Story Market Day


Senior Member


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
“218” Kara said as a loud angry man came out from between the barn and the house.

“Ashley! Where the hell have you been! I told you to never leave the house unless I tell you to!” Ashley cringed in fear and looked like she was fighting the urge to run before he got to her.

“Momma sent me to Mrs. Leary’s to get help for Sissy, Mr Evan!” This didn’t even seem to faze him in his trajectory though. As soon as he got in reach of Ashley, a resounding full arm backhand to the face took her legs out from under her and she hit the deck.

“Your momma doesn’t make the rules around here, I do!” He took another step towards the crumpled sobbing form.

Kara was holding onto herself and her temper with all her strength. She was trying to play her part and get to the pregnant woman as well as find out where this jackasses brother was before she did anything too drastic.

“Mister? I’m Kara, Mrs. Leary’s granddaughter. I was at her house getting stuff for her since she is staying with me in town right now….” Mr Evan turned towards her as if only now seeing she was here.

“I don’t care who you are. Go away. This doesn’t concern you, unless you want some too.” He turned away dismissively and back towards Ashley. Kara thought she saw him reach for his belt. She had to take control before things got too far out of hand.

“Mister, Ashley here said Sissy was in labor. I’m a nurse. I came to help her. What’s the harm in letting me help her?” Kara was trying her best ‘what’s it going to hurt’ voice but it didn’t seem to work on him. He turned back towards her a snarl on his face.

“Bitch, you better listen to what I said and skedaddle, before I have to put you in your place!” This ignited Kara’s temper she had been holding in check so far. Her face shifted, hardened. Her eyes flashed sharp and cold like iron. Her hand came up and she pointed at his chest as she spoke in a harsh, angry tone.

“Look, Waldo, you aren’t going to teac………” Her speech was interrupted by wet meaty sound as Evan’s head popped and deflated in a wet liquidy spray. His body hung in space for the moment until the muted report of Angelique’s rifle shot reached them.

“****!” Part of Kara was startled, another part thought she had to apologize to Allyson for what she did to her months ago in the field. Standing next to the target when they get splattered is quite disconcerting. “Get down here now” she snapped over the radio. She looked around, she saw no one moving other than Angelique speeding towards her like a biathlon star. Moments later she pulled up next to Kara.

“Kid, you went early.”

“You designated and indicated Waldo. One of his hands was on his belt and so was his revolver. What next?” Angelique looked at Kara , not even looking down at Ashely who was sitting, stunned , staring at Mr Evan’s headless body in the snow next to her.

Kara reached for her battlebelt with its holstered pistol. Angelique tried to hand her the submachinegun as well, which she declined. “You hang onto it. The pistol is all I will need. If something goes more wrong, you will need it more than me.” Kara pulled two of the MP-5 magazines off of the battlebelt and handed them over to Angelique.

“What do you want me to do; follow you in, swing around the outside, or what?” Kara thought about it for a moment.

“Get the kid under cover in the barn with the rest of the kids. If I come across any more kids, I’ll send them your way. Once you have them all, if I haven’t found and dealt with Victor, we will go from there. I’m going in and look for Victor. Step one, eliminate the threat, then treat the patient.”

“Gotcha.” Angelique leaned down to Ashley. “Let me help you. Is Victor normally in the barn?”

Ashley looked at Angelique, then Evan, then Kara, back and forth a few times. “No, he doesn’t like it out there.”

“Good, why don’t you go into the barn and find your brothers and sisters if they are there. We will send them out if they aren’t. OK?”

Ashley still looked stunned.

“OK?” Angelique was a little more forceful now. She looked over at Kara who was settling the belt around her waist. “I’ll get her in there. Do you need anything?”

“No, Stay out until I tell you different. Or you hear lots of shooting. I’ll send any kids I find out to the barn.”

“Don’t take too long. Remember, there’s a woman in labor who needs you.” Angelique saw something that caught her eye on Evan. She leaned over and extracted a revolver from his waistband and held it up. It was an older S&W Highway Patrol model in 357 magnum. The hammer was cocked. Kara’s eyes went a little wide when Angelique held it up.

“Good call and clean shoot. Thanks!”

“Get in there and hunt down the other rat so we can help Sissy.”

Kara nodded and headed towards the door.
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Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
"Standing next to the target when they get splattered is quite disconcerting."

Has anyone told you, you have a knack for understatement? Just Ewwwww. Not sure if my last meal would make a sudden reappearance after that.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
When explosives aren't appropriate or available, a well placed .30 cal suffices nicely.

Yes, a grisly perspective but ugly deeds and their doers need to be be dealt with in a timely, often severe manner to prevent re-occurrences; not pleasant but often a requirement. I sleep peacefully at night knowing rough men are ready to do violence on my behalf; truthfully, we probably all do.
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Retired, practising Curmudgeon
"Standing next to the target when they get splattered is quite disconcerting."

Has anyone told you, you have a knack for understatement? Just Ewwwww. Not sure if my last meal would make a sudden reappearance after that.
Paints a picture though - sorry; bad pun.
I guess we should be thankful we don't live in a world where such things happen ... at least, not yet.


Veteran Member
Finally here. Like Teedee, I dropped out of this story a while back and never picked it back up until a few days ago. I've kinda binge read since roughly where Garen picked up Angelique. Helluva stemwinder, and now I get to sit around with everyone else while CCG gives us rollercoaster whiplash.

Thank you CCG (and your editor!) for giving us the time and lessons!

Q: What's the last thing that went through Evan's mind? A: Lead. At least his two brain cells won't fight any more, they're too far apart.


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Finally here. Like Teedee, I dropped out of this story a while back and never picked it back up until a few days ago. I've kinda binge read since roughly where Garen picked up Angelique. Helluva stemwinder, and now I get to sit around with everyone else while CCG gives us rollercoaster whiplash.

Thank you CCG (and your editor!) for giving us the time and lessons!

Q: What's the last thing that went through Evan's mind? A: Lead. At least his two brain cells won't fight any more, they're too far apart.

Thanks for hopping aboard, there are seats for everyone


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
It was a long quiet wait. Angelique heard no movement or gunshots for what seemed like forever. She had gotten Ashly into the barn then returned to Evan’s body to search him for useful items, all the while listening intently for any sounds. She found two speedloaders for the revolver she had taken from his body and tucked in her belt. She found general pocket litter such as small AAA flashlight, some keys, a three-bladed working man’s pocketknife and not much else.

After what seemed like forever, the radio squawked.

“Kid, get Brody to keep the kids in the barn, then come in and help me square some stuff away they shouldn’t see.”

Angelique didn’t like the sound of that. She hurried over to the small door into the barn Ashley vanished into. She pushed it open enough to stick her head inside. In the dark barn she could see some light up in the hay loft to one side of the barn.

“Brody, I’m a friend of Ashley’s. Keep the kids in here for a bit until we come back out here, OK?” She heard hushed whispering for a few moments, then a tentative male voice spoke up.

“Is what Ashley said true?”

“Depends, what did she say?”

“Evan is dead?”

“Yes. One hundred percent accurate. Now, keep them in here for a bit while I find out what all is going on.”

“Watch yourself around Victor. He’s sneaky.”

“Got it. You guys just stay in here for a bit.” Angelique slipped back out of the barn and headed towards the house.

“Coming in. Where am I going?” Angelique said over the radio.

“Take the first set of stairs as you come in, we are upstairs. Everything secure” was Kara’s curt reply.

As Angelique climbed the stairs, she heard some angry discussion going on.

“……don’t care! It’s better than they deserve for what they did!” An older woman’s voice was harsh and brittle, dripping with scorn and rage.

“It’s not proper! They should be buried.” This voice was Kara’s and she was trying her best to be soothing and caring it sounded like to Angelique as she got to the doorway. She looked inside, catching Kara’s eye but not announcing herself by walking into the room. Instead she moved around some, trying to get a better picture of what was in the room.

“I’ll not spare the shovelwork on the likes of them!” An older woman spat at something on the floor in front of her.

“Ma’am………..” Kara seemed to run out of words.

“I tell you, I will cut those two up and dump them for the hogs. It would be the first positive thing they will have done around here and they deserve no more than that, after what they took from me, from us.” Tears were openly streaming down the older woman’s face now that Angelique could see her.

Angelique could see the resemblance to Ashley in her lines and structure, but this woman looked as if she had led a very hard life. At her feet lay the body of an adult male she could only assume was Victor. On the bed in the room lay Sissy. There was no mistaking the bluish-white chalkish appearance of the skin. She was obviously dead. The air in the room hung heavy with the coppery smell of blood and other things.

Angelique looked a little more from her vantage point. The mattress under Sissy was drenched in blood, especially below her waist and between her legs. There were no visible wounds on her or her nightshirt. There was also a large puddle leaking out from under Victor. Angelique didn’t know what to do or say. The spell was broken by Kara, who seemed to find her words again.

“Ma’am, Let us help you with Sissy at least. Do you have somewhere you would like to bury her?”

“We have a small family plot down between the high and low pasture. Charlotte loved it down there near the trees. We have a little bit of fuel left for the tractor, so we can dig a proper hole. Brody is good with the tractor. If you can help get her downstairs, that would help a lot. We can wrap her in her favorite quilt.” Her voice seemed far away now. It snapped back harsh and angry again. “And help drag this piece of shit down so we can feed the hogs!” She kicked the body at her feet.
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Retired, practising Curmudgeon
If you don't feed the hogs, there'll be n o b a c o n! Clearly, a travesty to be avoided whenever possible.

Now, what to do with a clutch of mistreated youths & their embittered matriarch?

Hm-mm .....
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Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
not really different than eating bear. they could just feed them to the mamma hog so it filters down to the little ones through her.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
not really different than eating bear. they could just feed them to the mamma hog so it filters down to the little ones through her.
I had smoked black bear, sliced thin w/ duck eggs & some wild root veggies in a skillet - couldn't tell if was bacon or not but, it ate. Being damn hungry may have factored in ....

Old Gray Mare

TB Fanatic
I don't know.... something about eating something that has been eating another human just.... I don't know.
There are zoonotic diseases and parasites that can be passed from dinner to diner. Some can be passed despite the meat being cooked or not be cooked long enough at proper temperatures. There are some wee beasties the human digestive system cannot deal with. There are some very valid reasons for many traditional dietary restrictions.

Trust me on this one you don't want to find out from personal experience.


Retired, practising Curmudgeon
There are zoonotic diseases and parasites that can be passed from dinner to diner. Some can be passed despite the meat being cooked or not be cooked long enough at proper temperatures. There are some wee beasties the human digestive system cannot deal with. There are some very valid reasons for many traditional dietary restrictions.

Trust me on this one you don't want to find out from personal experience.
Familiar w/ those and paranoid enough so I never eat anything 'rare' I'm not sure of; if in doubt, I prefer crispy and have had a meat thermometer in my kit for ever


Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
There are zoonotic diseases and parasites that can be passed from dinner to diner. Some can be passed despite the meat being cooked or not be cooked long enough at proper temperatures. There are some wee beasties the human digestive system cannot deal with. There are some very valid reasons for many traditional dietary restrictions.

Trust me on this one you don't want to find out from personal experience.

Hence the issue with "Mad Cow Disease"

Lake Lili

Veteran Member
I had smoked black bear, sliced thin w/ duck eggs & some wild root veggies in a skillet - couldn't tell if was bacon or not but, it ate. Being damn hungry may have factored in ....

Sounds delicious... we don't often get bear but when we do we put it in the crock pot and treated it like pot roast... still have to skim the grease off a bunch of time. Had a friend who turned a spring bear into delicious sausage. We tend to eat a lot of moose.



Remote Paramedical pain in the ass
Kara and Angelique were alone in the room for a few moments.

“OK, Kara, what happened?”

“Looks like Placenta Abrupto. She bled out internally. There wouldn’t have been any way for us to do something.” Kara’s voice was low. She didn’t want it to carry very far.

“And Victor?”

“I think she did it with a knife. He was already dead when I came in.” Kara rubbed her face vigorously for a moment. “What a shit show!”

“Are these guys going to be alright?” Angelique’s question struck a nerve.

“I don’t know. From the sound of it, the dead guys didn’t do anything useful around here so depending on what all needs to be done, they might be ok, and they might not. I don’t know if today is the time to ask them, though.”

Angelique thought about it for a few moments and was still mid-thought when the mother returned. Before she really though, Angelique blurted out. “Ma’am, how are you guys going to be? Losing them, is it going to make things tougher? What do you need?”

Kara just watched. She didn’t want to have this conversation right now. She especially didn’t want to hold it in the room with Charlotte’s body and Victor’s body, but the subject was broached, and she may as well let Angelique run with it.

“Honestly, girl, less mouths to feed will let us stretch things farther. None of the dead were much help with the chores. We are fairly good on livestock, between the half a dozen cows, and a flock of goats.” She paused a few moments. Angelique saw she looked a little less haggard than when she first saw her all of ten minutes ago and wondered why.

“As my husband always said, we are ok, just a little low on side dishes.” A wan smile turned her lips up momentarily. “Look, help me get that piece of shit downstairs.” She tapped Victor’s body with her shoe. “We can stuff him in a couple trash bags taped together, along with Evan, may he rot in hell, and we can stick them out in one of the sheds. I’m going to use them as bait to bring in some wild hogs. We need to cull a couple of the wild ones from around here anyway, they have been getting mean.”

Angelique didn’t quite know what to do. This lady’s callus approach was a bit startling to her. Kara saw the look on Angelique’s face and knew what was wrong, but now wasn’t the time nor place for that discussion. Instead, she rejoined the conversation.

“You had me worried you were feeding them to your own pigs. Is there anything we can do to help, other than a little lifting and carrying?”

“I can’t think of anything unless you want to help with the harvesting. We are a bit low on ammo last I looked and I don’t know how much that jackass Evan used up with his missing easy shots and showing off.”

Angelique’s ears perked up at this. There was some way to help. Kara saw Angelique’s shift and signaled her to hold on a moment.

Kara started speaking again. “Ma’am, we may be able to help with that in a couple ways. Where were you looking to bait these hogs?”

"There is a large brushy ravine cutting across half the lower pasture. I was thinking just in front of it. They usually come out of there and if we get them in the open, we can shoot them easier and call me Larrissa, Kara.”

Kara was jolted a little. She didn’t tell her what her name was. How did she know it?

Larrissa continued. “Mrs. Leary and I grew up together, kindergarten through high school. She told me about you stopping by sometimes and I’ve met Garen and Bekka in passing back when they first moved in, but they might not remember, it was so brief.”

Kara was still a little off kilter as she absorbed it, however, it would make some things easier.

“Larrissa, I don’t know if Mrs Leary made it. The house has been empty since the quake.”

“I know, I think she was in town when it hit. I had one of the kids go there about once a week to see if she came back but she never answered her door and the car never came back.” A small sob tried to escape her but was held back. “So many people lost!” She hung her head and wrung her hands together.

Kara made a decision. “Let me make a call and see what we can do to help.” Kara stepped off into another room and closed the door, leaving Angelique to help Larrissa to arrange the bodies.
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Veteran Member
Much better to be without the "dead weight". If you don't bring something to the table, you dont get to be part of the group.
Banished folk have a tendency to return with new friends. Don't need that crap! Deal with it while it is a known value.
Harsh reality but it's a harsh world.


Veteran Member
Thanks CCG. Interesting turn of events; but then, they all are in this story. I'd say the woman of the house has been through some serious times before. And survived on her own.