…… Need Inexpensive Smoothie Ideas


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
Today was hot, humid, and had a high pollen count. Blah! I know I can force down coffee and toast for breakfast, but I'd like to do better than that in terms of both liquid and vitamins tomorrow.

I'm looking for smoothie ideas that are:

- NOT high in sugar -- some sugar from fruit is fine, but a large mashed banana is not, nor is 1/4 cup of honey! (Must've been a misprint)
- Not expensive -- I can afford Greek yogurt and fresh fruit, but things like almond milk are getting out of reach
- Has easily found ingredients. Hey, it's Iowa. Our most popular spices are salt and pepper! I was finding some online recipes earlier with Chinese five-spice and Garam masala. Not going to happen in the Midwest.

So, what's your go-to?
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Veteran Member
I like vegetable juice (like V8, I use an organic one) and cottage cheese blended into a smoothie. If I have frozen tomatoes I like to throw one or two in and some herbs if I feel like it. Season to taste.


Veteran Member
I usually just use milk, a big spoonful of some kind of fruit packed in juice from Aldi, and a spoonful of Nido. I have to have the froth the Nido makes to swallow some of those cow sized vitamin capsules. I can get 3 smoothies out of one can of fruit. Depending on how hot it is, I may throw in a big spoonful of greek yogurt and ice.
I used to pretty much live on smoothies in July and August.


Voice on the Prairie / Let's Go Brenda!
Thanks! I will try these this week.

I've never used cottage cheese in a smoothie -- that sounds good!


In the crazy robot man reservation
A little ice, chilled water, psyllium husk powder. Blend it then drink it quickly!


Veteran Member
frozen fruit (for taste)
cottage cheese (to add calories and make filling)
1Tbsp oatmeal (to add calories and make filling)
milk (to get consistency right)
spinach (for health, adds no flavor)
Stevia drops or truvia (for sweetness)

Grounded Idealist

Hope Always
I don’t know if avocados are expensive in your area, but they make a great smoothie base. 1/2 of a small one is plenty! The good fats make for a filling (liquid) meal and the nearly neutral taste pairs with almost anything.

I do smoothies 5-6 days a week as a way to get good nutrients in me on the fly (drink them at work). After a while, I get tired of sweet shakes. So, I’ve put together some savory combos to change up the routine.

Consider chicken, beef or vegetable broth as the liquid and avocado, cottage cheese or yogurt for protein. Savory spices like turmeric pair well with greens (and/other veggies) that you have on hand. Purée all of that in a blender and you’ve got yourself one healthy, low sugar, high fiber, refreshing liquid lunch!

Another option: use that last little bit of peanut or almond butter at the bottom of the jar and a teaspoon of unsweetened cocoa powder in liquid of choice. Add sweetener and a pinch of salt to taste.

Make “planned leftovers” of coffee or tea (especially herbal teas) and use those as the liquid instead of water or milk.

Keep looking around your kitchen and think outside of the box (blender?) and you’ll find lots of different ideas that will meet your criteria and taste good too.


Contributing Member
I’m kinda late to this thread. I eat smoothies a lot. Here’s my go to...

A couple handfuls of fresh spinach or about a cup of frozen
1/2 a frozen banana or however much you want
1/2 cup of frozen strawberries
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 or 2 T of chia or flax seed
a pinch of stevia, or not
water to your desired consistency

Very forgiving amounts that can be increased or decreased according to taste. I usually eat with a couple eggs for my breakfast. I have a vitamix that blends everything to a nice smooth consistency. Can add avocado for extra smoothness and healthy fats.


Contributing Member
Milk, coffee, cocoa powder, vanilla protein powder, banana baby food. Weird but I like it

#2 milk, coffee, chocolate syrup, instant chocolate pudding mix, stevia. Tastes like Starbucks mocha. i use sugar free where possible.