GUNS/RLTD Movie: Targeted: Exposing the Gun Control Agenda


Senior Member
There was a special event showing last night across the US for a new documentary called: Targeted: Exposing the Gun Control Agenda. The documentary was written and directed by Jesse Winton ( 22 years old) and features interviews with USPSA Champions Jesse Duff and Julie Golob, Gov Mike Huckabee, Senator Rand Paul and a few others. The documentary was followed by a panel discussion after the movie (still a part of the same showing) that had 2 for and 2 against.

It was ok, I thought the movie left out exploring a lot of some common themes and it opened with Sandy Hook and the “voice” saying we all remember that day – leading to him implying that gun control started then. I get it to be 22 years old that is probably the first time he has seen the left push for gun control. This reference also left me thinking about that incident being his first real exposure to the “push” for gun control in his life time that he can remember– being familiar with guns he did not understand the push but you can see how the left is using these incidents to warp the minds of kids with no experience or training with gun to fear them. He does reference the AW band and provided stats that include it during the movie.

The interesting parts:

  • He traveled to Switzerland and they seem to be really open about guns – I have known that the government there provides a gun to each person/house that has been in their military (and that service is almost mandatory or is mandatory). I did not know that every year they get a week off to go shooting!! The government holds huge shooting competitions and something 135K compete during that week.
  • Focused a lot on the background of the constitution – where the ideas came from how the people give the power to the government etc. They did it not from a guns point of view..
  • The panel – Katie Pavlich – owned the panel – she was awesome (and I normally don’t think that about her) she had all the answers and the solutions
  • The guy from the Brady bill – was garbage – but we already knew that. She schooled him every time he talked
  • Did not know – Bloomberg (as in Michael) spent more $$ promoting gun control in the last election cycle than the NRA did ( yea I could go both ways on that) Just going to show that the NRA lobby is not as big as the Gun control lobby

Anyway I am glad I went, it is going to be playing again Oct 5th in theaters if you want to check it out – I suggest renting it – but sometimes it is worth paying the money to make a statement.