POL McCain: I ‘Don’t See How It Matters’ That I Don’t Know The Price Of Gas"


Membership Revoked
McCain is an idiot. I know he doesn't fill up his own tank....but if he watches the news he doesn't pay attention. You would think that at least his advisers would tell him or are they that clueless too.

McCain: I ‘Don’t See How It Matters’ That I Don’t Know The Price Of Gas"
In a telephone interview with the Orange County Register earlier this week, John McCain acknowledged he was unaware of the price of gas.

The OC Register’s Martin Wicksol reports:

WICKSOL: When was the last time you pumped your own gas and how much did it cost?

MCCAIN: Oh, I don’t remember. Now there’s Secret Service protection. But I’ve done it for many, many years. I don’t recall and frankly, I don’t see how it matters.

I’ve had hundreds and hundreds of town hall meetings, many as short a time ago as yesterday. I communicate with the people and they communicate with me very effectively.

McCain’s cluelessness about gas prices is compounded by the fact that he is clueless about what to do about it. He is promoting a gas tax holiday for drivers because he claims to understand “Americans are hurting.” It will provide “a little psychological boost,” McCain said of his plan.

In reality, his gas tax holiday would be worth a mere 60 cents a day for Americans and would be a boon for oil companies and foreign oil-producing nations. It would drive up the deficit. Moreover, the proposal would rob $1.4 billion from “public transportation and severely restrict the industry’s ability to add and improve transit services for a growing number of Americans.”

It seems that gas prices is just one more issue that “is not something” McCain has “understood as well he should.”



Membership Revoked
I tried to post this wonderful tidbit last night when Timebomb was out of service. I'm glad somebody else found it too...

He also doesn't know how to use a computer...


Great....so, we have a choice between an idiot, and a madman.

This is you on November 3rd of 2008.....screwed, blued, and tattooed.



The end times are here.
Wow you guys sure are tough on John McCain. He's merely holding to the tradition of pampered, out of touch, elitest "public servants".

Are you really surprised?


Freedom Isn't Free
Wow you guys sure are tough on John McCain. He's merely holding to the tradition of pampered, out of touch, elitest "public servants".

Are you really surprised?

Happens every election. Do you know the price of ........ One of them it was milk. So what, he doesn't know the price. At least he realizes there is an energy crisis. More than I can say for the Dems.
Nov. '08 election brilliantly prophesied by Simon & Garfinkle decades ago:

"...Sitting on a sofa on a Sunday afternoon
Going to the candidates debate
Laugh about it, shout about it
When you've got to choose
Ev'ry way you look at it, you lose..."


Membership Revoked
Happens every election. Do you know the price of ........ One of them it was milk.
That's a lame comparison.
The price of milk was not on the news every night for the past 6 months.
Milk is not something that the US economy depends on. Milk is a reason we have troops in the middle east.
There is no excuse for McBush not to know what it cost us.

The Freeholder

Oh look! Another Big Guy who's gonna look out for the Little Guy! How cute!

It matters John, because it shows how disconnected you are from the people who might elect you . I can forgive you not pumping your own gas, but not knowing what us proles have to pay for it? You might want to think back to Bush the Elder who also didn't know the price per gallon of cow juice and paid quite a price for that (among other stupid moves).


Freedom Isn't Free
Rich people do not care how much something costs. They can afford it. We will never elect a joe six pack.

Red Baron

McCain appears to be clueless but did the MSM ask the Chocolate Messiah the same question?


Saw on the news today they traded in their bus for a 737.

Even had it painted too.

There is no onw I want to vote for on the ballot.

In Nevada we can't do write ins.
Our legislature fixed that for us, isn't that just peachy?



DON'T VOTE. If there is no one to vote for, DO NOT VOTE.

I think the American people need to change the voting machine. We are conditioned to think that non-voting is "unamerican" but this is not true.

What if nobody voted?

People from all parties need to stand up and say:

"HELL NO! You will NOT tell me who I can, or cannot, vote for."


Since 1999
Happens every election. Do you know the price of ........ One of them it was milk. So what, he doesn't know the price. At least he realizes there is an energy crisis. More than I can say for the Dems.

That was daddy Bush...and so the phrase "its the economy, stuipd" was born..:whistle:


Veteran Member
Even if he doesn't pump his own gas he must have been past a station and could have seen the prices that way.

I think the American people need to change the voting machine. We are conditioned to think that non-voting is "unamerican" but this is not true.

People don't vote for various reasons. One of the worst is apathy. By not voting, you are doing the same thing that people who are apathetic are doing; nothing.

Not only that, but not voting is a slap in the face to everyone who put their lives on the line to ensure our freedom to vote.

Write in Donald Duck if you have to, but not voting accomplishes nothing.

Just Plain Mom

Alien Lizard Person
Even if he doesn't pump his own gas he must have been past a station and could have seen the prices that way.

Yes...but the question is, how much did it cost when he last filled his own personal tank?

I think it's a stupid question, a tactic to make him look bad. "Let's see...I last filled my own tank in June of...1998? So the price was $X per gallon." Most Congressmen have drivers--why waste time driving back and forth when they can talk on the phone or read something during their commute? So what does it matter if he doesn't remember the price of gas and when he last filled up? It's today's price that counts, which he acknowledged in his next sentence.

FWIW, I'm not a McCain supporter; I'm undecided at this point (lesser of two evils?). But I don't want to confuse semantics with real, live issues.


3 Bombs for Hawkins
DON'T VOTE. If there is no one to vote for, DO NOT VOTE. . .

If you cannot bring yourself to vote the top job, please, please, vote local. This new congress will be one of the most important ever. Please choose those who most represent your values and send them to D.C. with the prayer that they vote what is right and best for American, not their own selfish agendas. PLEASE! Too many good men and women have died for the rest of us have that privilege, please do not dishonor their memory.


Contributing Member
I'm sure he won't know the price of heating oil either until people start freezing to death or go hungry so they can heat their homes.


Senior Member
I live in Japan.....
Take the subway into work everyday....on the weekends I drive around.
I could not tell you the price of gas....I know its high....and that’s about it. I guess I am an Elitist bastard too.


Membership Revoked
Guess it doesn't matter, since McCain won't be president. And, niether will the pretend Libertarian (according to Libertarian long-timers), Barr.


People don't vote for various reasons. One of the worst is apathy. By not voting, you are doing the same thing that people who are apathetic are doing; nothing.

Not only that, but not voting is a slap in the face to everyone who put their lives on the line to ensure our freedom to vote.

Write in Donald Duck if you have to, but not voting accomplishes nothing.

Sorry I disagree.

Vote for scum is worse than not voting. AND is definitely a slap in the face to everyone who put their lives on the line to ensure our freedom to vote.

Donald Duck would probably make a better president than anyone on either ticket- but unfortunately a lot of people will not have the opportunity to vote for him because:


Or did you miss that part?


Senior Member
Guess it doesn't matter, since McCain won't be president. And, niether will the pretend Libertarian (according to Libertarian long-timers), Barr.[/QUOT

If you don't like Barr, have a look at Chuck. I am not decided at this point, but will be voting for one of the two. I know Barr has problems, but see the article below...


Bob Barr: Libertarian's Saul of Tarsus
With the nomination of Bob Barr as the Libertarian Presidential candidate, many libertarians found themselves unable to support Mr. Barr. It made me wonder if Saul of Tarsus was met with the same objections.by Paul Conroy
Thursday, June 26, 2008
With the nomination of Bob Barr as the Libertarian Presidential candidate, many libertarians found themselves unable to support Mr. Barr due to his voting record while a Republican Congressman. In fact, I lost my Vice-Chair because of his nomination. Time and time again, I hear libertarians talk about his non-libertarian Congressional voting record as a reason for not supporting him as the Libertarian Presidential nominee. It made me wonder if Saul of Tarsus was met with the same objections.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Saul of Tarsus, he was a big proponent of early Christian persecution, until his conversion. Most know him as St. Paul. Now before anyone condemns me to hell for blasphemy, I'm not saying that St. Paul and Bob Barr have the same story. In fact if there had been a biblical Nolan Chart, I think Saul of Tarsus, aka St. Paul, would have scored a big 0/0 in the pro-Christian category, unlike Bob Barr who scores a lifetime 68/85, according to the RLC, putting him in the libertarian camp while he was in office.

I don't know many in the Libertarian Party who were born there. Most of us are converts and have a pre-libertarian vote history that isn't exactly exemplary. Even I, a 100/100 Libertarian on the Nolan Chart, supported Ronald Reagan, voted for George H. W. Bush twice, and helped usher in the 1994 Republican Revolution and the Contract with America. I have since repented for "my youthful indiscretions" as Harry Browne might call them.

I have wondered if the Galatians, Corinthians, or Philippians, upon reading one of St. Paul's epistles fully denounced Christianity because St. Paul was a witness at the martyrdom of St. Stephen, burned churches in Jerusalem and imprisoned many Christians before his conversion. Since St. Paul is the second most prolific writer in the New Testament with thirteen letters attributed to him, I would say that he was at least accepted by these Christian communities, if not embraced.

I know, I know, Bob Barr's conversion isn't complete. He still has a way to go with drug re-legalization and doesn't believe in polygamy as a viable relationship alternative, yet even I have disagreements with the Libertarian Party platform, specifically the abortion and immigration issues. What I do look at is his work after his conversion. He has joined the MPP (Marijuana Policy Project), publicly denounced the Defense of Marriage Act (which he sponsored), and the PATRIOT Act (He at least got some sunset provisions in before voting for it), and while he supports a form of consumption tax, he does want to repeal the 16th Amendment.

It is his efforts since his conversion that should be used as a tool to decide whether to support the Libertarian Party and vote for Bob Barr. I for one believe in his conversion and will support his campaign, like I supported Badnarik and Browne before him. I will vote for him this fall. Saul of Tarsus became St. Paul, an important leader in the early Christian community. He converted many Jews and Gentiles to Christianity. I believe Bob Barr can do similar for the cause of Liberty and Libertarianism if given the chance.

Remember, we, as a country, got into this mess through relentless incrementalism, and while Bob Barr may not have a pure enough Libertarian pedigree for the libertarian elite, he is now a Libertarian and is moving in the correct direction; back towards the Constitution and limited government. And to those Libertarian detractors who would throw the baby out with the bathwater: Ye without sin, cast the first stone.
Sorry I disagree.

Vote for scum is worse than not voting. AND is definitely a slap in the face to everyone who put their lives on the line to ensure our freedom to vote.

Donald Duck would probably make a better president than anyone on either ticket- but unfortunately a lot of people will not have the opportunity to vote for him because:


Or did you miss that part?

You act like voting is some entitlement. Voting is a right that a lot of people died for. You don't casually throw it away like a piece of junk mail.

Maybe we do need a really big war. It seems like a lot of people have forgotten that freedom ain't free.

As far as Nevada's law against write-ins, I'm surprised no one has challenged that. Seems to me that would be just a wee bit unconstitutional.


You act like voting is some entitlement. Voting is a right that a lot of people died for. You don't casually throw it away like a piece of junk mail.

Maybe we do need a really big war. It seems like a lot of people have forgotten that freedom ain't free.

As far as Nevada's law against write-ins, I'm surprised no one has challenged that. Seems to me that would be just a wee bit unconstitutional.


I don't think you understand that what the American people are doing in this day and age is not what voting used to be.

The voting process has been taken over by the 2 main parties and they dictate to you and me, how, and who we vote for.

This is NOT how America was first set up.

Seems to me that would be just a wee bit unconstitutional

Ya Think?

The whole voting process is unconstitutional.

The Founding Fathers would be appalled.


I don't know the price of gas either at the moment. I drive a diesel truck more frequently than a car, the cost of my fuel is $4.759. I haven't recently filled my car, last gas was $3.899. I actuallly do not expect someone running for President to know the price, they are too busy trying to keep up with all the other national interests like the war, banking, etc.

It is stupidity that drives the sensationalism on this kind of issue. Granted it gives the appearance that someone is not connected to current realities that affect the general public, but there is so much for a candidate to keep up with, specifics are not a good measurement. Macroeconomics vrs Microeconomics, if a candidate has a good overall plan to get the macroeconomics in order, the normally (used loosely) the microeconomics will fall in line. What concerns me is that the McCain group of advisors does not seem to have any strategy to correct the macroeconomics.


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
This thread shows so CLEARLY why everyone NEEDS TO VOTE FOR RON PAUL.

GET A CLUE PEOPLE! The "Chocolate Messiah" and the "Manchurian Candidate" ARE NOT GOING TO SAVE THIS COUNTRY!!!!

There is ONE CHANCE LEFT, and Ron Paul is it.


Veteran Member
Why should he care? He can afford the basics of life, and probably always has.

Sheesh, I can't afford the basics and still don't know the prices. I only put gas in my car a couple times a year. Last week was my summer purchase, about 5 gallons. Come December, I'll fill it up for the coming bitter cold. Nope. I don't remember what it cost. Doesn't matter--can't get to the store without it.

Grocery costs. I only check the price when I run across a cost thread here. "Take what you need and leave the rest" is pretty much how I run. In the store, if a price looks too high, I leave it until my quarterly treat purchase. A jar of malted for milk was the last one. Ask me the price of anything--I don't know, don't care, doesn't matter. Normal is spending as little as possible.

In September, ask me the price of kerosene and you'll get an earful. That's when I price and buy my 30 gallons for the winter. Getting a location is the hardest part. My county is kerosene poor. Oil company regional distribution managers don't seem to get a lot of phone calls. :)


Yes...but the question is, how much did it cost when he last filled his own personal tank?

I think it's a stupid question, a tactic to make him look bad. "Let's see...I last filled my own tank in June of...1998? So the price was $X per gallon." Most Congressmen have drivers--why waste time driving back and forth when they can talk on the phone or read something during their commute? So what does it matter if he doesn't remember the price of gas and when he last filled up? It's today's price that counts, which he acknowledged in his next sentence.

FWIW, I'm not a McCain supporter; I'm undecided at this point (lesser of two evils?). But I don't want to confuse semantics with real, live issues.

Thanks, Just Plain Mom, for posting this. He answered the question asked and is getting pilloried for it. He was NOT asked if he knew the current price of gas. And as for him being in the limo when it is being filled with gas---I highly doubt it. The limo is fueled before/after he is present. Don't know why everyone is foaming at the mouth about this!?! :confused: :shr:


Dennis Olson

Chief Curmudgeon
McPain doesn't need any "help" to look bad. He does a great job all by himself. Just like Monkey-boy always has. As I've said from the beginning, if you like Jorge Bush, you're gonna LOVE "More of the Same" McPain....