CRIME Media Censored SEVEN hate crime mob attacks in Grand Rapids (in ONE weekend)

Easy G

Senior Member

The Emboldening

(All 7 attacks were black mobs attacking white people. )

"You didn't hear about this is the media, but on the weekend of March 24th and March 25th at least seven white people were brutally beaten by mobs of blacks in Grand Rapids, MI. Five of the victims filed police reports. At least two other victims exist, and there are probably others. The local media has refused to report the cruel attacks and the authorities are resisting any serious charges.

I talked with one of the victims, 37 year old Jacob Palasek. He is a full time student and does computer work part time. He was attacked by a wolf pack of thugs on the corner of Sixth Street and Broadway in Grand Rapids, Michigan just after midnight on March 25th. The location is a mix of stores, offices, and residential neighborhoods. Jacob lives near where he was attacked.

As he was walking to his apartment, he saw three black males loitering. One was on a bicycle. The suspect on the bicycle rode up beside him. Suddenly the thug smashed him in the side of the head with a chain. He was hit two or three more times in the head with the chain before he broke loose and ran to the nearest home. He knocked on the door, hoping the owner would call the police.

All three of the black males then attacked him on the porch. They yelled “this is what you deserve you white piece of shit.” Jacob was hit in the head with the large chain more times. Jacob broke free again and hid behind a dumpster. The attackers initially chased him, but broke their pursuit and walked away. There were some cars driving by and the thugs may have thought a driver was calling 911.

All seven known victims were attacked within about six blocks of where Jacob was attacked. The victims were in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. Some of the victims were attacked during the day in broad daylight.

Jacob believes he could have died if he was hit with the chain more times. He still has bad headaches and has not been able to work since the attack. Jacob doesn't have insurance and can't afford the correct medical treatment. His landlord is now threatening to evict him from his apartment. Since he was not able to work, he has missed a rent payment. A victim's relief fund is planning to give him a small amount of money. However, police did not even tell him the fund existed so he applied very late. He is still waiting on the help.

The police listed aggravated assault with a weapon and ethnic intimidation, Michigan's state hate crimes law, on the police report. Jacob identified two of the perpetrators. However, police have told Jacob that the thugs will get off easy because they are only 17. Police told him that the thugs will not serve time in prison for the brutal hate crimes.

Police said that the suspects will not be tried as adults. They will only face juvenile boot camp instead of prison. A detective told Jacob that they believe all the attacks were racially motivated. The detective also told Jacob that he believed the Trayvon Martin media frenzy is what prompted the attacks. Jacob also believed that the thugs were seeking revenge for Trayvon Martin before the detective confirmed this belief.

To add insult to injury, not a single media outlet in all of Grand Rapids reported the brutal hate crimes. Jacob has contacted the local paper and his local news affiliates repeatedly. None will report the story. He has also contacted numerous politicians, none of whom has helped.

He even wrote to US Rep. John Conyers. Conyers is a black US rep from Detroit who was a co-sponsor of the Federal Hate Crimes Act. The exact stated purpose of the Federal hate crimes act was to help people like the victims in Grand Rapids. When someone is a victim of a violent racially motivated attack and the local authorities won't pursue serious penalties, the DOJ is supposed to pick up the slack and apply Federal hate crimes charges.

Eric Holder, who heads the DOJ, says he is investigating ways to charge George Zimmerman with a Federal crime. Think Eric Holder will concern himself with the white victims of horrific hate crime mob attacks in Grand Rapids?

For the past two years black on white racially motivated mob attacks have been occurring in the United States weekly. Local media outlets typically only have little blurbs about them and censor all mention of race. Numerous major media outlets now openly admit to having a policy of censoring black crime, so as not to “stigmatize” black people. Political correctness supersedes public safety. The response from the authorities has been one of constant downplaying. None of the perpetrators are ever charged with a hate crime.

Now it has reached a point where the media in some markets are refusing to even report black on white hate crimes. How many other horrific black on white hate crime mob attacks are going on that we have never heard about?"

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Time for whites to start killing attacking ghetto ******s. The people attacked were obviously unarmed. That's what the gangs of roving ******s look for. Imagine the result if the victims had been armed.


Contributing Member
I want to know how the crap the Treyvon/Zimmerman case became a black/white thing?Zimmerman is a Latino.


TB Fanatic
What I want to know is why isn't this reported?

How did blacks gain favored status and why isn't it newsworthy?

Is it White Guilt syndrome?

Is it liberal madness?

It's not doing anyone any favors by hiding this behavior.


Veteran Member
The media doesn't want to upset Al and Jesse with reporting all the black on white crime. Plus the DOJ will do nothing about the black on white hate crimes either. Now if it was the other way around, we would hear about this for a month. One day, these animals are going to jump the wrong one and several of them are going to be shot and the media will portray them as the victims.


I give up.
Report these monstrosities? How can anyone even ask when we've had so many threads and posts about how the MSM is OWNED LOCK STOCK AND BARREL.

These maggots pick on strays -- people out alone or who look weak. Make sure you aren't either.

Be Well

may all be well
This is a disgusting example of how the media, even local media, are boot licking toadies for the evil crap going on in the White House.


Contributing Member
This whole F@#%king thing pisses me off to know end. Dennis has a point. I have no problem with black people (most of them anyway), It's like Chris Rock said, "I love black people, it's the ?iggers i hate". On the other hand it seems like the ?igger comes out in a lot of 'em at certain times. I'm sure this is in part to the likes of Al, Jesse and Louie. If you think about it the human race can be really disappointing at times. I wonder what we look like to other life forms?

old pirate

Membership Revoked
This whole F@#%king thing pisses me off to know end. Dennis has a point. I have no problem with black people (most of them anyway), It's like Chris Rock said, "I love black people, it's the ?iggers i hate". On the other hand it seems like the ?igger comes out in a lot of 'em at certain times. I'm sure this is in part to the likes of Al, Jesse and Louie. If you think about it the human race can be really disappointing at times. I wonder what we look like to other life forms?

you are part of the political correctness problem. friggin ?igger, NO, IT'S ******S not ?iggers.
ooh, i am so white and PC, i can't even type the 'N' word.

what is an igger, i don't know. don't want to upset the dam iggers. screw the GHETTO ****** SCUM that lives off the white's and sells drugs in the middle of the skreets.
they can't even talk normal so they can't get a job other than skreet ****** crap.
****** ****** ****** ****** ******.
i'll bet that hurts you more that it hurts ******s. thats how they get you. ?igger is white guilt.

it's not the human race, it is the black race, black community, black leaders, white guilt, white MSM.


Justine Case
Read something earlier I had not considered before.

There are many nutjobs in (or out) of society that would love nothing better than an all out race war between whites and blacks.

So now it's a good idea to be very sure of what you see on youtube, or read in the papers, or hear on the news.

More and more of these so-called crimes will probably be staged to stir the shit out of control. Look what the msn did when they first reported this stuff. Also remember that youtube is not a place to get truthful info. Many TB'rs have posted that themselves.

Tptb are just aching to see everything blow up in this country. Then they will have TOTAL control! Remember "The Patriot Act"? And Obama just updated all of it.

This is where "personal responsibility" is all you'll have. Common sense and making wise decisions.

Good Luck. We're going to need it.
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Constitutional Patriot
How long will it take before the working middle class realizes that they are at war against the racially motivated communistic masses that are being instigated to racial violence by our very own governmental system? How long will they continue to accept the role of victimization for the sake of some latent and obsolete guilt? How many innocent people have to die for the sake of their white skin color due to the racist hatred of those who are BLACK?

Our country needs to realize that they are being ruled by a militant racist organization at the highest level, until the average majority middle class citizen realizes and internalizes this fact, the criminal genocide against whites will continue without a peep from the White House because the POTUS is a New Black Panther and cares nothing for our once great nation, cares nothing for the US of A.

There is a race war going on in this country and its leader and chief instigator is Barack Obama. His statements involving the incident are material proof of this fact, it is on record.

It is truly sad to see so many blinded and manipulated simply by the color of one mans skin.

"There shall be no eternal reward for those who waste the dawn" - Jim Morrison
When the Poser POTUS openly supports this travesty circus in Florida, openly instigating for black rage, openly lending credence to this farce and media spectacle, we have nothing left to aid our country and show its integrity.


michigan is an open carry, but if you walk down the street in Grand Rapids with an open carry, i can tell you , you won't make it one block without a dozen cop cars coming to stop you, that is how it goes, in real life.
every one I know that lives up thee has a carry permit, and they do carry at all times. and i do mean all times.


TB Fanatic
This is the most appalling problem caused by Obama and the Democrats.

Is there a website devoted to black on white hate crime or indeed both ways?


Veteran Member
I live in Holland just about 20 miles away from GR and did not hear anything. I am not surprised. I remember the 67 Detroit riots. I lived in the northern suburb of Warren and the media had a complete blackout of info about the riots. I ended up driving a friend to the bus depot in Detroit and didn't have any idea how bad things were down there. The media doesn't give a crap about public safety.


I 'bugged out' of Grand Rapids back in 1997 as I knew the dangers of living in an urban environment. You couldn't pay me enough to live in a medium to large city nowdays. This is just the beginning. Watch what happens when things really turn bad and the food and beer trucks don't run to the stores and the EBT cards are declined.


It would make no difference if Zimmerman was purple with green spots. Bigots will always blame those they hate irregardless of guilt or innocence.


Veteran Member
Wasn't our beloved 'leader' suppose to bring us all together? With the amount of 'progressive' I'm for racial equality white people who voted for him, just because he was black. I sure hope they stay home from the voting booths this year.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
Barack Obama = Robert Mugabe

USA = Zimbabwe

Whites = raped and killed and their property taken for blacks

Coming within 5 years....


Veteran Member
How did blacks gain favored status?” They have had this status for years and
Most just don’t realize it. Look at the education system (lowering standards)
University admissions (lower admission scores & moving to the head of the line before more qualified) this is also true for apprenticeship programs. Similar injustices for job promotions. Home mortgagees no or very little down payment to promote black ownership. Suburbs paying higher utility bills due to non-payment of bills by those
City dwellers. Billions in government grants for social programs. On and on and on,
Just connect the dots. And most recently the NBP threats that have not been viewed as
A terrorist threat by the DOJ. Yep its all there you just have to remove the liberal rose
Colored glasses.


Resident Spook
This is only the beginning of what is going to be a long hot summer that will go into an even hotter fall. People are becoming aware of the dangers and are preparing to protect themselves. If you aren't prepared now, you don't have a whole lot of time to get your shit together.


Has No Life - Lives on TB
We have gang of armed robbers here that robbed a grocery store the other night. The local news media here first said there were three to five men and the only descripton given of the suspects was a "Silver Toyota". So ya'll watch out those silver Toyotas are armed and dangerous.


Veteran Member
We have gang of armed robbers here that robbed a grocery store the other night. The local news media here first said there were three to five men and the only descripton given of the suspects was a "Silver Toyota". So ya'll watch out those silver Toyotas are armed and dangerous.

Good grief...I drive a silver toyota and I live in Georgia. I hope your W. GA neighborhood isn't in the northern part of the state.


Stone Cold Crazy
There is no fear in the black community and that is what is needed to stop violent attacks on whites.

A few more 'Trayvons' should do it.

Especially if they are left laying in the street and no one bothers to call 911.


Veteran Member
This is the most appalling problem caused by Obama and the Democrats.

Is there a website devoted to black on white hate crime or indeed both ways?

Was doing a search a week or so ago and ran across this site. Looked ok to me but I didn't look at it very close either.

Pretty sad that the media is hiding this from the naive public.

for more info - click at the top on Front page
Read something earlier I had not considered before.

There are many nutjobs in (or out) of society that would love nothing better than an all out race war between whites and blacks.

So now it's a good idea to be very sure of what you see on youtube, or read in the papers, or hear on the news.

More and more of these so-called crimes will probably be staged to stir the shit out of control. Look what the msn did when they first reported this stuff. Also remember that youtube is not a place to get truthful info. Many TB'rs have posted that themselves.

Tptb are just aching to see everything blow up in this country. Then they will have TOTAL control! Remember "The Patriot Act"? And Obama just updated all of it.

This is where "personal responsibility" is all you'll have. Common sense and making wise decisions.

Good Luck. We're going to need it.

Hansa, one of those nutjobs who would love an out-and-out race war is our very own potus. He sees it as a means to an end. Armed racial copnflict = martial law = no election in Nov = 0bama for as long as he wants to rule. Unfortunately, I see no way to avoid what's coming. Situational awareness folks. God help us all.


Saved, to glorify God.
The REASON it got no publicity is that WE ARE ALREADY IN A RACE WAR and nobody especially the liberal Democrat media wants the majority of clueless, Obama voting whites to know until they are individually ambushed and attacked.


Membership Revoked
michigan is an open carry, but if you walk down the street in Grand Rapids with an open carry, i can tell you , you won't make it one block without a dozen cop cars coming to stop you, that is how it goes, in real life.
every one I know that lives up thee has a carry permit, and they do carry at all times. and i do mean all times.

I'm in Lansing AND Grand Rapids at least a couple of times a week. I always have my .45 on me.

It used to make my wife uncomfortable until one day we were the recipient of two black guys in a car "road raging" on us. Apparently, I got in front of them and they didn't want me to.

The incident ended peacefully with them backing down because I wasn't intimidated by them.

I don't think I need to tell you that my previously DGI wife now understands WHY we need to carry, and likes the fact that I do.

Sorry to drift the thread, but when hard times hit, Grand Rapids will experience problems, but LANSING will probably burn to the ground. Oh, and I can't forget Flint.

You gotta love Michigan, don't ya, Momof23goats? ;)



Veteran Member
Like my Grandpa used to say, "It's nogs being nogs and all they understand is a load of buckshot in their ass". Nog is the term he used to discribe blacks, he called them Nig Nogs.


Veteran Member
Was doing a search a week or so ago and ran across this site. Looked ok to me but I didn't look at it very close either.

Pretty sad that the media is hiding this from the naive public.

for more info - click at the top on Front page

It surely seems that black men think only with their genitals. It's predominant in the crimes - rape and murder - in this link. So, that being said - one must wonder about the intelligence that "causes" black men to commit these heinous crimes.

Desert Fox

TB2Kers need to get Pat Buchanan's "Suicide of a Superpower" ... he reports on things the media won't cover... you'll see why he was kicked off MSNBC...there is no pretention of fair and balanced coverage by any of the mainstream media.


TB Fanatic
It surely seems that black men think only with their genitals. It's predominant in the crimes - rape and murder - in this link. So, that being said - one must wonder about the intelligence that "causes" black men to commit these heinous crimes.

can someone of colour please elucidate with the truth as they see it?