…… My dh is a DGI, Need help from the men here please


Great Great Grandma!
I know where you are. My DH is a DGI too. I prep without his knowledge. If he had any idea how much stuff I have stashed, he'd give it all away. I have to hide it to have it. I don't like doing it behind his back, but I comfort myself with the knowledge that someday he'll thank me for having the foresight to be prepared.

He unknowingly helps me prep by buying fruit trees for the orchard, fencing for the goats, etc. I told him I want berry bushes for my birthday and holidays. He likes the idea of being somewhat self sufficient (in his mind it will save money at the grocery store and maybe provide some extra to sell), but he doesn't think we need to have things put back for the future. He even cashed out his retirement 401K a few years ago! (And just turned 65 so he's staring at a zero balance retirement fund!) Thankfully I handled our finances up until a few years ago and we now have 2 houses paid for and the farm will be paid off in a few months. (I'm keeping my fingers crossed that his income will last long enough to pay it off!) My goal was to have a house to leave to each of the kids, as I believe only the ultra rich will be able to afford to buy houses in the future.

Are you in town or the country? I'm lucky that I'm in the country so some of my preps are live animals. I keep chickens, ducks, goats, etc. for meat, milk, and eggs. That goes a long ways toward being able to save money for other preps.

Do everything you can without his knowledge, but don't ever lie to him about it. Just don't say anything until he catches on. If he makes a statement that he wishes he had (fill in the blank), then take the opportunity to tell him you have that for him. Use it as a teaching tool to tell him you thought he would need it so you got it while you had a few extra dollars. With any luck he'll figure out that it's a good idea to have things on hand for when they'll be needed.

I've noticed that there are a LOT of "end times" type shows on television lately. Everything from old B&W twilight zone shows to new "life after people" shows. I've even seen a few commercials with products that are recommended by FEMA, such as water, etc. You'd think even the DGI's would start thinking when there is information everywhere you turn.


Thanks for all the advice. We had a nasty argument about this topic for a couple days. The garden seeds pushed me over the edge and the comment that I was no gardener really upset me. How could he know that since we lived ontop of his store for 15 years? I freaked and posted upset, sorry. After a good nights rest and a conversation during morning coffee, we compromised. He's waiting on the quad. Now he needs to deal with our son and the promise of a $14000.00 quad upgrade. That still makes me angry. It was never needed, I was never asked, why he promised that to our son, I'll never understand!! We already have a good one worth 10,000 to a dealer. Anyways, I can get "my" wood fireplace installed, so long as I clean up the mess it makes bringing the wood into the basement (Quote on quote), that I can book the installer and look after it all. I just can't handle spending money today on things we don't need since we were broke for so long on one income. Like I said, in the heat of an argument I posted. We argued when we didn't have money, now we do have a bit more and are still arguing how it's spent. Can't win! I'm still in severe paranoid mode and want to prepare for when we don't again. I'm buying things so I can sleep better at night, not feel so worried. I was worried sick all the time before. Really bad.

Thanks you guys, I need to calm down, take breaths, count to ten. I know I'm a stress case sometimes. :shk:


I showed him the video from our own news!!!! He gets angry when I shop for preps. Please guys here, spell it out for him. Tell him what you're doing. He is more interested in upgrading a quad, money wise then installing wood heat????? Makes a mess to him. :bwl: He doesn't get anything, I'm trying to explain things. Please help me help him about our home. Tell him what's going on. I've done that for years, but I'm not getting anywhere. Maybe hearing from guys here he will understand. Last hope.

I really need help. Please. I've been on my own since I learned.

Talk to him about guns, everything.

Rick, that's his name.

God Bless you all. He's a good man, just not convinced.

Kate, I have a similar problem here with my wife. Know what it all boils down to? You just can't fix stupid.



Get with the program! The days of frivolity are GONE!!!

Kate, you have to decide if your husband putting your life and safety at risk by interfering with your prepping is a deal breaker or not. He needs to get his priorities in order quickly. No adult needs babying. They needs straight facts and can decide for themselves how they want to behave. I can tell you if anyone threw my seeds away and ridiculed me about my decisions in this regard, I would consider them a big risk to my well being. I would have zero telerance for that and would make it clear immediately. I certainly would NOT baby him until he comes around. He should get with the program or get out of the way. This is serious business and should be treated as such.

There you go...the best advice yet.


I wonder if one should bother prepping if you don't have protection for your home? Can a female do it all with a husband that does not see past tomorrow? The guns are registered to him, how can I take them (well, I can take them, there here, in the bush and practice, will someone tell me how) learn on my own? Buy ammo? Food, water, gas I'm doing on my own every day. What about the above?

Dh works up north and is gone weeks at a time so this makes more sense for some.


Set Apart
I hope you can get through to him. If you do, post how you did it because there are quite a few people who have spouses that are DGIs.

Anyways, I can get "my" wood fireplace installed

At least you're getting that. Make sure it is for wood, not pellets.


I hope you can get through to him. If you do, post how you did it because there are quite a few people who have spouses that are DGIs.

Well you know, this might sound like a crazy plan, but it may freak him out to take me serious. I'm kinda posting as my thoughts come to me. The gun part. Now that would wake him up on how serious I am (and this site is NOT a cult, ya he said that the other night, he shut up on that comment after I showed him the CBC special). So, my son and I will figure out the guns around the house, my son knows more from hunting with Grandpa, good start. I will go to the gun sig here first and post a pic of what we have and get advice for backup. We should learn this anyway, we're alone, the two of us. Nice evenings ahead and we live in good woods. That in itself should impact dh in my seriousness.

I also know how to run the chainsaw, I'll build up our wood.


I'm very thankful for the ones answering my thread title request. He's back up north working. I'll show him this ALONG with hopefully learning to fire the weapons we own. That should get his attention, if anything, I'll scare the crap our of him. Cops daughter!!!!


KC -

We all have road blocks. Some are harder to deal with then others... We all have to keep going the best and only way we know how. It is good to compromise when you can.. Sometimes you just have to go and do what you feel is best for your family.

DW isn't a DGI,.. but neither is she a full prepper and a GI.. But we compromise and I get a bit more... We can't make a 2 month run without re-supply.. we don't have a generator, solar or things,...

But we do ok. We have some things, and we both agree that it's good to have,.. as I sit here and watch the History Channel on Disasters (Biblical),.. we both know that it can flood, storm, but we are a little removed from it. but that doesn't mean we will never be affected by it.

We do the best we can without forcing ourselves out of our home and 'comfort' level...

Do the best you can.


Thanks idelphic. That's what I'm doing. The best I can. I think it would be better/easier if the guy got it more then the wife only. Around the home stuff, heat/water pumps etc... and making the home non-government Dependant. Sure I can do some things, but if my home freezes or electricity stops, we can't protect all the food and supplies, all my efforts will be gone with this prepping. See why I stress about this topic.

You can prep till the cows come home, if you don't have a plan to protect all your preps from being destroyed, you still have a big problem.

Tundra Gypsy

Veteran Member
Leave the guy alone, the more you nag the more he will NOT listen. You need to go it alone; like a few of us have to do. I continue to do my prepping and do NOT tell my DH what I am buying or where I'm putting it. Just do your thing and some day he will thank you. My DH is the biggest DGI guy I've ever known. :shk:


Canadian Loonie
You know that Canadians think differently.....

they don't panic too much and are much more relaxed about life, so Rick is probably a bit like that......"it won't happen here, like it might in the USA" might be his attitude. And nothing will change that except a good scare.

Hopefully it won't come in the form of an ice storm while he is up north and you are at home......think about what YOU can do if it happens. We are all in the same boat as far as energy is concerned unless you are off the grid. You just do what you can for as long as is needed.

You can figure out where to get training for your guns......most places have people who offer this....go do it if you aren't comfortable with them. And take your son too, so he gets proficient.

Don't stress about the guns, make sure you have some heat and some food.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
Man's cumpulsion to change or control the behavior, thoughts, and beliefs of others never ceases to amaze and appall me. It seems to know no bounds of culture, race, or gender.

Yes, it can be a trying thing to discover that we have a souse who is different that us. Yet, we each said "I do". God knows I am different in so many ways from my DW. Fortunately we have learned to bite our tongues before "shoulding" on one another (most of the time). In the long run, what difference does it make if I die unprepared in some disaster, or die prepared some other time? What really is gained if I "control" her to be just like me. How boring would that be? If DW is a DGI, she is a Darn Good Individual in my eyes.


Veteran Member
Kate, if he's gone for 2 week at a time, get what you need done then. You have a better situation, then the folks with DGI around all the time. And return, or sell that new 4 wheeler, you need silver and preps more. Show your son what coming down, so he's not a DGI. Get your son cutting wood. Take your son shooting. Depend on no one, gov. dh, or any DGI. Get busy, and you will be amazed at what YOU CAN DO. All the best to you.:kaid:


It doesn't really help, here or for anything else for that matter...But I have found -

For everyone that runs into a problem or situation,.. there is someone somewhere in history that has dealt with the same problem.

I playfully say I'm old,.. But not so much so at just south of 40... But I have seen companies pop up and fail - Good companies,.. I've seen and lived with it. I have the privelidge of having employment for the last 19 months, decently paying although not decently in the environment.

That has been the problem for my household for the last nine years... Longest I have been employed has been June 2003 through Oct 2005. I have spent months - as much as 10 months unemployed.

It's no fun wiping yourself out to pay for everything that you need... but it's needed.

Additionally - it's not the same world we lived in 25 years ago. Yes gas and food was 'cheaper',.. But the averaged household income was lower.. In some ways things are 'correcting themselves',.. But that still doesn't cover it.

I don't remember the Gas Rationing of the '70s,.. But I rememeber the boom and bust of the '80 and '90s.. And in today we have a huge housing issue..

We don't have the same challenges as our Grand Parents,.. But we still living in a challeging time...


Veteran Member
Kate, a darn song and picture, is not going to change anything. Get out of wishing, and dreaming, and start doing. You have been given good advise here, and yet you seem to DGI.