EDUC New Jersey testing new mandatory pro-LGBT curriculum etc. classes in ELEMENTARY & up public schools for math/history/grammar


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NJ Schools Test New Mandatory LGBT Curriculum for Math, History, Grammar



"This week, twelve New Jersey schools have launched a pilot program to try out a new LGBT curriculum for a whole host of different academic subjects. The curriculum will be mandatory across the state beginning in the 2020-2021 school year, with no parental opt-out provision. Last year, Gov. Phil Murphy (D-N.J.) signed a bill mandating this kind of curriculum, making New Jersey the second state after California (2011) to do so. Illinois followed later last year.

"We want students to see themselves in the stories that are told," Ashley Chiappano, a manager at the LGBT activist group Garden State Equality, told USA Today. "We want to make sure they are getting accurate, appropriate and historically relevant information about the community and the strides that have been made."

This justification may sound nice, but the true goal is to fit what amounts to LGBT propaganda into a broad array of lessons at the elementary school, middle school, and high school levels.

"The pilot sites to be announced by the state Tuesday – including schools in Hackensack, Morristown, Newark and Asbury Park – are intended to be proving grounds for new lessons in history, economics and even grammar designed to improve awareness of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender contributions and issues," USA Today reported.

"History, economics, and even grammar" is actually an understatement when it comes to the breadth of these lessons. According to the pilot program proposal, the lessons are geared toward students in grades 5/6, 8, 10, and 12. At each age bracket, students will have 2 math lessons, 2 English-language arts lessons, 2 social studies lessons, 2 science lessons, 2 visual and performing arts lessons, and 2 World Language lessons.

"The intent of the law is for material to be weaved across subjects rather than taught as a stand-alone history lesson, said advocates and legislators who supported it," the magazine reported. In other words, not only will parents not be given the option to opt their kids out of the program, but children will not necessarily be aware of the LGBT lessons when they are taught.

Naturally, some lessons may be fitting. Among the topics mentioned in the USA Today article are gay victims of the Holocaust, who were forced to wear pink triangles. Other lessons focus on those victimized by "conversion therapy." While many were indeed abused in the name of programs aimed at changing their sexual orientation, this history is often weaponized against those who practice mainstream forms of talk therapy examining trauma behind unwanted same-sex attraction. Indeed, a liberal activist group shut down a conservative crowd-funding website by weaponizing New Jersey law with this argument.

Other lessons would twist grammar in order to push incorrect pronouns reflecting nebulous gender identity rather than biological sex.

Neither the proposal nor the USA Today article ventured to explain how LGBT lessons would smuggle their way into math and science. Some feminists have suggested that the very principles of objective truth and the scientific method are sexist. Perhaps these new lessons would claim such things are "homophobic."

Denver Public Schools Proudly Admits to Sharing the Same 'Values' as Left-Wing Anti-Christian SPLC

While it is important to acknowledge the Nazis' oppression against gay people, many LGBT activists have sought to redefine history in pursuit of their agenda. Some have claimed that the Bible figures of King David and Jonathan were homosexual or bisexual, while others have insisted that the Bible figures Deborah, King David, and the Apostle Paul were "transgender" or "gender non-conforming." While many historical figures did engage in homosexual activity — the ancient Greeks were notorious for pederasty — the concepts of "lesbian," "gay," "bisexual," and "transgender" as identities are extremely modern, and it would do violence to history to apply them anachronistically to figures who never considered themselves that way.

LGBT propaganda has often been cloaked in the language of "anti-bullying" lessons. This suggests that those who disagree with LGBT pride are bigoted and offensive. Many conservatives respect and honor LGBT people, even if they disagree with their lifestyles, however.

"We’re all human and need to respect each other, but there’s a religious view that sexuality doesn’t define us," Shawn Hyland, director of advocacy for the Family Policy Alliance of New Jersey, told USA Today. He warned that the lessons would "normalize or promote certain desires and attractions that violate one’s religious and moral beliefs."

The Family Policy Alliance of New Jersey has collected more than 3,500 signatures on a petition denouncing the law as a violation of religious liberty that "forces sexual ideology" onto unsuspecting children. The petition asks the state to give parents the choice to opt their children out of LGBT lessons.

"This law violates the fundamental and constitutional rights of parents to direct the moral and educational upbringing of their children," the petition says. "It was written with no protections for families – families cannot opt their child out of the content for any reason, not even if they have religious or moral objections!"

Lawmakers argued against an opt-out provision because the lessons are intended to be integrated into the curriculum — a convenient excuse to make them mandatory.

The pilot program has launched at nine public schools and three charter schools.

It seems the LGBT activists behind this curriculum are unfamiliar with the growing revolt against transgenderism among lesbians and gay people.

Americans should treat one another with respect, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or religious belief. That does not mean foisting a controversial ideology on impressionable children and trampling on their parents' religious liberty, however."

Follow Tyler O'Neil, the author of this article, on Twitter at @Tyler2ONeil.

The Southern Poverty Law Center Pushes LGBT Issues in Schools in the Name of Tolerance


This too shall pass.
The next generation is being deliberately destroyed. Raggedyman, Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:42, and Luke 17:2 all are the verse you were thinking of. There is a Bible principle, the more often something is mentioned, the more important it is.

Homeschool your children, parents. Or at least scrape up the money for a private Christian school.



On TB every waking moment
All this is really doing, by design, is further balkanizing the society. Force feeding "political correctness" doesn't encourage civil behavior. As I noted to a coworker about our latest round of CA state mandated sexual harassment training, if you base behavior on the mother/grandmother test, i.e. would your behavior upset said same or not, you'd pretty much cover every situation in your public life.

I can't help but think of how this is going to grate when the political pendulum finally starts to swing back to something resembling sanity from the chaos we are currently enduring.


Veteran Member
Let's see, math: The USNS Harvey Milk needs resupplied with condoms every three months. It needs re-supplied with food every two months. On a one year deployment, how many of each re-supply missions can be done at the same time?

Health: Here is description of Chelsae M------'s reassignment surgery. In an enlightened society, tax dollars are well-spent helping incarcerated people "find their true self". Grammar: Be sure and use past tense with Bradley and present tense with Chelsae.

////sarc above^^^^

What the heck are we doing??
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Disaster Cat
You know as someone who has worked for equality in this area almost all my adult life I fail to comprehend this one.

I mean what in the world does math have to do with this topic, other than perhaps mentioning on the jr high/high school level that someone like Turning the great Code Breaker was Gay and how his arrest and death may have affected the history of the computer?

I mean even Mary Renault, a lesbian in a 50 plus year relationship took the Gay Magazine The Advocate to task when they rated one of her novels on Ancient Greece as "a Great Gay novel" she explained that this was a historical novel and that the Greeks did not view sexuality in modern terms, it was not a "gay" novel it was a novel set in Ancient Greece, with Greek men as the protagonists.

I don't want to see the many accomplishments of gay people or those who took on the roles of a gender opposite to their physical sex (Alexander the Great, Hever the Norse Warrior Maiden, etc) but fishing them out of context and forcing them into everything is just a flip side of trying to hide it all and pretend such people don't exist or worse are driven to suicide like Turing and so many others.

Yes, if there is a section on the NAZI's during a history lesson Pink Triangles are important but so are gypsies, the disabled and of course the Jews.

This feels like overkill and the pushing of an agenda to me, the information feels "forced" and instead of getting what the majority of gay people I know want (and the much smaller group of really trans people) is which is simply equality and the right to live their lives like anyone else; this is likely to result in confusion at first and backlash later.

That's just my take at this time, I haven't seen the actual material but if it is anything like the article describes it, it sounds like it goes a lot further than just friends of Dick and Jane having two Mommies when they visit Sally house for cookies.

Or as my mother said when I was young and asked why a friend's Daddy (the town hairdresser) lives with another man (the town interior decorator) she just said "well, you know how Mummies and Daddies fall in love and get married? Well once in a while it happens between two Daddys or Two Mommies - it isn't common but it happens."

That was all I needed at age 7 or so, and I went back outside to play, and this was in the 1960s ....


TB Fanatic
It seems the LGBT activists behind this curriculum are unfamiliar with the growing revolt against transgenderism among lesbians and gay people.

Americans should treat one another with respect, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or religious belief. That does not mean foisting a controversial ideology on impressionable children and trampling on their parents' religious liberty, however."

LMAO ... Who would ever think they bitch about each other ... the irony. They are now turning on each other. One freak is better than the other. Maybe the schools should just teach the difference between men and women.... And why.

Keep it simple stupid. No must have ... Keep it stupid you morons.


Pass it forward...
This is a great example of how government monopoly schools have had a large role in the destruction of society in the USA.


This too shall pass.
This is a great example of how government monopoly schools have had a large role in the destruction of society in the USA.

And this kind of thing is why I don’t hold out much hope for this country long-term. You can’t build a country, or anything else lasting, on the shifting sands of foolish human philosophies and doctrines. Without God, nothing stands, it all crumbles and collapses. The only hope we might have would be national repentance for sins and a real revival of belief in Jesus Christ as Savior and Creator God. I wish that would happen, and pray for it. I’ve spent a lot of hours teaching the Bible to children, some from church-going homes, but many not. But unless God gives us a miracle, I do not see a revival happening. I see persecution of Christians increasing, spreading, and becoming more severe, and the turning away from God becoming even worse as most people actively embrace sin. Eventually God will judge us for it.

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Veteran Member
This is a great example of how government monopoly schools have had a large role in the destruction of society in the USA.

After 3 years in office, why has DJT allowed his ohole holdover DOE secretary continue to promote islam, every sexual perversion, hatred of whites, the Constitution and founding fathers, alst while teaching our children nothing in the way of reading writing or arithmetic? This is where the war is won by brainwashing the children.


Veteran Member
All this is really doing, by design, is further balkanizing the society. Force feeding "political correctness" doesn't encourage civil behavior. As I noted to a coworker about our latest round of CA state mandated sexual harassment training, if you base behavior on the mother/grandmother test, i.e. would your behavior upset said same or not, you'd pretty much cover every situation in your public life.

I can't help but think of how this is going to grate when the political pendulum finally starts to swing back to something resembling sanity from the chaos we are currently enduring.
Follow the money. Keenes and Associates is the major law firm representing school districts in California.

They are paid millions yearly by districts in all sorts of legal matters. And for the professional development employees must take.

The mandated training from this year focused on what grooming and sexual exploitation looks like in a school setting.

As a teacher I was not at all comfortable during the training and what I learned and saw how all the employees were disturbed by the training.

First, the idea that child trafficking is a threat in the school setting which was very upsetting to think that there were adults who get away with it. And secondly that what was once considered normal affection and care for students was being portrayed as abnormal ideation of students.

We were told to not hug a student, and if we did to only do a side hug.

The admonition that yes, as mandatory reporters it was our lawful duty to report suspicions and I do support mandatory reporting.

Then in a different training we were told it is important to hug students who ask for a hug in order to show that we care about them. Crazy making edicts for sure.

Over the last twenty years of teaching I have seen how social media and free reign access of minors to the evils of porn has hyper sexualized students.

It is appalling and so very horrific.