WTF?!? My rant about people


TB Fanatic
People are friggin nuts, even more lately.

My wife and I went to Costco to buy some preps . I always leave as much in the cart as possible - with the bar codes facing to easily scan them in the cart. This time I was able to not have to load the belt. There was a man and woman behind us. Keeping the 6’ distance when our turn I walked up with our cart and placed it along side the conveyor past where the belt started, about 3 feet from the cashier. Walked over to the other side to pay.

As I get there, I turn and see this guy leaning over our cart, puts his bare hands on the handle bar and starts pushing it ahead so he could get closer to load his stuff. I start telling the guy to get his hands of my cart, told him three times. He didn’t listen. I step over towards him and told him he shouldn’t be touching my stuff and he just put his germs on it. He just stood there looking stupid. His wife apologized. One thing that grosses me out is shopping carts ... always have. Always wipe them down before I touch them ... always have. This guy pissed me off.

Then this evening I took our motor home to top off the gas tank at our local gas station. The rig is a 45‘ diesel ... there’s only one diesel pump I can get to. I pull into the station and there is a pickup truck at the pump I need to use. No problem I just pulled way to the side by the grass behind them with my blinker on. Done this many times when the pump is being used. The person is sitting in there pickup with the door open, hose stuck in their gas filler. No problem I can wait. I know they can see me as they turned to look. You couldn’t miss me sitting there with my engine running.

10 minutes I waited, I can see their hand moving while they were talking on the phone. Should have topped off long ago. I can see the nozzle handle isn’t pulled (set) pumping fuel. This is the only pump I can use and then exit the gas station. So I gets out, and trying not to startle anyone keeping distancing, I walked over and stood on the other side of the pump they were at.

This middle age woman is just sitting there talking on her phone, door open leg hanging out. I said excuse me, this is the only pump I can get at, are you going to be much longer? She looks at me phone stuck to her ear, says I‘ll be a few minutes. Lady I said, your not even pumping gas. She looks at me and her face lights up like the devil himself. She say’s you know what F’ you, F you, go F yourself. I laughed at her and say, nice lady, real nice and walked away. 5 minutes later she putts off.


Contributing Member
We are calling it Covid fatigue at work. People are so nasty and it’s like they just can’t wait to share that fact with the world around them. It’s tough to manage sometimes. Keep your guard up just like you would with a strange growling pup. Who know which one is going to be the super crazy you have to manage.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
I had a run-in with some bastard at the high school today. He tried to tell me to keep my dogs off the grass. It was “his” grass you see.

I was running them on the practice field and he pulled up in his “city of ****” truck, then started walking toward me. I told him “DO NOT APPROACH ME!” And he made the mistake of ignoring that warning. Twice.

Hairy went for him when he got to about 25’ away, then Aja too.

I managed to call them off before they made contact. Hairy almost attacked him from the rear.

He stopped of course, and we finished the conversation at a distance.

He said, “If your dogs are vicious, you need to not bring them here.” I answered “Both these dogs are 100 lbs. If they were vicious you wouldn’t be standing now.”

Anyway, I said, “This hasn’t been a school since March. There’s NO ONE HERE. If it ever reopens, I won’t bring them here. Also, this is an OPEN FIELD. If you want to keep it pristine, FENCE IT IN.”

He’s a groundskeeper for the city. Tried to be a Karen.

When I warned him, he laughed. I wasn’t smiling.

He said I should run them behind the tennis courts. I told him someone was jogging back there. I’d checked first. Hairy likes to sniff the long grass.

He almost got chewed the hell up.

I kept expecting the cops to come by, but they never did.

The pups are VERY protective of me. If someone gets to within about 20’, they’ll go after them. On-leash, I can rein them in, but I was running them, thus they were off-leash.


passin' thru
So far we had an initial uptick in domestic violence and stress related assholery, but it dropped back down to the normal levels once the "new normal" took hold. Online I've seen some maladaptive behaviors, but I'd rather see folks lose their chit here than on their kids or grandkids or whatever.


Veteran Member
local gas station, very small town, Cubbies station, 4 trucks parket at the pumps( Only 4 pumps) no one near them, wait a few minutes, then go inside all 4 are setting at a table drinking coffee.. didnt yell to much. ( 4 to 1 odds aint good) but store owner heard and cussed them out. on way out door I lifted shirt and hooked behind pistol,, nothing was said to me,


TB Fanatic
The way that woman face morphed was very weird. Never seen anyone flip like that. Yes it caught my attention and I did check my six the whole time I was there, thinking she might sneak around the back of the rig and surprise me. I was carrying.

So I always go to that station. I do it when there’s probably not much traffic - after 7:30 in the eve. Never been a issue. Without driving much further, it’s the only place around.

steve graham

Veteran Member
His grass? He's lucky he got out of there with his ass still intact! He was warned! Might not go so well for him the next time he tries to play storm-trooper!

I had a run-in with some bastard at the high school today. He tried to tell me to keep my dogs off the grass. It was “his” grass you see.

I was running them on the practice field and he pulled up in his “city of ****” truck, then started walking toward me. I told him “DO NOT APPROACH ME!” And he made the mistake of ignoring that warning. Twice.

Hairy went for him when he got to about 25’ away, then Aja too.

I managed to call them off before they made contact. Hairy almost attacked him from the rear.

He stopped of course, and we finished the conversation at a distance.

He said, “If your dogs are vicious, you need to not bring them here.” I answered “Both these dogs are 100 lbs. If they were vicious you wouldn’t be standing now.”

Anyway, I said, “This hasn’t been a school since March. There’s NO ONE HERE. If it ever reopens, I won’t bring them here. Also, this is an OPEN FIELD. If you want to keep it pristine, FENCE IT IN.”

He’s a groundskeeper for the city. Tried to be a Karen.

When I warned him, he laughed. I wasn’t smiling.

He said I should run them behind the tennis courts. I told him someone was jogging back there. I’d checked first. Hairy likes to sniff the long grass.

He almost got chewed the hell up.

I kept expecting the cops to come by, but they never did.

The pups are VERY protective of me. If someone gets to within about 20’, they’ll go after them. On-leash, I can rein them in, but I was running them, thus they were off-leash.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
had a karen take my pic while I was selling at the hwy yesterday

she was driving prov gov vehicle

i expect a fine in the mail next week

last week they called the cops

many of my customers ask to have their pic taken with the

grizzly adams at the hwy

fella stopped yesterday and bought a rebel flag

he mentioned a lady who sells eggs on manitoulin island (largest freshwater island in the world?)

her kids wanted a pic of the many colors of eggs

so they set up a display in the garage (man cave)

apparently, almost outta sight, was a rebel flag

when the lady and her kids, posted the pic on facebook

a shytstorm evolved because someone saw a part of the flag in the pic


Veteran Member
People definitely are snapping or on the verge of snapping these last few weeks. I get the frustration. I avoid all people as much as possible right now and avoid any public outings except when necessary - like the grocery store occassionally. I am trying to live in my "own happy little world" as much as possible while watching the world fall apart from a distance. People are losing it, have lost it, will lose it.


TB Fanatic
Yeah, people are really wound tight. Ready to pop at the least provocation.
No kidding!

Just driving they are getting nuts. I have not one but two cut me off and try and cause an accident yesterday. One of them decided that I wasn't close enough to the guy in front and moved from behind me to in front of me and then stood on the brakes. I was in the slow lane.....

Then there was lunch. It was the wife's day off so we went to Larry's Subs as it has a drive through. The guy behind me all but bumped me the whole time I was in line. Kept getting closer and closer. Being a real azz. Later he must have pissed of the order taker as he took off without buying anything.

But people are on edge for sure!!


TB Fanatic
had a karen take my pic while I was selling at the hwy yesterday

she was driving prov gov vehicle

i expect a fine in the mail next week

last week they called the cops

many of my customers ask to have their pic taken with the

grizzly adams at the hwy

fella stopped yesterday and bought a rebel flag

he mentioned a lady who sells eggs on manitoulin island (largest freshwater island in the world?)

her kids wanted a pic of the many colors of eggs

so they set up a display in the garage (man cave)

apparently, almost outta sight, was a rebel flag

when the lady and her kids, posted the pic on facebook

a shytstorm evolved because someone saw a part of the flag in the pic

Canadian rebels ... love it

Kathy in FL

How much of it is demonic? Probably more than we would think.

Nah. Demons charm for the most part. People are just asshats. I would not have said that 25 years ago despite having already experienced life. Twenty-five years in business however has perhaps jaded me ... or just given me opportunities to see people for who and what they really area vs. how they want to be seen.


Living On A Prayer
My small trip into Kroger store yesterday was awesome!

I didn't wear a mask. I seemed the only one in the place without one.

As I would come down an aisle, shoppers would disperse, pretty much like Moses and The Parting Of The Red Sea!

Nobody said my face anyway.

Smooth trip. All on my list except 1 item was in stock and plentiful.


Designated Grumpy Old Fart
I think it might be the toxins and thickness of the air in the lowlands. Up here on the mountain above 5,000 feet everyone is pretty much chill.....until the weekend. That's when the flatlanders come up and suddenly the pace of everything goes spastic, short tempered, rude and simply asinine. They drive like maniacs, cut everyone off, take up two parking spaces so their brand new gigundo SUV's won't get scratched. At least two or three flip their vehicles driving up our curvy two lane mountain roads. They strip the markets of near everything edible and drinkable...not to mention clear the shelves of snacks....can't figure this one out at all, everything is basically cheaper down below in the flats? And......very few if any are distancing or wearing masks. It's just insanity for two and a half days. Monday though Thursday it's paradise, Friday through Sunday a virtual shitstorm. I think it's the toxic air down below or maybe our air up here is too thin for them. :shr::gaah:

The Snack Artist

Membership Revoked
This is all part of the Ds program to make you feel so hopeless, so down, that you'll vote for anyone besides the guys in office. Don't fall into their trap.

I walked into a Meijer yesterday and the girl asked if I had a mask. She told me as of Monday (last) masks were mandatory. It's not her job to field whiny complaints. I happily told her no problem and went out to my car and got one. Smiled a big smile behind it too. Save your anger for when you'll need it. When this goes hot. Be humble if you can. This is all fakery. We know the masks don't work.

It seems the looters and rioters are gaining traction. Actually they're just looting and burning things they will need in the near future, like food. They are NOT winning. They are ****ting where they eat and that's never a good plan.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
I think it might be the toxins and thickness of the air in the lowlands. Up here on the mountain above 5,000 feet everyone is pretty much chill.....until the weekend. That's when the flatlanders come up and suddenly the pace of everything goes spastic, short tempered, rude and simply asinine. They drive like maniacs, cut everyone off, take up two parking spaces so their brand new gigundo SUV's won't get scratched. At least two or three flip their vehicles driving up our curvy two lane mountain roads. They strip the markets of near everything edible and drinkable...not to mention clear the shelves of snacks....can't figure this one out at all, everything is basically cheaper down below in the flats? And......very few if any are distancing or wearing masks. It's just insanity for two and a half days. Monday though Thursday it's paradise, Friday through Sunday a virtual shitstorm. I think it's the toxic air down below or maybe our air up here is too thin for them. :shr::gaah:

Thursday evening, all the mountain folk go do their shopping, leaving nothing for the little asshats in the gigundo SUVs to plunder. Buy everything you can grab and call it a prep run. A couple of weeks later, your problems go to the next ville.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We seldom go to even our tiny local town. We did go yesterday(friday). Town was full of tourists. Locals are all very friendly to each other but everyone dislikes the tourists.
I never wear a mask, wife always does. Went into the Dollar Tree where there was "mask required" sign on the door. Not many people there and I was the only one without a mask. Got a few things and the checkout clerk was very friendly and obviously did not care about any mask.
Grocery store had a sign "mask requested". About 80% had masks but I don't think anyone cared whether people had a mask or not.


Veteran Member
The air is thick and dense with tension and hate. You see it everywhere you go, everybody just waiting for an excuse to let their demons out. I feel myself wanting to do the same, the old adage 'have a plan to kill everyone you meet' is very literal nowadays. As I walk through a store I feel myself daring somebody to say something stupid, sometimes praying someone would show me their 'Karen'. I need to stop. I'm quite sure my angel has prevented an ass beating or two including my own. Snack said it you anger, you're gonna need it. Lord please help me.


MARANTHA!! Even so, come LORD JESUS!!!
This reminds me not only of the current vicious burning, looting and destroying, but also the way that most people are starting to act.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

And this really looks like the current times>
Isaiah 5:20 ESV /
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

And finally>>>>this one just fits things happening to a T:

Ephesians 6:12>>>>King James Version
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Don't mean to be a holy roller>>>but these verses have just been coming to mind more and more as the days go by>>>

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
The air is thick and dense with tension and hate. You see it everywhere you go, everybody just waiting for an excuse to let their demons out. I feel myself wanting to do the same, the old adage 'have a plan to kill everyone you meet' is very literal nowadays. As I walk through a store I feel myself daring somebody to say something stupid, sometimes praying someone would show me their 'Karen'. I need to stop. I'm quite sure my angel has prevented an ass beating or two including my own. Snack said it you anger, you're gonna need it. Lord please help me.
I have to say that your post really struck a chord with me. I feel EXACTLY the same, pretty much every day. And I don’t even know WHY....


Senior Member
Another factor: people are just plain ignorant and have no couth, shame or thought of others. I was pumping gas pre-Covid at a Cumberland Farms in January/Feb, it was very busy and there were people lined up at the pumps. I looked over, the guy in the car at the next pump was sitting there smoking and doing scratch tickets. A girl in a jeep pulled in behind him, I caught her eye and shook my head, miming him scratching tickets. She was so pissed, she burned rubber backing up and swinging around to go wait at a pump further down the line. When I left, he was still sitting there.


Stone Cold Crazy
A little more Pronounced than Norm but for me most of these stories are the same stories I have either read or experienced for years.

People sitting at Gas Pumps for an extended time? Check.

Asshat with an 'official' Logo on their shirt thinking they are now a Boss? Check.

Low-Level Govt officials pushing their Authority? Check.

Dumbasses Driving cars? Check.

Dickheads in Grocery stores doing stupid stuff? Check.

Maybe it is just that I am used to people being Assholes.


TB Fanatic
A couple years ago, I pulled into the gas station and noticed a vehicle parked spaced between two pumps such that nobody could use either pump.

I waited and waited, not seeing anyone. No gas had been pumped or even started the process. The white Jetta was just parked there, blocking the use of two gas pumps.

So after 3-5 minutes, I pull into another pump after it was free. Cars were backing up because two gas pumps couldn't be used.

Drove away after gassing up and asking the attendant where's the driver of the white Jetta? He had no idea. So I continued down the road about 3 miles to my moms house. Almost an hour later I left moms and drove back the same way I'd come. I was shocked the white Jetta is still there, nobody around it.

Several days later went back to the same gas station to fill-up. Asked the same clerk...what was the deal with the white Jetta parked for an hour. Clerk said it was a woman who had parked and walked across the street to Safeway to get groceries. She came back, loaded up her groceries into the Jetta, pumped her gas and drove off. They never said anything to her. There had been plenty of parking at Safeway.

Absolutely no regard for anyone.