ILL IMM Obama to delay immigration action Until After Mid-Term Election


Hoosier Gardener
What a surprise. -- Terri

White House: Obama to delay immigration action

Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Abandoning his pledge to act by the end of summer, President Barack Obama has decided to delay any executive action on immigration until after the November congressional elections, White House officials said.

The move instantly infuriated immigration advocates while offering relief to some vulnerable Democrats in tough Senate re-election contests.

Two White House officials said Obama concluded that circumventing Congress through executive actions on immigration during the campaign would politicize the issue and hurt future efforts to pass a broad overhaul.

The officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the president's decision before it was announced, said Obama made his decision Friday as he returned to Washington from a NATO summit in Wales.

They said Obama called a few allies from Air Force One to inform them of his decision, and that the president made more calls from the White House on Saturday.

The officials said Obama had no specific timeline to act, but that he still would take his executive steps before the end of the year.

In a Rose Garden speech on June 30, Obama said he had directed Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Attorney General Eric Holder to give him recommendations for executive action by the end of summer. Obama also pledged to "adopt those recommendations without further delay."

Obama faced competing pressures from immigration advocacy groups that wanted prompt action and from Democrats worried that acting now would energize Republican opposition against vulnerable Senate Democrats. Among those considered most at risk were Democratic Sens. Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Mary Landrieu of Louisiana and Kay Hagan of North Carolina.

Obama advisers were not convinced that any presidential action would affect the elections. But the officials said the discussions around timing grew more pronounced within the past few weeks.

Ultimately, the advisers drew a lesson from 1994 when Democratic losses were blamed on votes for gun-control legislation, undermining any interest in passing future gun measures.

White House officials said aides realized that if Obama's immigration action was deemed responsible for Democratic losses this year, it could hurt any attempt to pass a broad overhaul later on.

Immigration advocates blasted Obama and Senate Democrats over the decision, saying both have shown a lack of political will.

"We are bitterly disappointed in the president and we are bitterly disappointed in the Senate Democrats," said Frank Sharry, executive director of America's Voice. "We advocates didn't make the reform promise; we just made the mistake of believing it. The president and Senate Democrats have chosen politics over people, the status quo over solving real problems."

Cristina Jimenez, managing director of United We Dream, said the decision was "another slap to the face of the Latino and immigrant community."

"Where we have demanded leadership and courage from both Democrats and the president, we've received nothing but broken promises and a lack of political backbone," she said.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Obama's move amounted to "Washington politics at its worst."

"What's so cynical about today's immigration announcement is that the president isn't saying he'll follow the law, he's just saying he'll go around the law once it's too late for Americans to hold his party accountable in the November elections," McConnell said. "This is clearly not decision-making designed around the best policy."

Partisan fighting erupted recently over how to address the increased flow of unaccompanied minors from Central America at the U.S. border with Mexico. The officials said the White House had not envisioned such a battle when Obama made his pledge June 30.

Obama asked for $3.7 billion to address the border crisis. The Republican-controlled House, however, passed a measure that only gave Obama a fraction of what he sought and made it easier to deport the young migrants arriving at the border, a provision opposed by Democrats and immigration advocates. In the end, Congress adjourned without a final bill.

The number of minors caught alone illegally crossing the Mexican border into the United States has been declining since June. That decrease and Congress' absence from Washington during August has taken attention away from the border for now.

Still, the dispute over how to deal with the surge of Central American border crossers threatened to spill over into the larger debate over immigration and the fate of 11 million immigrants in the United States who either entered illegally or overstayed their visas and have been in the U.S. for some time.

The Democratic-led Senate last year passed a broad overhaul of immigration that boosted border security, increased visas for legal immigrants and a provided a path to citizenship for immigrants illegally in the country.

But the Republican-controlled House balked at acting on any broad measure and House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, informed Obama earlier this year that the House would not act in 2014. That led Obama to declare he would act on his own.

During a news conference Friday in Wales, Obama reiterated his determination to act on his own even as he avoided making a commitment on timing. He also spelled out ambitious objectives for his executive actions.

Obama said that without legislation from Congress, he would take steps to increase border security, upgrade the processing of border crossers and encourage legal immigration. He also said he would offer immigrants who have been illegally in the United States for some time a way to become legal residents, pay taxes, pay a fine and learn English.

"I want to be very clear: My intention is, in the absence of ... action by Congress, I'm going to do what I can do within the legal constraints of my office, because it's the right thing to do for the country," he said.

The extent of Obama's authority is a matter of debate among legal experts and in Congress. Some Democrats say it would be best for Obama to let Congress act.

Illini Warrior

Illini Warrior
it's just being added to heaping pile of crap that DemoCraps intend to shove down our throats after the election .... Obammy is just going to go ape shit with that pen EOing everything in site .... the only hope is to gain enough seats and state governorships to slow it down ..... Obammy has nothing lose after this fall - it's go for broke in the last 2 years ...... The Constitution will be soooo trampled it'll look like a buffalo herd came thru .....


Veteran Member
But wait till after the election -- that's the scary time -- nothing for him to lose!
For the Constitutional Republic to be restored we need a partial collapse of some sort, something short of riots and civil disorder, something that would not warrant Martial being imposed. That is a mighty fine line, but that is the thread that restoration hangs upon. Until most of the old pols and most of the agency bureaucrats are swept from power we will continue to be slowly strangled to death.

Liberty may not survive de jure, but de facto it will always reside in me. They, (the current regime), will do what they want, and I will do what I have to do in return, regardless of consequences, if my inalienable rights are personally threatened.


Veteran Member
For the Constitutional Republic to be restored we need a partial collapse of some sort, something short of riots and civil disorder, something that would not warrant Martial being imposed. That is a mighty fine line, but that is the thread that restoration hangs upon. Until most of the old pols and most of the agency bureaucrats are swept from power we will continue to be slowly strangled to death.

Liberty may not survive de jure, but de facto it will always reside in me. They, (the current regime), will do what they want, and I will do what I have to do in return, regardless of consequences, if my inalienable rights are personally threatened.

Any collapse, even partial, will END liberty. Please don't wish for that.
Read Cloward-Piven etc., left wants a collapse so they can create their totalitarian utopia. They have been working for it since the Fabian socialists split from the lefties pushing violent revolution.

The only way to bring more liberty is voting people into office who want it--good lucking finding those types, and even more luck getting them elected. The socialists/progressives knew this too that's why Wilson changed the Constitution to make it harder to get those types into office, and Kennedy changed Immigration law in 60s to bring in a new populace.

I really don't see how we go back to pre-Progressive era liberty without huge population change to liberty loving people--which I dont see happening.


TB Fanatic
Not that the two party system works but it the Stupid Party can get it's act together and get more positions in Congress then they can maybe put a check-and-balance on the current administration and corrupt party. Maybe.
Any collapse, even partial, will END liberty. Please don't wish for that.
Read Cloward-Piven etc., left wants a collapse so they can create their totalitarian utopia. They have been working for it since the Fabian socialists split from the lefties pushing violent revolution.

The only way to bring more liberty is voting people into office who want it--good lucking finding those types, and even more luck getting them elected. The socialists/progressives knew this too that's why Wilson changed the Constitution to make it harder to get those types into office, and Kennedy changed Immigration law in 60s to bring in a new populace.

I really don't see how we go back to pre-Progressive era liberty without huge population change to liberty loving people--which I dont see happening.

It could go either way with a partial collapse. The printing press could no longer be used to buy votes from the hoi polloi because we would lose our Reserve Currency Status. And then if the regime tries to outright confiscate from the haves, (the competent producers), we will have a Civil War. A Civil War might be a necessary evil, just as it was deemed to be by President Lincoln in order to keep the South from seceding. The Civil War this time would be a fight to restore the Constitutional Republic. I know there are many with families here who don't want to go this route, but do you really want your young ones and all of their descendants to be living as slaves? Imagine a future in which the whole United States becomes California, in which only one party rules with no brakes whatsoever on its behavior, with the courts all packed with progressives, when no corruption ever sees the light of day because all of the press has been leashed and what has not been leashed has been ruled out of existence. It is Venezuela writ large and worse, because many Americans would not buckle easily to such a regime. There would be Police State repression with disappearances and death squads.

Here is a headline from today regarding a building story on how Lois Lerner was in on a SECRET RESEARCH PROJECT which was essentially an ENEMY'S LIST (RED LIST) for the Obummer Regime. So even today this is happening. Again imagine how it would be, if things progress so that all of the United States becomes California.

Judicial Watch and Daily Caller Are On Trail To “The Red List” – The IRS/DOJ “Research Project”….
Posted on September 5, 2014 by sundance
The Daily Caller is reporting on, what Judicial Watch is finding. Both are beginning to find the trail to the “Schedule B” data used to assemble the “Red List”, or the targeting list.

Judicial watch FOIA inquiry has found internal IRS communications about a “Secret Research Project“. This project we have previously identified was a compilation of individual names and organizations the DOJ deemed antithetical to the goals of the Obama administration.

The “Red List” was created as an outcome of the Schedule B filings illegally released by the IRS to the DOJ as part of their collaborative efforts.

(Daily Caller) The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) improperly obtained donor lists from nonprofit groups as part of a “secret research project” being run by Lois Lerner and other officials.

IRS official David Fish revealed the “secret research project” in a June 27, 2012 email to Lerner’s direct subordinate Holly Paz, according to emails released Thursday by the nonprofit group Judicial Watch, which obtained the emails in a pending Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

“Joseph Urban [IRS Technical Advisor, Tax Exempt and Government Entities] had actually started a secret research project on whether we could, consistent with 6104, argue that [REDACTED],” Fish wrote.

“Joe was quite agitated yesterday when I told him what we were doing. (He was involved when the initial question was raised, but we didn’t continue reading him in),” Fish continued. “At one point he started saying that this was a decision for Steve Miller–I told him we were already doing it, and that I didn’t know whether Lois had already talked to Nikole [Flax, former IRS Chief of Staff to IRS Commissioner Steve Miller] about this. Would not be surprised if he already started working on Lois.”

“Thanks for the heads up,” Paz replied. “The decision was made by Steve, based on advice from P and A. [Procedure and Administration].”

Lois Lerner and Nikole Flax, who were both part of the “secret research project,” both suffered computer crashes that allegedly wiped out their emails, according to the IRS. (read more)

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
This is the first tactical mistake I've seen him make. Last week I was reading an op-Ed that basically said that the only hope the dems have of keeping the senate is to force the repubs to shut down the government this fall so they can blame them. And the best way to force that to happen was to enact amnesty via EO. Now that this ******-in-chief backed off that, I see no hope for the dems in November. People are really pissed off, and the chocolate messiah is the one responsible. And his pet senate is definitely going to take a lickin over it....

Be Well

may all be well
This is the first tactical mistake I've seen him make. Last week I was reading an op-Ed that basically said that the only hope the dems have of keeping the senate is to force the repubs to shut down the government this fall so they can blame them. And the best way to force that to happen was to enact amnesty via EO. Now that this ******-in-chief backed off that, I see no hope for the dems in November. People are really pissed off, and the chocolate messiah is the one responsible. And his pet senate is definitely going to take a lickin over it....

I think 0bola aka as "his handlers" are doing this because they know they will lose on it. If they wait until after elections, I have very little doubt that Rs will win more seats, and they will lose for sure. Even a lot of Dem type voters hate this influx of illegals. So by insuring a loss due to more Rs on Congress, 0bola aka as "his handlers" can say to their hardcore supporters, "Hey, we tried! Don't blame us, blame the evil Rs". It's theater.

Tennessee gal

Veteran Member
This is the first tactical mistake I've seen him make. Last week I was reading an op-Ed that basically said that the only hope the dems have of keeping the senate is to force the repubs to shut down the government this fall so they can blame them. And the best way to force that to happen was to enact amnesty via EO. Now that this ******-in-chief backed off that, I see no hope for the dems in November. People are really pissed off, and the chocolate messiah is the one responsible. And his pet senate is definitely going to take a lickin over it....
I sure hope so Dennis!


Veteran Member
Yep, O knows that the American public won't support his amnesty and he hopes that by delaying it until after the elections he can help his followers running for office.


We can only pray the repubs take the senate...if not, Hell will be paid during these last 2 years...

I am so afraid you are correct....the darkness/liberals/socialists have become a fatal disease upon the soul of America....I think we are too far gone to recover.


Veteran Member
But wait till after the election -- that's the scary time -- nothing for him to lose!

Oh yes there is, if some wacko goes berserk and pops him, he would find out right quick what there is to loose. And then all hell would bust lose, THEN hang on to your hats kiddo's....
COMMENT: The Beltway elites, (and the Chamber of Commerce), tell us it can't be done on our southern border. That it is not doable. That it is technically unfeasible. ALL LIES, BALDFACED LIES.

Saudi builds northern border fence against infiltrators
4 hours ago


Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) (AFP) - Saudi Arabia has inaugurated a multilayered fence along its northern borders, as part of efforts to secure the kingdom's vast desert frontiers against infiltrators and smugglers, state media said.

King Abdullah announced late Friday the launch of the first stage of a border security programme, covering 900 kilometres (560 miles) of the northern frontier, SPA state news agency reported.

SPA did not name Iraq, Saudi Arabia's neighbour to the north, referring only to the northern frontier, but the two countries' common border stretches over 800 kilometres (500 miles).

The project includes five layers of fencing which will cut the "number of infiltrators, drug, arms and cattle smugglers to zero," SPA said.

It said surveillance would be reinforced by watch towers, night-vision cameras and 50 radars.

Control complexes have been built in areas stretching from Hafr al-Batin in the northeast to Turaif near the Jordanian border, SPA said.

Relations between Iraq and Saudi Arabia have been deeply strained.

Riyadh has accused outgoing Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki of creating the conditions for the jihadist insurgency in his country by marginalising its Sunni Arab minority.

Maliki in turn has accused the oil-rich kingdom of supporting "terrorism" in Shiite-majority Iraq.

In July 2009, Riyadh signed a deal with European aerospace and defence contractors EADS to build a high-tech security fence on 9,000 kilometres (5,600 miles) of the country's borders.

The original aim was to secure the Saudi border with Iraq with fencing and high-tech monitoring.

But with increased worries over infiltration by anti-government militants and Al-Qaeda, the Saudi interior ministry expanded the scope of the programme to fence and electronically monitor all the country's borders.

Be Well

may all be well
I am so afraid you are correct....the darkness/liberals/socialists have become a fatal disease upon the soul of America....I think we are too far gone to recover.

Nope, not too far gone. But, a saying I saw some place: "We'll have to go through hell to get out of hell".


TB Fanatic
Not that the two party system works but it the Stupid Party can get it's act together and get more positions in Congress then they can maybe put a check-and-balance on the current administration and corrupt party. Maybe.

Thats the reason for the delay as he is hoping to keep enough democrats in office so he can pull this off without a care, but his plain may not workout for him.


Veteran Member
The sad part is whether before or after the elections makes a difference. Who in the hell would be stupid enough to vote differently this election because Obama has put it off a couple months?


Veteran Member
The sad part is whether before or after the elections makes a difference. Who in the hell would be stupid enough to vote differently this election because Obama has put it off a couple months?

It's not what Obozo is doing, but the dem's senators response. If Obozo did it now, the Dem's senator would have to justify their non response or would have to take a stand that would jeopardize funding from the DNC.