
Saved, to glorify God.
So will that sugar, ice cream, chocolate, honey, eggs, cocoa, salt, red meat and butter double in price along with what else? Cooking oil? Potatoes? Rice? Bread? Crackers? Sugared cereal? WHO DECIDES WHAT IS UNHEALTHY....The vegetarians?? I WARNED YOU ANTI-SMOKING NAZI's that IF YOU DID NOT DEFEND US SMOKERS THEY WERE COMING AFTER YOU NEXT. This tax is NOT just on fat people as they prefer to cast it to win more support.

It is ALL ABOUT CONTROLLING US, , Not increasing tax revenue, or paying for healthcare because it will COST THREE TIMES AS MUCH AS IT BRINGS IN IN TAX REVENUE!!!!(Will COST a TRILLION to implement but bring in only 300 Billion.

Will they only be happy when we sheeple are legislated to oatmeal gruel with a little salt and without sugar and cooked greens? "More please, Sir, can I please have more gruel?"

Oppressive meddling bastards. And Don't think "unhealthy" fried chicken, burgers, pizza etc. "FAST FOOD" will escape heavy federal excise taxes, I am betting.

Fair use for discussion/education purposes:
Tough love for fat people: Tax their food to pay for healthcare
2:33 PM, July 27, 2009

When historians look back to identify the pivotal moments in the nation's struggle against obesity, they might point to the current period as the moment when those who influenced opinion and made public policy decided it was time to take the gloves off.

As evidence of this new "get-tough" strategy on obesity, they may well cite a study released today by the Urban Institute titled "Reducing Obesity: Policy Strategies From the Tobacco Wars."

In the debate over healthcare reform, the added cost of caring for patients with obesity-related diseases has become a common refrain: most recent is the cost-of-obesity study, also released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It finds that as obesity rates increased from 18.3% of Americans in 1998 to 25% in 2006, the cost of providing treatment for those patients' weight-driven problems increased healthcare spending by $40 billion a year.

If you happen to be the 1-in-3 Americans who is neither obese nor overweight (and, thus, considered at risk of becoming obese), you might well conclude that the habits of the remaining two-thirds of Americans are costing you, big time. U.S. life expectancies are expected to slide backward, after years of marching upward. (But that's their statistical problem: Yours is how to make them stop costing you all that extra money because they are presumably making poor choices in their food consumption.)

"Facing the serious consequences of an uncontrolled obesity epidemic, America's state and federal policy makers may need to consider interventions every bit as forceful as those that succeeded in cutting adult tobacco use by more than 50%," the Urban Institute report says. It took awhile -- almost 50 years from the first surgeon general's report on tobacco in 1964 -- to drive smoking down. But in many ways, the drumbeat of scientific evidence and the growing cultural stigma against obesity already are well underway -- as any parent who has tried to bring birthday cupcakes into her child's classroom certainly knows.

Key among the "interventions" the report weighs is that of imposing an excise or sales tax on fattening foods. That, says the report, could be expected to lower consumption of those foods. But it would also generate revenues that could be used to extend health insurance coverage to the uninsured and under-insured, and perhaps to fund campaigns intended to make healthy foods more widely available to, say, low-income Americans and to encourage exercise and healthy eating habits.

If anti-tobacco campaigns are to be the model, those sales taxes could be hefty: The World Health Organization has recommended that tobacco taxes should represent between two-thirds and three-quarters of the cost of, say, a package of cigarettes; a 2004 report prepared for the Department of Agriculture suggested that, for "sinful-food" taxes to change the way people eat, they may need to equal at least 10% to 30% of the cost of the food.

And although 40 U.S. states now impose modest extra sales taxes on soft drinks and a few snack items, the Urban Institute report suggests that a truly forceful "intervention" -- one that would drive down the consumption of fattening foods and, presumably, prevent or reverse obesity -- would have to target pretty much all the fattening and nutritionally empty stuff we eat: "With a more narrowly targeted tax, consumers could simply substitute one fattening food or beverage for another," the reports says.

Of course, the United States also would have to adopt extensive menu- and food-labeling changes that would make "good foods" easily distinguishable from the bad ones subject to added taxes. Not to worry though: Several European countries, most notably Great Britain, have led the way in this area.

And here's the payoff: Conservatively estimated, a 10% tax levied on foods that would be defined as "less healthy" by a national standard adopted recently in Great Britain could yield $240 billion in its first five years and $522 billion over 10 years of implementation -- if it were to begin in October 2010. If lawmakers instituted a program of tax subsidies to encourage the purchase of fresh and processed fruits and vegetables, the added revenue would still be $356 billion over 10 years.

That would pay for a lot of healthcare reform, which some have estimated will cost as much as $1 trillion to implement over the next ten years.

There can be little doubt that lobbyists for the food, restaurant and grocery industries would come out swinging on any of these proposals. But the report cites evidence of a turning political tide for proposals that would hold the obese and other consumers of nutritionally suspect food accountable for their choices. A recent national poll found that 53% of Americans said they favored an increased tax on sodas and sugary soft drinks to help pay for healthcare reform. And even among those who opposed such an idea, 63% switched and said they'd favor such a tax if it "would raise money for health-care reform while also tackling the problems that stem from being overweight."

-- Melissa Healy
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Veteran Member
It has gotten to the point where I now pray for a nuclear strike on Washington, so as to burn these asshole to ashes...nothing else will save this country now.
Maybe out of the ashes will rise a Phoenix.



In Amerika they first came for the Smokers,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Smoker.

Then they came for the SUV Drivers,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a SUV Drivers.

Then they came for the Drinkers,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Drinker.

Then they came for the those who like junk food,
and I didn't speak up because I was a health nut.

Then they came for me —
and by that time no one was left to speak up.​


What a lot of people don’t realize is every time the government takes in an extra dollar that money comes out of the US economy.

For example when smokes went up in price I cut out my morning coffee from McDonalds. So in my case McDonalds is paying for the cigarette tax in the form of lost revenue.


Saved, to glorify God.
What do you want to bet the next thing that will go away is the day of CHEAP SALT. You will tell your grandkids "I remember when there was no tax on salt, we could get it for fifty cents a pound, of course that was without the $2 a pound tax we have now.

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Who decides? Honey, Salt, Red Meat and Butter are all good for you, nutritionally dense foods (well, not salt, but it provides necessary minerals).

Holy Sh!t, do they want us to live like Africans - 1/2 c. of Maize per day?!
So far, I haven't heard anyone say: But Obama told us he would ONLY raise taxes on the top 5% of wage earners!

Obama lied!

Here's your cup of Kool Aid, that's it keep moving along.....


Veteran Member
What I don't understand is that Food Stamp recipients can purchase all of those items listed with their card. They can even purchase wedding cakes and candy bars. If they are so unhealthy then why are those "allowed" purchases being made.

Grim hit the nail on the head. We can adapt and overcome their BS and someone else is going to pay for it by lost revenue.


Veteran Member
The gov't is planning to use the money generated by these food taxes for healthcare. Also heard on news last night that they were putting a big surtax on cosmetic surgery. all this to fund the Healthcare plan.

Do they not realize that many will just quit buying that food, or cut back drastically?? Same with cosmetic surgery? Then they will no longer have that income to fund the healthcare???

Why do they NEVER think of eliminating excessive spending to come up with the money?
There was a piece on news last night about the excess and fraud in legal aid programs that receive millions of federal dollars. Every penney should go go legal care for poor, but it is going to double payments to lawyers, new buildings, etc.. They seem to investigate and find these problems, but never do anything about it. The people involved know that, so the abuse continues. A gov't run healthcare program would be no different. Apparently, they don't even know what foods, like butter and honey for example, are good for you - in moderation, of course!


Veteran Member
Here's a link to the entire 73 page document titled "Reducing Obesity: Policy Strategies from the Tobacco Wars".

To combat the epidemic of obesity, lawmakers can adapt policy approaches that have substantially cut tobacco use. A 10 percent tax on fattening food, identified based on a model used by the British government to determine the foods that may not be advertised to children, would reduce consumption while raising more than $500 billion over 10 years. Adding simple, "traffic light" nutrition labels to the front of each food package would change consumers' buying habits, as would listing calories on menus at chain restaurants. Consumption of fattening food would be further reduced by banning its advertisement in the mass media.

Obesity is widely recognized as one of the country's leading public health problems. The obese and overweight experience chronic illness, poor health, and more than 100,000 preventable deaths each year. For the average affected individual, obesity has a much greater impact on health status and health care costs than either smoking or heavy drinking.

In purely financial terms, obesity and excess weight reduce the productivity of American industry and cause over $200 billion in annual health care spending, half of which is funded by the taxpayers. Further, private premiums for nonobese workers are nearly $26 billion higher each year because of obesity-generated health care costs. If recent trends continue, 40 percent of adults will be obese in just 6 years and, for the first time in history, Americans' average life span will shrink rather than grow.

In attacking the epidemic of obesity, policymakers can turn for guidance to the country's long-term effort to combat another, equally pressing public health problem—tobacco use. The share of adults who smoke fell from 42.4 percent in 1965 to less than 20 percent in 2007. Still further progress is likely under recently enacted measures that placed tobacco under the Food and Drug Administration's regulatory authority.

Aggressive public policy interventions that helped bring down tobacco use could be modified and applied to fight obesity, including

imposing excise or sales taxes on fattening food of little nutritional value, as the tax on cigarettes has proven to be the single most effective weapon in decreasing tobacco use;
putting graphic, simple labels on the front of packaged foods showing their nutritional value in a form that consumers can easily understand and use;
requiring restaurant chains to put simple nutrition information on the menu next to each listed item; and
banning advertising and limiting the marketing of fattening food.
A national excise or sales tax on fattening food would also yield revenue that could finance both anti-obesity activities and national health care reform. Foods subject to taxation could be identified using a carefully developed, repeatedly validated nutrient profiling model applied by the British Food Standards Agency to identify the foods that may not be advertised to children and adolescents. A 10 percent tax on fattening foods, defined using this model, would yield more than $500 billion in revenue over ten years. If combined with a subsidy that lowered the price of fruits and vegetables by 10 percent, the net revenue would exceed $350 billion. Similar state taxes could help states close short-term budget gaps while laying the foundation for better population health over the long term. To avoid a net adverse impact on low-income households, some of the resulting revenue could finance increased food stamp allotments and support community-based initiatives that bring nutritious, relatively affordable foods to low-income communities that lack access to such foods today.


Why don't they tax the fast food industry's profits? That is where most of the obese eat. Why should I have to pay more for my food because somebody else is a glutton? And eggs? Natures perfect food is now unhealthy? What gross distortions they spread. I know, I know, just be quiet and go drink your aspartame.
The gov't is planning to use the money generated by these food taxes for healthcare. Also heard on news last night that they were putting a big surtax on cosmetic surgery. all this to fund the Healthcare plan.

Do they not realize that many will just quit buying that food, or cut back drastically?? Same with cosmetic surgery? Then they will no longer have that income to fund the healthcare???

Why do they NEVER think of eliminating excessive spending to come up with the money?
There was a piece on news last night about the excess and fraud in legal aid programs that receive millions of federal dollars. Every penney should go go legal care for poor, but it is going to double payments to lawyers, new buildings, etc.. They seem to investigate and find these problems, but never do anything about it. The people involved know that, so the abuse continues. A gov't run healthcare program would be no different. Apparently, they don't even know what foods, like butter and honey for example, are good for you - in moderation, of course!

Connie, your asking why can't they see? is exactly why the gubernmint should not be allowed to spend our money for us. We know how best to spend our dollars. The Federal Gubernmint doesn't have a clue, but, they'll spend BILLIONS of our dollars to prove us wrong. :shkr:

Bad Hand

Veteran Member
Every time I think Obamanation and the democraps can't screw up or tax anything anymore they do. The coming elections are going to be a blood bath for the democraps I hope and pray. The liberals are our countries enemy.

Rex Jackson

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Its the quantitative easing.

They are slowly jacking up prices on everything to get people used to $114.00gal gas and $70.00 loaf of bread.

people best be stocked up by now if not, get going. Those that are stocked up, no such thing as too much.


Saved, to glorify God.

They friggin pay $20 for a PENNYs worth, c-pap machine PLAIN piece of sponge, which serves as an air filter, that is only one inch by 3/4 inch!!

THAT is what is running up health care costs,(and putting the dough in their corporate cronie's pockets) NOT people eating what they want to eat.


Bucktoothed feline member
Well sheeeyoot...most of the food you buy in the store or eat in the restaurants is manufactured and not healthy.

We eat mostly fish, range-fed red meat, poultry and veggies...homegrown. Leftovers are packed for lunch.

I'm aging alot better than the folks eating out of boxes/cans/bags and constantly eating out. Funny how all of the fat young people around me are talking about diets, protein drinks, gyms, working out, etc. ...yet they're constantly tired or having health issues.

If you think about it, much of our economy depends on overconsumption...but cheap materials (sometimes lacking quality or substance) are required in order to do it.


There needs to be more Tea Party protests. People need to take a stand and let "them" know that WE ARE MAD AS HELL AND WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!


Saved, to glorify God.
Well sheeeyoot...most of the food you buy in the store or eat in the restaurants is manufactured and not healthy.

We eat mostly fish, range-fed red meat, poultry and veggies...homegrown. Leftovers are packed for lunch.

I'm aging alot better than the folks eating out of boxes/cans/bags and constantly eating out. Funny how all of the fat young people around me are talking about diets, protein drinks, gyms, working out, etc. ...yet they're constantly tired or having health issues.

If you think about it, much of our economy depends on overconsumption...but cheap materials (sometimes lacking quality or substance) are required in order to do it.

Well, if you can jump in and semi-validate this proposed oppression, THEN I CAN JUMP IN AND SEMI-VALIDATE AWAY YOUR FRIGGIN SECURITY!

There are proposals in place to DISALLOW YOUR Unlicensed, "AMATEUR" POULTRY & animal raising AND HOME GARDENS because of the "threat to the public food supply" your ignorant and unscientific amateur farming methods may harbor and spread (to commercial crops) fungus, blight, insects, plant/animal diseases that you do not recognize or properly and promptly treat with approved,and recommended agricultural control treatments.

Still feel smug?
Well, if you can jump in and semi-validate this proposed oppression, THEN I CAN JUMP IN AND SEMI-VALIDATE AWAY YOUR FRIGGIN SECURITY!

There are proposals in place to DISALLOW YOUR Unlicensed, "AMATEUR" POULTRY & animal raising AND HOME GARDENS because of the "threat to the public food supply" your ignorant and unscientific amateur farming methods may harbor and spread (to commercial crops) fungus, blight, insects, plant/animal diseases that you do not recognize or properly and promptly treat with approved,and recommended agricultural control treatments.

Still feel smug?

I was discussing with my dh whether to get a wood 'privacy' fence or chain link. I think we may go with wood, that way when the .gov wants to see our garden they have to go to more trouble!


Saved, to glorify God.

About Robert Reischauer

Robert D. Reischauer, a former director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and nationally known expert on the federal budget, Medicare, and Social Security, began his tenure as the second president of the Urban Institute in February 2000.

He had been a senior fellow of economic studies at the Brookings Institution since 1995. From 1989 to 1995, he was the director of the nonpartisan CBO. Mr. Reischauer served as the Urban Institute's senior vice president from 1981 to 1986. He was the CBO's assistant director for human resources and its deputy director between 1977 and 1981.

Mr. Reischauer serves on the boards of several educational and nonprofit organizations. He is Vice Chair of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission.

He frequently contributes to the opinion pages of the nation's major newspapers, comments on public policy developments on radio and television, and testifies before congressional committees.

Mr. Reischauer holds an A.B. in political science from Harvard University and an M.I.A. and Ph.D. in economics from Columbia University.


Short but deadly
They're gonna starve all of us to death! Then who will be left to pay their da** taxes?!? :sht::bhd::mad:
I say they can kiss my :mn: and call it love story


Saved, to glorify God.
how ya like THIS excerpt from their recommendations???
Further, we will not analyze in depth a number of policy approaches to obesity that could be based on tobacco control efforts, including prohibiting fast food restaurants from locating within a specified distance of schools;29 removing fattening food from school environments; coupling intensive anti‐obesity media campaigns with comprehensive sbased and statewide programs; and creating “no‐junk‐food” zones by banning the sale of fattening food in government offices, other public spaces, and supermarket locations (e.g., checkout stands) that prompt impulse buys.30


Bucktoothed feline member
Well, if you can jump in and semi-validate this proposed oppression, THEN I CAN JUMP IN AND SEMI-VALIDATE AWAY YOUR FRIGGIN SECURITY!

There are proposals in place to DISALLOW YOUR Unlicensed, "AMATEUR" POULTRY & animal raising AND HOME GARDENS because of the "threat to the public food supply" your ignorant and unscientific amateur farming methods may harbor and spread (to commercial crops) fungus, blight, insects, plant/animal diseases that you do not recognize or properly and promptly treat with approved,and recommended agricultural control treatments.

Still feel smug?

Was not implying smugness or semi-validation. If anything, pointing out the irony of this whole thing. The people who in my office who championed this Obama guy are the people I was referencing in my post.


Justine Case
I have an idea. Instead of taxing us poor folk, why don't they just prohibit the sales of ALL these products in this country, unless the company/or corporation that produces them moves their business back to the US and gives millions their jobs back!!

They moved out because of cheap labor and not having to pay a lot of tax. If they want Americans to buy their junk, then they have to manufacture it here. End of story!

And this goes for EVERY ONE of those companies that moved out. NO exceptions to the rule!!


Saved, to glorify God.
They got smoking on TV pretty much killed "except for the bad guys who sometimes smoke", watch for them to put the pressure on the media to be GETTING OVERWEIGHT PEOPLE OFF YOUR TV SCREEN EXCEPT MAYBE A FEW WHO PLAY "BAD GUYS" and all the reruns and old movies with overweight people who are NOT cast as bad guys.


Veteran Member
They should outlaw Aspartame and trans-fats i.e. partially and fully hydrogenated oils.

They should outlaw nothing.

I'm capable of making my own choices. What about you?

What others do is none of my concern, none of my business.

What ought to be bombed in this country is every memorial to liberty. Altars ought to be set up in every office with taxing authority. The least we should do is be honest about the situation.

Digital Omnivore

Veteran Member
They should outlaw nothing.

I'm capable of making my own choices. What about you?

What others do is none of my concern, none of my business.

The sad part is that a sensible, virtuous society can outlaw bad products. The eventual outcome always seems to be that the society loses its virtue and sense.

Things like "Requiring all cars to have seatbelts" evolves into "Requiring all Drivers to wear seatbelts or they have to pay the state a fine".

Or "All Foods should be labeled so people can know their contents" turns into "Lets tax people who buy food we see as unhealthy because fat people hurt socialized medicine!"


Bucktoothed feline member
They should outlaw nothing.

I'm capable of making my own choices. What about you?

What others do is none of my concern, none of my business.


Again, it is ironic that the many people around ne screaming for "better healthcare" tend not to do the preventative maintance thing by exercising/watching what they eat more closely.

Based on my experiences, people don't like or want to pay the consequences for their actions or choices.


Black Out

They friggin pay $20 for a PENNYs worth, c-pap machine PLAIN piece of sponge, which serves as an air filter, that is only one inch by 3/4 inch!!

THAT is what is running up health care costs,(and putting the dough in their corporate cronie's pockets) NOT people eating what they want to eat.
It will be a disaster. And it's a way to kill people by withholding treatment from them. It's going to be a legal form of euthanasia. Ask the Canuks on this board and see if they like government run health care? What ever the government gets ahold of, it turns into a cluster fudge. If you've ever dealt with Workmans Comp, then you will know what I mean.:smkd:


Saved, to glorify God.
They propose putting a big red stop sign saying "FATTENING FOOD" "EXTRA TAX" on anything they disapprove. (Cereal with sugar, maple syrup, ice cream, they name lots of foods they think a PUNATIVE tax will keep the poorer people from eating-RICH PEOPLE, like the people proposing to tax us, WILL, AS ALWAYS, Not be forced or manipulated in their choices because of all their discretionary income which makes such taxes unnoticeable to them!!

suggesting there exists some legal basis and precedence to have junk foods FORBIDDEN TO BE MANUFACTURED AND Could be classified AS TOXIC!

THESE PEOPLE ARE SO FRIGGIN' DUMB...That they propose to use the high tax on "unhealthy" foods to subsidize more food stamps for the poor people WITHOUT PROPOSING THAT JUNK FOOD BE PROHIBITED FROM BEING PURCHASED WITH FOOD STAMPS!!! So the only ones eating ice cream and maple syrup on their pancakes will be the rich people and the friggin welfare goldbrickers. The working people will be taxed out of it!!
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Saved, to glorify God.
Folks, I just had a TREMENDOUS INSIGHT after reading their proposed food recommendations!


WE WILL BE ASSIGNED A "LEGAL" NUMBER OF CALORIES PER INDIVIDUAL THAT WE CAN PURCHASE PER DAY OR WEEK!!(Before daunting punitive taxes ride any further purchase of calories!

That is EASILY done with the current technology and listed calories on the food items. plus ID.

The horrendous expense of administering their proposed program would be thus eliminated! That is the only "practical solution" that is already virtually in place, and that they will claim they can expediently execute to accomplish their major goals!

Bicycle Junkie

Resident dissident and troll
They should outlaw nothing.

I'm capable of making my own choices. What about you?

What others do is none of my concern, none of my business.

What ought to be bombed in this country is every memorial to liberty. Altars ought to be set up in every office with taxing authority. The least we should do is be honest about the situation.

How about letting food manufactuers put small amounts of arsenic in the things we eat and drink? That would be about the same. Aspartame and trans-fats are not foods; they are poisons.


Techno Junkie
Thats my biggest concern, Once they start tracking the food you eat and how much you buy (Some say this is done already.. but once the govt gets involved) then its bad news.

This garbage needs to be nipped in the bud NOW before it gets out of hand.


Bucktoothed feline member
I agree, eXe. One reason to get off the grid as much as possible.

However, ainitfunny has a good point regarding the home gardening angle.

Dunno if the govt will have all of the resources to effectively monitor it all. In many regards, they can't even enforce the laws and maintain the programs and policies they have now...and they want expand more. Another scary thought.


Veteran Member
The sad part is that a sensible, virtuous society can outlaw bad products. The eventual outcome always seems to be that the society loses its virtue and sense.

Things like "Requiring all cars to have seatbelts" evolves into "Requiring all Drivers to wear seatbelts or they have to pay the state a fine".

Or "All Foods should be labeled so people can know their contents" turns into "Lets tax people who buy food we see as unhealthy because fat people hurt socialized medicine!"

No, that isn't sad.

A sensible, virtuous society does not tyrannize. A sensible, virtuous society rejoices in their liberty.


Veteran Member
How about letting food manufactuers put small amounts of arsenic in the things we eat and drink? That would be about the same. Aspartame and trans-fats are not foods; they are poisons.

Fine with me.

If you want to pay someone else to process your food, that's your business and none of my concern.


In Michigan we do not pay sales tax on any food item or on drugs. Because our state needs money so bad I fear they will bring back the tax on food.........all food.......whether it's healthy or not. I hate to see that happen but I wouldn't be surprised. I guess if I have a choice, I'd rather see a tax on food rather than our property taxes go up again. I don' t know.

Better keep stocking up all you can while you can get it without the taxes.

Digital Omnivore

Veteran Member
No, that isn't sad.

A sensible, virtuous society does not tyrannize. A sensible, virtuous society rejoices in their liberty.

Yes, that is what I was getting at. They all seem to slide into Tyranny over time, and the only thing I can peg it on is loss of virtue.


Veteran Member

Just another study from a nutty institute. There are a pile of such studies produced each and every day. These are not legal proposals submitted by legislatures. They are not related to the federal government or a state government. They are not related to a dictator, to President Obama, or to Vice-President Dick Cheney. They are not democrat or republican studies - though most have either a liberal, conservative, fascist, or socialist slant. What they are is pie-in-the-sky dreams of lobbyists.

Don't get bent by every one you see or you will be twisted-up like a pretzel. Especially, don't presume they will come to pass and then start drawing even nuttier extrapolations based upon your erroneous presumptions.