ALERT More Ebola Coming to the U.S.?


Veteran Member
Hello TB2K,

I posted this in the Bomb Shelter on 9/11 - then edited it with a little more info.

I have added it to the two Ebola threads we have on going now. Thought this might have it's own thread for a little bit just to get it out there and it doesn't get buried.

Mods, I have it on the 2 Ebola threads, so you can delete this at some point. Thanks.

Got a voice mail from my sister Thursday, 9/11. She works for a large hospital in New Mexico - she works in Quality for Home Health Care. (She is responsible for making sure federal rules are being followed, nurses follow the SOPs for patient care, etc.)

She received an email on 9/11 from the emergency department with New Mexico asking if her hospital can take Ebola patients...can they handle Ebola patients, do they have isolation rooms, do they have protocols in place.

She said the email stated all states are being asked the same questions and the answers are to go back to Washington.

I haven't spoken with my sister about this yet - maybe this should go on the main board to see if others are seeing this email...I'll call her Friday 9/12 to see if she's heard anything else. She was wondering why Home Health Care was sent the email.

Edited to add that I spoke with my sister this AM, 9/12 - she said that the email went to her department head in Quality - then passed it on to her, my sister, to respond to - they only deal with outpatients - so 'no' to all the questions..

Just wondering if they'll need facilities to try and coordinate quarantines at people's homes - Home Health Care places are already set up to go to patient's homes - hospitals are not. Just a thought.

Stay safe.
