EBOLA New Ebola Czar


I notice that when someone wants to control you they always want you to focus on their face. The "face" prevents you from looking elsewhere because you are emotionally engaged in the parley. It is very interesting to me that this also scales up to positions as "the face of xyz for the public on abc topic". Every time we pay much attention to a particular person bloviating in the media, providing "answers", etc to the "questions" is a situation where control is the top issue.

That is why Frieden could say two contradictory statements in the same breath and get away with it: 1) you can't catch Ebola by sitting next to someone on a bus ...2) be want to make sure that people who are infective don't get on a bus. He could say this because he has been given the position of being the "face" of the CDC and the administration, and therefore he has defacto authority that people respond to, even if he is talking like an insane person.

This is also why politicians want to be interviewed by the media, because it makes them the "face" that people have to respond to, gives them legitimacy. Every time a politician talks they posture themselves in such a way (gravity of speach, etc) that people instinctively give them an audience, allow them control in the situation.

One last observation: the intentional use of cognative dissonance to disable critical thinking in an audience. IMO this is one of the many techniques used by cult leaders (and I do include American Politics in that realm) to pacify their flocks. Keep speaking and keep saying contradictions long enough and your audience will have their thinking portion of their brains shut down for the duration. They will follow you anywhere and everywhere, even if you screw them repeatedly. And we can see a goodly portion of the US populous are completely subordinated to this kind of manipulation.


Veteran Member
I am an intuitive when it comes to understanding the world. What this means is that I tend to "absorb" things by being immersed in impressions, and then from this comes a recognition of an underlying set of principles which seems to describe the underlying strutures in things as the play out on the surface.

I have not been terribly invested in the 'conspiracy' side of this discussion simply because one really can't know, in a definitive sense - by evidence, if the main driver is conspiracy by some kabal or simply stupidity, or maybe a combination of unpublished intentions gone wrong, then an attempt to CYA, etc. The disease, logistics and economics of the problem has taken most of my attention ... until now.

Just as all of you, I have been quite amazed at the seeming stupidity of the authorities, but have chalked it up to well excersized stupidity. Not so now. And here is why ...

The political people in charge of the various institutions which has been more or less in the lime light (CDC, Department of State, etc) have very clearly stated, REPEATEDLY, for MONTHS, that travel will not be restricted. They have also REPEATEDLY insisted that local and state entities practice Level 2 when they themselves insist on practicing Level 4 protections. Even NOW, the CDC insists it is right as rain with regard to this line of counsel, in spite of overwhelming evidence that they are ENTIRELY WRONG in that approach. Why? Some have asked if they are INTENTIONALLY SPREADING the disease. (importation of up to 50 case per week is probable)

I now believe (my intuition after reviewing and absorbing the swell of articles and private reporting on Ebola details) that we are seeing a cadre of political operatives being put into place to assure the spread of Ebola in the US and to 1) deflect people's attention, 2) silence discussion, 3) remove or confuse information, 4) continue to import infected Pts, 5) debilitate local and state authorities' ability to operate independently from the Federal, etc.

Frieden is a political diversion. He has been given his script. He will continue to spout none sense and obfuscate reality. His job is to run interference for the background operation that is being accomplished. Reporters will focus on HIM and will not focus on Obama. Now that an executive "CZAR" has been appointed we have a second level of diversion which can further tangle up anyone's efforts to "get to the bottom of this". IMO there will be more and more people this administration will appoint, and rearrange in order to keep the attention of the media AWAY from Obama and what is REALLY being done.

Recall that the "numbers" being reported are entirely a fiction, yet the media keeps reporting them as important. Once it became inconvenient, all the "supsected cases" were summarily wiped from the news feeds. Now we find, indirectly, that only what the CDC counts as positive tests, are counted. And we find that far more cases, by inference of physically present people who are counting things like ambulances, lab reports, etc are ACTUAL than being reported. Why? So that they can continue their background operation, which is to import as many infected people as possible before they have to close down that operation.

I posted on another thread that I felt the initial rationalization for this was to duplicate the work of FDR and the effects of Pearl Harbor to "engage the American public" in supporting a lot more material and personel to be sent to Africa, ie - essentially a "war against Ebola" - sounds familiar doesn't it??). This is a geopolitical thing. Zero can't allow himself to be seen as turning his back on Africa. Do you recall that on his first election there was significant reporting on how African people saw Zero as "their" President? That has been leveraged for 5-6 years now to keep Africa in the western sphere of influence. If the Zero is perceived by Africa to be cutting them off, then Africa will jump straight into China's arms, and that includes Nigeria's oil fields.

Now we have another "community organizer" (Frieden being the other) who has been put in charge of the US effort to "address the issue". Both of their "qualifications" as political operatives are astonishingly unqualified to deal with an issue such as Ebola. But looking at their qualifications for what they are, we can see what their REAL JOBS ARE.

I do believe that this was an effort on the part of the political elite in this country to get the US MORE involved in Africa, and in being perceived as "America the Good: Coming to Save the African Peoples". What a great story. I believe (at this time at least) that they did not believe that importing cases into the US would produce the same results that it has in Africa. In fact, Frieden has repeatedly stated "IT CAN'T HAPPEN HERE" and I believe that he was articulating the thinking of the planners. I also believe that they were very deeply wrong in making that assumption, and that their little experiment has gone horribly wrong. They are fully aware of how badly it has gone wrong and they are absolutely unprepared to deal with the consequences.

One last thing. In the midst of such a fuster cluck where the national leadership has basicly poised itself and this nation on the brink of total disgrace and political self emolation, a capable enemy who has certain abilities to "help" the confusion by making their own special contribution of 'novel ingredients' which look very similar to the current problem, but in fact will multiply the confusion, disable toeir economic engine and even further disconfit the populous, ... may take advantage of this unique opportunity to their own benefit. "Pay back...", as they say, "...is a bitch."

An intriguing analysis - food for thought here. The refusal of TPTB to do the obvious to stem the spread of this disease is disquieting. It is disturbing to consider that there may be method at foot here but there is a compelling ring to that possibility as well as to the possibility that we are witnessing a plot that has gone horribly wrong and is spinning of control. We shall soon see.


Veteran Member
So here's a guy who gets handed this neato title, and new job, but only gets to keep it as long as there is an ebola problem. I'm not seeing much incentive for him to try to "fix" anything.


Veteran Member

Before Ebola, New Czar Handled Political Crises
Video | Why Ebola Got Its Own Czar Ebola now has its very own White House czar. A recent history of these types of presidential appointees in the Obama administration.
OCTOBER 17, 2014
WASHINGTON — Ron Klain wanted Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. to prepare for the worst.

So as he coached Mr. Biden through weeks of preparations for his vice-presidential debates in 2008, he assembled a notebook filled with questions — and calculated the precise percentage chance that each one would be asked.

“Ron could anticipate the questions to be asked of the candidate within a range of about 95 percent,” said Tom Donilon, President Obama’s former national security adviser and Mr. Klain’s partner during that round of debate preparations.

Now Mr. Klain, named on Friday by the president to be the administration’s Ebola response coordinator, will have to put his knack for anticipating worst-case scenarios to work on what has rapidly become not just a public health mess for the White House, but a political one.

Ron Klain, a former chief of staff for Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., in 2008.
A seasoned crisis-response operative and veteran of Democratic administrations and campaigns, Mr. Klain, 53, is charged with managing the federal efforts to monitor and contain the deadly virus that has touched off a wave of anxiety in the United States and raised questions about the competence of Mr. Obama’s administration.

After Mr. Biden was elected vice president, Mr. Klain became his chief of staff, the same job he had served in under Al Gore. He is known for his ability to handle high-stakes and fast-moving political and policy challenges. Mr. Klain was the lead Democratic lawyer for Mr. Gore during the 2000 election recount, and was later played by Kevin Spacey in “Recount,” the HBO drama about the disputed contest.

His appointment came as Mr. Obama and his team stepped up their efforts to monitor Ebola, which has sown mounting fear among the public despite having infected only three people in the United States.

It has also intensified criticism of the Obama administration’s management of a major national challenge, fueled in recent days by reports that two health care workers were infected while caring for an Ebola-afflicted patient at a Dallas hospital, and one worker who subsequently flew on an airplane with a fever.

Video | White House Spokesman on Ebola ‘Czar’Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said President Obama had tapped Ron Klain, a chief of staff for two vice presidents, to coordinate the government’s response to the Ebola outbreak.
“What we were looking for is not an Ebola expert but rather an implementation expert, and that’s exactly what Ron Klain is,” said Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary. “He is somebody who has extensive experience in the federal government. He’s somebody that has extensive management experience when it comes to the private sector.”

Mr. Klain, who left Mr. Biden’s office in 2011, is currently the president of Case Holdings and the general counsel at Revolution L.L.C., companies that were founded by Steve Case, the former chief executive of AOL.

Now, Mr. Earnest said, he will be focusing “100 percent of his time on coordinating this whole-of-government response.”

The appointment drew criticism from congressional Republicans who said Mr. Klain — who has no record or expertise in Ebola specifically or public health in general — was the wrong person for the job.

“Ebola is a health crisis, yet the president has appointed as his new Ebola ‘czar’ a partisan loyalist whose expertise is politics — not health,” said Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama. “One would think, faced with the prospect of an epidemic, the president would task an expert in epidemiology, not an expert in political spin.”

Yet some former co-workers said Mr. Klain is uniquely positioned to help Mr. Obama get tighter control of a multifaceted government effort to combat Ebola’s spread, and rein in a story that has spiraled out of the White House’s control.

“He can see 10 steps ahead, and he’s got the leadership skills, the management skills and the substantive knowledge to figure out how to get in front of this — get out of a reactive stance and into a proactive stance,” said Stephanie Cutter, a former senior White House adviser. “He’s able to solve problems before they happen.”

He is also known, including by Republicans, as someone who is empowered to make key decisions and cut deals. John Ullyot, a Republican strategist and communications consultant who worked with him in the private sector and on Capitol Hill, said it was Mr. Klain who met privately with Arlen Specter, the former Pennsylvania senator, to persuade him to switch his party affiliation in 2009 from Republican to Democrat.

“Bringing him in is a clear signal to Washington that you have a real decision-maker with the ear of the president to be able to walk in and get a very quick decision on the thorniest issue,” said Mr. Ullyot.

Former colleagues say Mr. Klain has a track record of successfully dispatching with knotty problems, policy or political. They point to his work helping Mr. Biden oversee the $787 billion stimulus package, although the initiative has also earned him criticism, since it gave rise to a deal with the solar-panel company Solyndra, which went bankrupt after receiving $535 million in federal loan guarantees.

“Ron will hit the ground running,” Mr. Donilon said. “He has deep relationships, he can master huge amounts of information quickly, pull together a staff quite quickly and well, and he will be able to operate at the cabinet level.”

Mr. Klain, a graduate of Harvard Law School who was a law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Byron R. White, will report directly to Lisa O. Monaco, Mr. Obama’s counterterrorism adviser and Susan E. Rice, his national security adviser.

Correction: October 17, 2014
A headline with an earlier version of this article misstated Ron Klain’s relationship to Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. Mr. Klain is a former aide to Mr. Biden,

Some more information on our Ebola Czar who is going to save us all.
I realize all of this has been reported and the media has and will continue to spin this as a brilliant move. Just wanted to post a better summary of how our elected officials see the threat of an outbreak.
This is just one more indication of the government's role and agendas to protect the citizens. Not only is it political; it's in your face.
It's a temporary fix to the mid term elections.
This appointment will leave a mark, in a negative way.


So, essentially, he's been hired to MANAGE PERCEPTIONS of how bad this is/gonna be. Wonderful. More Community Organizing crap.


Trivium Pursuit

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I notice that when someone wants to control you they always want you to focus on their face. The "face" prevents you from looking elsewhere because you are emotionally engaged in the parley. It is very interesting to me that this also scales up to positions as "the face of xyz for the public on abc topic". Every time we pay much attention to a particular person bloviating in the media, providing "answers", etc to the "questions" is a situation where control is the top issue.

That is why Frieden could say two contradictory statements in the same breath and get away with it: 1) you can't catch Ebola by sitting next to someone on a bus ...2) be want to make sure that people who are infective don't get on a bus. He could say this because he has been given the position of being the "face" of the CDC and the administration, and therefore he has defacto authority that people respond to, even if he is talking like an insane person.

This is also why politicians want to be interviewed by the media, because it makes them the "face" that people have to respond to, gives them legitimacy. Every time a politician talks they posture themselves in such a way (gravity of speach, etc) that people instinctively give them an audience, allow them control in the situation.

One last observation: the intentional use of cognative dissonance to disable critical thinking in an audience. IMO this is one of the many techniques used by cult leaders (and I do include American Politics in that realm) to pacify their flocks. Keep speaking and keep saying contradictions long enough and your audience will have their thinking portion of their brains shut down for the duration. They will follow you anywhere and everywhere, even if you screw them repeatedly. And we can see a goodly portion of the US populous are completely subordinated to this kind of manipulation.

GOOD STUFF. This, especially the final paragraph, is the TB2K immune response.


Veteran Member

Caesar Obama's famous quote upon encountering Ebola victims


"I came, I saw, I evacuated."



"Hey, boys and girls, sometimes words have two meanings!"



Veteran Member
Have you seen the youtube "2001 Holiday Inn Ebola Commercial revealing the incompetence surrounding ebola" that the full title, only 15 sec long.

Ron Klain (czar) is the main guy in comm'l, he is in LV 4 PPE handling ebola virus and breaks the vival on the floor. ,,,,,,, and said don't worry I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

OH MY,,, I hope someone can post the video here, you ought to see it. thanks.