POL Me-Too/Anti-Trump Deranged Women Driving Away Even Liberal BFs & Husbands


Membership Revoked
The women depicted are going to be so alone, which matters A) reproductively, B) financially, and C) WTSHTF. :boohoo:

The comments are NOT sympathetic to feminist women. :D



by Amy Butcher

"To a certain extent, we expected it from the men who wear lobster-printed pants, the men from Connecticut, the Young Republicans of America with their gelled and parted hair, their summers in Nantucket, their LL Bean slippers worn on the porches of fraternities, 2pm on a Monday. But when my friend pulls me aside in a hotel bar and tells me it’s happening to her husband—a man who donates annually to NPR and voted twice for Barack Obama, who has a degree in Art History and works for a non-profit—neither one of us knows what to say.

We speak of it like an infection: has it spread to your household yet?

No doubt you’ve seen it, too: in restaurants, at corner tables, during the toasts at wedding receptions. It is evident often in Pilates classes, as women bend and stretch and grunt, pool beside the water fountain, pretend it is sweat that stings their eyes. A colleague tells me she has witnessed it at Back-to-School-Night, even, and on the beaches beneath the sunscreen. I see it sometimes in the grocery store: the way he scowls or rolls his eyes when she suggests the honeyed ham. It was witnessed most recently in the lobby of an Iowan daycare, pastel and suburban as it is, amid the many construction paper leaves, beside the giant pumpkin. It lives even—unfathomably—in the pews of American churches, as men and women clutch their Bibles, as they close their eyes in prayer and mouth the words, sweet hallelujah.

Everywhere across America, liberal unions once so strong in love—relationships founded on mutual respect and trust and commitment and loyalty—have found themselves upended, or at the very least foundationally rocked, by the political escalation as it relates, perhaps most specifically, to womanhood and gender. Twenties or thirties or forties, children or no children, married or engaged or committed via long-term relationships: I have met more women than I can count in these past three weeks alone who have confided, in low voices—or once shouting, disbelieving, desperate, we have three children, one woman cried to me—of the disruption in their own home.

Of men—previously, pleasantly, progressive—rising up with unprecedented hostility, anger, abandon, and resentment.

Much has been written of the ways Trump gaslights, but far less has been said of the innumerable relationships drained of normalcy, of the ongoing and daily glare of current affairs in which somehow every day is worse. Who is it that said that when fascism eventually comes to America, it will be draped in the flag and holding the cross? I think it is worth adding that it will wear the face you love.

My husband worries about our daughter, she told me recently. That I’m only teaching her she’s a victim.

One day, while she was picking their children up from daycare, he burned a handful of her possessions: her Nasty Women shirt, her Hillary Clinton pins.

My husband filed for divorce, another confided a few days later. He said he loved me and shared in some of my frustrations, but “could no longer tolerate,” he said, the level at which I felt them.

Hours later, another wrote to tell me of a save-the-date no longer in need of saving.

My fiancé called off the engagement, she wrote. He loves me—he’s sure, and I believe him—but he’s “overwhelmed” with everything and “doesn’t know how to comfort me” and “doesn’t love who I’ve become.”

Who I’ve become: a phrase I’ve heard most frequently by women who have found themselves rightly riled, women who have perhaps never before—until recently—cited themselves as feminists report the fury, the frustration, the foundational shift as it’s occurring in the men they love so fiercely and the relationships that hold them as a consequence to the male gaze gazing now at their woman, riled.

It would be easy, I suppose, to dismiss this phenomenon as the manifestation of what has long been present, if buried under the surface. A friend theorizes that these men, on some level, actually hate women, have always hated women, and she is not persuaded when I cite their mothers, whose relationship they value, whose strength they find a pillar. There’s a difference between loving a mother, she tells me, and seeing a woman as your equal.

But I knew these men—I loved one myself—and they are far from misogynistic monsters. They are far from Trump supporters. These men, on the contrary, comprise a particular slice of American males: they are men who did not vote for nor support Donald Trump, but are reticent to admit his behavior, rhetoric, and policies are as outrageous and offensive—downright threatening, maddening—as their female partners perceive them to be. These are, make no mistake, men who wholly sought us for our strength, our independence and education. The jobs we held or coveted. The degrees degreed in our name. Our passions and pursuits and our can-do, want-it-all attitudes. They work as medical researchers or in the arts, in teaching or social work. They queue up the Saturday Night Live skits that humiliate Trump, to consume with our coffee on Sunday mornings, but find it unpalatable and unpleasant that our resentment and our fears linger long into the workweek.

Perhaps it was sexy, initially: how they saw in us an equal. But how quickly we lose our status when we as women are angry or upset, frustrated beyond belief, when we add our voice to the chorus of #metoos or feel daily symptoms borne of helplessness. When the solution to our problems is not a man or a new necklace, but a sense of elongated empathy emanating from the person we’ve chosen as our partner.

He’s from a very liberal family, the former fiancée said to me, baffled. And he is very liberal himself, which is why this is so alienating.

I’m noticing, admits another, that a lot of liberal men especially are finding it difficult to deal with the current feminist movements.

I’m frustrated and embarrassed, my boyfriend of three years said to me, with how worked up you are. He didn’t find palatable my rage, the anger I felt for Trump, for the men and women who voted for him, was in fact embarrassed that I led 90 students from my small Ohio university through the streets of Washington with half a million Americans. We’d ridden through the night on a Greyhound—some of my best and brightest undergraduates—and when I returned, delirious for sleep but feeling righted, in some small way satiated, he stood there in the hall and told me he was overwhelmed.

All of you women with your labia hats, he said. All of you with your clitoris signs.

The March, it seemed to him, was half a million people coming together in a collaborative act of inefficiency. Our anger was unpalatable—more than that, it was a waste. He shared in our frustration, agreed Trump was an embarrassment, a terrible man, but found himself exhausted by the outrage and activism borne of contemporary feminism.

And now I’m finding many other women confronting similar sharp edges that surprisingly will not soften. Still I love this man, as these women love their men, too. They are men who have stood beside us through life’s greatest hardships, through pregnancies or the death of parents or the labored progression of degrees. They are good men, is what I’m saying, who have otherwise demonstrated themselves to be partners in all things. Their behavior—until recently—is wholly unprecedented.

And while it would be easy, I suspect—and no doubt someone soon will try—to minimize my observations as a conflation of an individualized, interpersonal string of failures, or a coincidental series of heartbreaks, or delusional defensive rationalization, the pattern, it seems to me, is worthy of our attention. What we are witnessing among a more uniquely liberal slice of American masculinity is, to my eye, more than coincidence, more than people parting ways. It is not what was once hidden rising now to the surface. This, it seems to me, is a much larger, systematic response to female voices, female interpretations, female worries and frustrations. Its origins are rooted in January, or long before that, maybe, when he first began to come to power. What was the flapping of a wing in Washington became a tornado in our own homes: the exact formation and path dependent wholly on one man, miles east, in orange, his appendages beating furiously, his colors outlandish and embarrassing.

A psychology colleague suggests the mental butler—a well-known psychological phenomenon that argues our subconscious is so acutely aware of our tendencies, predispositions, and preferences that it influences behavior. He explains the idea via racially motivated shootings, arguing that while a white cop may not be overtly racist, his mental butler—who, over time, has come to associate African American men with athleticism, aggression, and larger stature—may cause him to act more quickly, confidently, and aggressively when encountering a black man as opposed to a white man.

If a man has somehow wrongly internalized that to be a feminist is to be hateful towards an entire group of people, angry for the sake of anger, condescending, inefficient, than perhaps no woman he has chosen or been tasked to love can shake him of his mental butler. Perhaps no man is capable of understanding, truly, what is always on the line when you are a woman, and how Trump and his toxic rhetoric threatens so very much of it. Perhaps no man can recognize the sinister in Trump’s threats because he has not endured them—in some form or another—for the whole of his life.

We are lucky if it ends exclusively in a broken heart. Less lucky if it ends an engagement, and all the more, a marriage. My friend tells me of her children: how will I explain this, she says, to my children?

My boyfriend? He once built me benches color-matched to our dog’s collar, knowing the matte of that mint green brings me more joy than anything. He lined the benches by the garden. The garden we’d built together. We did that work in unison: he backed up the pickup while I shoveled soil into the beds. The peppers are finally ripe enough to pick, but he’s no longer around to eat them.

In my backyard, in my America, I think of the mental butler. I try to imagine a mindset so wholly shaped by gendered bias that—despite any sense of love or tenderness, respect or commitment to partnership—a man, even a progressive one, automatically and subconsciously conflates feminists or a rise in feminist outrage to a threat to the collective male contingency/population. I think of the way a spider moves—fast and without reproach. First the problem is on the porch. Then it is climbing up your bedpost. Look as it spins a web around your morning and then your month and then your marriage. Look—and please keep looking—as it grips and continues gripping everything you once held dear inside his web.

What I wish these men could know—far beyond our disappointment in the president, or in their leaving—was how it felt, for so many of us, to wake on buses or trains or planes on our way home from the Women’s March. I woke that night to a thousand taillights—many cars but far more buses, thousands of stories packed onto wheels—as we traced the edges of America, making our way home, creeping, fading slowly into the places where we might not so easily belong. But as we climbed the smudged dusk of West Virginia—the heart of America, indeed, the heart of Trump Country—it seemed, if only for that evening, as if the porch lights had been left on for us, for this and this night only, and how amazing it was, truly, to watch our steady stream of red lights blink and brake as we led one another home."


Membership Revoked
Related piece...


Has a comment section and links at the original.

Last Night I Told My Husband ‘I Hate All Men And Wish All Men Were Dead’

JOHN SEXTON October 12, 2018

"Now for something completely different. The Washington Post has a “Post Everything” section where it posts opinion pieces from people who aren’t regular writers for the paper. Today, the Post published a piece that really seemed out there. It’s titled, “Thanks for not raping us, all you ‘good men.’ But it’s not enough.”

If you guessed from the title that this is not going to be a carefully reasoned piece, you guessed right. It opens with author Victoria Bissell Brown, a retired history professor, screaming at her husband over something she admits was a very trivial comment:

I yelled at my husband last night. Not pick-up-your-socks yell. Not how-could-you-ignore-that-red-light yell. This was real yelling. This was 30 minutes of from-the-gut yelling. Triggered by a small, thoughtless, dismissive, annoyed, patronizing comment. Really small. A micro-wave that triggered a hurricane. I blew. Hard and fast. And it terrified me. I’m still terrified by what I felt and what I said. I am almost 70 years old. I am a grandmother. Yet in that roiling moment, screaming at my husband as if he represented every clueless male on the planet (and I every angry woman of 2018), I announced that I hate all men and wish all men were dead. If one of my grandchildren yelled something that ridiculous, I’d have to stifle a laugh.

I guess it’s good that she knows how ridiculous this sounds. But does she really know? Because the rest of the article is basically an argument for more rage at men, at least I think it is to the degree it’s coherent at all.

In the centuries of feminist movements that have washed up and away, good men have not once organized their own mass movement to change themselves and their sons or to attack the mean-spirited, teasing, punching thing that passes for male culture. Not once. Bastards. Don’t listen to me. Listen to each other. Talk to each other. Earn your power for once.

This is wrong and also offensive (not that I suspect the author cares). There is a long history of men who have sought to restrain the baser impulses of other men. They are called fathers. These days there are plenty of absent ones and I’m sure there were always bad ones but a lot of fathers have taught their sons to respect women from an early age and, to be blunt, not to be rapists and bastards. The idea that there are no men engaged in promoting respect for women is nonsense.

As for male culture being mean-spirited. Okay, I agree that sometimes in some places it is, but often it’s also supportive and helpful and full of mutual respect that is itself worthy of respect. Wishing all men were dead doesn’t seem to allow a lot of room for any of that nuance. Shouting at the men who aren’t the problem makes about as much sense as screaming at your husband for 30 minutes over a minor comment. What do you hope to accomplish?

Think about “listen to women” as a program for change. It says to women: You will continue to suffer these abuses, men will continue to do disgusting things to you, the storms will keep coming, the tide will continue to rise, but now, we will listen and help you rebuild.

Pay attention people: If we do not raise boys to walk humbly and care deeply, if we do not demand that men do more than just listen, we will all drown in the flood.

The Kavanaugh confirmation is only mentioned indirectly but that’s clearly what prompted all of this outrage. The problem, of course, is that his accusers did not have much in the way of corroboration for their accusations. Shouldn’t that matter? I think it should but it doesn’t get mentioned.

And after all of this rage we’re just back to ‘teach boys to respect women’ which is a fine message but, again, it’s not as if no one is doing that already. More to the point, it’s not as if no men are doing that already. And if this constitutes mansplaining in the author’s eyes, so be it. Someone needs to say ‘get a grip’ and it might as well be me."


Fringe Ranger
I try to imagine a mindset so wholly shaped by gendered bias that—despite any sense of love or tenderness, respect or commitment to partnership—a man, even a progressive one, automatically and subconsciously conflates feminists or a rise in feminist outrage to a threat to the collective male contingency/population.

There's your money quote. Her personality has completely surrendered to the toxic feminist indoctrination.

My sisters are currently visiting us. The oldest intended never to speak to me again when she found I voted for Trump. The middle one persuaded the oldest that I was not evil, merely misguided. I'm waiting for the oldest to weigh in on Kavanaugh. Should be interesting.


Membership Revoked
Earlier example of this type of woman...


"A highly successful women’s magazine editor has written a book of advice for young wives stating: “Giving, devoting, sacrificing … these are the actions of a good wife, no? No. These are the actions of a drudge, a sucker, a sap.” Instead, women are urged to emulate a wife who threw her husband’s clothes into the garden to teach him not to leave socks on the floor: “He understood I meant it.” Or another who wanted her husband to help with the laundry, and hollered at him: “Are you a f***ing retard that you don’t see me running up and down stairs? Listen to me and stop your bulls**t.” Or another who discovered this interpersonal skill: “Just stand there and start screaming. If you stand there and scream long enough, someone is going to realize that you’re standing in the middle of the room screaming [and ask] ‘Why are you screaming?'” (pp. 245-47)

What could be wrong with men these days that they refuse to commit?"


Senior Something
This is what hate does to people.
And libs love to hate because they have been told to do so.
What a loss for humanity.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
There are bad men out there who abuse women. But there are also bad women out there who abuse men. Abusers know no single gender. The issue here is that the “toxic feminists” being discussed assign guilt to the entire male gender rather than specific individuals. That’s a fundamental flaw in their logic which will cost them dearly in the long run. In the case of Kavenaugh, feminists convicted him with absolutely zero proof. It was identical to the Salem witch trials in every way. These “wymyn” demanded that he be burned at the stake based ENTIRELY on a 35-year-old dredged-up memory, where even the supposed witnesses didn’t remember the described events occurring.

The cry BURN THE WITCH!! was clearly echoing through the senate during those hearings.

As to the feminazi wymyn in the OP? I hope they like cats, and I’m sure they’ll learn to enjoy fur-pie...


Has No Life - Lives on TB
The refusal to see how their own behaviors have contributed is amazing. Why would anyone, male or female, want to stay with a partner that makes it clear they hold their gender in disdain? And is willing to believe that, because of gender, someone should automatically have the ability to destroy someone of opposite gender without proof or verification of any type? This type of behavior is what created feminism (when it was males doing it to females). But not all males did it then and they don't all deserve to be painted with that broad brush. Just the same, not all females are doing that now and they don't all deserve to be accused of it. Hopefully the guys that have had their eyes opened will find more successful relationships with women that haven't gone off the deep end.


The Wimmin's March was two years ago. Any guy still around that has the patience of a saint (or, maybe he is just too demoralized to leave). Ladies, it's been two years. Get over yourselves!

The article was an interesting psychological window on the tragedy, but says a lot more about the women then the men. "Sub-conscious butler"? WTF? ...actually a grand exercise in projection from the point of view of the accusing wymin. (Kinda like the entire Hillary campaign.)

Also, I'm puzzled. Trump gaslighting? We had a march supposedly about women's rights and social justice that featured as heroes an advocate for sharia, tying on flag hijabs, and a black lady who had been in jail for the extended torture and murder of a man, who complained about her own incarceration, a group supporting a candidate who pissed away Haiti relief charity money on Chelsea's blow-out wedding, and who posted bond for a child trafficker caught with thirty kids that weren't orphans.

Two years is no longer a bout of temporary insanity. How much more are these guys expected to put up with? Life is for living.


Techno Junkie
Wow imagine that.. Men are growing tired of the screeching, angry harpies that liberal woman are letting themselves become.


I can't understand the screaming. Maybe it is just the family I came from - we can hold a grudge (with shunning) for life, but the angrier we might be the more cold and clipped the response is. Screaming is just so...out of control.

In the meantime, while one is still with the person, what ever happened to having a conversation?


Has No Life - Lives on TB
"despite any sense of love or tenderness, respect or commitment to partnership—a man, even a progressive one, automatically and subconsciously conflates feminists or a rise in feminist outrage to a threat to the collective male contingency/population."

^^^This, right here!


Veteran Member
There are bad men out there who abuse women. But there are also bad women out there who abuse men. Abusers know no single gender. The issue here is that the “toxic feminists” being discussed assign guilt to the entire male gender rather than specific individuals. That’s a fundamental flaw in their logic which will cost them dearly in the long run. In the case of Kavenaugh, feminists convicted him with absolutely zero proof. It was identical to the Salem witch trials in every way. These “wymyn” demanded that he be burned at the stake based ENTIRELY on a 35-year-old dredged-up memory, where even the supposed witnesses didn’t remember the described events occurring.

The cry BURN THE WITCH!! was clearly echoing through the senate during those hearings.

As to the feminazi wymyn in the OP? I hope they like cats, and I’m sure they’ll learn to enjoy fur-pie...

There are also bad women who teach their children to grow up to be bad people. Case in point:

Yesterday I stopped at the grocery store. I park way out to get some extra walking in. I saw a woman standing behind a car. As i walked by she let out a scream 'GET THE **** OUT OF THE CAR!" I jumped, WTH! Her daughter about 6 years old screamed back 'I DON'T HAVE TO, GET THE **** AWAY FROM ME YOU ******!" (they were both lilly white). My ears were burning. I kept walking, the kid gets out of the car and proceeds to go on a rant against her mother, calling her every name she could think of. I turned and looked at the mother. The mother says to me "What the **** are you looking at?" I said to her "Is the zoo in town or the circus?" I walked on and had a hold of my pepper spray ready to shoot in case she came after me. So, that spawn of Satan will grow up to be an abusive woman just like her mother. WTH!


Knuckle Dragger

Even nutless, testosterone deficient, just shy of faggotry type males eventually recognize an insane woman?

Maybe Darwin will have a say on this.


Veteran Member
What amazes me

Is while they examine the objects of their hatred (Trump, bankers, men etc...) with boundless energy to a microscopic degree, it is seemingly impossible for them to take a minute and look at themselves in the mirror.

The toxic feminist has so indoctrinated the youth I suggest all young men to consider women from Asia or Eastern Europe. I am sure there are decent women in the US but the radical screamers and media drive any non haters into silence so they blend in with screamers to make the few look like the many.

Kind of wonder how many of her promising students went because of the subtle coercive threat of grades and support for grad programs?

Maybe the US is providing entire too much money to schools?

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
One day they will wake up burnt out, friendless, alone except for maybe a cat in the window of their small apartment or condo and inflicted with the aches, diseases and decay that comes with old age. Maybe then they will wonder how they got there? Why the world does not share their delusional beliefs of morality and desired reality? Why society dosen't recognize and value their sacrifices? Will they still look at the conservative men with their loving wives, well mannered children and comfortable homes as the enemy? Was it worth it?

I knew one. Our last exchange consisted of her giving me a verbal lashing for not making it convenient for her to get a look at my family on a visit to DC. She was gone more than six months before I knew she was dead. We'd known each other for over twenty years.
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Knuckle Dragger
So much of this feminazi related drivel originates from the liberal $#itholes.

Don't try to pick peaches in a cactus patch.

There just ain't much of this crap out in flyover country.

I see a different side of things here. The other day, there was one of the local girls at the corner store...in realtree fuzzy pajama/warmups, muck boots and a Browning hoodie. Rode her 4-wheeler a coupla miles to get whatever.

The liberal crap isn't seen much here.

Country girls still have some common sense.


TB Fanatic
Is while they examine the objects of their hatred (Trump, bankers, men etc...) with boundless energy to a microscopic degree, it is seemingly impossible for them to take a minute and look at themselves in the mirror.

The toxic feminist has so indoctrinated the youth I suggest all young men to consider women from Asia or Eastern Europe. I am sure there are decent women in the US but the radical screamers and media drive any non haters into silence so they blend in with screamers to make the few look like the many.

Kind of wonder how many of her promising students went because of the subtle coercive threat of grades and support for grad programs?

Maybe the US is providing entire too much money to schools?

A woman once told me she was a "shit magnet".
After dating her for a while, my final determination was that what she wanted was shit.
She wanted someone she could treat like shit and get away with it.
I examined myself and found that I was not "shit" and so that relationshit would never work.

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
friendless and alone except for maybe a cat in the window of their small apartment or condo

That’s 20 cats in the window(s)...
No in this case just one. She used to like to name drop elites she would run into in DC. I wonder if her beloved cat went to a kill shelter or one of her liberal friends(?) took it in? By the time I found out she was gone I figured it was too late to ask.


This too shall pass.
Life is too short to be hagridden and hellhacked.

Isn't that the truth? (And it goes both ways -- men can be just as bad.) I like my peace and quiet -- when I can get it; autistic daughter doesn't give me much.

What I can't understand is how these people got the idea that screaming and bit**ing is a good way to have a relationship, of any kind, with anyone. Someone up there suggested that they really need to take a good long look at themselves in the mirror, and I agree with that. I suppose the 'Golden Rule' is too traditional and conservative and Christian for them.



Veteran Member
The message I pick up from the story is "if you act like a big enough bitch, even a liberal cuck will leave you". Congratulation feminists! You finally found a way to drive off the one subset of men, that could somewhat tolerate your bullshit.

Next question: Will the men realize their error, and seek out more conservative women in the future, or joint the MGTOW ranks?


Voice on the Prairie / FJB!
There just ain't much of this crap out in flyover country.

Yep. I skim some of these articles and feel grateful that my life isn't full of such self-inflicted drama.

I still think a lot of the problems stem from not having a relationship with God and being accountable for one's actions. It's hard to have energy left over to hate anyone when you're focused on your own tasks.

And anyone who would actually stand in the middle of a room and scream for 30 minutes needs to be in a locked hospital ward. That's not the action of a sane person.


TB Fanatic
"despite any sense of love or tenderness, respect or commitment to partnership—a man, even a progressive one, automatically and subconsciously conflates feminists or a rise in feminist outrage to a threat to the collective male contingency/population."

^^^This, right here!

All men have become a surrogate for Trump in the eyes of liberal women.

Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
And anyone who would actually stand in the middle of a room and scream for 30 minutes needs to be in a locked hospital ward. That's not the action of a sane person.



TB Fanatic
Seems related...


Tonight, I thought my husband was acting weird. We had made plans to meet at a bar to have a drink. I was shopping with my friends all day long, so I thought he was upset at the fact that I was a bit late, but he made no comment on it.

Conversation wasn't flowing, so I suggested that we go somewhere quiet so we could talk. He agreed, but he didn't say much.

I asked him what was wrong; he said, "Nothing." I asked him if it was my fault that he was upset. He said he wasn't upset, that it had nothing to do with me, and not to worry about it.

On the way home, I told him that I loved him. He smiled slightly, and kept driving. I can't explain his behavior. I don't know why he didn't say, "I love you, too."

When we got home, I felt as if I had lost him completely, as if he wanted nothing to do with me anymore. He just sat there quietly, and watched TV.

He continued to seem distant and absent.

Finally, with silence all around us, I decided to go to bed. About 15 minutes later, he came to bed. To my surprise, he responded to my caress, and we made love. But I still felt that he was distracted, and his thoughts were somewhere else.

He fell asleep - I cried. I don't know what to do. I 'm almost sure that his thoughts are with someone else. My life is a disaster.


Damn chainsaw quit on me today, but at least I got laid.....


TB Fanatic
I can't understand the screaming. Maybe it is just the family I came from - we can hold a grudge (with shunning) for life, but the angrier we might be the more cold and clipped the response is. Screaming is just so...out of control.

In the meantime, while one is still with the person, what ever happened to having a conversation?

Same here


Veteran Member
Neither men nor women deal particularly well with female anger, much less female rage. That said, liberal men are probably much less able to cope with female anger than the typical male, because liberal men are generally seeking a peaceful woman and a peaceful environment. Faced with unrelenting female anger and rage, they will simply leave because they cannot cope with it, and so they have no choice but to leave. The women do not recognize the nature of these men, and they probably ignore all the warning signs. If you're going to be that angry, it's best to do it alone rather than inflicting it on other people. If you need an audience, find other angry women. But as I said earlier, women do not like female rage either.
There are bad men out there who abuse women. But there are also bad women out there who abuse men. Abusers know no single gender. The issue here is that the “toxic feminists” being discussed assign guilt to the entire male gender rather than specific individuals.

What about the talented awareness that can allow a woman to remain/be able to "assign guilt" to a specifically annoying act, or habit, perpetrated by the males in their lives?

Feminism can, indeed, be an exercise in generalized, spewed hate.

But, do women know how to love the male/male aspect - REALLY love - the Creator and the Creation, themselves, and then the males in their lives?

Authentic, patient, constant love, like the love of the Creator?

"Woman draws her LIFE from man, and gives it BACK again (to the man, transmutated, changed in form, improved, rendered spiritually nutritious for the male via her uniquely feminine aspects)." (echoing Scripture - h/t to Noel Paul Stookey)

The sacrament of marriage between a man and a women is unique in its "machine" design and purpose, with necessarily correct intent/feeding requirements via aware interactions.

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Veteran Member
I guess these women just can't see how ugly they have become.

Hate, revenge, spite all make a person ugly - inside and out.

It eventually spills over into everything they say and do.

Nobody likes being around THAT!

What took these men so long to realize this????

Just like the idiot guy standing behind the Hawaiian Senator Hirono - he thought it was funny when she told men to 'shut up'.

Maybe the BFs and husbands think this hate for men doesn't include them - Ha!:screw:

I've never understood how a man could be involved with a woman who was hell bent on revenge against her ex-husband. These men think they won't be next on her 'hit' list when they break up or divorce her???

Can't fix stupid.:rolleyes:
So much of this feminazi related drivel originates from the liberal $#itholes.

Don't try to pick peaches in a cactus patch.

There just ain't much of this crap out in flyover country.

I see a different side of things here. The other day, there was one of the local girls at the corner store...in realtree fuzzy pajama/warmups, muck boots and a Browning hoodie. Rode her 4-wheeler a coupla miles to get whatever.

The liberal crap isn't seen much here.

Country girls still have some common sense.

Common sense, love for the Creator, and his Creation, and understands how to interact correctly with nature and her cycles without the overuse of dominating technology - will "wear" like a very comfortable pair of slippers, in an extended relationship.

AND, she can cook from the heart!



On TB every waking moment
And I tell you, with deep regret, we are going to either have to kill these creatures in wholesale lots - or die ourselves. Prepare to be able to choose...

More at the link.


Americans are Stuck in Abusive Relationships with Power
Michael Krieger | Posted Tuesday Oct 9, 2018 at 11:24 am

And we recently discovered, if it was not known before, that no amount of power can withstand the hatred of the many.
– Marcus Tullius Cicero

Americans are brought up to believe all sorts of myths about the country we call home. We’re told our economy is a free market meritocracy governed by the rule of law. We’re told our civil liberties, enshrined in the Bill of Rights, are inviolable and protected by the most powerful military in the world. A fighting force entrusted with the admirable and monumental task of defending freedoms at home, and democracy and human rights abroad. We’re told we exist in a system of self-government, in which our votes matter and our voices heard. In practice, none of this is true.

The fact of the matter is American citizens in 2018 are just a nuisance for the real power players. Useful as consumers, but increasingly problematic as larger numbers start to ask questions about how things really work. For far too long, we’ve been ignorant and willing accomplices in our own bondage. This allowed the concentrated and unaccountable power that really calls the shots to go for broke in recent decades, with unsurprisingly tragic results.

Only recently have things started to shift. Increased levels of barbarism abroad and corruption at home during the 21st century — under both Republican and Democratic administrations — have shaken many Americans from a long stupor. Irrespective of where you sit on the political spectrum, most people know something’s not right. People don’t agree on the details of what’s wrong, and there’s certainly no consensus on solutions, but increasing numbers of us know something’s very broken.

I try to look at things from a big picture perspective, and from that angle I see too many people focused on the symptoms of cultural decay versus root causes. Not enough people seem to be taking a step back to see that at the core of today’s broken socioeconomic and political paradigm is an American citizenry fundamentally entangled in various abusive relationships with power. This post will highlight three of these relationships. The first with government itself, the second with central banking, and the third with the dominant political parties.

When it comes to the relationship of U.S. citizens to the politicians and bureaucrats in Washington D.C., there’s no indication that anything remotely resembling self-government is happening. Rather, the relationship is far more like that of a servant to a master. The powerful in this country have declared themselves above the law and beyond accountability on too many occasions for it to be an accident. Rather, it’s clearly unwritten public policy at this point. For starters, key players who pushed the Iraq war during the George W. Bush administration, such as John Bolton, are never held accountable. Instead, they’re promoted to even more influential roles many years later.

Equally troubling, leaders of intelligence agencies like John Brennan who supported torture during the Bush years, ran the CIA while it spied on a Senate investigation into torture and then lied about the spying, likewise face no consequences for their actions. Rather, Brennan ends up with a corporate media gig as an MSNBC/NBC “resistance” pundit. Same thing with former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. He lied under oath about domestic government surveillance, gets caught following the Snowden revelations, and then nothing at all happens to him. He leaves government many years later, joins a think tank, and becomes a CNN contributor.

Of course, this whole above the law thing extends well beyond government officials. We saw how bankers who tanked the global economy as a result of systemic and extremely lucrative fraud schemes received bailouts instead of jail sentences. We should never forget that not a single bank executive went to jail. When a class of powerful super predators are placed above the law, society dies.



Neither here nor there.
I can't understand the screaming. Maybe it is just the family I came from - we can hold a grudge (with shunning) for life, but the angrier we might be the more cold and clipped the response is. Screaming is just so...out of control.

In the meantime, while one is still with the person, what ever happened to having a conversation?

My dad's sister and her psychotic daughter are screamers. Everyone in the family hates them except my sister in law who adores them. She's also a screamer. Why my brother stays with her is beyond me... theirs is a female-led marriage... whatever. While OC and I have been know to yell or snipe at one another, if pissed off enough, I don't deal with screamers. So my cousins and I have now shunned that part of the family, and we're much happier now.


Neither here nor there.
So much of this feminazi related drivel originates from the liberal $#itholes.

Don't try to pick peaches in a cactus patch.

There just ain't much of this crap out in flyover country.

I see a different side of things here. The other day, there was one of the local girls at the corner store...in realtree fuzzy pajama/warmups, muck boots and a Browning hoodie. Rode her 4-wheeler a coupla miles to get whatever.

The liberal crap isn't seen much here.

Country girls still have some common sense.

You just described my attire when I go to the grocery store... thank heavens for muck boots needed them this year with all of the rain... the mud season never really went away and is back in full steam now.