POL Obama on foreign-born Muslim rumors: "The facts are the facts..."


trust him to stick to the facts just as goldman sachs did when selling the default swaps to aig.
Is he the LEAST vetted POTUS in US history?

This muslim issue is really a distraction from the agenda of the egomaniac decisions made in DC. D'ya really think we'll ever get a SINGLE straight answer from him and his minions?:shk:
His regime is actively bringing down the entire USA economy - regardless of whether or not that is the agenda, it's the OUTCOME that counts...and right now the outcome SUCKS.

That said, supposedly, according to muslim law, a male child born to a muslim man IS a muslim forever until & unless he formally renounces the muslim religion. Renouncing the muslim religion can be bad for one's health, IIRC.:eek:

If that is correct...What does it all mean???

Why the continuing mystery surrounding him? Surely the information about him could be discovered??? If not, WHY NOT??? How much disclosure should we expect and be entitled to?


On TB every waking moment
Obama "...The facts are the facts..."

Clinton "...It depends on what the definition of "is" is..."



Has No Life - Lives on TB
I haven't bothered much with this muslim thing, but it is obvious to me that Obama does not understand the simple truth that actions speak louder than words. He can call himself anything he wants, but that does not change what people see. And it is upon his actions that people judge him.

Now, we are not called to judge whether or not someone is a Christian. Indeed, we are instructed not to judge others. Maybe no one answering the much cited polls on this subject is actually a Christian (wouldn't that be funny, considering the results of the polls.)


Veteran Member
He prides himself in emulating Abraham Lincoln, so I guess that old quote applies here....

“You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.”


The prez could easily put both matters to rest. He could simply release his real birth certificate with the attending physician's signature and his footprint. He doesn't need to put it on his forehead, simply release it. I have seen a copy of one, having the physician's sig. and the footprint. It appeared to be old and had been folded several times, and it didn't say Hawaii on it.

He could put the Christian question to rest by simply announcing, "I believe that Jesus Christ is God's Son, Who came in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil, Who died on the cross as the satisfaction for our sins, and was raised from the dead, and I confess Him as my Lord." That would suffice to convince me that he assents to the doctrinal basis of Christian faith.

Why he would not do those two simple things is hard to understand, unless he has something to hide.




Ancient Fuzzball
He could put the Christian question to rest by simply announcing, "I believe that Jesus Christ is God's Son, Who came in the flesh to destroy the works of the devil, Who died on the cross as the satisfaction for our sins, and was raised from the dead, and I confess Him as my Lord." That would suffice to convince me that he assents to the doctrinal basis of Christian faith.

Why he would not do those two simple things is hard to understand, unless he has something to hide.



But you have to remember that it is completely alright in the muslim faith to LIE about whatever is needed to promote and protect the muslim faith, even announcing that you are of another faith.



Veteran Member
If you think about it, Obama's remarks about his religion and his birth certificate, in my opinion, are a hidden psycological clue.

It's like this:

(the cheating husband) "Me? have an affair?!"

(the alcoholic) "Do you think I drink too much?"

(the business man with evil intent) "I think we should trust each other."

(the liar) "Would I lie to you?"

you get the drift.

In other words, the very fact that he has risen to take the bait on these issues suggests that there really are issues!