HEALTH Obamacare watch: Medicare

NC Susan

ObamaCare Watch A Project of the Galen Institute

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ObamaCare cuts a half-trillion dollars from Medicare over the next decade. These cuts are unsustainable and will lead to a reduction in the quality of care for seniors who rely on the program to secure access to needed medical services. The cuts in Medicare Advantage will impose steep costs on millions of Medicare beneficiaries, and will fall disproportionately on low income and minority seniors.

Across-The-Board Cuts

Congress has tried many times over the years to control costs in Medicare with across-the-board cuts in Medicare’s payment rates for services, and they’ve always failed. Price controls don’t control the volume of services used by patients, and every time Congress cuts fees, the rising use of services pushes total costs upward despite the per service payment cuts. ObamaCare uses this same flawed strategy of paying health care providers even less money for treatments, even though Medicare payments are already so low that many doctors don’t accept new Medicare patients. The official Medicare actuaries have determined that approximately 15 percent of hospitals will be driven out of business in less than ten years if these cuts go through and called the cuts “clearly unworkable and almost certain to be overridden by Congress.”

Medicare Advantage

The Medicare Advantage (MA) program allows Medicare beneficiaries to voluntarily elect to take their Medicare entitlement in the form of a fixed monthly payment to an authorized private insurance plan. Firms compete for customers by providing additional benefits that are not covered by the traditional Medicare program, such as vision and dental coverage. If their plans are less expensive than the area average for Medicare’s fee-for-service program, then the insurer must pass along most of the extra savings as an incentive for beneficiary enrollment. Currently, about one in four seniors are enrolled in an MA plan.

ObamaCare drastically reduces payments to MA plans; the cuts will total $150 billion over 10 years. This will force insurers to scale back the extra benefits they are able to provide seniors, or to withdraw their plans entirely from some markets. In some rural areas, these cuts may force all existing MA plans to pull out, leaving the beneficiaries with no options outside of the traditional program.

An analysis of the MA cuts by Robert Book of the Heritage Foundationand ObamaCare Watch’s Jim Capretta has shown that, on average, MA enrollees will lose $3,714 worth of extra services by 2017 due to the MA reductions in ObamaCare. These reductions will also mean that 7.4 million beneficiaries who would have enrolled in MA in 2017 will be forced into less preferable options by the MA cuts. That’s a full 50% reduction in expected MA enrollment. The impact of the cuts will be even more dramatic in certain localities (as documented in the Book-Capretta analysis). This is one of the most concrete violations of the President’s pledge that “If you like your plan, you can keep your plan” in the entire law.

Medicare Commission

ObamaCare creates a new, unelected board — the Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB — to cut Medicare even further. This board would be independent from Congress, and is empowered to make cuts that will automatically get implemented unless a veto-proof majority of Congress overturns them with subsequent legislation. The law prevents the IPAB from making any substantive reforms or improvements to Medicare; the only mechanism available to cut costs and hit budget targets is payment rate reductions for providers of services, cuts which only servie to drive even more hospitals and other providers of services to drop out of the program.

Accountable Care Organizations

One of many new ideas to cut costs is the creation of Accountable Care Organizations (ACO). These are effectively government-encouraged HMOs, except with hospitals and doctors, and not insurers, running them. The theory is that if hospitals and doctors get to share in the savings, they will find ways to manage care more efficiently for Medicare patients.

The problem with ACOs, however, is that Medicare beneficiaries are going to be assigned to them involuntarily by the government. Thus, many seniors who today enjoy complete freedom of choice of physicians could find themselves in an ACO in which their physician has a financial incentive to steer them away from the specialists they have normally used for care.

Pilot Programs

ObamaCare authorizes scores of pilot programs from 2013 to 2016 which give the government the authority to experiment in Medicare with different payment models. Furthermore, ObamaCare establishes a Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation to sponsor additional research into new ways of paying for services.

Proponents of ObamaCare have invested great hope in these pilots. But history indicates they are very unlikely to produce anything of tangible value. In the past, pilot programs have not worked to fundamentally change Medicare because program administrators have found it much easier to impose arbitrary cuts on all licensed providers than to pick and choose winners and losers based on disputable measures of quality and performance.

Preventive Services

New services will be required to be covered by Medicare without any out-of-pocket costs if the government decides they qualify as preventive care. This change will not lead to any real savings, as the costs will just be passed on in the form of higher Medicare premiums. Additionally, it will introduce more politicization of the health care system, as lobbyists seek to have certain treatments included in the preventive care list.

Closing the “Donut Hole”

The Medicare drug benefit, enacted in 2003, provides insurance coverage for annual above a deductible but below $2,700 and above $6,154 (these are 2009 levels). The gap between $2,700 and $6,154 is called the “donut hole.” ObamaCare phases out this gap by gradually increasing the $2,700 limit.

The Congressional Budget Office has determined that this plan will raise per prescription costs in Medicare because it will discourage generic substitution in the “donut hole.” With full government-subsidized insurance coverage, many seniors will end up using more expensive branded products with no measurable change in the quality of their care.

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Veteran Member
I have to walk this mine field now with my brother who is 100% disabled and on SSI.
I heed to hire someone who knows all this crap and can advise me.

What is this person called? What/who am I looking for?
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Veteran Member
Me too, they are now looting the seniors and denying care and medicines. I pay my $50 co-pay for a specialists and then receive a bill from that doctor wanting $16 more. 20% now on any diagnostics or lab work. The death panel are "$cos$", for the poor cannot pay to save their lives. Now the illegal filth that are young yet don't work, they get it all free including dental and free housing We are Germany.


The Congressional Budget Office has determined that this plan will raise per prescription costs in Medicare because it will discourage generic substitution in the “donut hole.” With full government-subsidized insurance coverage, many seniors will end up using more expensive branded products with no measurable change in the quality of their care.

Sometimes there is no change, but we have found some generics simply don't work as well. Otherwise we would use them all the time.

Before medicare, medical costs were unbelievably lower, as was insurance. Now the costs are nearly unaffordable, and keep going up, while doctors are getting fed up with gov. meddling in the way they practice medicine. Care will be cheap when there are no providers.


Veteran Member
All insurance is Ponzi.

I am 'elder' now, and Medicare Looms.

I do not want it.

Are you aware that it can not be refused?

Part A.

Screws with paid insurance.

I have personal issues with insurance.
Have had golden free insurance, never used it.
Always paid my own way.

This is one aspect that boggles...

Kucinich had the right of it: omit the INSURANCE MIDDLE-MAN.

Has nobody in here ever actually paid cash for medical care?
Visit a real doctor, and pay for the visit?

Paying direct to your doctor, is no part whatsoever in this discussion.

Middle-men are a force of friction. Wasted work/energy/shekels.

Often obstructionist, as well.

As an aside, just WHAT DO the myriad of TAXES and FEES pay for?

jMpissedoffO, YMMV.

NC Susan

Well Obamacare is shifting the socialized medicine to people who pay taxes
But i doubt that billion dollar savings will reduce any taxes

I am on united insurance but i remember I am sitting next to free medicaide, self pay, uninsured, Tricare and reduced medicare every where i go

In other words six or more price ranges depending on who pays for that aspirin

Green Co.

HMO's & PPO's have such a bad reputation around here, our long time Doctor will no longer take them, including Medicare Advantage.

I researched for a long while, and have just stuck with medicare & it's deductibles. I could not find one of the HMO/PPO type plans that covered you when out of your home area. The wife & I travel too much to worry about whether coverage could be obtained for a sickness while visiting out of area. When I learned our Dr dropped all HMO/PPO's, kinda helped make up our mind.


Veteran Member
Last year I had regular Medicare and had very little problem throughout the year..this year I switched to a Medicare Advantage plan (with AARP/United)..yeah, supposed to be very reputable...'cept they don't tell you the "advantage" is all theirs. I have had a heck of a time with them, and my part D costs have skyrocketed. Still have 5 months to go, but In Dec I'm changing back.


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
I have to walk this mine field now with my brother who is 100% disabled and on SSI. I heed to hire someone who knows all this crap and can advise me. What is this person called? What/who am I looking for?

I'm sorry to hear this!

I would start with a search of what resources are available in your community. Do you have something like Disability Services? Check the county website. If so, call them and explain your brother's situation and that you need to find an insurance expert in their office to guide you. If they accept your brother, he will get a caseworker who may know about insurance or may be able to refer you. That won't cost you directly: it's paid for by your taxes.

If that's a dead end, contact the social workers at the nearest largest local hospital and ask what programs there are in your area for help explaining your brother's options. The director should know all of them. If they blow you off, go in person and keep asking. This is also free.

If that's a dead end, and either of you are seniors, call the services for seniors hotline -- this should be on the city or county website. If not, go in person to a large senior center and chat with the director. That will only work if either of you is a senior. However, in a pinch, I've often found that some directors know about all of the community services. Again, this is free.

When he started receiving SSI, his caseworker should've explained all this!
This government is deliberately trying to take us all other answer for this. Here, for a long time, we have been warned that SS and Medicare are in trouble....that our benefits will probably have to be cut, so why does Obama bring in tens of thousands (probably hundreds of thousands) of illegals from all over the world, and provide them all with life's necessities indefinitely? How does he expect our benefits to be afforded to us, who have earned and paid into them, when he supplies probably hundreds of thousands of immigrants to come here. No limits! This is worse than insane! Why can't our legislators do something about this insanity? We all need to get on their phones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I heard, on the Alex Jones show, that Mexico is asking us for money to help process the illegals who are pouring thru Mexico, on their way up here. I don't know what Mexico says it is doing for them, but they have a lot of nerve asking us to help them, and on top of it, support these parasites, once they get up here.

One little tidbit....last week, I learned something that I had never heard, before, and I wish I could remember who it was that reported it. But, the person said that the reason Bill Clinton was able to balance his budget was that he was the dirty, rotten scoundrel who took the money that was in the SS budget and applied it to the national budget! And, the Democrats brag about how the budget was in such good shape, when Clinton was President!

Well, Obama is as bad, or worse, giving money we don't that our children and grandchildren will have to pay, in taxes, to support all the illegals he is inviting, here.

Furthermore, they are not vetted at all, or tested for diseases. We are allowing people with TB and other communicable diseases to come in this country and then we pick up the tab to treat them. I learned the illegals are not being vaccinated, as they come over, yet our children are being forced to get vaccinated, regardless of the wishes of the parents.

This country is going down the tube in a hurry. I guess most of you know that 22 % of the settled refugees in Minnesota tested positive for TB. Many illegals are bringing in other diseases Americans have no immunity for.

One more topic that I find almost unbelievable, yet a very reliable person reported this, on the radio....he said that a Christian group, in the South, chose to sponsor a group of Muslim immigrants ("refugees") instead of bringing over some Syrian Christian refugees! Their rationale was that we can show them some love and compassion! Well, it is the Christians in Syria who are being persecuted....why not bring them here to save their lives, showing a little of that love and compassion? Talk about crazy, mixed up people calling themselves Christians!

Another question I have, is: I presume we support the large Muslim families with multiple wives and children? What about the they have a case, now, to be allowed polygamy? I haven't heard anything about that.


On TB every waking moment
For links see article source.....
Posted for fair use.....


Obama is gutting Medicare

By Betsy McCaughey
June 21, 2016 | 8:43pm

Under the guise of “reform,” President Obama is dismantling Medicare — dooming seniors to needless pain and disability and shortening their lives.

The stakes are high, because Medicare and the access it gives patients to medical innovations have transformed aging. Before Medicare, older folks languished in nursing homes or wheelchairs with crippling illnesses. Now, seniors dodge that fate, thanks to hip and knee replacements, cataract operations and heart procedures — all paid for by Medicare.

The American Journal of Public Health reports that a man turning 65 can expect to live almost five years longer than he would have in 1970 — and almost all of it in good health. What a priceless gift.

A gift Obama is snatching away.

The president’s Medicare reforms make it harder for seniors to get joint replacements. His new payment rules shortchange doctors, discouraging them from accepting Medicare in the first place. New ER rules clobber seniors with bills for “observation care.” Under ObamaCare, hospitals get bonuses for spending less per senior, despite having higher death rates and infection rates.

Expect the Medicare Trustees’ annual report, due out Wednesday, to ignore these problems.

Obama’s latest assault is a 962-page regulation dictating how doctors treat patients. Precious minutes with your doctor are wasted completing mandatory reports for the federal government, and your ailment gets short shrift.

Physicians are glued to computer screens, following prompts, seldom making eye contact with patients. Renowned New York cardiologist Jeffrey Borer’s fed up: “I need to interact with my patients.”

“Doctors who want to provide individualized care” will have to “either opt out of Medicare or simply not comply,” explains Richard Amerling, past president of the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons.

Obama’s rules are “far too complex and burdensome to be workable for most physicians,” warns John Halamka, a Harvard medical professor.

The new rules also make seeing Medicare patients a money loser. Annual fee increases for doctors are capped at a fraction of 1 percent — even though rents and other costs go up every year.

No wonder nine out of 10 solo practitioners admit they’ll avoid Medicare patients — right when 10,000 new baby boomers are joining each day.

Obama’s rules spell trouble for seniors with cancer. Doctors administering chemotherapy are getting a pay cut and being prodded to choose the cheapest drug, regardless of which medication is best for their patient. Dr. Debra Patt warned Congress this’ll hinder access to drugs like the immunotherapy that subdued former President Jimmy Carter’s cancer.

Another Obama rule penalizes hospitals for doing hip and knee replacements on patients likely to need rehab after surgery, causing hospitals to shun older patients with complex conditions. Grandma will have to settle for the painkiller as candidate Obama notoriously suggested.

Obama claims his rules reward quality instead of quantity. Don’t believe it. Adirondack Medical Center in Saranac Lake has one of the worst scores in New York on patient outcomes, indicating its patients get more infections and die sooner from heart problems and pneumonia than at other hospitals. Yet Adirondack got a Medicare bonus because it’s a low spender.

Same is true of Massena Memorial Hospital in Massena, NY, and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals in Redwood City, Vacaville and Antioch, Calif. Sickening.

During Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign, the president accused Republicans of plotting to “end Medicare as we know it.” A pro-Obama ad depicted a Republican pushing Granny’s wheelchair off a cliff.

Who’s really pushing Granny off the cliff? Obama himself, with Hillary’s helping hand.

Clinton proposes opening Medicare to people in their 50s. That would force seniors to compete with younger patients for resources — like in Britain and Canada, where seniors are labeled “bed blockers,” and certain treatments are reserved for younger patients with more life ahead.

Seniors beware.

Betsy McCaughey is a senior fellow at the London Center for Policy Research.