Obama’s 2007 Senate Floor Commitment to an `Egalitarian Society’


Yes He Is!

Obama’s 2007 Senate Floor Commitment to an `Egalitarian Society’
By Marinka Peschmann, Special to Canada Free Press Monday, October 27, 2008

Senator Barack Obama is committed for America to be an “egalitarian society.” What? Obama hasn’t told Americans about that commitment on the campaign trail to the White House but it’s true. And this time Obama cannot attack Joe the plumber for exposing his socialist plans for America. You see, Obama proclaimed his commitment to being an egalitarian society; which in some circles is described as the holy grail of socialism--last year on the U.S. Senate floor when he introduced the Citizenship Promotion Act, S. 795.

Here’s what Obama told his Senate colleagues on March 7, 2007: “Let’s stop sending mixed messages. Let’s work together and set immigration fees at a level that are fair and consistent with our commitment to being an open, democratic, and egalitarian society.” (italics mine)

Obama’s “egalitarian society” commitment is a clear statement that defines his intentions for “change” if he is elected President of the United States.

Where to begin?

First, as reported here, Obama’s Citizenship Promotion Act, part of his “leading role in crafting immigration reform,” hurts America’s interests. Why? Because Obama’s bill doesn’t secure the borders or clean up the U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services, a bureaucracy that protects America’s national security but is riddled by corruption including bribe-taking, as it combats a 20-year backlog of applications from immigrants following America’s laws. Instead while the global economy feels the pocketbook pain of ACORN’s role in the mortgage crisis, Obama’s Citizenship Promotion Act rewards community organizer groups like ACORN with U.S. $80 million taxpayer dollars for these groups to “organize the immigrant community” towards citizenship, via the beleaguered USCIS, to voter booths. So when Obama declares immigration fees should be set that are “fair and consistent with our commitment to being an open, democratic, and egalitarian society,” it sounded really nice, (except for the chilling misnomer: America is not an egalitarian society—at least not yet), but the reality is starkly different. Fair fees, unfair fees, the immigrants Obama seeks to “organize” in his legislation cannot be processed for months if not years unless government officials are bribed or the USCIS, miraculously, is reformed. Instead of fixing the immigration crisis, Obama’s bill compounds it by providing an U.S. $80 million grant for community organizers to wreck havoc on this grossly troubled government agency.

Next, what does Obama’s open, democratic, and egalitarian commitment for America mean?

Egalitarianism is defined as “a social and political philosophy asserting the equality of all men, especially in their access to the rights and privileges of their society.” It’s a social “philosophy advocating the removal of inequalities among people.” The objective of egalitarianism advocacy is socialism.

Socialism is “a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done.” It’s founded on two tenets: Thomas Jefferson’s, “All men are created equal,” in the Declaration of Independence and Karl Marx’s “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.”
History proves that socialists offer few practical points about how these two principles can be reconciled where everyone’s quality of life is harmoniously lifted up instead of knocked down, as Fidel Castro’s Cuba, and Hugo Chavez’s Venezuela personifies. It’s been said that capitalism may be the “uneven distribution of wealth,” but “socialism” is “the even distribution of poverty.”
Some argue that socialists and egalitarians bungled the meaning of Jefferson’s “all men are created equal,” because reality gets in the way of Marx’s communist dreams of utopia. Why? Because everybody has God-given unique talents, ambitions and characteristics, and under the Declaration of Independence each individual enjoys equal liberty, and the freedom to choose how they want to live. Egalitarianism and Marxism is in direct odds with that principle because it attempts to force individuals to accept the dictates of the masses, extinguishing everybody’s unique traits to achieve equity of results. Mediocrity and oppression inevitably prevails.

There is no doubt that Obama’s “commitment to being an open, democratic, and egalitarian society” will bring a radical change to America. Believe Michelle Obama when she retells her husband’s speech when they first met about, “the world as it is, and the world as it should be.” As President, on day one of an Obama administration, with the stroke of a pen, Obama may issue executive orders to achieve his “world as it should be” egalitarian goals. Who will rejoice? Obama’s Marxist associations, people like the self-described communist with a small ‘c’ and anarchist, the “distinguished scholar” and terrorist William Ayers, the Obama’s former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his Back Liberation theology followers, and radical leftist groups like ACORN.

This election is not about race, it’s about freedom. Americans have a clear choice. Do they want to live in Obama’s egalitarianism idea of utopia or live in America, the land of the free and the home of the brave that the Founding Fathers intended? Vote on November 4.


almost ready

Atlas Shrugged

Remember, in the book, the government's "Equalization of Opportunity" Act? Doesn't seem so far fetched with the marxist in the white house.

Neither does a major shrug by tired producers who will just let it go down. 39% of nothing is nothing. Add 10% to the state and excise, sales, property, and use taxes, and it's still nothing, nada.


Ya'll are kidding, right? Do you know what the word means:

e·gal·i·tar·i·an /ɪˌgælɪˈtɛəriən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[i-gal-i-tair-ee-uhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. asserting, resulting from, or characterized by belief in the equality of all people, esp. in political, economic, or social life.
–noun 2. a person who adheres to egalitarian beliefs.


[Origin: 1880–85; alter. of equalitarian with F égal r. equal]

Isn't this the same principle set forth in the Declaration of Independence "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal"?


Membership Revoked
Ya'll are kidding, right? Do you know what the word means:

e·gal·i·tar·i·an /ɪˌgælɪˈtɛəriən/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[i-gal-i-tair-ee-uhn] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. asserting, resulting from, or characterized by belief in the equality of all people, esp. in political, economic, or social life.
–noun 2. a person who adheres to egalitarian beliefs.


[Origin: 1880–85; alter. of equalitarian with F égal r. equal]

Isn't this the same principle set forth in the Declaration of Independence "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal"?

The problem is the McCain neocon campaign appeals to the lowest common denominator.

They are against the Constitution and against the ideals the Republic was founded on.

They are indeed evil and anti American.
