New Members Check-In Thread...


Hello TB2K! I've been lurking here for a few years, and thought it was time to become a member. Thanks for allowing me to join, and for all of the useful preps info.



lurker who has just joined~ty

Karen in Hannibal Missouri
Hello Everyone,

I am a long time lurker (a bit shy) who finally decided to come out of the lurker closet.
I have learned so much from everyone here and even when you are a lurker you feel like you're part of the "family".
Please know that I keep each and everyone of you in my daily prayers and have grieved with you and your families over the lost of some of the members recently. And also with the families of the Gulf Coast area, please take care.
I look forward to getting to know you all even better in the future here on the board.


OhioRed here, just checking in. Thanks for a wonderful site! OR


Thank you for the wonderful community

Have also been a lurker, only because I don't feel confident enough in my skills as a contributor just yet. Hopefully that will change. Bless you all. And a big thank you to Dennis for this site.


Contributing Member

Hi all,
I have been lurking for a few months and finally decided to be legit ;)
I have enjoyed all the discussions on here. It is comforting to have like'minded people to listen to since my dear husband still believes too much of what he is told on TV. I am not sure how much I can contribute since I am still at the "oh my gosh what will we do!!" stage.
thanks for letting me join!
Lisa in PA


Checking in...

Hi! I'm just checking in so that I can be "official." I have know about TB2K for some time because my hubby has been a member for a while. Just wanted to be able to join in the fun without having to look over his shoulder. :D


Contributing Member
:D I'm in! I'm in, I'm finally in! Great to be able to post, and I look forward to "getting to know y'all."


Miss Vic

do we have to check in here every day or everytime we come on board or what..I seem to be a little confused about this .. :confused:


Contributing Member
Hi, just checking in. Have lurked for a while and thought I might want to jump in now and then. Thanks

hafa adai

Greetings from Guam

Hafa adai (Chamorro for "howdy!")
Guam - where America's day begins. Thanks for allowing me the opportunity to be part of TB2K.


Hello. I have been a lurker for years but finally decided to join. Thanks for the opportunity.


Just a whim

Have been lurking around here for about two years and love this site.

Am totally addicted to TB2000 and have to have my daily fix.

TB2000 is one of the most informative and interesting sites on the net and the members here seem to be very good people.

Thank-you again,


Membership Revoked
I have been enjoying reading comments on this board off and on since 1999 as a Y2Ker prepper. I try to pass on information to family or friends that will help them prepare for critical or disastrious events I learn about from reading the posts on this board.


Contributing Member
Checking in

Ok so i got a bad memory.

First message and hello to all.

Now can someone tell me how to kill off that New Private Message thingy???? :rolleyes:


Inactive :)

Thanks for reactivating me, I have lurked for a long time, off and on. This board has taught me so much. bless you all, and thanks again



I was told by a member to join, she heard about my losses in Katrina


Contributing Member
Hello Everyone;

Just doing a check in, been lurking for about a month or so now. Glad to finally be a member.


Miss Vic

sherbar92 said:
New member checking in...thanks for hooking me up, Dennis!

My name is sherbar92 and I am apparently a "doomer." They say admitting you have an addiction is the first step to recovery... :spns:

CFI and bygrace told me about this place a while ago. I've lurked for a long time but finally realized that a newbie prepper should no longer attempt to go it alone. I hope I can also contribute to the board in some way. I have a background working with radioactive drugs, so I know my rads from my rems, a bit about radioactive contamination, and a good deal about medicine. I also have a glowing personality, a hot sense of humor, and a huge penchant for making bad puns.

I see a lot of familiar faces here from various Christian boards on the Net. I post as smilinnow on several of those, but was concerned that joining TB2K as "smilinnow" two days after the wrath of Katrina might imply I'm "smilin now" about that, which I am most definitely NOT. So, sherbar92 it is!!

Looking forward to learning much, getting to know many, and maybe have a little fun too.


Hey Sher..I just realised you are pretty new here too.. And here I thought you have been around a long time.... :rolleyes: Maybe I should be welcoming you to the board.. :lol: BTW is there a place where all the welcomes are posted or are they scattered all over the place?? I still get kinda lost here.. :lol:


My first post

Just checking in - enjoy the site very much and hope to learn from you all!


Just doing my duty to check in. My dad got me hooked. He's been reminding me all week to post. it is, Dad.'s done. Now, on to my own business and reading all that y'all have to offer.... :whistle:

Miss Vic

LJB said:
Just doing my duty to check in. My dad got me hooked. He's been reminding me all week to post. it is, Dad.'s done. Now, on to my own business and reading all that y'all have to offer.... :whistle:
:lol: :lol: Glad you obeyed your parent and made him happy but you forgot to tell us who he is.. I'm sure he would be proud to have you here... and we would like to acknowledge him. Not everybody has a dad that is a mod.. ;) I take it that you are one very fortunate lady!