER immediately. Quick as a flash both Evie and Sandra were running down the stairs. Rounding the corner, Evie ran into Cheryl.

Instantly both women grabbed each other in a hug. "What's wrong," Evie stammered. "What's happening?"

"Evie it's Hap. He's having a heart spell over the news about Jane. He thinks it's Inga." she said brokenly. Cheryl grabbed Sandra and Clora, holding them as Evie turned to the nurses station. Donna was ready for her, Grabbing the older woman by the arm, the nurse guided Evie into the proper cubical.

Hap, her own dear Hap was full of tubes and hoses, as Dr. Phillips and another doctor she didn't know, worked in unison.

Phillips looked up and said "By God, another one of your family?" he asked humorlessly. "Is there a living will, health proxy, history of heart problems?"

Evie related that Hap had always been slow and steady; but that lately she was beginning to think perhaps he had the same problem as the children had. "I believe Pete is affected also, did he come in for an evaluation?"

"Nope," Dr. Phillips stopped to watch the heart moniter. The top and botton line settling down into a more regular rhythm. "We got this one in time," he high fived the young doctor on the other side of Hap.

Slowly the color started filling Hap's face, and when the young woman doctor pressed on Hap's thumb nail, the blood recovery time seemed to satisfy her. Evie was silently praying, feeling helpless in the sterile atmosphere as she watched her husband of 45 years lay still and silent.

Phillips happened to look up as the older woman slid down the wall onto the floor. "Wife down," he shouted, and the ER was re energised with running feet.

Once again Evie woke on a gurney. Her formerly injuried shoulder back in a sling. "Oh crap," she said out loud.

"Such language," the good doctor reproved as he came around the end and into her vision. "We've got to stop meeting this way," he tweeked her foot as he passed. Evie didn't ask what happened. She knew.

"You can get up in a minute. I want to get your blood pressure," he pushed her back down firmly. "I've never seen such a family," he muttered darkly. Deftly he wrapped the cuff around her arm, twirled the valve closed and started to pump the bulb.

Muttering again under his breath, he released the pressure and pumped it up again. "Is your pressure normally low," he questioned tersly.

"Yes," Evie said tiredly. "It used to be 90/60, I havn't had it tested in a long time, so I can't tell you what it is now.

"Not much different," Phillips offered. "You really should let me check you out, lady, your health needs help."

"Not anything money couldn't solve, right? I don't mean to be glib Dr. Phillips, but broke is broke and means no money for anything." she clarified with weary effort.

"All Zander's brother and sisters are in the waiting room. It's more important than you know for them to see him; especially since Jane died. They are kids feeling abandoned and lied too, and they are terrified he will die also." she finished slowly.

"He still may," Dr. Phillips held small hope for the child's recovery. The hospital simply didnt have the resources for the surgery they attempted. It had been risky at best. The last ditch effort to save a life, and they had failed with the little girl. "The boy is in slightly better shape," he spoke while gauging the danger to Zander. "I guess we could allow a brief glance."

"Tonight," Evie pressed, knowing the children wouldn't leave without seeing Zander.

"Yes," the doctor agreed. "Let me arrange it. They will have to have gowns and hair covers, you too," he mentioned as he left the room, headed for the nurses station.

Evie sat up slowly. Resting a bit before slipping her feet to the floor. She had work to do. Those poor babies must be frantic, thank God they had Cheryl and Ev.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
No, thank you. Your stories are so well written and wonderful. Like Nancy98 said we all appreciate the work and time that you put into it. It sure brightens my day when I find new chapters.


Veteran Member
Ev had to physically restrain Benny, to keep him from barreling after Evie, The young man cried out, fought briefly and then buried his face in the man's coat. Ev kept strong arms around the ultra thin boy, as the child struggled to find his composure. Ev looked at Cheryl who had her arms full of Apperton girls. What a complicated, messed up turn of events this was turning out to be.

Everett was behind in his field work, he had chores undone, and he hadn't been to bed at a reasonable time in days.

Evie shuffled out to the waiting room, only to be mobbed by the children. As she raised her bandaged arm to hug as close as possible, Evie banged Brett in the nose. Bright red blood sputtered instantly. Ev grabbed a work towel from his pocket and held it under Brett's nose, tilting the youngster's head back slightly.

Evie was frantic, fussing over Brett, Benny and the girls. Nurse Donna hustled over with a wad of tissue; the phone started ringing and the county's old ambulance pulled up to the ER doors it's ancient warble fading.

Donna shoved the tissues at Evie and she turned to run for the door. The crew was unloading an unconcious man strapped securely to the gurney. As they wheeled into the ER, the strong overpowering stench of skunk blanketed the air.

The ambulance crew had respirators on, and they had to speak through the tinny sounding filters. The attendant at the head of the gurney was retching inside his mask. The unconcious man had milk splashed on his face, but it looked ineffective. Everyone in the waiting room ran outside for fresh air. Ev and Cheryl urged the kids outside, as they passed the patient, they recognized Claude.


Veteran Member
Cheryl was chuckling to herself as she shepherded the kids out the ER entrance and around to the general doors. None of them had seen what went on in the barn, only that two had gone in, and one had come out smelling like skunk.
Claude had been raging; cussing at the top of his lungs about the pleasure of destroying that blanket-blank dog as soon as he de-scented himself.

Cheryl looked at Ev, only to discover he must have been thinking along the same lines. A big grin was playing across his mouth, and he winked at her over the heads of the children.

Will broke the pleasant spell of the night by squealing around the corner with his lights on. He had been so rudely interrupted at his supper by a call from hysterical Betty screaming through the phone about people trying to kill Claude out at the Hanson place.

Betty, prompted by Sarah, threatened to call in the State Police to investigate shoddy enforcement of citizen protection. Will had cast a longing look at the huge plate of spaghetti and meatballs his girlfriend Cassy had just put on the table.

"This shouldn't take long. I'll be right back," he promised the resigned looking Blondie. Cassy merely nodded, turning to blow out the candles. Heaving a big sigh, she went to sit in the living room and watch TV.

Will thought about the trouble Betty and Pete had brought to the community, as he sped across town. They were enough to give anyone acid indigestion. He had never once been called to the Hanson place in the twenty some years he had been sheriff. Now in the space of a week, he had been there every day.

Will pulled into the hospital parking lot. In his lights he could see people hurrying to the general entrance. Ev and Cheryl had the kids and things looked under control. He didn't see Evie, but she was probably around somewhere.

The closer he got to the ambulance, the stronger the skunk smell became. The ER doors were locked open, that was not standard procedure. Will walked into the room and the first thing he noticed was Claude strapped to a gurney, obviously the source of the skunk stench. Donna was on the phone, coughing into a handkerchief. Interns, nurses, doctors were running back and forth with papers and charts. Phillips could be heard roaring orders on the other side of the door.

Squeak, squeak, through the doors leading from the treatment rooms came another gurney. Somehow Will was not surprised to see Evie doing the pushing. She was having difficultly controlling the direction, but the person on the gurney was not whom he expected. Hap Hanson in a union suit was a surprise. Squeak, squeak, Evie was determined to bypass Claude and get Hap outside.

"Don't just stand there," she snapped at Will. "Help me get this damn thing outside."

"Yes Ma'am," he obliged by pulling the wheel stop up so the gurney would roll freely.

"Is that what's wrong with this cotton picking %#@%#."Evie said exasperatedly. Will pulled the foot board toward the door and Evie had to trot to keep up.

The kids were ecstatic to see them both, crowding around and touching Hap. They were happy to be together, away from the smell and the older boys were falling all over themselves telling the story of Claude and the skunk.

Hap lay still for a spell, and then during a lull in the commotion, demanded "Evie, where's my damn pants."

That was enough to have every one laugh, and Hap looked up bewildered. Evie patted his hand and leaned over to speak directly in his ear. Will noticed Hap calmed down and Evie and Ev helped him in his trousers. Hap laid down again, and asked Evie to cover him with the blanket.

Donna Pingree hustled over to release Hap, giving Evie a list of instructions for his treatment. She issued orders for everyone to go home, and give them time to clean the hospital.

Benny yanked on Evie's sleeve, the child had such a resolute look to his face. "We want to see Zander." All the Appertons lined up to enforce Benny's decree. Brett scooted over to stand with Benny, and Cheryl walked up hand in hand with Ev.

"Well then," Evie declared; "that's what we will do." Actually, she had little hope that the staff would allow them the visit, but it was worth a try. In her own heart she was pining to see Zander, wanted to hold him in the worst way.

There was no sign of Claude when they all trooped back into the ER. Donna marshalled her temper, but the softer side of her helped the kids into gowns and hair covers. The adults, including Will, gowned up and they all went trooping down the hall to the isolation room. Through the open doorway, each was allowed a quick glance at Zander. It wasn't a sight they should have seen. Zander was sedated, with tubes, hoses, monitors and alarms wired to him.

"Holy geeze," Brett said aloud when they were back in the waiting room. "he looks terrible. Are they gonna do that to you?" he asked Benny.

Benny flashed a look of fear to wards Evie. Evie beckoned him over and spoke low in his ear. Benny nodded, straightened up in relief and went over to tug on a lock of Brett's hair.

"You've got a big mouth," he threw at Brett. "Don't you ever THINK before you put your mouth in gear."

Ev grabbed them both by the arm and marched the boys outside. Cheryl had Hap up and walking toward the door. She waved good by at Evie and Sandra. Sandra was yawning loudly, and Evie had to remind her to cover her mouth. By the time they had reached their room, both were exhausted and ready for sleep.

Down stairs, Claude was in a shallow tub of hydrogen peroxide. There were waterproof patches over his eyes, and a nurse with him at all times. The doctors had no idea how to treat Claude, but as long as he was immersed, he didn't smell as rank.

The hubbub had settled down and the ER was running smoothly, when Betty hit the door and all hell started breaking loose.


Veteran Member
Betty would be well worth the brass needed for pest control. Thank you for yet another thrilling adventure in Evie's life.


Veteran Member
Will scooted up to the table and Cassy served the warmed over supper, when the phone rang. Rubbing his forehead, he reached for the phone with resignation. Unhappy as all get out, Cassy retreated to the kitchen and stood against the counter with folded arms. Just once she would like to have a complete supper with the man she loved without interference from that blasted phone.

Will held the phone away from his ear, as nurse Donna held her receiver toward Betty, the she devil upset because couldn't see Claude in the ER.

Already ticked because of the horrible skunk smell Claude had brought into the roadhouse; further agitated by the scent in the car; and now having to deal with this dimwitted nurse just ignited Betty.

She was still in the middle of her tantrum when Will appeared in the ER doorway. Without a word he grabbed her arm, spun her against the wall and slapped handcuffs on the twisting, writhing woman. He super marched her to the cruiser, pushed Betty in, and drove rapidly to the jail.

Kevin jumped up when Will threw back the door. Scrambling to keep ahead of his boss, he sprinted to the cell block inner door and tore open a cell door. Will spoke to Betty, giving her the choice of behaving while he removed the cuffs; or she could stay in them overnight.

Betty, didn't slow down with her tirade. She got a second wind and the language got progressively worse until Will slammed the cell door and locked the outer door when he and Kevin passed through.

"Kev, go on home, we'll book her in the morning." Will locked the outer door.

"Boss, we shouldn't leave her alone, should we?" Kevin winced as Betty added a descriptive rendition of ' your a particular low down, lop eared, knuckle dragging cretin,' and then smiled at Will. "It's way too nice a night to listen to that. See you in the morning."

Will finished his night a happy man.

Pete, left alone in the darkened house limped over to the couch and collapsed in weary anger. The more he thought about the way his life had turned out, the more he punched the fancy couch pillow his mother insisted on displaying. Beating the stuffing out of the patchwork whatchamacallit, he threw it over the back of the couch when it came apart at the seams.

Angry, tired and restless, Pete started looking for his money. Focused on a task, he rapidly and thou rally started combing through the house. It was hard to think like his ma, she was a devious old broad, so where might she think to hide that money, he fussed.

Exhausted, he finally stopped and collapsed on the couch once again. He slept fitfully until his mind told him he'd better get up and straighten the house. Pete wasn't actually sure his mother would give him back the money, if he asked for it. She had some pretty weird notions about honesty and all that crap.

She was able to hide that money pretty good. Pete went to scratch that miserable beard and caught some of the chin hairs in his cuff button. He had to yank hard to get it loose. Well, he thought sourly, that hurt. Stretching out on the couch to rest his stinkin leg, Pete dozed.

Ev and Cheryl drove straight to their place. They carried sleepy kids in the house and lined them up on the couch to sleep.


This is a great story! I'm really glad you said you would finish it...I've read too many that stopped and never came back to it.

Thank you.



Veteran Member
Early morning found Pete standing in the kitchen. He had already gone through the cupboards twice, looked through the oven, refrigerator and wash machine. He had looked up in the attic crawl space, and tried to look in the basement. There was so much junk in the basement, the money could be right under his nose and he wouldn't see it. He half heartedly looked into several of the boxes, kicked one of them, and stomped upstairs madder than before.

He wanted that money for Sue, to help raise his kids. She wasn't supposed to be gone, he was furious she hadn't stuck to the plan they had agreed upon. Pete and Sue had decided not to involve his parents, they were going to take the money and go away. Make a new start. Betty, Patty and Brett were going to be nothing but a bad memory of the past.

The thought of the money kept Pete busy all morning. He scoured the house a third time, and then went for the barn. The dog was lying in the doorway and raised his head when Pete came close. Inky stood up, alert and attentive to every move Pete made. He had told Sue to get rid of the mutt, and she said she had. But here he was again. The dog didn't like him, and Pete sure didn't like the dog.

Pete moved slowly around the dog, giving Inky a wide berth. He looked all around the barn, he had never seen it so empty. It was swept clean. No hay, no animals, not even any of Inga's things strewn around. Inga, Pete hadn't thought about his charmed sister in a long time. He snorted, and Inky stirred, interested in what the unwelcome human might be doing.

Pete moved backward as Inky advanced toward him. Inky seemed pleased that Pete was moving further into the barn with each step, and he grinned his special smile. In the darkness of the barn, Inky's teeth gleamed shiny white and they seemed like they were vibrating somewhat.

There was a scratching noise behind Pete, but he paid it no mind. His eyes and attention never left the oncoming hulk of the dog as the mutt pushed him further toward the back of the barn. Inky growled deep in his throat, enjoying the fright he could smell raising in the human.

Pete found himself pushed into a stall with several bales of old hay. Inky stopped, growled again and made a short jump at Pete.

With great haste, Pete shuffled back and tripped over a bale and fell into the nest the skunk couple was using to raise their brood.
The skunks were not amused to have their cozy home broken into by such a giant, and both adults reacted naturally.

When he saw the human start tipping over, Inky beat it for the barn door. He knew very well what would happen next.

Laying down in the sunshine, Inky licked his paw and laughed a doggy laugh. Pete came screaming out the door and headed for the creek. In his doggy way, Inky considered the morning a good day's work.


Good dog Inky!! This story is wonderful. You either have me in tears for the sadness or in tears from laughing so hard. Waiting for more please.


Veteran Member
Evie woke when the morning shift came around for stats. The LPN was nervous, new at the job, and dropped the cuff not once but twice. Finally Evie laughed and helped the woman by rolling up her sleeve. Sandra woke up and watched with interest.

The gal took Evies temperature, checked her pulse and finally got the blood pressure reading. "What is this for?" Evie asked, surprised she was being checked.

"Ahh, as per Dr. Phillips orders." the LPN finally smiled. "We are so short on people, perhaps he forgot to mention it to you. Last night was a terrific upset around here."

"Isn't that the truth," Evie replied. "My grandson is downstairs in the isolation room. I sure hope he had a good night."

"He appeared stronger this morning, but," she leaned closer and whispered conspiratorially, "You didn't hear that from me."

Evie heaved a deep sigh. The morning sun was shining, she had slept well, Sandra looked well rested and she was hungry. It was time for breakfast. Together Evie and Sandra washed up and headed downstairs.

The lunchroom was dark and empty. Impatient with people that stayed in bed when they should be up and moving, Evie told the ER nurse on duty she was going down to the coffee shop for breakfast.

It was a pleasant stroll around the corner to the small restaurant. Will and his deputy Kevin had just been served, and he waved Evie and Sandra into the two empty seats at their table. Both men seemed in unusually good spirits.

Sandra looked at the menu, and Evie totally forgot the child couldn't read. Sandra asked hesitantly if she she could have a hot chocolate. She acted like she wanted to say something more, but ducked her head bashfully. Evie ordered a short stack and coffee; and ordered a hot chocolate and one pancake for Sandra. Then the wonderful waitress asked the magic question, "would you like whipped cream on the chocolate?" Sandra caught her breath at the thought of such a fantastic addition. She looked hopefully at Evie, but didn't say a word.

Evie looked at that sweet little face obviously wanting the whipped cream more than anything. "Sure, how about a double on the whip." she reached over and squeezed Sandra's hand and winked.

Will watched the little play out of the corner of his eye. That's the way grandparents were supposed to act, he thought contentedly. Evie's conduct with the children went up a notch in his estimation.

Pete's role in all of this was troubling and suspicious. Thinking about the strange behavior of Evie's son brought a dark scowl to Will's face. His law enforcement background gut feeling started jigging, and he resolved to do a little checking when he got back to the office.

Quietly for her ears only, Will recounted to Evie his run in with Betty the previous night. Evie couldn't help but laugh out loud at the scene he painted. Then, he had to account the situation with Claude and the skunk. By this time Evie was laughing so hard she almost fell out of the chair. "Poor Inky," she managed to say. "I hope he didn't get sprayed again."

Sandra was more amused at her grandmother's reaction, than the story. But the magnificent hot chocolate captured her total attention. It was all hers, she didn't have to share with any of the family, and it was so overwhelming she didn't know where to start. Evie slowly pushed the spoon to Sandra, and the girl caught the meaning right away.

Slowly Evie and Sandra walked back to the hospital, hoping they could visit or get an update on Zander.

Morning at Cheryl and Ev's started out early. Hap was wandering, calling plaintively for Evie, not understanding where he was. Clora led him to the table and had him sit, as she brought him a drink of water.

"How old are you?" Cheryl quired softly, as she came out of the bedroom. Clora looked up in surprise, thought a while and then said"I think I'm ten. Why?"

"You are so good with Hap. You must have been watching Evie," Cheryl praised with a smile. "When will you kids be done with school. Do you need me to write excuses for your teacher. You've been out for two...no three days isn't it?"

Clora got real still and looked away, concentrating on the windmill picture on the wall. Benny poked his head up from back of the couch and then ducked down just as quickly.

Cheryl got the vibrations right away, something was amiss. It really wasn't hard to make the jump. "You kids haven't been to school, have you?"


Veteran Member
Dr. Phillips told Evie to go home and rest. It was his theory that Will would be available to fetch her back to the hospital if she was needed. He threw in a quick peek at Zander as an incentive for Evie to agree.

Evie was way ahead of the 8 ball. She had been thinking about a grocery list, and a possible lift home in the delivery panel.
She wanted 2 large sacks of dog food plus canned goods, meat; so many items that would be too heavy to carry.

At the grocery store, Howard carefully wrote up the prices and looked concerned when he got to the total. Evie understood, dug in her bottomless pocket and withdrew a couple of bills. Howard's eyes widened slightly when he saw the denominations she handed him. It used to be that hundred dollar bills were common tender for groceries, but since the crash, nobody had that kind of money.

Evie casually mentioned that the bank had given them to her, even though she wanted smaller bills. Howard nodded in agreement, thrilled that she had chosen to spend the money at his store. The couple hundred she spent, would help the store keeper pay the balance due owed on the supplies stocked in the store.

Howard was more than happy to deliver the boxes and passengers. Evie was thankful down to the bottom of her soul for the riches she was taking home. Sandra was almost beside herself. She had seen Evie slip a bag of oranges in the box. Imagine, oranges for them to eat, maybe a whole one all to herself. Even if she had to share, it was such a treat that it would be worth it.

Sandra thought about the whipped cream and hot chocolate of the morning's breakfast. That had been just about the best thing she had ever eaten. If she licked her lips, she could still taste a bit of the chocolate. What a glorious sensation it had been.
Sandra couldn't remember her mother having anything like chocolate. She cooked rice and oatmeal. The rest of the welfare food was sold or traded for money. Sandy remembered being hungry, hungry all the time.
Benny and Clora were old enough to remember the times before, but all she could recall was being hungry.

The box boy helped them unload the groceries. Inky was right there to inspect the big bags of food, wagging his tail in total approval. The young man was Kevin the deputy's younger brother, Stan. He smiled in appreciation at the small tip, and gunned the old chevy delivery truck back towards town.

The second she entered her house, Evie felt the discord in the air. Holding her arm out to block Sandy from entering, she looked right and left, not seeing the results of a break in. Holding her finger to her lips, Evie sent Sandra outside and pulled Inky in the door.

Watching the dog, Evie could tell he was unconcerned. Inky looked over his shoulder and wagged his tail and grinned in such a friendly way, Evie had to chuckle as she scratched his ears.

Inky reciprocated by washing the hand well, before he would let Evie have it back. "You old rascal," she chided him fondly, "I'm sure glad your here." Inky nodded in a most regal way, favoring her once again with a smile.
If the house was safe, they had work to do. Plus, she wondered where the family was. She couldn't fault Ev and Cheryl for needing to get their daily chores done, but still, Hap would be unsettled in an unfamiliar place.

Inky walked over to stand by the dog food, a silent but loud hint for a bowlful. Sandra asked timidly if she could feed Inky, she smiled and opened the sack when Evie agreed. Daintily, the huge Newfey reached in and selected a mouthful. Efie could tell the dog was starving. "He's a good friend," she commented to Sandra. Sandra stood beside the dog as he ate, petting the black matted hair. "Remind me to get a brush from the barn, we need to take better care of this old boy. He's gone the extra mile for us."

"What does that mean," Sandra asked, and Evie launched into an explanation.

Down in the woods Pete lay submerged in the icy cold creek, his teeth chattering so loud the birds stopped singing. Shivering uncontrollably, he plotted revenge against that blasted dog. That had been a deliberate act that rotten dog had pulled on him.
There would be a day of reckoning soon. Pete raised his arm to check the time. Cursing the fate, he realized he had jumped in the water with his watch on. Sheepishly he felt in his back pocket, yeah his wallet was there.

Ev loaded up the crew and Hap. Cheryl stood on the porch exhausted, but thrilled they were leaving. She smiled and waved as they pulled out of the yard. Staggering inside, she poured a large stout cup of coffee and sank into the nearest chair. My word, she thought, I don't know how Evie does it. I'm a good thirty years younger than she, and I feel wiped out.

Ev stopped with a flourish in the Hanson yard. Although Evie and Sandra were coming out the door, he tooted the horn, knowing it would make Inky bark. Inky obliged, excited that his people were where they were supposed to be.

Brett got out, sniffed the air and remarked,"Phew, the skunk must have nailed somebody else. That's a fresh one."


Veteran Member
Betty figured she was as miserable as she'd ever been. Being around that looser Pete was the same as a raging case of heartburn; but this! This took the cake.

Betty didn't remember being so tired, so mad or so out of options. She really didn't expect that hick sheriff to do what he did. She had screamed, cried, hopped around the cell and kicked the bunk and hurt her toe. And did anybody care? NO. Sarah didn't show up looking for her, she was supposed to close the bar but couldn't, dear, darling Claude was probably dying in the hospital and she couldn't get to him, and now she had to pee really bad.

If that sheriff didn't get here soon, there was gonna be real trouble, real wet trouble. Naturally, at that instant, the sheriff turned the key in the door. "About time," she sniped sarcastically. "When I get out, I'm gonna sue the bricks right off the walls of this hick jail."

There was silence and the key turned again. Will wasn't in the mood for any of Betty's shenanigans. He had put Pete's name through the national database and what returned, was nothing. Not a record, nada, zip. Will had never known of a person that didn't have some kind of a trail. More and more Pete seemed an unusual person, in unusual circumstances. He still made Will's senses tingle.

Will tried the cell door one more time. Betty took a deep breath, like she was preparing to blast him once again, and then collapsed with out saying a word. Will told her to face the wall, and as he unlocked the cuffs to put one hand and then the other on the wall.
Betty complied eagerly, anything to get the handcuffs off.

Will exited the cell without saying another word. Betty, thinking quick, hollered,"Hey don't I get a phone call, or something?"
The sheriff looked like he was contemplating her request, when the phone rang in the outer office. Will shut the door on Betty's sputtering and went to answer the phone.

Sarah was shouting into the receiver. Betty had been kidnapped, and Sarah wanted Will to get a posse together and go looking for the missing woman. Claude was still in the hospital, no one was there minding the till.

Posse, Will barked with genuine laughter, I wonder where she ever got that notion. Sarah was indignant, that's the second time she had been laughed at. Betty was correct, this was a hick town with hick people.

Holding his laughter, Will waited for Sarah to loose steam and stop talking. "Betty is here in jail. Her bond is $150.00 cash. You pay, she gets out." Short and succinct, he hung up. His attention snagged by a paper spit out of the teletype, Will walked over and picked it up.

Evie guided Hap into the kitchen and had him sit at the table. Hap was nervous and jumpy, his eyes darting all around the kitchen.
"What's wrong," Evie asked, puzzled he would be so agitated.

"Is this my house," Hap demanded.

"Yes," Evie answered calmly. "Do you need something?"

"I need to go to bed. I have not been able to sleep in many nights. I feel poorly. Please take me to my room." Evie helped him into bed and smoothed the covers. Hap curled on his side and closed his eyes, shutting out contact with the world.

"Hey Grandma, there's skunk babies in the barn. Can we keep one? Huh, can we?" Brett insisted loudly. Evie looked over her shoulder, hoping Brett hadn't disturbed Hap. He husband hadn't moved. She quietly shut the door to the bedroom.

"Oh, sorry Grandma, was I too loud." he all but shouted in her ear. Evie had to shake her head to stop her ears from ringing.

"Brett, honey listen. The skunk babies are not pets, I want Ev to get rid of them." Evie put her arm around Brett's shoulder. "We won't be able to keep Inky with skunks around." She squeezed Brett's arm. "Inky is very important to us."

"I know he is, but I've never had a cat. Patty was allergic, and I really want one. Can we get one someday, can we huh grandma"

"Brett," Evie tried calming the over active boy, "we have to get rid of the skunks first. I can't take the chance that one of you kids might get sprayed. Let's do this one step at a time."

"OK," Brett sounded like a child that had been promised much, with no follow through.

"Listen, don't get mopey. Ev and Cheryl have a couple of barn cats. It's spring. There should be kittens soon." Evie shook her finger at Brett and swatted at his rear. "Find Benny and Clora. We need to get the grocery boxes in, we need wood, and we need to wash clothes..." Evie turned around to see what Brett was doing, only to find he was out the door at a run.

There was a seedy, disreputable looking man coming around the corner of the barn.