CHAT Nationalism vs Patriotism which one are we?

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I penned this up trying to compare and contrast the difference between the ideologies.

nationalism vs patriotism which one are we?

noun: nationalism; plural noun: nationalisms
identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.

noun: patriotism
the quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for one's country.

A system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and constituent political units.

A comparison of the two is basically this:
A patriot would be a soldier or freedom fighter.
A nationalist would be a politician or EMT or a businessman promoting their country's products first.
A federalist would support a strong central based(think Washington, D.C.) control system dictating what member states can and can not do, ie CDC telling who can hold a job.
A bigot would treat any who disagree with them in a hostile and inferior manner
A racist would treat any of a certian group in an inferior manner from a position of viewed superiority.
A fascist would view any who do not follow the party line with hostility

Fascism occurs when nationalist views alienate any who disagree with the current nationalist arguments.
Nationalism when solely promoting internal development to the exclusion of other countries creates isolationism.

Excessive patriotism in defense of a nation creates jingoism when taken to extremes.

Excessive nationalism on a country wide scale can lead to war with other countries.

So basically this means if you are putting your shopping habits as america first this means ones is a nationalist, but if one were to proudly display their country's symbols or gladly work for their country they would be a patriot. When not taken to extremes it is very easy for one to become a nationalist and a patriot.

Nationalism movements runs counter to globalist movements promoting a world wide exchange of trade.

Nationalism in of itself is not racist. It may create disagreement, but, it promotes unity amongst the fellows within one's country.

Nationalism when taken to extremes can create prejudice and bigotry against other countries. This is why nationalism to an extreme degree can lead to wars. Other countries treatments from another country creates a decisive self interested response due to intolerance of the other country and what they, make, do, or stand for.

Federalism when coupled with nationalism can lead to totalitarian regimes in a fascist form of government.

Fascism differs from nationalism in that groups who disagree with the country can be viewed as the enemy or treated as an inferior group ie in a racist manner.

So how does this all apply today in the USA? Trump supporters are both patriots and nationalists could be said to be an accurate statement.
Democrats who are far left could be viewed as bigoted fascists, but hardcore republicans could have the same label applied, as could any sort of group that goes to extremes.
Promotion of the ideology that groups are inherently racists are indicative that a fascist viewpoint is being installed by extreme nationalists, but such nationalists could instead be globalists trying to promote an idology just to alienate certain groups.

So if the media is pushing a nationalist narrative that instills fascist views that divide the country unto itself does this mean that civil war is the result? Or does that mean war with another country occurs as we are invaded as we are divided and not focusing on things outside of the country as we are focused on who is more superior/inferior?

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
We have no functional government. We are now in a state of anarchy, where might makes right.

Be mighty ...

Anarchy is defined as the absense of law and is argued to be a form of self governance. We are getting there, but not just yet all over the place.

We have a strong federalist based government with a weak enforcement mechanism at the local level. Due to a horrid educational system that rather focuses on indoctrination into the fascist-nationalist regime, but have self enlightened individuals fighting it as patriots we have weak local governments incapable of governing in some areas and in other areas we have great governance that people are flocking to such as Florida and Texas who are strong nationalist states for the moment.

As a result patriots are fighting against nationalist fascist federalists creating the appearance of anarchy.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Now here is a real wrinkle. Did Trump's nationalist policies cause the beginnings of a war with China? Or was that already brewing and he just made it super visible? Was that a good example of nationalism causing war?

Just on overview stuff like this I like to stay vauge so as to allow for comparable generalizations that while not negative, can remain accurate without alienating any one group unintentionally.


Veteran Member
Are we even sure we're (used very generally) at odds with China? Serious question.

Most people look out for number 1.

Remember Army of 1 commercials? We're a nation of "1" s.

Recent discussion with a retired military officer. I was privileged to pin their officer's bars many years ago.
Also, held a huge camera and taped their missed birthday parties and holidays gatherings while they were in some Godforsaken hellhole.
After Afghanistan fell, I was lamenting the fact their newly inducted first-born might be forced to go back over there.
I was shocked at the flippant response: "They're non-deployable".

Number 1.

Irreconcilable differences are rampant.

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
You forgot Z.O.G.
Not an avenue that occurred to me, but good point.

a movement for (originally) the re-establishment and (now) the development and protection of a Jewish nation in what is now Israel. It was established as a political organization in 1897 under Theodor Herzl, and was later led by Chaim Weizmann.

Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory
The Zionist occupation government, Zionist occupational government or Zionist-occupied government, sometimes also referred to as the Jewish occupational government, is an antisemitic conspiracy theory claiming Jews secretly control the governments of Western states. According to believers, a secret Zionist

hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.

Now is that would indicate such a thing is a nationalist movement of some form. But such things are the background of things pushing other things typically.

Jewish people tend to view the good stewardship of money as their religious duty. This creates a paradigm wherein they tend to have money and own businesses and run banks. This in part is what kicked off Hitler's bent to eliminate that group as they were in his view controlling too much of sovereign germany...

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
Are we even sure we're (used very generally) at odds with China? Serious question.

Most people look out for number 1.

Remember Army of 1 commercials? We're a nation of "1" s.

Recent discussion with a retired military officer. I was privileged to pin their officer's bars many years ago.
Also, held a huge camera and taped their missed birthday parties and holidays gatherings while they were in some Godforsaken hellhole.
Lamenting the fact their newly inducted first-born might be forced to go back over there.
I was shocked at the response: "They're non-deployable".

Number 1.

Irreconcilable differences are rampant.

That is the question. Is the whole, "war with china" a nationalist view akin to saber rattling to stir up more nationalist feelings?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'm both a nationalist and a patriot........but let me explain more completely why that would be the case........

You might find this shocking but if I could put the best ideology together (based on my understanding and study of the subject) it would be to take aspects of national socialism (yes that one from Germany in the 30s).....and tie it to a constitutional republic leadership of our constitution and bill of rights..........

Allow me to me explain.........

National socialist allows for individual rights/freedoms and expression but tempers it to a degree in which it must contribute and have a well meaning impact on a nation and its citizens. You are free to do what you want but within the bonds of recognizing the benefit to the overall functioning of the country as well.

It also requires that private business can be created but must be accountable to the overall value to the country and its citizens. (no abuse to workers or outsourcing work to other countries or polluting the air and water)

In regards to capitalism...........despite its name national socialism encourages capitalism to develop business and profits but would not allow it to swallow up its people or country in a private banking cartel of usury that would drive people into debt and inflation. Nor allow a business to become the machine of which the people serve.......but rather business must always be subject to benefit the people within an economic model that contributes to the well being of as many in society as possible.

Banks are nationalized in such a manner that their lending of capital does not inflate the money supply (where have we hear this before?...........only congress has the right to coin money??). Usury can only be practiced where the results of such capital lending and increase of that capital through the interest paid back entering into the money supply would also result in the equivalent increase of labor, services and product so that it negates any inflation of that money supply from the interest paid back that increases it.

The value of money is tied or backed to the value of labor, service and/or the production of the country it serves............not tied to a hegemony of a precious metal or commodity (like oil) that forces military intervention or economic hardship on other countries by the country that ties their monetary value to such a commodity in an effort to ever increase ownership of the commodity to keep monetary inflation in check.

Culture, race and behavior would be based on the founding stock of its citizens.......other peoples and their culture are permitted to be expressed within the country but never to the point where their ideology is upsetting the social stability and principles of that society. (i.e. Antifa and BLM would be allowed to exist but never allowed to imped social function or destroy property.......they would be jailed for such actions)

Okay that's some of those views in a nutshell and ones that existed before you know who ran the show there...............but the big failure of national socialism came when they allowed those principles to be controlled by a person of absolute power and dictatorial leadership. This in part lead to the failure of such principles in Germany and to a lesser extent in Italy during the first half of the 20th century as no single human is capable of responsible management of such dictatorial power without some form of corruption arising over time.

So what I would do is leverage the principles of our Constitution in the checks/balances of power and apply that those principles of rule over national socialism.

The problem with our form of government today is that........ A) we have allowed the central banking control of our money supply to be privately held by a cartel for profit at the cost of inflation to US citizens.................B) We have allowed the profit of unbridle capitalism to buy out legislation in our government to their advantage regardless of the consequences to economic stability and environmental conditions of our country and its citizens.

Under national socialism with a constitutional republic run government, there would be no outsourcing of immigration for cheap labor or demographic change..........and no attack on the traditions and culture of this country.

National socialism in a way takes the most desirable aspects of capitalism and socialism and marries them together so that each would be accountable to the other................but needs the wisdom of our founding fathers checks/balances in the power of government over managing those principals.

Our founding fathers knew exactly how to keep in check the failure of the human heart in governess...............but they were a century too soon to realize the impact of applied technology leading to the industrial revolution and what impact unbridled capitalism would have on society without checks and balances put into place.

They already knew about a private banking cartel from the Bank of England and tried to keep them out of our monetary fact that is the main reason for the American revolution and after 1776 we were able to keep them out for a while but it came back.........Andrew Jackson got rid of it and they tried to get rid of him.........but then it came back with Woodrow Wilson and Kennedy began to challenge it so they put a bullet in his heads to finish what they didn't with Jackson......and today as George Carlin used to say, "They got it all".

In the final analysis.....the rise of Germany from the ashes of the treaty of Versailles into an economic powerhouse of Europe in the 30s by pushing off the shackles of the international bankers control of monetary trade pissed off both the Western predatory banker/capitalists and the Eastern Communist Bolsheviks (really run by the hidden bankers there too) since both systems enslave their peoples through very different means but having the same core control.....private banking cartel of their money supply and the resultant elite control of the financial enslavement of the masses.

Therefore, predatory capitalists and commies banded together to get rid of Germany as they became an embarrassment to the elite.............

So after WW2 .........we left the world wide open international banking elites and their sidekick predatory capitalists with their Marxist social commie tools to run buckshot throughout Western societies today with the results you are seeing now.

So is a national socialism ideology with a constitutional republic rule a perfect system?

Nope.................there is no perfect system and more than there are perfect humans.

We humans are struggling with creating and maintaining civilizations........its hard, difficult and challenging work........especially when you consider less that 5 million years ago we were swinging in trees.

But in the final analysis.........I guess this is a case of TMI on my part in answering the question huh?
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Too many "-isms" floating around here... I can't decide if it's confusing or devicive.

All I care about is getting my monthly incoming payments (social security and others) I'm too old and have major health issues to have to worry about "isms" .


TB Fanatic
I think a distinction could be made between Capitalism and Corporate Capitalism.

And I do not know what to call Corporations purposefully denying their own stated goals and profits to follow globalist edicts contrary to the health of the Corporation except maybe evil.


Contributing Member
I don;t want to be isolated. I DO want to know that when my country and another (or others) are seated at a table to work out agreements etc...somebody at the table is working on behalf of my country's interests. America First, to me, means we put our needs first... not that we need to bowl over everyone else. There can be win-win situations.


Veteran Member
I am enjoying this conversation. I just want to be left alone to associate with others of my choosing. If all of my group is Christian or white, so what? Those are the people I want to walk through life with. It doesn' say one thing about the people not in my group except that they're not in my group. I also don't like liars. Or cheaters. I'm not going to be forced to respect and play with the jihadists, for example. I probably would end up liking a community that was self-sustaining of like minded folks. I'm not pollyanna though. Evil power always gets in there! I do love my country and believe it was and is the greatest country ever.


Membership Revoked
"Jewish people tend to view the good stewardship of money as their religious duty."

The sin of Usury. sin of usury - Google Search

Usury (/ˈjuːʒəri/) is the practice of making unethical or immoral monetary loans that unfairly enrich the lender. ... Religious prohibitions on usury are predicated upon the belief that charging interest on a loan is a sin.
Usury - Wikipedia › wiki › Usury


The Jewish Declaration of War on Nazi Germany: The Economic Boycott of 1933. M. Raphael Johnson, Ph.D. (

The Transfer Agreement.

September/October 2021 cover

Get a link
The Transfer Agreement: The Untold Story of the Secret Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine

The Transfer Agreement: The Untold Story of the Secret Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine
By Edwin Black
430 pp, Macmillan, 1984
Reviewed By Fritz Stern
Summer 1984

Hitler's early anti-Jewish measures provoked worldwide efforts at a boycott of German goods, a measure that would have injured a still precarious economy. Jews orchestrated these efforts at a boycott, but hesitated over whether it would inflame or moderate German anti-Semitism. Meanwhile Zionist leadership and the Third Reich agreed on arrangements whereby German Jews could emigrate to Palestine under somewhat more favorable financial conditions and whereby German trade with Palestinian Jewry would increase. In turn, majority Zionists (as against the Revisionists) backed away from the boycott. The author documents the divisions within Jewry, insisting that the Zionists put their cause-German emigration to Palestine-ahead of the possible protection of Jews via more militant economic measures. Although shockingly deficient in his grasp of German developments, Black explicates the several Jewish positions, and seems to argue both that an early boycott might have succeeded and that "the Zionists were the coldest realists-perhaps the only realists-of the period."
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Membership Revoked
Are we even sure we're (used very generally) at odds with China? Serious question.

Most people look out for number 1.

Remember Army of 1 commercials? We're a nation of "1" s.

Recent discussion with a retired military officer. I was privileged to pin their officer's bars many years ago.
Also, held a huge camera and taped their missed birthday parties and holidays gatherings while they were in some Godforsaken hellhole.
After Afghanistan fell, I was lamenting the fact their newly inducted first-born might be forced to go back over there.
I was shocked at the flippant response: "They're non-deployable".

Number 1.

Irreconcilable differences are rampant.

The real power fought two wars over Opium with China. Mostly now all are in collusion although they are not in complete agreement on some things.


Geezer (ret.)
I'm both a nationalist and a patriot........but let me explain more completely why that would be the case........

You might find this shocking but if I could put the best ideology together (based on my understanding and study of the subject) it would be to take aspects of national socialism (yes that one from Germany in the 30s).....and tie it to a constitutional republic leadership of our constitution and bill of rights..........

Allow me to me explain.........

National socialist allows for individual rights/freedoms and expression but tempers it to a degree in which it must contribute and have a well meaning impact on a nation and its citizens. You are free to do what you want but within the bonds of recognizing the benefit to the overall functioning of the country as well.

It also requires that private business can be created but must be accountable to the overall value to the country and its citizens. (no abuse to workers or outsourcing work to other countries or polluting the air and water)

In regards to capitalism...........despite its name national socialism encourages capitalism to develop business and profits but would not allow it to swallow up its people or country in a private banking cartel of usury that would drive people into debt and inflation. Nor allow a business to become the machine of which the people serve.......but rather business must always be subject to benefit the people within an economic model that contributes to the well being of as many in society as possible.

Banks are nationalized in such a manner that their lending of capital does not inflate the money supply (where have we hear this before?...........only congress has the right to coin money??). Usury can only be practiced where the results of such capital lending and increase of that capital through the interest paid back entering into the money supply would also result in the equivalent increase of labor, services and product so that it negates any inflation of that money supply from the interest paid back that increases it.

The value of money is tied or backed to the value of labor, service and/or the production of the country it serves............not tied to a hegemony of a precious metal or commodity (like oil) that forces military intervention or economic hardship on other countries by the country that ties their monetary value to such a commodity in an effort to ever increase ownership of the commodity to keep monetary inflation in check.

Culture, race and behavior would be based on the founding stock of its citizens.......other peoples and their culture are permitted to be expressed within the country but never to the point where their ideology is upsetting the social stability and principles of that society. (i.e. Antifa and BLM would be allowed to exist but never allowed to imped social function or destroy property.......they would be jailed for such actions)

Okay that's some of those views in a nutshell and ones that existed before you know who ran the show there...............but the big failure of national socialism came when they allowed those principles to be controlled by a person of absolute power and dictatorial leadership. This in part lead to the failure of such principles in Germany and to a lesser extent in Italy during the first half of the 20th century as no single human is capable of responsible management of such dictatorial power without some form of corruption arising over time.

So what I would do is leverage the principles of our Constitution in the checks/balances of power and apply that those principles of rule over national socialism.

The problem with our form of government today is that........ A) we have allowed the central banking control of our money supply to be privately held by a cartel for profit at the cost of inflation to US citizens.................B) We have allowed the profit of unbridle capitalism to buy out legislation in our government to their advantage regardless of the consequences to economic stability and environmental conditions of our country and its citizens.

Under national socialism with a constitutional republic run government, there would be no outsourcing of immigration for cheap labor or demographic change..........and no attack on the traditions and culture of this country.

National socialism in a way takes the most desirable aspects of capitalism and socialism and marries them together so that each would be accountable to the other................but needs the wisdom of our founding fathers checks/balances in the power of government over managing those principals.

Our founding fathers knew exactly how to keep in check the failure of the human heart in governess...............but they were a century too soon to realize the impact of applied technology leading to the industrial revolution and what impact unbridled capitalism would have on society without checks and balances put into place.

They already knew about a private banking cartel from the Bank of England and tried to keep them out of our monetary fact that is the main reason for the American revolution and after 1776 we were able to keep them out for a while but it came back.........Andrew Jackson got rid of it and they tried to get rid of him.........but then it came back with Woodrow Wilson and Kennedy began to challenge it so they put a bullet in his heads to finish what they didn't with Jackson......and today as George Carlin used to say, "They got it all".

In the final analysis.....the rise of Germany from the ashes of the treaty of Versailles into an economic powerhouse of Europe in the 30s by pushing off the shackles of the international bankers control of monetary trade pissed off both the Western predatory banker/capitalists and the Eastern Communist Bolsheviks (really run by the hidden bankers there too) since both systems enslave their peoples through very different means but having the same core control.....private banking cartel of their money supply and the resultant elite control of the financial enslavement of the masses.

Therefore, predatory capitalists and commies banded together to get rid of Germany as they became an embarrassment to the elite.............

So after WW2 .........we left the world wide open international banking elites and their sidekick predatory capitalists with their Marxist social commie tools to run buckshot throughout Western societies today with the results you are seeing now.

So is a national socialism ideology with a constitutional republic rule a perfect system?

Nope.................there is no perfect system and more than there are perfect humans.

We humans are struggling with creating and maintaining civilizations........its hard, difficult and challenging work........especially when you consider less that 5 million years ago we were swinging in trees.

But in the final analysis.........I guess this is a case of TMI on my part in answering the question huh?
What you are describing is essentially National Capitalism. A good advocate for this system can be found here:

Knoxville's Joker

Has No Life - Lives on TB
I'm both a nationalist and a patriot........but let me explain more completely why that would be the case........

You might find this shocking but if I could put the best ideology together (based on my understanding and study of the subject) it would be to take aspects of national socialism (yes that one from Germany in the 30s).....and tie it to a constitutional republic leadership of our constitution and bill of rights..........

Allow me to me explain.........

National socialist allows for individual rights/freedoms and expression but tempers it to a degree in which it must contribute and have a well meaning impact on a nation and its citizens. You are free to do what you want but within the bonds of recognizing the benefit to the overall functioning of the country as well.

It also requires that private business can be created but must be accountable to the overall value to the country and its citizens. (no abuse to workers or outsourcing work to other countries or polluting the air and water)

In regards to capitalism...........despite its name national socialism encourages capitalism to develop business and profits but would not allow it to swallow up its people or country in a private banking cartel of usury that would drive people into debt and inflation. Nor allow a business to become the machine of which the people serve.......but rather business must always be subject to benefit the people within an economic model that contributes to the well being of as many in society as possible.

Banks are nationalized in such a manner that their lending of capital does not inflate the money supply (where have we hear this before?...........only congress has the right to coin money??). Usury can only be practiced where the results of such capital lending and increase of that capital through the interest paid back entering into the money supply would also result in the equivalent increase of labor, services and product so that it negates any inflation of that money supply from the interest paid back that increases it.

The value of money is tied or backed to the value of labor, service and/or the production of the country it serves............not tied to a hegemony of a precious metal or commodity (like oil) that forces military intervention or economic hardship on other countries by the country that ties their monetary value to such a commodity in an effort to ever increase ownership of the commodity to keep monetary inflation in check.

Culture, race and behavior would be based on the founding stock of its citizens.......other peoples and their culture are permitted to be expressed within the country but never to the point where their ideology is upsetting the social stability and principles of that society. (i.e. Antifa and BLM would be allowed to exist but never allowed to imped social function or destroy property.......they would be jailed for such actions)

Okay that's some of those views in a nutshell and ones that existed before you know who ran the show there...............but the big failure of national socialism came when they allowed those principles to be controlled by a person of absolute power and dictatorial leadership. This in part lead to the failure of such principles in Germany and to a lesser extent in Italy during the first half of the 20th century as no single human is capable of responsible management of such dictatorial power without some form of corruption arising over time.

So what I would do is leverage the principles of our Constitution in the checks/balances of power and apply that those principles of rule over national socialism.

The problem with our form of government today is that........ A) we have allowed the central banking control of our money supply to be privately held by a cartel for profit at the cost of inflation to US citizens.................B) We have allowed the profit of unbridle capitalism to buy out legislation in our government to their advantage regardless of the consequences to economic stability and environmental conditions of our country and its citizens.

Under national socialism with a constitutional republic run government, there would be no outsourcing of immigration for cheap labor or demographic change..........and no attack on the traditions and culture of this country.

National socialism in a way takes the most desirable aspects of capitalism and socialism and marries them together so that each would be accountable to the other................but needs the wisdom of our founding fathers checks/balances in the power of government over managing those principals.

Our founding fathers knew exactly how to keep in check the failure of the human heart in governess...............but they were a century too soon to realize the impact of applied technology leading to the industrial revolution and what impact unbridled capitalism would have on society without checks and balances put into place.

They already knew about a private banking cartel from the Bank of England and tried to keep them out of our monetary fact that is the main reason for the American revolution and after 1776 we were able to keep them out for a while but it came back.........Andrew Jackson got rid of it and they tried to get rid of him.........but then it came back with Woodrow Wilson and Kennedy began to challenge it so they put a bullet in his heads to finish what they didn't with Jackson......and today as George Carlin used to say, "They got it all".

In the final analysis.....the rise of Germany from the ashes of the treaty of Versailles into an economic powerhouse of Europe in the 30s by pushing off the shackles of the international bankers control of monetary trade pissed off both the Western predatory banker/capitalists and the Eastern Communist Bolsheviks (really run by the hidden bankers there too) since both systems enslave their peoples through very different means but having the same core control.....private banking cartel of their money supply and the resultant elite control of the financial enslavement of the masses.

Therefore, predatory capitalists and commies banded together to get rid of Germany as they became an embarrassment to the elite.............

So after WW2 .........we left the world wide open international banking elites and their sidekick predatory capitalists with their Marxist social commie tools to run buckshot throughout Western societies today with the results you are seeing now.

So is a national socialism ideology with a constitutional republic rule a perfect system?

Nope.................there is no perfect system and more than there are perfect humans.

We humans are struggling with creating and maintaining civilizations........its hard, difficult and challenging work........especially when you consider less that 5 million years ago we were swinging in trees.

But in the final analysis.........I guess this is a case of TMI on my part in answering the question huh?

As it functions our current functioning of government is a hybridized attempt at marxist socialized fascism. The third Reich hated socialism and related communism. The Bolshevik revolution which succeeded with less than 25k people running it still left a bad taste in everyone's mouth. By my eading the communists took over the democrat party in the 60s and the republicans sometime in the 90s hence the uniparty. Our failing at attempts to implement socialism are a core failing of all forms of Marxism: human greed will absolutely corrupt any attempt to force equality upon all. Our government was specifically built with checks and balances so as to counter any extremist shifts over time by countermanding them with court trials, elections, and executive actions. The problem we have now is that the communists have infiltrated education and government to a degree that they can generally degree on a direction, but as with all flavors of Marxism it keeps failing in a spectacular fashion as folks still like the democratic republican basis on our form of government. The other core issue to not forget is that in Russia the kids went to school but they were properly educated at home, this is also happening here and will continue to be so until all forms of home schooling are banned and replaced with national youth groups and that is coming if current educational trends do not stop. But as stated before, the checks and balances create a tug of war or stated another way the pendulum swings both ways and it is teeter teetering between swings at a moment but things fail when the swing exceeds the ability to start swinging back the other way.

Germany's core failing from what I have read were the vestiges of caste systems and feudalism that had as of yet not been totally swept away. This created absolute shipwrecks of command structures that allowed the allies to actually beat the Germans at their own game. Germany's biggest failing was that they went after Russia too soon. Had they waited until they consolidated an absolute power base in Europe for a couple of years and then invade Russia, we would all probably be speaking german now. But in the end Germany really won as with operation paper clip we took the best and brightest and they took over our social programs and our space program taking us to the moon after the Nazis first went there according to some speculations. So really germany won in the end as they took over our government from within, later. Especially with the war chest Soros was handed to established the next Reich.

Germany did not fail on account of a central leader. They had disbursed and siloed control structures to a point no one knew what other groups were doing. This in and of itself allowed absolute atrocities to occur. No communication occurred outside each group and as such the horrible stories were not shared mid conflict to any real degree. had the general populace caught wind of the true atrocities of what was going on and looked past the campaign of facist propaganda thanks to josef Goebbels, germany would have acted differently. Zuckerberg to an extent is taking things much further than Goebbels could have ever hoped for.

Germany was a test to try and create a one world government, they are attempting to do so again. The names, groups, locations, and manners under which it is being done are all different and multiple groups can have multiple labels applied so things are rather confusing when you start trying to repaint the picture with updated stuff.

Now capitalism and socialism are diametrically opposed ideoligies. One takes productive energies with individuals that are then empowered with the money of others to create products. The other makes sure everyone stays equal regardless of all situations. To say one could blend them means that you can keep everyone equal but have business owners that produce quality products, which under the truest sense of things can never happen under socialism.

Now there is the capitalized Marxism that China has adopted which is really more fascism controlled by the state. The state has all control of all businesses and final say in everything. Everyone is told where and what they can invest in locally. Hence many Chinese investing their money abroad outside the purview of the CCP and making a lot of wealth. With the evergrande failure the CCP is cornered now as there is even far less trust in policy to guarantee investment returns. But the other issue with China is they are filthy and unethical but very bad and successfully copying the work of others as they have an absolute drive of quantity over quality. But they have an escape valve of the pending failure of the three gorges dam which would wipe out an estimated 80% of their population and all their farm lands and I think the failure is by design, not arrogance as a fall back when everything else fails they can have a humanitarian crisis to save face. So as clever as they are they are as ignorant on the fact that many of their policy points are failures, but in the end it is a nothing burger as in 40 years for every working Chinese, that one worker will have to support 6 elderly Chinese thanks to the short sightedness of the one child policy favoring male heirs. But the end analysis is that any form of capitalism that exists in a Marxist or socialist system becomes so devoid of ethics and quality, there is no real capitol to be made the end as it all becomes nothing in the end as all have to become equal.

In the case of germany nationalized socialism in the way they ran things created a decentralized control structure that insulated against interference and purposefully obfuscated what they were doing in a manner that allowed anything to be traced to the source on what was really going on. They literally hid their evil work in plain sight and those afflicted never really lived long enough in most cases to tell the tale. But had they expanded more slowly and actually given their advanced research divisions a couple more years instead of doing a lightening war things would have unfolded more slowly and losses for them would have been harder to come by. The problem with exporting ideologies is that unless you have the inroads already for it to be received, it will get rejected and that was the biggest part of a bigger failure with the reich, they crammed their ideology down everyone's throat and that is what created the biggest push back and failing of germany to cement a more permanent presence that was not hardly fought.