GOV/MIL New Rules with Selective Service


TB Fanatic
Parent (parents, plural can't be used) if zer birthed person is an only person who self identifies as male and is the last birthed person who self identifies as male in your cohabitational unit to carry the paternalistic surname, zee/zerr is still required to register . . .


Veteran Member
I am an only child and was not exempt from registering in 1968 when I turned 18. After graduating college in 1971 I also was required to go to Fort Jackson in Columbia, SC for my army physical. I wasn't drafted, but if I had been, I was told that I probably would have never left the US unless I volunteered, and my assignment would have been at a military hospital within the US.


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
They still have to register for and can be drafted.....but....not sent into a combat zone unless the serviceman waves that restriction. In Desert Storm we had two brothers that wanted to serve together in our front line combat unit. The military would not allow it due to the Sullivan Brothers incident in WW2 that resulted in the Soul Survivor Act and one brothers was sent back to the states. FWIW the brother that stayed with us made it through just fine. If I remember correctly that also applies to fathers and sons serving together.

Bubble Head

Has No Life - Lives on TB
As far as I know all males who have turned 18 years old register with the Selective Service. This does not mean you will be called up or you are fit to serve. That decision is made by the military and the military team exam after one has actually been drafted. Many are not drafted and never serve. None have been drafted for decades as of now.


God has a plan, Trust it!
I dont think that has been a rule for many, many, many years. My son is an only child and had to register when he was 18. he is almost 30 now.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Everyone has to register. It used to be that if you were last male of a line, you did not have to serve. I think now, it's you do not serve in a combat zone. But every male, even the severely disabled, have to register. Even my son had to be registered. If it came down to a draft, then the other regulations/exemptions/whatever would come into effect.

Kathy in FL

It makes you exempt from the military active service draft, it doesn't mean you are exempt from selective service. They can still use that database for other purposes such as a medical draft.


Veteran Member
I guess I probably landed in the only window of time that they wouldn't even let us register.

I don't think that it was just being a only child, but you had to be the only male out of your dad's brothers as well.


Let's Go Brandon!
I am an only child and was not exempt from registering in 1968 when I turned 18. After graduating college in 1971 I also was required to go to Fort Jackson in Columbia, SC for my army physical. I wasn't drafted, but if I had been, I was told that I probably would have never left the US unless I volunteered, and my assignment would have been at a military hospital within the US.

Ditto, and I turned 18 in 1997. Not ditto on the physical and hospital, but wasn't exempt as an only child.


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
Honestly I really can't imagine anyone trying to reinstate the draft, outside of a space alien invasion/attack. I don't think there's that much real patriotism left in the country. NO ONE TRUSTS THE GOVERNMENT ANYMORE. No one trusts the media SPIN! No one cares what politicians say.

Not only that......I would really be surprised if even 25% of draft age eligible men could make it through the physical let alone boot camp. Hell, half the kids in high school don't even dress out for PE anymore. Too many kids these days get butt hurt if you use the wrong pronoun for them or expect them to put in a good solid days worth of work, or even show up to work on time!

Then add to that all this LGBTxzy crap....we're as doomed as doomed can be.


Veteran Member
They still have to register for and can be drafted.....but....not sent into a combat zone unless the serviceman waves that restriction. In Desert Storm we had two brothers that wanted to serve together in our front line combat unit. The military would not allow it due to the Sullivan Brothers incident in WW2 that resulted in the Soul Survivor Act and one brothers was sent back to the states. FWIW the brother that stayed with us made it through just fine. If I remember correctly that also applies to fathers and sons serving together.
My hubby is the only son of the only son and he was sent to Saudi for Desert Storm. I was told that exemption was no longer vid. He was a Navy Cirpsman attached to a Marine Corps unit.


TB Fanatic
Being draft registration is restricted to males, do transgender males have to register or does the military consider them as females when it comes to selective service, and thus exempt?

Well even back in the Korean War, Klinger got drafted! Look at all the dresses he wore in the TV show.


Veteran Member
It is strange that we are seeing more posts about Selective Service Registration given the current world situation or is it just that time of the year that they advertise this government service?
We are seeing more posts about selective service. My son got his paperwork in the mail recently from registration


Veteran Member
When I turned 18 in 1973, we were living overseas in Saudia Arabia. Someone informed me that I had to register at the US Consulate. I took a taxi there and filled out the card and handed it to them. I was a few months late.

I received a letter from Selective Service stating that I was in violation of the statute, and a hearing was going to be held in Washington DC in my name. If I wanted, I could write a note on the back, explaining why I was late and return it to the address on the letter.

I never responded, and never heard back from them. I supposed Jimmy Carter took care of it for me, granting me amnesty for being a draft dodger.


Heart of Dixie
I don't think a draft is going to be fruitful after they cull 90% of them that don't qualify for basement leave.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
Parent (parents, plural can't be used) if zer birthed person is an only person who self identifies as male and is the last birthed person who self identifies as male in your cohabitational unit to carry the paternalistic surname, zee/zerr is still required to register . . .

What is zee/zer? Is this a typo or am I behind the curve on some aspect of woke-ism?


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
When I turned 18 in 1973, we were living overseas in Saudia Arabia. Someone informed me that I had to register at the US Consulate. I took a taxi there and filled out the card and handed it to them. I was a few months late.

I received a letter from Selective Service stating that I was in violation of the statute, and a hearing was going to be held in Washington DC in my name. If I wanted, I could write a note on the back, explaining why I was late and return it to the address on the letter.

I never responded, and never heard back from them. I supposed Jimmy Carter took care of it for me, granting me amnesty for being a draft dodger.
Maybe someone on the receiving end looked at the postmarks, dates/times involved and round filed the whole file?


Senior Member
I think the draft is slavery. IMO the draft and Selective Service office needs to be gone. I hated the fact that I had to register when I turned 18. Nobody should have to sign up
When I registered in 72, it seems I was in the first third and would have been selected, but they ended the draft before calling us to service.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
This is not really a change. They are trying to broaden the recruitment base as they are strapped really hard for eligible recruits. The last surviving male is a hold over from prior wars where family lines died off due to war and it was a PR nightmare for the military and the war.

Barry Natchitoches

Has No Life - Lives on TB
In the 1960’s, if you wanted to dodge the draft, you either went to college or to Canada.

In the 2020’s, I suppose “men” will begin to dodge the draft by “identifying” as female.

Corporal Klinger was just 70 years ahead of the times….


Senior Member
I enlisted during the tail end of Viet Nam when I was 17. When I was 18, I was serving and told I didn't have to register because I was already active duty. Now retired USAF.


Veteran Member
I guess I was one of the lucky few to be born between 57 and 59 and never had to register for Selective Service. We were the only ones exempt in modern times; in addition, we got to vote and drink at 18. Wow, talk about winning the trifecta… :kaid:
Politicians had a few years of guilt I guess….
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