POL Obama - Head of Census will now report directly to me (via Rahm Emanuel)


Veteran Member
Socialists care not who votes or in what force. They are concerned only with who counts the votes. ;) It makes all the difference.


Membership Revoked
Socialists care not who votes or in what force. They are concerned only with who counts the votes. ;) It makes all the difference.

So when will o-mans' slavish followers / worshippers, wake up and realize that he's not POTUS he is a de facto dictator?

American Rage

Makes it easier to recook the books when it comes to congressional redistricting. Add a few people here, take a few people there, and suddenly conservative districts become very liberal.



Veteran Member
So when will o-mans' slavish followers / worshippers, wake up and realize that he's not POTUS he is a de facto dictator?

They did say they were going to RULE didn't they? This move is a real sleeper that most won't understand it for what it is. A power grab, plain and simple:mad:

It's getting real depressing out here folks.........



Get Ready For the U.S. Census Fight, Chicago-style
Mary Ann Akers | February 6, 2009; 6:30 PM ET

Republicans are fit to be tied over the Obama administration's Tom DeLay-style strategy of removing the U.S. Census Bureau from the jurisdiction of the Commerce Department and transfering it to the White House.

Their biggest fear, of course, is that with the 2010 census looming, Democrats will attempt to redraw congressional districts to their party's ultimate benefit. (Not that Republicans have ever used politics as their guiding tool in carving out congressional districts to their liking, right Mr. Delay?)

"With all of its political implications, hijacking the Census from the Commerce Dept. and letting it be run out of Rahm's office is like putting PETA in charge of issuing hunting permits," a Senior Republican Senate Aide fumed to the Sleuth. (The aide said he needed to remain anonymous for fear of "being redistricted -- Chicago style.")

So is the White House trying to pull a Tom DeLay?

"All DeLay did was rearrange the deck chairs," said the irate GOP aide, adding, "this would allow Rahm to redesign the whole ship affecting everything from congressional districts to who and where eligible S-CHIP children, adults and 'poor' rich people live."

House Minority Leader John Boehner also blasted the White House move today. In a statement, he said, "The United States Census should remain independent of politics; it should not be directed by political operatives working out of the White House."

The New York Times -- a day before it was revealed that Obama would be removing the census from the Commerce Department's jurisdiction -- editorialized on Wednesday that Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) might not be the best choice to lead the agency tapped with conducting next year's census, given that he has routinely tried to cut census funding:

"Mr. Gregg was never a friend of the census," the editorial said. "As chairman of the Senate committee that oversees the Commerce Department's budget, he frequently tried to cut the bureau's financing. In 1999, he opposed emergency funds for the 2000 census requested by President Bill Clinton and the Republican-controlled House."

Problem solved on that front. Voila, the very next day, a Congressional Quarterly report revealed President Obama would be moving the Census over to the White House.

Stay tuned... the census fight will get interesting, and ugly.


On TB every waking moment
Can he even do that legally? I stay so tired anymore trying to keep up with or a step ahead of his shenanigans I can't even think straight. (my dictionary has been used so much lately it's going to fall apart! and spelling was always something I used to be good at...arrgghh)


Veteran Member
Can he even do that legally?

He can try to but, just like some folks who believe they are Napoleon, 'O' will be ok as soon as they get him back on his meds. Right now he's surpassed grand delusions of adequacy and has declared himself Emperor.


On the news this am, the peeved census lady explaining this said there would be hearings on the whys -- I'm not familiar with the restructuring process or what it would entail but it seemed to require more than just Rahm (or anyone else for that matter) saying so.


More from Gateway Pundit:



Here's another sign that democrats intend to keep their majorities in Congress.
No Quarter wrote about this political development:

LisaB, earlier today, asked a lot of sharp questions about the Obama administration’s move of the census out of the Department of Commerce and into the White House.

Now, why would Rahm Emanuel want the Census under his control in the White House? Huh? Why might that be? “The census is used to allocate federal aid to states and draw electoral districts,” the New York Times editorial board wrote in order to REMIND PRESIDENT OBAMA that he might not want a REPUBLICAN in charge of drawing “electoral districts.” Good god almighty. So now Obama’s administration has decided that they’ll do the census themselves.

What a shock... It looks like Obama learned a trick or two while he was palling around with those Chicago politicians after all.

Ya think the Times is a bastion of objective journalism? Bueller?.....anybody?????