Not voting for Obama or Romney, what are you doing?


Veteran Member
So you obviously aren't voting for O and you have made the decision you can't support Romney either. I don't care what you are doing with your vote, Paul, Johnson or keeping it at home. You have labeled those who are voting for Romney as part of the problem, obviously you don't think you are part of the problem so you must be part of the solution. Can you share that solution with the rest of us, how do we right this nation?

(Given the above assumptions, please do not use this thread to advocate for voting for the lesser of two evils, there is plenty of that on the other threads. And let's not use this thread to bash the Romney voters either, plenty of that in the other threads too, let's just use this thread to talk about solutions, and voting RP and GJ and whoever else doesn't solve anything either)

I'll be honest, I've declared I am not supporting Romney but I feel empty that I am not doing anything to get this nation on the right course.



Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
You have labeled those who are voting for Romney as part of the problem, obviously you don't think you are part of the problem so you must be part of the solution. Can you share that solution with the rest of us, how do we right this nation?

Asked and answered at least 100 times. since that is the case, your thread must be a troll.

Don't feed the trolls....


TB Fanatic
The way I see it the two political parties are corrupt and dysfunctional.

However I'm realistic about the outcomes.

There is NOT enough support for a third party win IMHO.

Given that a vote for anyone other than Romney is a vote for Obama.

Not voting is a vote for Obama.

Voting for Obama is a vote for Obama (obviously).

It comes down to Do you think life would be better under Romney or Obama?

One avenue of thought that I vacillate on is that since the GOP is corrupt it would be business and spending as usual and that would NOT help our country so to reset the political system we would need a collapse and revolution and rebuild. To accomplish that our best bet would be to put Obama in office because I believe America WOULD collapse within another four year period. Of course the Communists and Socialists are counting on the same thing with the thought that they would rebuild society in their ideal image. Who would prevail, I don't know, I'd like to think it would be the Americans clinging to guns, grub and religion.

If you didn't want to chance the collapse and revolution rebuilding America in the "Wrong" way, then what are your options.

We have established that Obama will destroy America and up for grabs is the idea maybe that is what we need. The ONLY other option is to vote in another candidate besides Obama and the ONLY viable candidate is Romney. Note I didn't say the best candidate, I'd love for Ron Paul to get in but look at the delegates, look at the popular vote, Ron Paul nor any other candidate have the ability to defeat Obama. So what to do. You can vote your conscience and feel morally superior that you didn't vote for a RINO, you can vote FOR a third candidate and feel morally superior that you didn't vote for someone you didn't back, but the end result WILL be the same so you have to evaluate how life will be with another four years of a POTUS that seems to be actively seeking to destroy America.

This may be a very hard decision but be realistic in the expected outcome and steel yourselves for the results that you contribute to.

I like the saying if you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem.

What kind of solution would be better? Short term, meaning for this election, I don't believe their isn't one. In the long term, get involved in the political system, garner strength, gain momentum, build a movement that would reform politics and politicians but realize, this too is NOT an overnight process. Expect it to take decades if it is even possible to knock the current system off it's perch.

Again, maybe a revolution would be a better and quicker, if not more violent solution.



Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'd posted this a few days ago over at...

What Now? Forget POTUS, Get RP
Congressional Candidates Elected!

Submitted by shane2 on Sat, 09/01/2012 - 13:04

Daily Paul Liberty Forum
DP Original

For the next two months, more should be focused on maximizing that RP initiatives &
momentum continues to grow in Congress via RP endorsed candidates.

After researching & identifying some truly RP Constitution based Congressional candidates,
seriously committed to carrying on RP agenda, some are very long shots, while some others
have a surprisingly realistic shot at being elected and then carrying RP agenda forward when
they get to Congress.

No investment of our time/money/energy, right now, for the next two months, better assures
more Constitutionalists actually becoming elected into the next Congress to continue pressing
RP's agenda forward, than to support those that have the best chance of actually winning.

Here's an example of just one, who has a real shot; Dr. Art Robinson...
... who is running very close race against DeFazio in Oregon.

There's others equally qualified & electable, too, deserving of all our support. Add them here.

Whatever you've done in supporting RP has helped to awaken others, now it's time we all
re-focused all that energy & momentum, over the next two months, on getting more
Constitutionalists elected into Congress in November.

- Shane

Kathy in FL

How To Guarantee Four More Years of Obama

We’ve heard it said before – “it’s his race to lose.” I spent a little time earlier today, and yesterday discussing the prospects for the Romney Campaign in November with CDN’s Michelle Ray (@GaltsGirl), and The 405 Radio‘s John Grant (@JohnG405) respectively. Michelle and I were relatively in agreement, that it’s too soon to call. John, on the other hand, was far more optimistic about Romney’s chances. I’m a cynic, and generally lean toward the “worst case scenario” when it comes to evaluating where a campaign is. But, in this case, my problem isn’t with the Romney Camp. It is with the conservative “base.” And I did put that term in quotes for a reason, because it certainly isn’t solid.

Rewind to fall of 1996, and I was working on a state level campaign. The problem facing the candidate was two-fold. First, he was running for a soon-to-be-vacant seat, without the endorsement of the incumbent. Second, there was bad blood in the party. One of the candidates he defeated in the primary was running a small grassroots smear campaign against him in a few precincts he was not very strong in to begin with, but needed to win. Thankfully, one of his supporters in that area called in to the office, and reported it. The other good thing was that I answered that call. When I told the candidate and the campaign manager, they both acted like it was nothing. I ignored their assessment, and put a few extra bodies on the streets in those neighborhoods. At the victory party, someone started talking about how great it was that the candidate squeaked by in those precincts – that it clinched the race. I just laughed, and walked outside with my scotch and cigar in hand.

And here we are in 2012, facing the same sort of issue. This is convention week, and the GOP should be building enthusiasm and consolidating behind Romney. Even better, the Libertarians should be mending fences with the GOP, and Ron Paul should be calling for his followers to support Romney as well. After all, the bottom line is that no matter how much anyone on the right disagrees with Romney, they should be agreeing with him a hell of a lot more than they agree with Obama. And every vote that isn’t cast at all, or isn’t cast for Romney, is as good as a vote for Obama. (It’s all in the math, folks. Don’t forget how Ralph Nader and the Green Party were perennially a thorn in the side of the Dems.)

Yes, we may not like Romney, but he’s the man on the ballot. That will be made official tonight. The time for playing games is over. If you think for a second that the Dems wouldn’t be in lockstep behind their candidate if they weren’t seeking a second term in the White House, you’re bluntly insane. And that is how you win elections. But this is supposed to be about how to lose this one for Romney, isn’t it?


Romney is a socialist? Really? For the record here, I did a Twitter search for RINO, since that’s the favorite term being bandied about by rabble-rousers out there. This breaks one of the biggest rules when it comes to campaigns – there is no reason for anyone that is against Obama having a second term to be out there criticizing Romney, period. Yeah, I can just hear the screams of foul on that one, and self-righteous claims to First Amendment rights. I’m not talking censorship here folks. I am talking political survival. It’s real simple. If you don’t want four more years of Obama, then shut up about Romney until after November. Rip him to shreds if you like, the day after he ousts Obama. But until then, nada!



Now, I like Condi, so she got the attention here. Well, that and the fact that it seemed the majority of the Twitter venom was being aimed at her. Another big rule being broken here, when it comes to winning political campaigns – never beat on the mouthpieces! She’s a Romney surrogate, so she’s off-limits for criticism during the campaign. Again, this isn’t about censorship. Ask yourselves, before you start saying nasty things about GOP folks right now: “Do I really want to help the Obama Camp discredit Romney and win the election?” Put it on a post-it note on your computer monitors if you have to, but seriously think about it before you run loose ripping on GOP surrogates on the campaign trail. There are still fence-pole sitters out there, and you’re not going to do anything to convince them to agree with you if you can’t even manage to respect the people out there campaigning for “anyone but Obama.” Yeah, that’s for the benefit of the folks that have trouble stomaching Romney in the first place. Remember, we can’t afford four more years!

So, no picking on the right-wing. Save your venom for the real enemy. Have at it against Obama and his zombies. It’s not like there’s any shortage of targets. Ridicule the vagina women and Sandra Fluke. Get your jollies over the fact that the DNC had to downsize their convention from lack of interest in the events, while the RNC went on in spite of Isaac! Think about like those food guru books “eat this, not that” if you have to. Call out leftists on low blows against conservatives. Don’t run around attacking conservatives. And by “conservative” I mean anyone dedicated to even a small part of the conservative principles. Take it further, and include anyone dedicated to removing Obama from office – that is the goal. The infighting will win the election for Obama. That is a fact. We all know that the Dem playbook starts and ends with “divide and conquer.” Stop doing half the job for the Dems! Suck it up, support Romney, and get Obama the hell off of Pennsylvania Avenue! Send him back to Chicago, Hawaii, Kenya, Indonesia, or wherever else the bastard wants to go!


There’s your mantra folks – let’s roll!


Veteran Member
You have labeled those who are voting for Romney as part of the problem, obviously you don't think you are part of the problem so you must be part of the solution. Can you share that solution with the rest of us, how do we right this nation?

Asked and answered at least 100 times. since that is the case, your thread must be a troll.

Don't feed the trolls....

Dennis, given the entirety of my post how the hell do you come up with that or is this just a personal attack against me?


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Monty, I thought we weren't going to use this thread to advocate voting for the lesser of two evils. But that is exactly what Kathy is doing. What gives...?

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Dennis, given the entirety of my post how the hell do you come up with that or is this just a personal attack against me?


"The entirety of your post" is just a framework for the question I quoted you on. And that question h been asked and answered a handd or more times. But the Romneybots just keep asking it over and over. It's like they have the reading comprehension skills of a toddler.

Kathy in FL

For those of you that aren't looking for a fight rather than a constructive discourse Monty asked what could be done.

Good question. Regardless of who people are voting for as "not Obama" the article says that a lot of infighting and name calling is basically just a guarantee to put Obama in for four more years. For anyone that has anything better to add to that then answer away. Monty's question is a legitimate one no matter how others would like to poo-poo it.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Don't be distracted with the POTUS debate of lessor of two evils, get busy instead
doing some good where you can still make a real difference, and that's in Congress.

Vote for whoever you want for POTUS, the bus is still going over the cliff regardless,
though your choice may delay it take a little longer, it's all the same at the bottom.

If you want more Constitutionalists in Congress, like a Ron Paul, then don't waste
time/money/energy swirling around on POTUS debate, just vote for whomever you
want, but in meantime, over next two months, go support Congressional candidates,
who will take their oath of office to support & defend the Constitution seriously, that
got a real shot at being elected, as mentioned in my post above.

- Shane


The Computer Chyck
I'd posted this a few days ago over at...

What Now? Forget POTUS, Get RP
Congressional Candidates Elected!

Submitted by shane2 on Sat, 09/01/2012 - 13:04

Daily Paul Liberty Forum
DP Original

For the next two months, more should be focused on maximizing that RP initiatives &
momentum continues to grow in Congress via RP endorsed candidates.

After researching & identifying some truly RP Constitution based Congressional candidates,
seriously committed to carrying on RP agenda, some are very long shots, while some others
have a surprisingly realistic shot at being elected and then carrying RP agenda forward when
they get to Congress.

No investment of our time/money/energy, right now, for the next two months, better assures
more Constitutionalists actually becoming elected into the next Congress to continue pressing
RP's agenda forward, than to support those that have the best chance of actually winning.

Here's an example of just one, who has a real shot; Dr. Art Robinson...
... who is running very close race against DeFazio in Oregon.

There's others equally qualified & electable, too, deserving of all our support. Add them here.

Whatever you've done in supporting RP has helped to awaken others, now it's time we all
re-focused all that energy & momentum, over the next two months, on getting more
Constitutionalists elected into Congress in November.

- Shane

standing ovation - THIS is how the Ron Paul principles get integrated into society!


Veteran Member
Whatever you've done in supporting RP has helped to awaken others, now it's time we all
re-focused all that energy & momentum, over the next two months, on getting more
Constitutionalists elected into Congress in November.

- Shane

Thanks Shane, maybe that is the key. Just ignoring the Presidential election we can't fix and do our best to fix Congress and local elections.



Veteran Member
Regardless of who people are voting for as "not Obama" the article says that a lot of infighting and name calling is basically just a guarantee to put Obama in for four more years. For anyone that has anything better to add to that then answer away. Monty's question is a legitimate one no matter how others would like to poo-poo it.

I've arrived at the point where I don't think it matters if we get Romney or 4 more of Obama (at least it is only 4 more).

I really appreciate Shane's responses, it is the only thing that has given me any hope in the upcoming elections.



Veteran Member
Monty, I thought we weren't going to use this thread to advocate voting for the lesser of two evils. But that is exactly what Kathy is doing. What gives...?

You're the Admin, want to delete them for me? I've got no use for that debate.


Kathy in FL

I've arrived at the point where I don't think it matters if we get Romney or 4 more of Obama (at least it is only 4 more).

I really appreciate Shane's responses, it is the only thing that has given me any hope in the upcoming elections.


It's valid to think that way in my opinion. At the very least it is something to be concerned about. To me it isn't so much a problem with just who gets elected but the lack of personal motivation and accountability of the citizens of this country in general. People vote in who will give them what they think they are entitled to. But also in my opinion citizenship is a responsibility that comes with a job to do ... which means voting. I understand that there are people that have a serious problem picking either candidate from the two main parties ... but there are other parties and there are independents running in nearly every state if not every state. Like the others said, there are also other parts to this election, it is not just about the presidency.

My opinion? Put your drive and energy into that part of it, please vote, and don't let anyone tell you just to give up. Giving up is what some want that way they can have their way with no opposition. And if they'll make you give up on this issue what other issue(s) can they make you give up on? Strategy is an important element in any situation like this.

Be Well

may all be well
I"m voting for Rombag because he isn't a commie/muzzie/black racist faggot. Buys US = we the people - time to kick out more big gov commies and rinos. People looking for a perfect candidate/savior/utopian will never get what they want. I just want to be left alone and the commie/racist/muzzie/faggot wants to kill millions of us and not leave any of us alone. As I mentioned on another thread, Rome wasn't built in a day and won't get dismantled in a day.


Girls With Guns Member
What if a war was declared and nobody showed up? To keep co-operating with the status quo gives us more of the status quo.

The problems we all face are based on continual growth and consumption. The politicians in general including our POTUS are trying to keep that status quo going for as long as it can and in doing so only makes the matters worse. Basically they are out to save their own butts and the world they have built. The solution I believe is to become sustainable and stop the unsustainable growth. Focus on what each one of us can do to not only survive but change the politics, environment and our world to one where we can survive and not need to keep consuming endlessly the resources that are quickly now being used up. By voting for any politician at this point sends the message that we want someone else to take responsibility and change things for us. We need to change things for ourselves.

Imagine a house where the people inside start burning the walls of the house to stay warm. This is much like what we are doing and what TPTB see as our only option because to not do that would take control out of their hands and place the responsibilities directly on ourselves.

This means no jobs, in the traditional sense unless it's in a sustainable direction helping each and every one of us get off the government teat and dependancy on fossil fuels and reaping of the earth.

Any vote at this point for the same ole same ole is not helping us towards this new way of living. Instead of voting for some politician to help you and your family, community etc, how bout finding ways to help yourself and stop feeding the whole beast system? How bout growing your own food, tending to your own health needs, finding a way to stay warm in the winter and cool in the summer without demanding more and more energy from others.

Cities are unsustainable and this is where the politicians are going to focus their attention to make you live in smaller and smaller spaces and have less and less because you have not many options for growing your own food and supplying your own heat, cooling, etc. The clamping down on people who do try to live free of the system goes hand in hand with them not wanting to give up their rein over us.

I think those of us that can should start doing as much as possible to become self sufficient and those of us who live in the cities need to start thinking of ways to reduce their dependancy as well. Walking, riding bikes, supporting farmers markets, learning to save foods are all good ways and there are many more.

Bottom line is the politicians know this is where we're heading regardless and they want to still be at the top directing the way this all unfolds. I say start directing where you want it to go with sustainablity in mind. Work with your family and friends and community to bring about the change you can to get yourselves independant of big government. Take your power back. We don't need them.


TB Fanatic
Vicky: very nice website in your signature, with a lot of valuable info information. Looking forward to reading all of it in more detail. :)

I agree with most of what you are saying. If everyone did it, it would solve a lot of problems.
The problem as I see it, is everyone won't do it. Sure many of us can become much more self sufficient and less dependent on the government, and that will help us greatly when SHTF. I will also do a lot to help us right now in a better more independent and happy life.
Even on this board if you come out and ask everyone to give up every bit of government assistance they get, the majority will not do it.
They will say, I will do it when everybody else does. So we go round in round in this death spiral we seem to be caught in. Round and round and where it end.... well we all pretty much know.
Those who learn some of the natural things you write about will however, be better off than those who don't.


Girls With Guns Member
I'm in shock Terry. Would you pinch me please. :)

Are you saying you're calling a truce? I would greatly appreciate that. Thank you for the compliment and I also agree with you that the majority are not ready to take responsibility for themselves. That is slowly but surely changing though and I see evidence of it just about daily. I don't live in a city and avoid them mostly so I can only speak from my local area which is quite rural but it is happening.

I had someone call me this morning wanting me to help them with something and they asked me if I would barter for something they can do for me. Of course I said yes. I'm getting a couple of dozen of homemade cookies. An hour or two later the phone rang again with a voice out of the past asking for a favor. Interesting that this second person is a handyman type and my clothes dryer stopped working last evening. I told him I'd help him if he'd help me. Not a problem he said. It'll happen tomorrow. This is my life on a regular basis.

Universe is speaking to me all the time if I only listen and I am being provided for. It's most excellent. :)